• Member Since 29th Jul, 2013

Midnight Tales

Weekend hobby writer (The slow and bad kind), obsessive reader (I mean it) and watcher of anime.

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[First person/second person] [Ghost]

Theme song:Dead Man's Lullaby-Gordo

Ponyville, is a peaceful yet often random place to live in. The young play outside in the warm weather, while the adults sit around and chat about their daily routine, wondering how the day will pass on, and what to put on the table tonight for dinner. Even the animals are friendly to one another.

Yet, something feels...different about Ponyville, and the adults are not sure why. It feels the same as any other day, getting up, go to work, sleep, and repeat the process.

But for some strange reason, colts and fillies laugh, and not with each other, but with a new friend. Not only do the youngsters like this new friend, the elderly seem to take a liking to this friend as well. It bothers some, but most ignore and let it be.

But sometimes, if you are very quiet, you can hear a voice. A voice filled with sadness and anger. Often times, the voice settles down, and does not speak, but when it does, this voice repeats the same question. Again, and again and again.

"Where Will I Go?"

Chapters (17)

A young human child wakes up in the dragon lands as a dragon, following some unforeseen events he ends up in Equestria with his new dragon friend of the same age. Follow his insane journey as he tries to make sense of it all and the ponies try to make sense of him. Eventually a certain goddess discovers his strange actions and ideas have something in common with a certain bearded wizard of the past.

Editors: skultech, Albert Manhattan

Fully Edited as of 8/8/14

Chapters (18)

Greetings weary traveler/bored reader. Let me regale you with my tale. The tale of a mere mortal, with nothing particularly special to his name, brought to a magical land of dragons, minotaurs, griffins, and of course ponies. But he came as no mere human. He came as the epic warrior, the manliest of swordsmen, that most dashing of multiverse travelers, the mighty Gilgamesh! What adventures will this powerful and magnificent warrior find in his travels? HELL IF I KNOW! LET'S STRAP IN AND SEE WHERE THIS GOES!

Looking for cover art if anyone's interested.

Crossovers with:
The life and times of Xante, Baron of the Frozen Wastelands, First among Liches, Lord of the Dead, and Fabulous Rainbow Magic User

Golden Graces, Headless Headaches

I Will Hunt You Down

A Thousand Tortured Souls Scream My Name

Gravity of the Situation

Land of Friendship and Magic

And Then There Were 10… Er… 67

Son of Invention

Ten Against One

Time Ticks On

Let's Just Say That Umbra Really Needs to Put a Lock On His Diary



Chapters (23)

Hi there, my name's Abel, I'm the new changeling on the block.
Been living in Ponyville for three years. Been here a year before Twilight and managed to make a name for myself as a darn good accountant that goes by the name of Balanced Books.
Even got along with each of the Bearers pretty well. Well enough that Twilight decided to invite me along for her brother's wedding.
Getting past that shield the first time wasn't fun. Figuring out the plot behind the wedding, also not fun.
Did I happen to mention that any and all changelings who are NOT a part of Chrysalis' Hive Mind have a VERY good reason to hate her? Me moreso than most?
Yeah, that was torture.
Now all I have to do is explain to the bucking princessess about my true nature and pray to, well, them, that I'll be allowed to return to my life as Books.
Wish me luck, my interrogator is here.
Cover art provided by jjamess10

Chapters (30)

The Piano Man has spent the last month in captivity, forced to play the piano as part of The Great and Powerful Trixie's traveling show. Now he's free, and recovering under the care of the Equestrian monarchy while Trixie awaits trial for her crimes.
All is not well, however. The Piano Man has a long road of recovery ahead, and all the time he must compete with overbearing carers, his own mental trauma, and even discrimination from members of Equestria's unicorn supremacist subculture.

This story is the kinda (can't stress that part enough) better-written sequel to 'The Piano Man'. Because the first story involved some rather dark scenes, I have included a helpful catch-up in the first chapter - so if you have no interest in reading a dark story, then you can ignore the first piece and skip straight ahead to this one.
'The Piano Man: Act II' is most certainly not a dark story, and neither is it sad. The sad tag is in place for scenes in which I reference the previous installment, and nothing else.

The absolutely amazing cover image was created by the even more amazing WIL_I_ZIN, (deviantART) who is just... just awesome, for helping out.

Chapters (26)

When a man finds out that he's a shell of his former self due to a meddling death god, how exactly will he take it? Pokemon Crossover.

Don't mind me, just following the crowd.

Chapters (4)

A pianist from Earth is home on a lonely Saturday, getting ready to enjoy his weekend, when he is suddenly summoned to Equestria - only to find himself being held captive by The Great and Powerful Trixie, who plans to use him as a piano-playing slave in her show.

If you came here looking for the sequel, 'The Piano Man: Act II', it can be found here.

Chapters (12)

Disillusioned by the tragic events on Panchaea, Adam Jensen chooses to subsequently end everything and hope that mankind will find a solution to the augmentation debate by itself. Instead of welcoming death however, he finds himself in a strange utopian world filled with pastel-colored ponies.

Unfortunately, this does not mean Adam is allowed any reprieve from morally challenging decisions.

A/N: Deus Ex: Equestria is written in a way that does not confuse people new to the lore too much but feels familiar with the players. This story will feature a vote at the end of several chapters that will affect the direction of the story based on Adam Jensen's actions in the world. It is divided into three categories: Combat, Stealth, and Diplomacy. Choose wisely, for it will have long-standing consequences.

Chapters (5)

"We wear the mask that grins and lies, It hides our cheeks and shades our eyes."
— Paul Laurence Dunbar

It started as a normal Equestrian morning, but doesn't it always? The princesses are frightened, and in Ponyville, a creature from a forgotten race walks into town. His kind hasn't been seen in over a thousand years, but even then he's still far from what he appears to be.

Arc 1: The First Day

Author's Note: Hey guys! This is my first story, so constructive criticism is more than welcome. I'll take this moment to say that I own nothing but my main character, the plot, and a few surprises which will appear later. All other characters and linked music are NOT mine. A word on music. At times I might offer two links to a song. The first is the OFFICIAL version, the second is the closest approximation to how I feel it is sung in the story. Just warning you, because I know some people hate covers. This story is rated teen for occasional language, implied sex, and gruesome imagery (mostly late in the story and in flashbacks). Now with technical out of the way, I wish you all happy reading, and I hope you have fun.

Edit: Bug the writer! He writes faster when you do.

Chapters (7)

You, a young human living in Canterlot, have never fit in with anyone. It's been years since you were found in Equestria, and you've become a small outcast in this world of ponies. Hiding away from everyone, you find solace in another strange being, a weird black bug-like filly that calls herself Chrysalis.

Chapters (14)