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An ancient evil escapes from its prison... A familiar story for the bearers of the Elements of Harmony, but against a threat even older and more alien than Discord, victory will be no simple thing. Even so, with friends rallying to their aid and a former rival fighting by their side, in this strange aeon even death may die.
A Cthulhu Mythos crossover.

Chapters (10)

One courier, one Queen, a simple delivery, and an incredible destiny. The Mojave Wasteland is a place filled with opportunity, danger, and adventure. For some, it is home. For others, a means for power. For the Courier? The birthplace of his legend.

Chapters (6)

Before there was Harmony, there was Project Eclipse.

Now for the first time, all questions will be answered. You can learn... about the abominable truth behind everything. The truth that has been forgotten by everypony, even time itself.

But the real question is: can you walk away with your sanity intact?

Edited by Lazygamer313

1. This is a prequel to Rebirth of the Damned.
2. You don't have to read the first story to know what's going on here, or this one to understand what's going on there.
3. This story is planned to be shorter than Rebirth of the Damned, so I won't update this one as frequently as the other one.
4. Again, I kindly remind that english is my second languege.
5. There might be sex and gore in some chapters later on, I haven't decided yet. You have been warned.
6. Hope you like it.

Chapters (17)

His evil was legend. He was an entity of incalculable power and unparalled malice - his icy soul utterly consumed by his plans to destroy all of life, until he was stopped and defeated. But what if that wasn't the end? What if he was given a second chance, in another world? For he was not always like this. Nobody is born evil. But anyone can turn evil. Will he become a hero? Or is he doomed to repeat his mistakes and walk the same path as before, the Path of the Damned?

Edited by Zaleros, TimePrincess
Proof-read by: Bazing, Sage Probo, guardianxela
Former edit: Lazygamer313
Former last check-up (starting from chapter 139): Dubz
Chapters 132-133 proofread: Sixkiller5, DarkZonker, SmurfOnSteroids, Bast, Shadowfire, Wraithguard, Bazing, Sage Probo, guardianxela
Former proof-readers: Vrilix, Defias, Merchent343, TexPony
Fan Fiction Read on youtube by lunarassassin

Epub with styles (italics, bold): http://www.mediafire.com/file/l7flswrrl68do0y/rebirth-of-the-damned.epub, created by Halusm

1. This is my first fanfiction, so honest criticism is appreciated.
2. This is a crossover with Warcraft universe.
3. English is my second language, so you will have to forgive me for possible grammar mistakes.
4. Hope you like it.
5. There is a prequel called: Project Eclipse.

Chapters (176)

Due to a combination of blood magic, an ancient elven artifact and the well placed punch of a golem, the Commander of the Grey and several of his fellow Grey Wardens find themselves in the magical land of Equestria.

Coming from a land that not only has magic, but fears and mistrusts those who use it, how will they react to see land of ponies who depend on magic to keep their lives in perpetual harmony? How will the ponies react to the strange creatures coming from a land of bloody conflict, demons and magical intolerance?

A Dragon Age crossover.

Chapters (43)

Only fools, madmen, and adventuring parties go into the Malpheggi, the swamp beyond the Everfree Forest. It can be left as an exercise for the reader as to which of these categories Samus Marcus (a Thyatian swordsman, or so he says) and Ivan (his companion in trouble) fall into. When they are rescued by the registered adventuring party, the Elements of Harmony, a grand quest across the D&D world of Mystara begins. Together they face culture shock, international politics, romance, dungeons, and a dragon with a grudge as Marcus learns how to trust his new friends and make up for his past mistakes while the Elements of Harmony try to save Equestria from a threat which proves more... complicated... than they originally thought. Also, pie. And hats. A D&D (Mystara)/MLP Crossover.

Chapters (16)

This story is a sequel to A Pony out of Place

Set directly after A Pony out of Place. Flare Blitz, a Rapidash, turned pony, has opted to stay in Equestria, but things won't be so easy for him. Now a full-fledged pony, he has to earn a Cutie Mark, train with the Princesses, survive a love triangle and Arceus knows what else.

And most importantly... get Twilight to go out with him!

It has a TV Tropes pages too, check it out and help add to it.

Chapters (17)

In the aftermath of a huge explosion in the Everfree Forest, Ponyville soon finds itself as the new home for Lucario, an "Aura Pokemon" from another dimension. While he avoids explaining what has happened to him and where he came from, he repays his new friends' kindness by protecting them from the evil forces that suddenly appears around Equestria.

Meanwhile, a certain princess of the night watches his every move, unable to judge if this new visitor will bring safety or utter destruction upon the land.

(This story primarily takes place between season 2 and season 3. Elements from season 3 and beyond may occur, but won't have a significant impact on the plot.)

Chapters (19)

When Dialga and Palkia start to attack one another in Alamos Town, a Ponyta named Flare Blitz is caught in the crossfire. After falling into the dimensional rift, he finds himself in a strange new land filled with brightly coloured ponies. Flare doesn't know how he got here or if he can even get back home...

The question is, will he even want to go home?

Edit: So I finally got offa mah flank and started the re-write. I want to give massive props to Blazinblade7 for editing as well as my little bro, who is teaching me a great deal of authory stuff.

You can find the TV Tropes page here!

Chapters (14)

We all seek the truth, even those who were born to die. When six ponies wake up in the last place they expect to be, will they be able to escape and seek the truth for themselves?

I do not own ANY of the characters in this story!
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is copyright of Hasbro
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood is copyright of Hiroshi Onogi/ Square Enix

Chapters (49)