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After thinking over the issue of other ponies in Equestria having severe problems, Fluttershy wished to have a pony to care for and help them live a good life. While it came true, she got her wish in the form of an ambiguous pony who appears to be more timid than herself. But is there more to this pony than Fluttershy could possibly comprehend? Stay tuned for more!

Added the 'Random' Tag because madness.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is copyright of Hasbro
Soul Eater is copyright of Atsushi Okubo/ FUNimation

Cover art belongs to Errick of deviantART

Chapters (16)

This story is a sequel to From The Gates

Taking place three months after the events of From the Gates, the Elements of Harmony and the former homunculi were enjoying their new lives and what has been laid in front of them. But after a large accident at the Grand Galloping Gala, all sorts of chaos will unfold. Will the Elements succeed a third time with the help of the homunculi, and will Greed finally know the meaning of Generosity? Stay tuned for more!

Future chapters edited/proofread by Pixel brony and Dawn Flower.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is copyright of Hasbro
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood is copyright of Hiromu Arakawa/ Hiroshi Onogi/ Square Enix

Chapters (27)

After fading away in an unfortunate death, a lonely soul will once again split apart and finally be met with the company that it graciously desires. But will this particular company prove to be both tolerable and worth caring for? Stay tuned!

Evolutionary chain:
What-if scenario ====> Non-canon filler ====> Developed story

This story is in no way tied to Cuatro.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is copyright of Hasbro
Bleach is copyright of Tite Kubo/TV Tokyo

Special thanks for the new cover art goes to TheMadPuppeteer of deviantART

Chapters (39)

Out of unnamed circumstance, a strange pony has arrived into Equestria with no memory of his former self. When discovered by the Elements of Harmony, will they aid him in re-obtaining his memory or will they teach him more about friendship for him to start a new life? One last question remains is why his cutie mark is an ominous looking '4'. Stay tuned to see what happens.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The 'Intermedio' chapters inside of this story are nothing but non-canon filler, one of which is its own story.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is copyright of Hasbro
Bleach is copyright of Tite Kubo/TV Tokyo

Fanart/ Cover art is special thanks to Iokusanagi a.k.a Io of FIMfiction! Thank you very much!!

Chapters (48)

This story is a sequel to The Arrival of Ford Mustang

It's been over a year since the Arrival of Ford Mustang, a former human being from Earth, now a full-fledged Pegasus in Ponyville, and things have been going really well with him and Rainbow Dash ever since they became a couple nearly a year ago. With their one-year anniversary coming up, Ford decides it's time to pop the question and ask Rainbow for her hoof in marriage. However, an unknown force of darkness rises from the shadowy depths of the earth and achieves his ultimate plan that can not only seal the fate of Equestria, but for the rest of the world as well.

Now, without the aid of the Princesses and the Elements of Harmony, it's up to Ford Mustang and his elderly dragon friend, Hindel, to set things right and stop this monstrous tyrant once and for all. But is Ford up to the daunting task at hand? What kind of allies will he run into along the way? And what is Hindel's connection with the vengeful pony from long ago? Stay tuned for the continuing adventures of Ford Mustang!

Chapters (35)

Once, Ford was just a human who led a boring and lonely life. But suddenly, his life is turned upside down as a mysterious golden light not only transported him to the magical world of Equestria, but has also transformed him into a Pegasus Pony without a Cutie Mark! Despite how much of a fan he is of MLP:FIM, he can't help but feel concern on what kind of consequences his presence might bring on account of his knowledge of a fictional cartoon show.

Now, under the identity of "Ford Mustang", he must face many trials ahead of him. Will he be able to blend in with the rest of the pony community? Will he ever be able to earn his Cutie Mark? Can he make it back home in time before the ponies learn the truth about him? And what happens when he starts to fall in love with a certain cyan Pegasus with the spectrum-colored mane? Find out on the incredible journey of Ford Mustang!

Chapters (29)

Erinn, a world that was paradise to many people, even to those that did not know of others that lay across the ocean or even on the same continent. But when threatened by an old enemy that came back with an unrelenting force and overwhelming strength the people called onto the gods for help, one answered their prayers.

The Milletians, children of the stars, were called to save and protect Erinn, but at the cost of their lives instead of those that were born there. One such soul who has been slain many times, only to be tossed back into the fight for the survival of hundreds.

This soul, twisted broken and lost, is all that remains of his kind, the children of the stars, as the betrayl of the gods fills his mind with pain and sorrow. This betrayl only fueled his anger as he was casted off, away from Avon or the world of the uninvited.

His only goal now: To survive.

I am experimenting with this one so light critizim and since my computer is a bit old it has no spell check so bear with me.
All species from the show are anthro-ized, so if you do not like it than do not read it. Plain and Simple.
Humans and Non-Alicorn Ponies=6 feet tall, Gryphons=6.5-7.5 feet tall, Diamond Dogs=5-7 feet tall, Dragons=Depends on Age
I do not own Mabinogi, or any of it's details except for my character.
The Cover Art is not mine, it belongs to Gacrux-Underground from deviantArt.

Chapters (1)

Equestria, A world of magic and mystery, where the norm is non-existent, the mirror world Haven, like Equestria in everyway except that only Humans are the sapient species, where magic exists but only very few know how to properly use it, and only fewer use it responsibly.

This tale begins when the first Psykeeper, a mental/ gravity mage, breaks the laws to further the progess of magic, is sentenced to death by hanging, but when a strange thunderstorm rolls in and blasts the scaffolding where he was on into oblivion, later waking up in a strange land, this young man now must face what a new world has to throw at him, he has choices, and those choices will shape Equestria for better, and for worse.

Characters will be added as the story progresses.
My First HiE story, and my Second Fanfiction, and this story is taking place at the beginning of Season Two.
Comments and tips are welcomed.

Chapters (5)

This is the first installment to the Eternity Series:

You Are HereSlave of EternitySavior of Eternity

NOTICE: Some chapter break and other images aren't working the way they should be. Here is the reason why. So sorry in advance.

The epic of Pinkie Pie and the Immortal Man who's fate is tied to Equestria's. His life will be filled with dangers, choices, secrets, love, and most importantly, beauty. As time flows, the world begins to understand the immortal, and the immortal begins to understand his true purpose in the universe.

Two side notes: The main character comes from an Earth where MLP does not exist, so he is not a brony. That and this story is based around knowledge of seasons 1-2.

Chapters (23)

While Princess Luna is away celebrating Nightmare Night in Ponyville, Celestia tries on a strange black bauble from her sister's jewelry box. The result will be the creation of the most terrifying thing Equestria has ever seen. The Sun herself turns against all the ponies in Canterlot. Can Luna and her Lunar Stallions possibly hope to stop her? And if so, does Luna have the fortitude to strike down her sister in the end?

FEATURED May 16th 2012!

Chapters (10)