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Volume I of III

At ten years old, she lost her horn.

At eighteen, she was promoted by the Storm King.

At twenty-four, she helped with the invasion of Canterlot.

For the whole of her life, Tempest Shadow has been lied to, even by her closest friends. It's only when Tempest learns the true meaning of friendship when the unicorn with no horn realises that not everything is all that it seems...

The Armada Trilogy

Volume I - you are here
Volume II - Beautiful Eyes
Volume III - Unicorn's Horn

PaulAsaran's Review*
*please respect the reviewer's opinion.

The image doesn't belong to me. It belongs to PaperDrop.

Prepare for Teen rated content!

Moderate violence
Description of flesh
Mild bad language
Disturbing scenes

Chapters (16)

Prince Blueblood is absolutely convinced that Tempest Shadow has lied to Princess Celestia and that she is still plotting to conquer Canterlot. Now it's up to him to stop her.

Unfortunately, he is (a) dead wrong, (b) not a fan of comic books, and (c) not trained in espionage, counter-intelligence, special operations or anything else that would be useful in such a situation. But he does know which flowers go well with her coat and what restaurant can offer the best candlelight dinner opportunities, so... that's... a start...?

Prince Blueblood / Tempest Shadow, because I love my random and obscure shipping constellations these are two very different, very fascinating characters who can probably learn a lot from each other. (Also maybe some Capper/Celaeno on the sidelines later on?)

Content warning is again on the "better safe than sorry" side: there is no suicide, and the only reference to self-harm will be when some of Tempest's scars are discussed.
Took out the warning label for the time being. If I or others feel now or at a later time that it should go in again, it'll go in then. Thanks to the commenters so far for the feedback on when to include it!
Also a mild spoiler warning since this takes place shortly after The Movie.

Cover art (and thus early hype-generation for this fic) done by the amazing Earthsong9405 (Tumblr, DeviantArt).

(Featured Box on March 4, 2018? :pinkiegasp: Thank you all!)

Chapters (3)

Sunset Shimmer's week has not been so great. An unknown cyber bully turns everyone, including her friends, against her. Some have even gone so far as to beat and kidnap her. Alone, weak, beaten, and at the mercy of a vengeful student, Sunset loses all hope. That's when she suddenly awakens a hidden power that she had inside of her. She decides to use this to help and protect other people and prove to herself that she is a better person, all while dealing with the hatred from her school. Enter The Phoenix!

Rated T for violence and profanity
This story will take place after Legend of Everfree so I'm predicting that you'll either love it or hate it :twilightsheepish: It's also probably not gonna focus too much on Anon-A-Miss. Maybe if this does good I'll do a sequel and bring down Anon-A-Miss in that one :raritywink:

Special thanks to my Discord buddies for helping me look over and edit this. BIG SPECIAL THANKS to Snowflake Dissonance for the AMAZING cover art. Really appreciate it :pinkiehappy:

My second story ever! Go easy on me >m<

*This story is NOT connected with Broken in any way other than Anon-A-Miss and the characters*

Chapters (2)

With a single post, just a handful of pictures from her phone, Anon-A-Miss managed to destroy months of effort to redeem herself. Even her actions at the Battle of the Bands seem to mean nothing in the face of this apparant treachery.

But when the Rainbooms confront Sunset, about her sudden betrayal and cast her out, she gives a response none of them had anticipated.

Chapters (5)

Vice-Principal Luna is asked to investigate the student who has been at the center of all of the recent issues at CHS - Sunset Shimmer.

Rated TEEN

This fic will deal with some hefty issues such as: Mental Illness, relationships, poor choices, and how two damaged souls navigate the waters.

I wanted to keep the teen rating on this, mostly because while there won't be any explicit content, it WILL deal with some heavy emotional trauma, and I don't think that hiding that behind a "mature" tag will do anyone a service.

You have been warned.

