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Ponyville is a small, charming beach town on Equestria's coast, but it has a tragic history for Rarity. Despite this, she moves with her family to Ponyville to start her fashion business. While she begins to adjust to her new life she still does not believe the "Legend of the Mermare" that visits the Ponyville beaches and docks. Giving trinkets and gifts from the sea in exchange for a book. Especially if everypony in town, even her sister Sweetie Belle, seem to believe it.

So, when she goes one sunny afternoon to relax and read a book by the sea she very quickly realizes that the legend is not only very true but the mermare intrigues her like no pony has ever before.

Here we go again! Earthsong 9405 draws amazing artwork and a bit of AU world building and I cannot help myself! Her Mernerd!AU idea just seemed too cute and sweet to resist. So here we are once again!
Really though, go see her Tumblr it is amazing.

All kinds of thanks to @Carapace for the pre-reading and support!

Chapters (1)

When The House of Enchanted Comics starts selling board games too, Spike picks up a bundle of them for Twilight and the girls to play. All the board games have really funny names: Stellaris, Command & Conquer, Dishonored, EvE...

Maybe the girls should have just played monopoly instead.

A series of one-shots about ponies and video games. Unedited random fun.

Chapters (2)

Everypony has something they fear, some more than others. Rainbow Dash claims to be fearless, but all it takes is a strange creature to show her that everypony has their own phobia.

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Love Conquers All

Anon has surrendered to Cadance because of loneliness. Now it is her duty to reform him, but sadly, she has no idea how. She asks her fellow alicorns for advice. Things go haywire pretty fast.


Story is fully written. Chapters will be released when edited by JBL

Chapters (6)

Somnambula went off to defeat the Sphinx, in the hopes that she would save the prince.

As it would turn out, she might need saving instead...

This starts out as a comedy, but then transforms into an adventure. It would be slice of life, but the pyramids in Southern Equestria could be on the very edge of the region itself.

Art by the ever talented DoubleWBrothers.

Chapters (15)

All Starlight wants to do is stew in her emotions. After all, nopony really understands her.

Of course, her dad won't leave well enough alone.

Preread by: Alex_ and Jack of a Few Trades

Chapters (1)

Sunset thinks and decides a few things after the fall out of Anon-a-Miss and then her life after that

Chapters (4)

Twilight Sparkle is returning to the Crystal Empire for the one-year anniversary of Sombra's defeat. The whole kingdom is preparing to celebrate.

But four crystal ponies are preparing a different celebration. The pieces are moving, and their plot is almost complete – Lord Sombra's last, most faithful servants will have their revenge. Twilight Sparkle and all her filthy kin will die.

Now, in the final hours of their plan, something has gone terribly wrong. One of the four is a traitor. Everything is in jeopardy. And once again, the fate of an empire will be decided at the Gate of Heavenly Peace.

Chapters (1)

Mercenaries. Sellswords. Rōnin. The Siren Sisters are considered many things. Honourable samurai to some, and lawless scoundrels to others.

Adagio Dazzle doesn't much care what you call them, so long as she's paid for the blood she spills.

Chapters (1)

Wallflower only erased the memories of the humans at Canterlot High. She completely overlooked the animals. When Sunset Shimmer shows up at the beach and is shunned by her friends, Spike comes to her aid. With the help of the others who haven't forgotten about Sunset Shimmer, they'll need to get to solve the mystery of the missing memories.

(Totally not inspired by the TV continuation of Disney's "Aladdin". Especially not the episode called "Sandswitch".)

Edit: Featured 2/19/2018, 3:30 PM and 9:30 PM

Featured 2/22/2018, 10:10 AM

Featured 3/3/2018, 6:10 PM

Featured 4/13/2018, 6:40 PM

Featured 4/14/2018, 6:10 PM

Chapters (7)