• Member Since 6th Apr, 2013



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Displaced Fic
Man my nose really itches, but it is to be expected when you are in stone. It wasn't my fault I got to be in this predicament. I was a normal teen Named Jeffery and I went to this con dressed as black suit Spiderman and I bought web shooters and the utility belt with a lot of extra web cartridges from a guy that looks very similar to the Merchant from Resident Evil 4. Once I bought them I got brought to Equestria with the same powers as Spiderman and the strange knowing of how to make the spider web fluid. The time I'm dragged to Equestria is during Discords rain about 1000 years ago when the princesses are trying to fight him off. After my fight with him a lot of crazy and insane shit happens to lead up to the crystal empire vanishing and me being turned to stone as punishment for failing to save it from Sombra.
Now let's jump to now where I'm a fucking statue that birds shit on and kids look at me with awe in their eyes. If i get out of here I swear by Uncle Ben, Peter Parker, Ben Reilly, and on my own eternal soul I will be seen as a hero again and not wanted by the princesses for being a criminal that escaped.

Chapters (11)

*Cover art made by _Vidz_

3/14/2015 100 Likes? Wow... I never expected this. Thanks :)

A simple purchase. That's all it was. All that was bought was some kind of item that looked like it was from the game. How the hell did it cause a cross-dimensional or otherworldly transport to another place where every damn member of it was a colorful, talking horses?!

That is the life of Drake Blackwood, a American gamer who makes his life testing, playing, and of course improving games. On one of his day offs, he had gone to a gamer con, dressed as what he believed a Summoner would be from DOTA 2. While there he purchased a object that looked like a item from DOTA 2, but unbeknownst to him it would rip him from one world and to another.

How would a human react to a situation like this? Could he be a hero or villain? Well... depends on his mood and of course what the hell he could do.

*Notes: Other tag is for other characters and the girls are a Level 3.5 on the Anthro scale.

Gore tag is because of some of the powers of heroes, I.E. Axe's Culling Blade or Phantom Assassin's Coup de Grace.

Dark tag is because of some heroes attitudes and how they would deal with a villain.

Takes place after Season 2 pilot episodes.

(Additional tag: Adventure)

Chapters (5)

I just simply go to Comic con with my friends then buy a Katana from a creepy merchant guy who transported me to Equestria. Now I lead a mix species Dynasty kingdom in Equestria, have some sort of bug-like pony have crush on me. A draconequus as my best friend and public enemy no.1 of the entire populace of Equestria well except for PonyVille. Well TO ADVENTURE!!!!

Note: The gundam is human size.

Chapters (2)

Caught up in a massive teleportation spell array, I was dragged from a convention and cast into the frozen wilderness of Northern Equestria. Despite missing a couple years of development and the a talking ermine fairy as a companion; the new form, new skills and even the new world are beginning to seem to like the least of my issues.

I can't help but wonder if some greater game is afoot as destinies and fates seem to shift unto entirely new paths, some of them crossing the roads of others. Even worse, it seems as if I just might have to play a part in keeping everything from ending in a complete disaster.

With new skills and an ever expanding circle of new friends beside me, I can only hope it all works out. With any luck, it won't just be me getting thrown into one dangerous situation after another. Keep moving forward, not getting held back by the past but not forgetting it. It's a promise I made to myself. One made twice over, even. I don't intend to break it. All it takes is a little bit of Courage.
[sources: vector, background]
[A Negima/MLP Crossover][A Displaced Story][wikipage][Editor: Regreme (c.7+)]

Chapters (8)

[Breath of Fire III x MLP]

He was supposed to be going at a costume party, dragged away from his house by his closest friends. Being the typical anti-social teen who did not want to socialize, he came begrudgingly after he heard that the theme was supposed to be about your favorite video game character.

It was only after he bought a replica of a perfectly completed boxed set of his favorite character's Dragon Genes-- marble-like objects that hold spirits of slain dragons which the character can then use their power after finding them-- that everything went wrong.

