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Sunset Shimmer's life was good, she had plenty of friends and greatly enjoyed where she had eventually ended up in life. It's a shame then that reality had a different opinion on where she belonged. Now stuck in the past prior to first leaving for the human world, Sunset will have to figure out what kind of direction she wants to take in life this time around.

After all, the future she herself lived with her friends was not reachable without doing things that she now found appalling. Even so, she knows that staying in Equestria could very well doom the world to a much darker future. If she had time to draft a plan she could probably figure out something that would keep herself out of the way while also not affecting the timeline, it's a shame then that the two princesses of Canterlot would just not leave her alone!

Apparently this thing got feature mere days after publishing... somehow.

Chapters (5)

2 years ago, Equestria appeared in the pacific ocean, Then came the thumetic radiation storms, Then the conversion bureau's, Then the potion bombings. However, when a certain immortal crusader and his incompetent son find out about this all, They go with their usual course of action when discovering anything new...

A Bread boys parody.

Chapters (4)

Two and a half years ago, I left my home, family, and friends behind to fight for humanity to save them from Princess Celestia's madness. Despite the hardship, suffering, and loss I have never once waved in my conviction in doing the right thing to prevent the genocide of an entire race. However, I have been captured. Instead of killing me, they kept me prisoner because they need me to use my Element one last time in their hopes of saving Equestria from Humanity's upcoming invasion.

Too bad I have no plans to do that.

This is a NegotationsVerse AU that ask the question of what would happen if Fluttershy got captured by Equestria so they can use her Element as a means to save themselves from humanity?

To see the original canon series, click here: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/301668/negotiations

Please help out at the TV Tropes Page: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/TheNegotiationsVerse

Chapters (16)

A tool. That is all he is to them. They changed him, improved him, while taking what makes him human.
Just a long cycle of tests and experiments. Now, they need him for an important test. Teleportation. For better or worse, he ends up a bit farther than expected, like a lot farther. Now, he needs to learn to coexist with this bizarre world. However, those that sent him away aren't very willing to let him go...

Chapters (18)

But yeah it probably is. This is going to be my take in the Generic Anon in Equestria trope, freestyled from the beginning of Bridle Gossip at the request of the purchaser. Shennanigans shall most likely ensue. Contains excessive philosophical discussion, pseudoscientific worldbuilding mumbo jumbo, and a light dash of casual humor.

Cover art by Twitter artist Andaluce!

Join our Discord Server here if you want updates as soon as new chapters are posted and dank memes.

If you would like to contribute to the continuation of this story and others like it, you can subscribe to me on Patreon!

Featured seven fucking days running since 2/13/2021 holy shit you guys this is insane :0

Check out a sweet audiobook reading of the first half of the first chapter here, by a wonderful fan ^^.

Chapters (10)

When it turns out you were born with a dual nature that made you a monster in the eyes of some, in need of strict control by others, and miserable to yourself, what do you do when you finally are free to be you again, and all your friends turn on you?

Find someone to vent to who understands your pain.

This came into my head today. I had to put it into text. No, I'm not actually that badly depressed today. Just kinda sick and cold medicine hit me hard. Might end up expanding on the universe in another story.

Thad was the editor for this.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Blink

Teleportation is a mysterious thing. Is it as simple as it looks, or is it really just some copy that appears to take your place? The latter, it's definitely the latter. Too bad there is no way to know without trying it yourself. Now, stuck in a death-filled place with no magic and only her double for company, Twilight faces starvation and worse unless she can escape. But how does one escape without magic? Most would say you can’t.

Unofficial sequel to Blink by ocalhoun and one of its prequels, Not The First, by Flash Notion. A timeline was created by Cocoa Bittersweet to keep track of all stories within the Blinkverse.

Chapters (21)

This story is a sequel to Anamnesis

It's funny how, in a split second, a time of fun and excitement can become one of horror and loss. A lesson learned, perhaps harshly, by Apple Bloom.

Now crippled and in a world of emotional hurt, will she be able to accept herself for who she is?


This is set before Crusaders of the Lost Mark.


Cover art drawn by Pabbley


Featured October 4th, 2020! Thank you all!

Chapters (12)

Yesterday, Sunset's friends publicly cast her out after finding their secrets revealed by Anon-A-Miss.

Today, no one except Sunset remembers any of it ever happened.

Now she has to figure out why - and if she even wants to restore the memories that were lost.

Thanks to chris the cynic and I-A-M both for the initial conversation that sprouted this idea and title suggestions.

And of course thanks to Scampy, because SunFlower and Wally and all related cuteness.

Featured 8/12/2020 and 8/17/2020!

Chapters (4)

Sunset Shimmer build herself up after the event at the Fall Formal. She has friends by her side, or at least she thinks she does. Still stubborn and wanting to be independent, the people around her try to show her that she needs friends. With hazardous powers that could endanger the ones that mean most to her, will she be able to put others before herself?
Cover Art: kazss
Profile Link: https://bit.ly/2KrZD0L
Thanks again kazss!

Chapters (9)