• Member Since 6th Apr, 2013



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Hey fellas. I'm Freddy, and these are my friends Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy. We were sent to this place called Equestria after buying something from a merchant. We each bought a part missing from our costumes, and after buying it, my friends and I woke up in the middle of a forest, as the characters we went to the comic con as.

But, as we meet with the population of cheerful ponies, not everything is as it seems. Mass disappearance of children in towns? Constant nightmares of two headed figures that act like spiders? Mysterious music boxes playing eerily familiar music? It looks like it's up the Freddy Fazbear and Friends to save the day (but mostly the children).

Chapters (14)

Everyone knows the saying, 'No good deed ever goes unpaid', or something along the same length. In my case, however, when I discovered this odd guy kidnapping people at a Comic-Con and tried to stop it, said payment ended up with me in a world where everything's pastel-colored, and it's a virtual race of me against the world as I try to find all of the Great Kanohi scattered around the country. Oh, yeah, and for some reason, I'm now techno-organic, and I have to work with technicolor ponies to find Kanohi all around the world that grant me new forms of Toa.

...Whatever happened to 'normal'?!?!

Crossover with Bionicle.
This fic is a Displaced fic.
Rating, main characters, and cover image subject to change.

Chapters (8)

[Displaced Story]

[I own only the plotline of this story]

My name is Roronoa Zoro, but most know me as the Green Demon. Fifteen hundred years ago I was the most wanted creature on Equus. Armies attempted to stop me, only for me to crush them. At one point, they got in a lucky shot and turned me into another trophy from an era best left forgotten.


I am a type of ally, helping to stop or hinder the coming storm that will shake this very world to its foundations. And they can't find anyone better, much to their dismay.

I have Haki. I have companions. And I've got common sense. Get ready for this demon’s return.

Crossovers (in order) with:

The Mighty Warrior of Epicness/
For Glory! For Equus! For Epicness!

The Price of Power

I’ll Get the Job Done

A Passing Through Kamen Rider

Chapters (15)

(Important: Chapter two and three are both under maintenance. Expect them to be edited in the future. And, I also need an editor to help me edit and add chapters in this story. PM me if you want to.)

'Being a good soldier comes down to one thing. To one single question: What are you prepared to sacrifice?' ~Laurence "Prophet" Barnes.

'This question, has plagued my mind ever since I got here. Day and night, I wouldn't stop thinking about that question. And I always wondered, what am I prepared to sacrifce for? And it appears that I don't have to wonder no more. For the answers were already with me.' ~Scot "Nova" Mcarthur.

1st Lt. Scot "Nova" Mcarthur dressed in a CELL Nanosuit, goes to a convention with his younger sister. He then buys the 'Predator Bow' from a cosplaying merchant. He then gets sent to a Modern Equestria with power that can make a city crumble. What will he do there? Will he protect this land? Or will he abuse its powers and make Equestria fall to its knees?

( A/N : I don't own My Little Pony nor Crysis, they belong to their respective owners. This is my first story. Story sets in a modern Equestria. The Mane Six are now not part of the main characters of the story. They still interact with Scot, but they're not part of the main characters. All characters wear clothes. Dragons and Changelings are no exception. )

Chapters (5)

Hello my name is Alexander Wilson, I use that last name because I got sent to magic pony land as Deathstroke the Terminator. So I’d like you to join me on my adventures through this magical land of ponies and it’s darker side.

Chapters (2)

While I'm pretty sure that being transformed into a Hero from a Movie can be considered cool in more than one way, I just don't see it.
"This... is so wrong."

Being sent to a land where Myths and Legends come to life is not a fun way to die.
"Nice puppies?"

It's not Hell, and it's not Heaven, and I'm pretty sure that this isn't Nebraska!
"Oh, crap."

I'm not sure what happened.
"Thou vile beast, We demand to know how you appeared here!"
"You and I both, lady."

And apparently I'm not very good with first impressions.
"... She started it!"
"Thou deceiving mongrel, We weren't the one who started the battle!"
"You threw the first punch, I just returned the favor."

And even without interruptions by some assholes...
"You know what is the difference between us?"
"Oh, pray to tell?"
"I'm fireproof, you, not so much."

I feel that my goal to get home will be pretty hard to achieve, all thing consider.
"But that's impossible!"
"You know, I'm pretty sure that by now this word left my dictionary forever."

{Character-tags will be updated with the story.}
{Currently being Edited by The Snide Sniper.}

Chapters (1)

Am I still me?
In the mirror I can only see the face of the stranger. Whoever I met never saw the real me, all they could see was someone even I didn't know.

Am I still human?
Spreading my wings, I can soar through the sky like a bird, with just one thought I will turn my body into beautiful snow that will never melt. They told me that it was a gift, but I thought different, because each snowflake is my unshed tear.

Am I still alive?
This place is like a dream, but I still can't say if it is a an actual Dream or Nightmare. Unicorns and Pegasi, Magic and actual Divine Monarchs, I'm not sure anymore what is real and what is not.

If this is Hell, then I will break the Chains.
My sorrow is what makes me cry, my longing for home is what makes me shed these tears, I don't know how much longer I will be able to hold myself together.

If this is Heavens, then I will tear the Gates wide open.
Peace and Harmony, are what rules this place, Princess of the Sun and Princess of the Moon are thous who watch over this Kingdom. But this place is not my home, and never will be.

I will find my way Home.
Because, home is where the heart is.

{Currently being Edited by The Snide Sniper.}

Chapters (1)

Being struck by lightning sucks.
Being struck by lightning and transported to a world of technicolored pastel talking ponies really blows.
Especially when you get turned into one of the most powerful Apex predators to grace the silver screen.
I'm talking about the Indominus Rex.
So here I am a giant prehistoric type monster stuck with a bunch of ponies.
And truth be told I'm one of the biggest softies you could ever meet.

Chapters (12)

"Revolution lead to imprisonment, but was it worth it, Celestia?"

Three hundred years ago, I led a revolution against Celestia, in an attempt to right the wrongs of the society I saw as an outsider. A For'ner.

As repayment for my good intentions, I was imprisoned in stone like the spirit of Chaos, and left to suffer. I watched the heroes of the new generation rise as a statuesque observer, until my own escape.

Now released, I plan to see the effects of my past actions, and hopefully prevent worse from happening. Although I'm pretty sure the princesses hate me.

Featured: Saturday, January 16th, 2021. Thank you.

Regarding Crossovers: I am willing to do them, but I would prefer to have some time to read your story first so I can see if it can reasonably work. If you are interested, Please PM me.

Chapters (29)

Hello, I am Jenna or Sal'Ador now that I have arrived in equestria, I am a Deathknight Worgan that is gonna have to fight powerful forces of evil, become a hero in these pony's eyes, and all in the while running away from two princesses and 6 ponies that think i'm evil due to a... traumatizing event a few thousand years ago.

So with my weapon and a horde of timber wolfs by my side, I head north to where ice is everywhere to make my new empire there and maybe fight a few evil overlords in the meantime.

Now how do I survive in a world as a undead wolf human hybrid that is filled with anthro ponies?

Chapters (5)