On the night of the party, when the authentic looking diary that came along with the box opened suddenly without anyone touching it, he made the mistake of coming close to it as the pages began to rapidly turn on their own.

Now here he was, in an different land where his anti-social lifestyle was finally biting him in the rear, his body turned into that of the character that he was planning to dress up as, and no idea of how to get home. What left is there to do other than brood?

Chapters (30)

What is the meaning of life?
For me it means getting a second chance.
You wouldn't think that buying a simple Pearl from an old geezer at a gas station would transport you to Equestria right?
Now I'm stuck here with this Pearl on my forehead in a stupid ballerina costume and I may or may not have ticked off an all powerful love eating changeling queen...

"How dare you attack the Queen of the changelings! I'll turn you into a hat!"

Whoops... I guess this inter-dimensional message isn't as fool proof as I thought! I'll have to cut this short!
Seriously though, if anyone is reading this please send help!

[inspired to write this after seeing so many of these crossovers! Mainly inspired though by 'Land of Friendship and Magic' :D]

Chapters (22)

I had a real name once. Don't remember it much anymore. Not surprising as it's been a few thousand years since I last used it. Now I go by the name Booker... or Pagey... or Mr. Wordsworth... or whatever name some adorable pony has graced me with and I'm too much of a doormat to say no. Dang it, Star Swirl, did you cast some spell on your descendants or something?

So yeah, I'm one of the latest victims of the Merchant. Really should have known better when I was offered that delectable limited-edition Touhou fanbook by some guy who looked like he was ripped from a Stephen King novel, but I'm too much of a bibliophile to pass something like that up, you know? Now I'm stuck in what should be a children's cartoon show with powers that no mortal being should have and enough baggage to choke a hydra.

At least I have my books, even if I do have to beat them into submission occasionally.

Chapters (5)

This story is undergoing major changes, and just might be integrated with another story of mine. Thus, this one might not be started again until the other is complete. It is by no means going to be cancelled. I made a promise to a colleague, and I intend to keep it. This WILL be completed, just at a later date.

Murphy Dryadson had just left the E3 convention. Or rather, tried to. He kinda got outsmarted by an interdimensional deity. The result? He got sent to a land previously thought to be make-believe, as the character he was dressed as. Complete with a mark on his hand containing a power that grows each passing day. Now he's in the middle of a war and has to figure out how to get home.

Typical Mondays, as always.

This story is not originally mine. Indeed, the author of the story had lost interest in it, but didn't want to see it sitting and rotting like a piece of roadkill on a highway. So, he entrusted it to me. The author is no less than the exceptional writer and word weaver, BlueSun52. Go give him a look (and a follow, if you please), his work is amazing.

Now, to clear some things up.

First, this will not be exactly the same, sadly, as the admins make clear rules against such things, plagiarism and all that. No, I'm afraid it will be quite different. The main character will be the same, of that you can be of sure of, so don't worry about that.

Secondly, if you've any suggestions or comments or, especially, concerns, please notify me. I would greatly appreciate it, and, admittedly, at times I may need it to keep going at a steady pace.

Finally, story tags will be added as the elements of said tags appear, just to add to the mystery.

And that's about it. Now, please enjoy the story.

Chapters (1)

I keep a pocketwatch. Odd thing for a time-traveler to say. Fortunately, it was enchanted by a friend of mine to tell me the year, along with the relative time. I used to find it odd that if I spent a day in the year 600, a day would pass in the year 2300 and 1000 and...oh, you get the idea.
Of course, I found being here also something to freak out about, much less the ability to travel the time-stream with that Gate Key I ordered. Apparently the thing worked a little too well.
It did, after all, pull me here from home. And while I found the way to go back a while ago...
...I can't leave. Not yet.

...I've seen their future. And I'll be damned if I leave them to it.

Chapters (43)

Two teenagers, Alice and Thad, dressed as their favorite Transformers, Arcee and Skywarp, walk into a movie theater, before being spirited away to a land full of colorful equines! What will the two teens do?

This story is a Displaced colab written with the help of Bronyparasite, go check him out!

Chapters (8)