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Sunset Shimmer goes to a couple slumber parties with her friends before Hearths Warming, and then a bunch of really stupid stuff happens.

Thanks to
Tired Old Man and Steel Resolve for their edits and suggestions! And special thanks to Nova Quill/Firimil for the cover art, edits, and suggestions!

Chapters (5)

Twilight has a theory about the behavior of pegasus ponies and needs a subject to study. Enter Rainbow Dash.

A short comedy/shipping fic that I've had the idea of floating around my head for a while, I probably haven't done it justice, but whatever, I've actually written something, its a miracle!

Cover art done by : Mattings



Chapters (4)

Contains spoilers for the movie.
You have been warned, interlopers.
Featured 10/17/2017

Following the events of the Storm King's invasion of Canterlot, peace returns to Equestria. Apologetic and disheartened from their failed offense, all of the shattered king's servants and soldiers collect themselves, pack their things up and return to their homeland from whence they came.

All except one.

The unicorn mare, who formerly called herself commander of the Storm King's army, decides to stay with the people she had once abandoned so very long ago. And with this decision, she finds not only forgiveness, friendship and long-lost belonging, but something more. And that something lays in someone who not only showed her all these things, but forever changed her life for the better.

However, just as the dust begins to settle, it seems as though a tremendous, if subtle problem starts to loom over Canterlot no sooner than had it averted disaster...

Chapters (2)

A normal end to a normal day -- at least, that's what it was supposed to be.

But it wasn't.

Luna went to raise the moon as usual, but something went wrong. Terribly wrong. She felt it, but she couldn't stop it.

None of us could.

It appeared too suddenly -- acted too quickly.

The only warning we received was a roar and a bright flash of light, then everything was gone. No more Canterlot, no more ponies, no more anything.

Nothing survived.

Nothing... except for us and whatever 'it' is.

We may be immortal beings, but that doesn't make things any better -- if anything, it makes the pain all that much worse. The only thing we can really do now is try to avenge those dear to us. Our subjects... our families... my friends...


I don't care how long it takes, and I don't care if it's a pointless battle. All I care about now is making sure we put that thing down for good.

After that?


Cover art done by Little Tigress. Check out her other stuff on deviantart if you wanna see more!

Chapters (30)

[story isn't dead; completion is just too grand a task for me to take at this point in time]

Equestria Girls. It's the end of the school week and Rainbow Dash can't wait to kick back and relax for an awesome weekend of partying with her friends. It's also progress reports time at Canterlot High, and one of the Super Funâ„¢ activities planned (by Twilight, who else?) involves an unboxing of their grades. This doesn't go too well when Rainbow is forced to reveal her whopping 0.3 GPA and leaves in tears.
Intelligence comes in many forms, but Fs only come in one. Luckily for Rainbow Dash, that's the letter that friendship starts with.


Takes place after The Legend Of Everfree but before Forgotten Friendship.
Prequel to my fic Milkshake, and begins a Sci!TwiDash friends-to-lovers arc.
Part of my extended Equestria Girls Continuity.
Tagged for naughty words and minor social drugs.

Content warning: contains underage drinking, cannabis use, discussion of teenage sexuality, a scene containing homophobic and lesbophobic slurs, and struggles with autism and ADHD.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer has ended up wasting both of her previous oppotunities to find a new home in both universes, and with Anon-a-miss looming, will she ever get another chance?
Will she finally find somewhere to go?
And now, she is facing more of her past than ever before. But are things really as they seem, despite an all too familiar face telling her it isn't so?

Self harm is limited to Prologue, but mentions of it will continue through story.

And fair warning, the first half of this story is fairly badly written. I promise it gets better!
Edit from author over a year later: it does get better, but not by that much. Really not that well written overall, so be warned!

Burning Sunset's "A Second Chance to Find Home" is dead, and while I certainly don't want to copy their work, I wouldn't mind to see it have an ending.
Please bear in mind that this story will be substantially different, so it is by no means a replacement, or a copy of any kind. Maybe think of this as an AU to the original story.

21/10/18: Thanks for 100 likes! And 2k views somewhere along the line; I honestly didn't notice!

Chapters (26)

After one-night Sunset's memory is erased completely. After not going to school for over a week, everyone is worried. Her friends need to try and do whatever they can to help her... but will they have time before it is too late? And wasn't the memory stone broken too right? (Story set after the Forgotten Friendship)

Chapters (3)

The Sirens were defeated at the Battle of the bands, something that seemed impossible to them.

So what did they do after running off?

This was written based on a prompt from Ebon Quill, who wanted to see inner monologues of the Sirens post Battle.

Chapters (3)

As the smoke clears away from the crater created by the Rainbow blast at the end of the Fall Formal battle, Twilight Sparkle was unpleasantly surprised by what she saw...

What if the rainbow blast reverted Sunset in age instead of just removing her demon looks? That combined with her lost memories, has given Celestia a second chance in raising her sunshine the way she deserved to be. As more than just a student.

I'm a really new fanfic writer, and if anyone feels like they want to borrow the concept, collaborate or do something with this feel free, just let me know so I can read whatever you make of it too!

Update - Now being edited by Emtu!

Chapters (6)

It's finally here: summer vacation. The girls celebrate by gathering all their friends (-ish) and piling into a bunch of cars to drive down to Miami Beach for what is hopefully an amazing weekend. Unfortunately, they have to get there. Which involves five cars, eighteen teenage girls, and thirteen hundred miles.

One car, in fact, the very last car, is a hodgepodge of stragglers: Adagio Dazzle, not wanting to spend eight hours a day in a car with her sisters; Sugarcoat, by virtue of being late to the party; Trixie Lulamoon, the tagalong; Maud Pie, who just wanted to spend time with her friend Trixie; and Sunset Shimmer, the unfortunately generous soul who decided to drive them all.

Here's hoping her generosity lasts longer than that cliff edge does.

Chapters (14)