• Member Since 8th Dec, 2015


Greetings all and welcome to my page. I tend to write stories of a darker nature though I enjoy reading a wide range of stories. I hope you find something of interest here, have a good day.

Glim Glam 239 stories
  • Glim Glam 239 stories Starlight Glimmer is the main character
    Created by Scorch215
    - June, 2017
Found 211 stories in 56ms

Total Words: 9,836,296
Estimated Reading: 3 weeks



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Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Equestria now lives in the shoes of her former mentor, Princess Celestia. This title comes with a bucket of responsibility, from helping settle disputes in the courts, to helping with plans for the next big party. She also now hosts regular lessons at Celestia's School of Magic, and guest lectures at her own School of Friendship.

This is a insight into Canterlot life thirty years on from the coronation of Princess Twilight Sparkle.

Author note: This is a story written using UK English dictionary.

Chapters (10)

Twilight finds a strange book on her doorstep, with no idea where it came from or what it is about; she reads it. The more she read, the more she loses sight of who she is as she slowly gain an amount of knowledge she never thought possible.

While days go by, her friends try to reason with her. Can friendship defeat lust for infinite power?

Chapters (1)

Deep in Equestria resides plenty of the unknown. Things and beings ponies could barely fathom to think of. Journey with them to discover hidden horrors and mind-breaking madness. Will a pony be able to handle the fear? The crushing anxiety? There's only one way to find out. Curiosity begs to be sated with this collection of tales.

Cover image by: Duop-qoub

Chapters (10)

Derpy Hooves has been chosen by The Maiden of the Stars to save Equestria from the wrath of two terrible future dictators, Rainbow Dash and Starlight Glimmer. They get possessed by mysterious creatures and become mad. They then usurp Twilight and turn her and other alicorns to stone, a year after Twilight becomes the ruler of Equestria. And now they want to mess with time. It is up to the Hero of Time, Derpy Hooves to acquire the Master Sue; the Curse Word; and the Tablets of Courage, Wisdom, and Strength and use them to defeat Rainbow Dash and Starlight Glimmer.

Chapters (2)

Once-Queen Chrysalis has had her schemes blow up in her face yet again. Naively, she thought, this time would be different. Take their power for her own, and it would be a simple matter to enact her revenge. She did not expect to end her scheme crippled, starving, and in the hooves of the pests that ruined her life.

Twilight and her friends have had a rough day. An argument during their trip through the woods nearly had them at each others throats, but they pulled through together and laughed about it in the end. They didn't expect to end their day with them taking one of the greatest threats to Equestria into custody. And Twilight certainly didn't expect herself to be extending her hoof to another poor, lost soul, trying to help them find their way.

(Begins at the very end of 'The Mean 6', diverges from canon)


Big thanks to flipwix for his help with editing and beta reading!

Cover art background credit Boneswolbach.

Cover art Twilight vector credit AndoAnimalia

Cover art Chrysalis vector credit CloudyGlow

Chapters (2)

Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends have faced endless troubles while ruling Equestria. There's never been a challenge they could not conquer.

But the end of the world has come, and nopony can stop it.

Contains narrative that jumps ahead into the future, several original characters, a despondent princess, probably some crying, and the magic of friendship.

A huge thank you goes out to Semillon, who beta read this story and provided some invaluable critiques.

Chapters (1)

Twenty-eight years have passed since Twilight has taken over for Celestia and Luna and now the night she dreads is here. The Gala is always boring but it's far worse when none of her friends are able to come since they all have responsibilities with even Spike saying he's too busy. Despite this, the Gala will change how she sees one of her oldest friends and give her the happy ending she had been looking for for years.

Twispike Fluff along with many other ships. Also I wanted to thank Fristart for making the cover! Their art is fantastic!

Chapters (2)

Cornered by Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends, who just got their Cutie Marks back, Starlight Glimmer thought Twilight was ready to "bore" her with a friendship speech.

However, thinking of how Starlight interrupted her earlier friendship speech attempt by yelling at her to be QUIET, Twilight wasn't planning to give a speech this time. Not least, not quite like the ones you would usually think of.

This may not end well for the former ruler of "Our Town" if she doesn't start running!

This takes places in part 2 of the season 5 premiere...obviously.

Chapters (1)

Harry Potter had the (mis?)fortune to fall through a portal to the Everfree near Ponyville. He was transformed into a unicorn, to his surprise. After being found, Twilight Sparkle took him in as an orphan, and to learn more about him as he learned more about Equestria. His adventures there are another story. This story is about what happens when he is pulled back to the human world by the Goblet of Fire when he is fourteen.

Finding himself back in the human world is bad enough, but also to discover he has an unbreakable magical contract to compete in a Tournament that is known for the deaths of the competitors is just icing on the cake. What else can go wrong?

(Not a continuation of “If Wishes Were Ponies . . .”)
Scheduled posts on Monday and Thursday (UTC-4)

Edited by gerandakis. Picture by Quinn Kepner, from an image in the MLP comics.
Made the Featured List with Chapter 1! Hurray! And Popular Stories list on 9/14! A second Hurray!
And every 100 up votes gets an early release of the next chapter.

Chapters (29)

This story is a sequel to Freeport Venture: Come And See

When Twilight Sparkle traveled through time to stop Starlight Glimmer, she had no idea of the wider consequences of their actions. By trying to restore her old world, she was also wiping away the new ones that Starlight's changes to the past had created. Now, the last remnants of those destroyed worlds have come for revenge.

Co-authored by Ponibius

Chapters (10)