• Member Since 8th Dec, 2015


Greetings all and welcome to my page. I tend to write stories of a darker nature though I enjoy reading a wide range of stories. I hope you find something of interest here, have a good day.

Glim Glam 239 stories
  • Glim Glam 239 stories Starlight Glimmer is the main character
    Created by Scorch215
    - June, 2017
Found 211 stories in 59ms

Total Words: 9,836,296
Estimated Reading: 3 weeks



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Twilight Sparkle is Dead.

Her friends decide this isn't an acceptable state of affairs and vow to change it.

They really should have compared notes first.

Commissioned by TheDriderPony

Spanish/Español: https://www.deviantart.com/spaniard-kiwi/art/Las-muchas-resurrecciones-de-Twilight-Sparkle-937900726 by SPANIARD KIWI

-GM, master of ghosts.

Chapters (1)

Eric Reed is an eighteen-year-old young man, who loves watching My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, and is a big fan of the show. Eric has a good heart, has a good sense of humor, but can be prone to expecting too much from others, is a bit immature, and doesn't have many friends.

One day, he suddenly wakes up in Equestria, and to further add to his huge shock, he's only about one-inch tall. After a frightening meeting with Princess Twilight Sparkle, he asks for her help to find out how and why he's in Equestria, why he's so small, and where to go from there.

The good news: Being a fan of the show, Eric already had some knowledge about the new world he's in and his new friends. The bad news: It won't help nearly as much as he hoped and may cause its own problems. And the worst news: He'll have to face the dangers and struggles that being so small and powerless would present. But they may not be what you think, and some struggles could come from completely unexpected and trustworthy sources.

But he won't be the only one to struggle...

First story I've written.

EDIT on 03/30/19: I wasn't going to have Equestria Girls be "canon" when I wrote this story, but because of some confusion, I edited a bit of some chapters to let EQG be "canon". However, this ret-con to the story won't affect how the story goes.

EDIT on 07/28/19: To help fix a pacing problem, I added two chapters to show more of what happened that was previously "off screen". These chapters, what will now be chapter 6 and chapter 16, are written in a way that won't ret-con the story. There are minor edits to the start of what's now chapter 7, the very end of chapter 15, and a bit of chapter 17 to fit the chapters between them, but there's no actual ret-con.

Chapters (18)

While reading together and talking, Eric Reed makes a "brother-sister" bet with his Equestrian "big sister" Twilight Sparkle that she couldn't go one week without reading anything, and she takes the bet.

At first, Twilight does all right without reading, but as the week goes on, the Princess of Friendship becomes more and more unstable. If she keeps it up, it'll be "Lesson Zero" all over again!

But this time, Twilight's an Alicorn, and if she loses it again, Princess Celestia won't fly in to save the day.

Oh, buck.

Good luck, everypony. Good luck.

This story takes place after my "A Giant Adventure to Equestria" story, but it's not required to read it first to understand this story (and laugh at the mayhem somepony will cause) other than to learn more on the backstory of the OC human character Eric Reed, how and why he's in Equestria, and how his brother-sister friendship with Twilight formed. However, here's the link to it if you'll want to check it out, and it's a 18-chapter story,

A Giant Adventure to Equestria

Also special thanks to TheHardie-Boy for suggestions to the story.

Chapters (3)

Lately, it seemed like every time Sunburst sent her a letter, Twilight felt a big flurry of emotions. Her stomach got butterflies and all she could think about was spending time with him. But one day Starlight walks in as Twilight finishes reading a letter. This is quite distressing because she knows how much Sunburst means to her. How would Starlight possibly feel if Twilight liked Sunburst... Like that?

(Cover image is a screencap, hence no sauce)

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle keeps using a specific phrase out in public to describe her 'special relationship' with her friends. Said friends are convinced it does not mean what Twilight thinks it means.

Part of the MAD verse.

Thanks to Steel Resolve and Nova Quill/Firimil for their edits and sugestions! Also thanks to DrakeyC for the story prompt and his edits and suggestions!

And finally, thanks to jhayarr23 for the hilarious cover art.

Chapters (1)

After a heated argument, Ruby Pinch, a student in the School of friendship, is sent to the School counsellor. her name is Starlight Glimmer, and she can pride herself of a perfect record. No student has ever been sent to her more than twice, and she had dealt with every problem faultlessly. She might very well be the main reason the school works as well as it does.
And yet nopony knows it. The teachers tend to take her for granted, and nopony has ever inquired on the secrets of her success.
maybe it's for the best.

That is, until Rarity gets in the picture.

Chapters (1)

When Princess Twilight Sparkle asks Eric Reed if he'll like to go with her to the Crystal Empire to visit Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, and Flurry Heart, he accepts her offer. But once they, along with Pinkie Pie and Starlight Glimmer, arrive, Eric suddenly starts acting odd, later becomes ill, and Cadance allows him to rest in the Crystal Castle at Twilight's request.

It turns out, there was more to that illness than it looked, and after a nap, he finds himself to be about the size of a flea! And worse, he's too small to be heard! Will he find a way to get somepony to see or hear him? It only gets tougher -- and less fun -- when he accidentally gets thrown onto a certain Princess's back, without her knowing she did it...

And how did Eric shrink so small? He can blame a buck up from one of his two Equestrian "big sisters" for this...

This story, like other stories I've written with the OC human character Eric Reed, takes place after the events of my 18-chapter "A Giant Adventure to Equestria" story. But it's not required to read it first to understand and enjoy this story, other than to learn more on Eric's backstory, how and why he's in Equestria, and how he formed his brother-sister bonds with Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer. However, here's the link to the story if you'll like to check it out.

A Giant Adventure to Equestria

This story was also something of a "semi-request", and special thanks to McProky for proofreading chapters one and two of this story.

Chapters (3)

This is the moment that she has been waiting years for.

After all this time, Equestria's new ruler pays a visit to her most valuable prisoner to fully map out her failure. Years of deception, manipulation, and betrayals have led to this one moment, and she intends to savor every look that crosses the Princess of Friendship's face.

And after, when the alicorn truly understands how perfectly she was played, there will still be one final bit of business that needs to be settled...


My first new story since October 2017, and Day One of the Seventh Anniversary Story Bomb.

Chapters (1)

Why do ponies dream? Why do we all seem to dream the same dreams?

What if we started to dream new things?

Discord said he wanted to make our dreams more interesting. Add some spice to our boring nocturnal lives. Nothing dangerous – just a bit of excitement to talk about in the mornings.

"Stop worrying so much, Twilight Sparkle," he said. "After all, dreams never hurt anypony."

How I wish he’d been right.

Gold Medalist in the Under the Sun Writeoff Event.

Now with Russian translation, courtesy of Cloud Ring! https://darkpony.space/the-archetypist-1/

Chapters (19)

"'Colts will be Colts' is not a sentiment that applies here at my Friendship School!

Times have changed. Kids or not, everyone, students of friendship included, have to answer for these sorts of disrespectful displays. Now, all of you, down to Counselor Glimmer's office, immediately! I'm going to have a long chat with her about what to do with you all!"

EDIT: Featured #2 same day, 3/21/19! Thanks!
EDIT: #1 same day! YEET- thanks all!
EDIT: Now with an AUDIO READING by Skijarama!

Chapters (1)