• Member Since 6th Apr, 2013



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Okay let's just go over everything that's happened so far. Dragged into a road trip, check. Dragged to a convention, check. Dragged through dimension. Wait what? Okay, universe. Stop! Seriously what did I do to deserve that last one! Stop throwing me into impossibly horrible situations! It was bad enough being world thrown, but public enemy number 1!? What did I ever do to you!?

Evidently, I must have done a lot. I have been trapped here with nothing but my wit and ingenuity, but I'm still alive and have at least one friend. I decided that it would be better make the most out of my new life, and see if I can live at all in this crazed world of Magic and Myths. Hopefully I won't screw up too badly. I fear what may come if I do. Though.... this is all starting to feel familiar. I'm having some difficulty remembering from where though.
Co-authored from chapter 22 and on with Shinigamisparda

Alt Cover Art
Story inspired by "F**k it, I'm having fun" by JimmytheGrape and everything else in the League of Humans acting Villainous.
Props to them! Cover art is not mine.
Edit**4/28/14**Technopathic is amazing and you should thank her greatly for working on new cover art for me. It's not done, but as she does it, I will continue to update my cover.
Edit***5/23/14*** NEW cover art is COMPLETE!
Edit****6/28/14**** Old cover art is back by popular demand

Chapters (26)

So get this, several friends of mine thought it would be a good idea to go to Comic Con. Now, I'm not one for large gatherings like these, but they offered to have me go as my most favorite character of all time, Ral Zarek. How could I refuse when they're paying for just about all of it?
In the end I should've, I'm forced into some strange new land filled with murderous, backstabbing miniature horses. All the while I have to hide among them just to stay alive!
There's one thing I am certain though, and that's that I will be- no... I am the greatest mage that this world will ever know!

Currently doing a do-over for this story to make it more interesting, and it'll be in chronological order now! Hope LoHAV is still a thing, looks kinda dead though... Tags will be added when they come.

Chapters (2)

Waking up in a forest? Not too bad. Waking up as a raccoon in a forest? Annoying. Waking as a raccoon in a forest, meeting a tree guy, and ending up fighting a war against bandits and thugs all across the land? Oh, now you're just giving me a treat!

Call me Rocket, I would tell you my real name, but I can't seem to remember it. Together with Groot I'm going to clean up this world from serious crime. Even if the world wants to lock us up and try to stop us, we'll ignore them and carry on doing our business.

Allow me to reiterate. I'm Rocket, he's Groot. We're going to save this world from itself. Because we can, we have nothing else to do. And because it's fun as all hell!

(More character tags will added as the story progresses)

Chapters (4)

There is no rule stating that one cannot be a geek AND also be buff.
I defy the rules.
Now, I am here in this anthro Equestria because reasons.
I am the Muscle Wizard, and I cast Magic Fist.

Inspired by Malideus.

Chapters (6)

You ever had those days when you think the universe is out to get you? Well I'm one of those days right now and it seems that the universe decided to screw me over in a whole new way by sending me to a different world.
Oh but that's not the worst part. The worst part is that I was wearing a costume before I gotten whisked away and well...
Lets just say that it ain't a costume anymore.
Inspired by "Rise of Darth Vulcan" by RealityCheck, and credit goes to Uberdeathninja and his story "Malideus" for starting all this craziness.
Editor: NightmareKnight
Rated T for creative use of swears and gore.
On Hiatus due to horrible math grade and grounding. Expect update near the end of the month.

Chapters (6)

Hello there, my name is or was Kyle but now I go by Axel. You see, what started as just me and 13 of my friends going to a convention cosplaying as Organization XIII from Kingdom Hearts II for my 18th birthday, has ended in us becoming Organization XIII, coming to Equestria, being labeled as enemy's of Equestria and having all the ponies hating us including that S.O.B named Celestia. But you know what, I don't care; if I'm stuck here and miss sun butt isn't going to help us get home then I might as while have some fun well I'm here till we find a way home.

This story was inspired by F*** it I'm Having Fun by Jimmy the Grape and many other stories like it. And special thanks to Thadius0 for proofreading.

Chapters (7)

When Twilight Sparkle set out that fateful day before the Summer Sun Celebration to defeat Nightmare Moon and save Equestria, she thought that at worst she would have to deal with a mad pony goddess of the moon, but with the aid of Princess Celestia, she would surely over come that. She wasn't expecting there to be two bipedal monsters running around and sowing chaos in their wake.
Likewise, two certain cosplayers weren't expecting to be eaten by wormholes, and then spat out into Equestria. Thankfully, one is a brony, so he should be able to keep his pony-hating counterpart in check, right?
Well, he would. If only he hadn't decided to cosplay as a Berserker...

Crossover between MLP:FiM, Fate/Zero, and Warhammer 40,000.
Inspired by Malideus; Son of Invention; Of Blood, Skulls, and Friendship; and all of the other "superpowered human villain in Equestria" stories that are making the rounds right now. This is just my contribution to the bandwagon, so I encourage you to leave a review and tell me what you did or didn't like, but I will warn you up front, updates will likely not be on a regular basis. Let us not worry about that for now, though, and let us instead move on to the actual story, so just click that button there for the first chapter, and 'Allons-y!'
Cog Archival

Chapters (2)

So you all can hear me right?
Of course they can. They always can.
I know I just wanted to make sure the connection is working properly.
Well, it is now get on with it. We haven't got all day you know.
Alright, fine.

It was supposed to be a fun time at Comic Con with my sister and a few friends. Naturally going as the Lutece twins something bad was bound to happen. Now in a magical land of ponies we discover that a silver coin has given us the power to open tears and learn from other universes. What could go wrong.

I must say, that isn't the greatest summary, I've ever read
I know, but It's the best I can come up with at the moment.
Shame, now let's get going. Things to do-
-and people to see.

Somewhat based off F*** it I'm Having Fun, Screw the rules we're on a road trip,Malideus, and The Rise of Darth Vulcan

Chapters (3)

Alright, do you want some advice?
Don't go evil if you don't want to have heroes trying to kill you repeatedly. I know, sometimes you have to do things that are morally questionable, but at others, just be a good guy. Wait in line rather than summon a horde of undead to tear the throats out of everybody except the barista. Or just freeze everybody in place. That's at least funny in a conventional sense.
I'm (sort of) reformed now.
Unfortunately, there're these six mares and their ruler who are making this VERY DIFFICULT.

EDIT: After four days, the Featured streak has ended. It was a good run.
EDIT: Featured again on 10 May? Aw, stahp it guys. Stahp.

EDIT: New coverart courtesy of Leila Drake. Go to her and commission stuff.

Chapters (20)

Going to Equestria is something great.
Going to Equestria with awesome powers is even greater.
Going to Equestria with those exact powers that you wished for your whole life? Best. Thing. Ever.
Going to Equestria as an invisible spirit that nopony can see or hear? Not so great...
Welcome to my life, at least I can cheer ponies up when the're down. SNOWBALLS APLENTY!!!

This is a Displaced story about Jack and 'his' version of Equestria.
I do not own the cover art.

First featured 2015/03/06

Chapters (18)