• Member Since 8th Dec, 2015


Greetings all and welcome to my page. I tend to write stories of a darker nature though I enjoy reading a wide range of stories. I hope you find something of interest here, have a good day.

Glim Glam 239 stories
  • Glim Glam 239 stories Starlight Glimmer is the main character
    Created by Scorch215
    - June, 2017
Found 211 stories in 59ms

Total Words: 9,836,296
Estimated Reading: 3 weeks



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Desperate for dates on Hearts and Hooves Day, Twilight Sparkle created a spell that would make others ask her to be their date. She's too shy to make a move herself.

But a mistake made the spell go wrong. The one who would get the action Twilight longed for was one that did not want love in this way. Even if she once thought that she would never get enough love!

Entry for the "No Author left unnoticed" Holiday Competition, with Heart and Hooves day being chosen as the holiday to make the story about, obviously.

Last, but not last, special thanks to flutterJackdash for editing this story. The edits came a day after the story was submitted, so the errors I missed when editing it are fixed now.

Chapters (4)

The bodies of ponies haven't improved much in the last thousand years. Change of that sort takes time. But what if it didn't have to? Is it best to keep things as they are? Or, given the means, should Twilight choose to accelerate their evolution?

Written for GMBlackjack's Depth in Innocence contest. Contemplativeness is an emotion, right? Here's hoping this punches people's brains real good.

Oh, and I wasn't sure what genre a framed philosophical debate fell under, so I just didn't list any.

Chapters (1)

Twilight's been almost alone for a thousand years, and in a desperate attempt to bring her friends back, intentionally unseals Discord, Spirit of Chaos, from his stone slumber.

He's in for some nasty surprises, since she's changed quite a bit over the years...

Chapters (1)

Equestrian culture loves cutie marks. Filly Starlight Glimmer hates them and never wants one. So, she leaves Equestria.

Inspired by Imploding Colon's Austraeoh.

Chapters (1000)

Starlight has a problem. Twilight left on an ambassadorial mission to the zebras less than a week ago. Just this morning, a businesspony showed up on the doorstep of the Castle of Friendship and stole the Alicorn Amulet right out from under her nose.

Rainbow Dash has a solution. Steal the Amulet back. How hard could it possibly be, right? Okay, so the Amulet's being kept in one of the most secure vaults in Equestria. And it's surrounded by guards and bystanders. And there's no one in Ponyville who has much experience in heists or robberies or law-breaking of any kind. Oh, and said businesspony is planning on selling the powerful artifact of dark magic on the black market, putting the whole thing on a time crunch. And they don't even have the blueprints to the place. But other than that, it'll be easy!

Starlight has a problem. This is the closest thing to a solution she has.

This can only end well.

Takes place before the season 6 finale.

Chapters (30)

Chrysalis is released from her stone prison to be put under hoves of Starlight Glimmer for reformation. She is not particularly happy with it.

It begins several weeks after season nine finale.

Chapters (3)

Foals have been disappearing from Starlight's village, and nopony knows why or where they have been taken. After one search party member returns with news of an alleged stranger and a monster in the cave where cutie marks are stored, Starlight decides to investigate. Puzzled by the strange occurrences around the place, she wanders into the tunnels of the cave system. Little did she know the caverns hide more than she thought.
allowed the use of the cover
everfree helped a lot with editing and helping me form the idea for the story.
and sevenofeleven help spark my idea for it. check these awesome people out.

Chapters (1)

Princess Twilight Sparkle takes in her new student.
It doesn't get awkward at all.

Edited by: SolidFire, mikemeiers and Shakespearicles
Preread by: Skeeter The Lurker
Cover art by: Toroitimu

Request Number: 002

Chapters (1)

All Twilight Sparkle wanted was a nice teatime with Starswirl, her idol. And then Trixie Lulamoon had to show up, cast a spell, and rip yet another hole in space-time.

This is becoming distressingly common...

Part of the Anarchyverse.

Now has a reading by the Poniverse channel. Super-special thanks for doing me such a kindness!

Now has a Russian translation by GrandCat!

Chapters (1)

This story is a midquel to Passing On Together telling what happened between chapters 1 and 2. Was for a long time deleted and combined into one story after being edited. Luster Dawn New Days. Read whichever one you want but this is one of the two original stories brought back at the request of another user.

Luster Dawn, daughter of Starlight and Sunburst goes off on her own journey, from the school of magic and back to her hometown of Ponyville where she makes new friends and learns the greatest magic of all like her mentor before. But little does Luster know that an ancient evil is reemerging in Equestria, and it will be up to her to stop it.

Authors Notes: These stories use a theory I developed gathering info through the mlp wiki rather than the widely believed theory that immortality is the ability of alicorns.

If you believe immortality is a gift you are entitled to your opinion, but please be respectful. I'm trying to give people who don't want Twilight to suffer the curse of immortality an alternative. I would not read this if you are someone who firmly believes immortality is a gift.

Lastly, I would recommend reading the first chapter of Passing On Together first then come back here if you want to be chronolgical, or just go to the New Days version if you don't want to skip around. Link at top.

Chapters (39)