Cover Art by the AMAZING Maddymoiselle

Chapters (18)

Unable to convince her former friends she isn't Anon-a-Miss, and out of contact with Princess Twilight, Sunset gives up on everything and tries to end it all. Instead a new chapter in her life begins when she's helped by total strangers, two of whom have familiar names and faces.

As she recovers from surviving her suicide attempt, she rebuilds her life in a new home and at a new school, though lingering forces from her past refuse to allow her a fresh start.

[Do note that the self-harm isn't shown directly, and is limited to the prologue. The story is about recovering.]

Meta notes, abridged version:

Moon-Lite gave me permission to do my own version of Fall of Harmony / Like the Phoenix / Flaming Sun. This is that story.

I asked for permission to do a version because Moon-Lite is not going to do a straight-remake and the old versions are gone, thus leaving no version whatsoever on Fimfiction. I want there to be at least one version on Fimfiction.

Moon-Lite's own new story, which he described as the straight-remake being reworked --kinda-- in a very abstract way, is Phoenix.

For the longer version of the meta stuff I'll make a blog post at some point and put a link to it here when I do.

Chapters (1)

Knowing what its like for everyone to hate you is all too familiar for Sunset Shimmer. Since the Fall Formal and Battle of the Bands, Sunset thought that she was forgiven. That her past was all behind her. But when a MyStable user named Anon-A-Miss appears and starts posting everyone's personal secrets, all fingers are pointed at Sunset. Now the entire school hates her again. Even her friends believe she's guilty. Will Sunset be able to overcome this and prove her innocence? Or will she admit defeat and lose all hope in friendship? Or worse?

Rated T for profanity, violence, and depression

This is my very first story. I have never written anything before this so I would appreciate some comments on how I'm either doing good or bad and what can I improve on
Special thanks to Snowflake Dissonance, Madox, Sar Meister, Tungul, and probably Demegor for helping me proofread and fix some stupid and simple mistakes of mine and for providing the awesome looking cover photo :twilightsmile:

Chapters (5)

Luna begins to question her understanding of the modern day language when she finds that nopony wants to be gay with her.

Olde meaning
'Light-hearted and carefree.'

Reading by Skijarama / Tone Shift

Chapters (2)

Unhappy that her future as a member of the monarchy is denied by Celestia, Sunset Shimmer escapes through Starswirl's mirror into another world, planning to take it over to prove once and for all she was fit to rule. What she didn't expect—besides a species change—was to arrive in a world already conquered.

TvTropes Page (Just created! Needs Help!)

Art (Will contain spoilers)

Sunset Shimmer - Bloody Sunset

Spoilers Ch. 11+: Angel - Angel and Sunny
Spoilers Ch. 18+: Princess - Comic
Spoilers Ch. 121+: Alejandra Acevedo - Flying at the speed of death
Spoilers Ch. 161+: Apple Bloom - Bloom
Spoilers Ch. 180+: Food - Sunset's Party Dress
Spoilers Ch. 185+: Fugue - Fugue by Rametep
Spoilers Ch. 197+: Exhausted

(Art is always welcome!)


Chapters (261)

[Cancelled] After capturing Twilight during A Canterlot Wedding, Chrysalis decided that keeping her and Cadance locked up underneath the place would be too risky. Instead, she forced them through an ancient mirror-portal said to contain an impenetrable prison created by Starswirl himself, shattering the mirror in the process.

Now, Twilight and Cadance must adapt to a new world and new bodies. Without any magic at their disposal, they must attempt to build a new portal and prepare to face Chrysalis on the other side while also maintaining the guise of normal high schoolers. Luckily, they aren't the only ones interested in reaching Equestria, and they'll cobble together an unlikely alliance of beings from both sides of the mirror to help them in their quest.

A Canterlot Wedding and Equestria Girls AU that, rather than aiming to be a fixfic, simply takes an alternate (and perhaps longer) path.

Chapters (4)