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After years of shame and ridicule, archaeologist and explorer Lyra Heartstrings stumbles across a discovery that validates all her theories and ideas in one fell swoop. Along with her best friend, Bon Bon, and her old classmate Cadance, they find themselves faced with a mystery and marvel that may change everything.

Following the next greatest lead found in the database of an ancient race, another international team is formed. Led by Doctors Carter and Jackson, they strike out to explore another network of Stargates discovered in a galaxy on the edge of the local cluster. In the process, their findings will cause them to question much of what they thought they knew.

The adventures continue and unlikely allies will face dangers new and old as the Legacy of the Ancients continue to unravel in the latest chapter of the universe.

[Co-written by Thunderclap and Shagohad12] Formerly co-written by Grey Cait. [Edited by: Lithl and m2pt5][Cover art: 1, 2 modified + vectors]
Now with a Russian reading by SviMik

Chapters (26)

This story is a sequel to Working Towards The Future

This story follows up where Working Towards The Future left off. You should really read that story, and the first story "I'm Tired Of All This" before reading this. In fact, this description spoils those stories! So stop reading this and go read those.

It's been three weeks since the events of Working Towards The Future. Scootaloo is happy with Rainbow Dash and better yet, it's the day that Star Shine returns from Canterlot. Someone else who's just as important was also on that train. He's not too happy that the bane of his existence is still alive when he spent years thinking she was dead.

He's quite happy he can get his revenge though.

Rated teen for language and violence. At least one of them should happen. Tagged romance to be safe. Mild shipping may or may not occur. Also tagged Alternate Universe because, like the two stories before it, this fic totally disregards Season 3. It's set between S2 and S3.

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to "I'm Tired Of All This"

Alternate title: Titles Are Hard. It's been a week since Rainbow Dash saved Scootaloo after she jumped in to Ghastly Gorge and Rainbow Dash is keen for her to go back to school, as well as make good on a promise. What happens though when despite her best efforts, the little filly still can't fly?

You call in the one guy who can make any filly fly.

This story is a direct sequel to my story "I'm Tired Of All This" and you really should read that story first. An OC will be introduced later in the story. Here's hoping I don't get torn to pieces for that! Alternate universe tag thrown on to be safe because this fic totally disregards the events of S3, most notably Sleepless In Ponyville and Magical Mystery Cure.

An audio recording of this, and the prequel story, is being done by Shimmering Honor and can be found on this youtube channel. Finally, this fic now has a sequel that can be found here.

Chapters (93)

Ever since the Battle of the Bands, Sunset Shimmer has been writing letters to Princess Twilight Sparkle telling of what she has learned about friendship. One day, Twilight gets a peculiar letter and exciting news: Sunset Shimmer is coming to Equestria! Twilight and her friends already have lots of plans for when she gets here, but Sunset has something very specific she wants to do first: something that is long overdue.

*Cover image drawn by shutterflyeqd*

Edited by: FabulouslyCynical

Chapters (8)

A few days after the Nightmare Moon Incident, Spike awakens to find Twilight acting a little...odd. Or odder than usual anyway. All of a sudden she's being all motherly, sure of herself in ways she's never been before, and even more outgoing.

But…it’s kind of creepy how she just seems to know everypony’s name, or their habits, and even some stuff nopony else should know.

But she's still good old Twilight...right?

Featured 5/28/2014

Chapters (11)

Sunset Shimmer has had a long day. Intending to relax and blow off some steam, she has an eventful encounter with a recent diary entry from somepony she didn't expect.

This story now has an audio reading!

Chapters (1)

It had seemed like a good idea at the time, until Sunset actually read what Twilight wrote in her letter. She'd already said yes to seeing Celestia again, and she wouldn't go back on her word. As long as she remained convinced that this was a good idea and that it would all end well, she could get through it without a problem.

6/21/2016: Now with cover art designed by the very generous Novel-Idea! Thank you so much!

Chapters (1)

While relaxing after a performance, the Rainbooms discover Sunset has scars that she definitely didn't have before the Fall Formal.

As of 9/14/2015, this story has a dramatic reading by Goombasa. Give it a listen!

7/7/2016: Now with cover art designed by the very generous Novel-Idea! Thank you so much!

7/23/2016: This story has a reading by Gabriel C Media. Give it a listen!

Chapters (1)

Three years. Three years it had taken Celestia to finally be able to see the real Sunset Shimmer hidden beneath all the greed, disgust and hate. But now that she saw the real Sunset for what she was, she was determined to finally help the girl. It wouldn't be easy; Sunset had many skeletons in her closet and the path before was marred and twisted with her past mistakes. But perhaps, perhaps if she plays her cards right, Sunset could have the one thing she always dreamed of. A family.

Inspired by every fanfic where Sunset gets adopted by Celestia and/or is Celestia's kid.

Chapters (18)

When Dash went to the Cutie Mark Crusader clubhouse to see if anypony was around she found something she wasn't expecting at all. It was a note from Scootaloo, detailing some of her past and her inner anguish. Scootaloo had been holding back far more pain than anypony knew and one way or another, she was going to end it at Ghastly Gorge.

My first attempt at a sadfic, inspired by my own feelings of depression and worthlessness. I decided to write my feelings out instead of wallowing in self pity. It was also written at 2AM so forgive any mistakes. I did proof read it but you can never be too careful. Decided to rate it teen for the suicidal subject matter.

Sequel can be found here!

Chapters (2)