• Member Since 6th Apr, 2013



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[Dark] [Alternating Perspectives] [Displaced]
A strange creature has been living in the Everfree Forest for over seven hundred years. He lived there to keep hidden from the ponies, knowing that he could be considered a threat if he got out in public. He instead lived his life alone, because that's what he felt was better.

One thousand years after her banishment and two years after her return, Princess Luna tries to hide her most shocking secret from everypony. A secret so profound, that if they knew the truth about her... She doesn't even want to know what would happen.

Unknown to the two of them, they are closer than they expect, for they lost each other a long time ago. But they are about to reunite, while a new evil will rise to conquer their new world.

Rated Teen because of language.
Gore tag because of blood. Very big amounts of blood.
Drama tag because of... OMG, THE FEELS!!!
Alt, Universe: This story happens after the end of Season four, but events of Season Five will be slightly altered by the main character.

Chapters (7)

So here's a funny story... Hi, my name's John. I am, or at least used to be, a human. Now I'm a bloody Deathclaw. Sound cool? Yeah, I thought so too. Bad news is that I'm a fracking Displaced, which of course means that I'm in Equestria. No, not Fallout: Equestria, that would be easy: kill raiders, knock sense into Trixie, and kick Red-Eye's and the Enclave's asses!

No... This isn't even Modern Equestria! Welcome to the world of Medieval Equestria, where Celestia and Luna are just your stock-standard adventurers with low-level gear and spells! And me? Let's think about this... I'm no normal deathclaw, I'm an Alpha deathclaw. In other words; that thing we do not touch without being about 1000 yards back and a mini-nuke launcher close at hand. My skin can almost certainly stop swords, and somehow I'm Holy-aligned. So... Yeah. Mastery over all things anti-demonic and anti-zombie are mine. No, I'm not sure how in Oblivion it happened either.

In any case, I end up being Doom-Driven Party Memeber Number Three with a beggining Paladin/Cleric Celestia and Rogue/Illusionist Luna. This cannot possibly go wrong, right guys?

Certainly not.

Nothin' to it!

Of course not... You Murphy-calling IDIOT!!!

Oh, right. John forgot to mention us voices in his head. Hello!

So... Yeah. Hopefully it doesn't get too insane on us all...

Oh, who am I kidding? Brace yourself, and beware of gory death by deathclaw. And later shipping, nearly forgot that one.

Ah! Disclaimer: I own nothing except the made-up characters. Everything else belongs to Hasbro, Nintendo, and Bethesda respectively.

Chapters (8)

I go to Anime Con with three friends and then I turn into my Touhou OC, and end up in Ponyville.

Chapters (15)

Hello, my name is or was Beth. I say was, because something amazing happened to my daughter and me when we went to Everfree Northwest. You see we cosplayed as our OC's of our favorite character from MLP the lord of Chaos Discord. But then there was a flash of light and now we're in Equestria as mother and daughter Draconequus. I just hope we can prove to the ponies that we're not bad and show them sometimes a little chaos is a good thing.

Coverart by C-PUFF

Chapters (4)

After receiving gifts from a local comic book shop, Victoria and Tulip find themselves in a world that echoes a world that had been created for a game, but with a noticeable difference, instead of humans, ponies occupy this world.

Now these two must master their new powers to stop an evil darkness that threatens to destroy them and the world they are in before it’s too late....

A Warmachine/Madoka Magica displaced collab with Brony Parasite

I do not own either Warmachine or Madoka Magica, they belong to their respective owners

Constructive criticism is appreciated!

If you don’t like the story, don’t read it and please don’t make trouble for me!

Chapters (2)

Oh, um... Hello. My name is Lewis... or at least, I think it is. I have arrived in this odd place known as Equestria, a continent filled with creatures known as Equines, or Ponies, if you prefer. The world I'm on, known as Equis, Midguard/Midland, or Equus, is also home to Changelings, Griffons, Dragons, and other creatures, some of which are entirely alone in terms of species, like the "God of Chaos" (God of Chaos my ass), Discord, the Draconequus... then there's the Hydras, the Timberwolves, the Manticores, and also the Cockatrices, which I'm immune to, surprisingly... I thank my poltergeist-y-ness... which also kept me from getting controlled by Discord... Anyway, I'll explain what I can remember from my past as much as I can...

Chapters (5)

A Displaced Story

War. Destruction. Legions of the Undead. Death.

These are the things that the Terrible Lord Ains Ooal Gown brought to Equestria. His terrible reign brought the land of Equestria to near destruction.

Hope. Safety. Life.

These are the things the Hero Momonga brought to the land of Equestria. He and his allies fought the Undead armies Ains Ooal Gown brought to Equestria, fighting for the survival of Equestria and the rest of the world. With his aid, Equestria was nearly saved.

This is their story. Their Legend.

(Story takes place in Equestria, but all the characters are human. Not Anthro, Human. Also, this is one story of four, two of which will be posted on Bronyparasite's side once ready.)

Story is cowritten with Brony Parasite.

Overlord is owned by whoever made it, MLP is owned by HASBRO, copyright bs copyright bs.

Chapters (5)

[Displaced Story] Our Main Character is a huge fan of Digimon, as he goes to a convention dressed as Renamon, but unknowingly buys a real Relemon digimon egg.

As he walks away from the merchant, the merchant whispers some enchantment under his breath, and our protagonist falls unconsious.

When he wakes, he'll find that he is in a world far different than his own.

Takes place before Season 6.

May or May Not Contain Crossovers.

Chapters (5)

I just wanted to have fun cosplaying as Deadpool, but now I'm stuck with two voices in my head. Oh, and I'm in Equestria.
It all started on Japan-day in Germany, when my life turned upside down. Now I'm stuck in Equestria with voices in my head that make me do stupid stuff, and all I want to do is go back home. The ponies think I'm evil and turned me into stone. For that, I'll show them what Deadpool can do.

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to The Life and Times of an Alchemist Turned Pony

A tower sits in a plain, surrounded by nothing for miles. It is a faithful reconstruction to one that existed before.
Should one have permission to enter, they would find five doors besides the one they used to enter.
Should they ask and be allowed, they could find their way to the bedroom of the master of the tower.
And should they know exactly where to look, they would find his journal, and learn of what happened back in the old world...
The journal of Auric Fulcrum, and it would detail his adventures in Equestria before forming his new life in a new existence...

Chapters (12)