• Member Since 3rd Aug, 2013


Just a fellow fan of the show.

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When the guards find a foal crying in the city streets, they bring him to Celestia's attention. Soon after, It becomes apparent he has fallen through every crack in Equestria's society. Feeling she has failed the colt, Celestia takes him into her own home.

Special thanks to my editors: ersmiller and Rinnaul and to my comrades in crazy ideas Exelzior and BionicBrony.

Chapters (30)

Jak never found it unusual that he had a unicorn brother. Shining Armor had been there his entire life, as far as he could remember. Sure, Daxter often made a point of just how strange it was relative to everyone else in the village, but then again Jak himself was different from the rest of the villagers.

He never questioned that he looked somewhat different from everyone else. Never questioned that he was raised by Samos the Sage, alongside Samos' daughter Keira, whom he kinda-sorta liked and who kinda-sorta liked him, even if Samos himself didn't like that. Jak, by nature, wasn't the sort to question things.

Shining Armor, on the other hand - or hoof - had lots of questions, but no answers.


Part of the PWNY-verse.

Crossover idea suggested by Keyblade Hero.
Cover art by Sanyo21

Chapters (135)

Brought to you by Loyal2Luna, this new Downloadable Content for Mass Effect 2 brings the fight to Equestria.

Just about ready to embark on their mission to stop the Collectors from further abducting human colonies, Commander Shepard and the crew of the Normandy SR-2 are given a new priority, when the Illusive Man tasks them with investigating the mysterious disappearance of a Cerberus science team.

Soon, what begins as a simple search-and-rescue unveils a mystery millions of years in the making, and the Commander finds himself thrust into a situation he couldn't possibly have prepared himself for.

Join the Hero of the Citadel as he uncovers the secrets, combats the demons, and ultimately decides the fate of the impossible world known as "Equestria."

Chapters (17)

MLP:FIM/Anastasia. Ten years ago, Lord Tirek attacked the Royal Family in Ponyville. While he was sent back to Tartarus, their family was broken by the loss of one of their Grand Duchesses, Fluttershy. Now, orphan Flowing Grace is on a journey to find out who she is, and who her family is, along with the help of Discord and Shining Armor. Fluttercord Shining/Cadance Celestia/Sombra.
This is a huge project! For more info, please visit fluttercordau.tumblr.com

Chapters (11)

*If you'd like to purchase a physical copy of this story, click here*

One of Equestria's greatest traits is tolerance. Every pony, whether Unicorn, Pegasus, or Earth, is accepted for who they are, and have their own parts to play in keeping Equestria running.

But what if an Earth pony decided he didn't want to play his assigned part? What if he wanted to rise above everyone else and become an Alicorn? Such a thing is possible... but the path to fulfilling one's dreams is never simple. Risks must be taken. Sacrifices must be made. And the question is always asked: How far would you go to get what you wanted? And would you be willing to pay a terrible price to get it?

Chapters (29)

When Twilight finds herself in a strange and curious world, will she keep her sanity, or is she just as mad as everyone around her? In this unfamiliar place with such familiar faces, it may not take much for Twilight to lose her head.

AN: I am full aware that someone out there has come up with this before. I mean, it’s impossible that no one has made the connection, but I thought it would be a really cute idea to write this. I love My Little Pony and I love Alice in Wonderland.

I did look around and notice that usually, Fluttershy is Alice. While I totally get that, I instead made Twilight the main character. And the pic is "Fluttershy in Wonderland" by DrChrissy on deviantart.com. I take no credit for it.

So, on with the madness! *puts on hat and laughs maniacally*

Chapters (2)

When Spike asked Twilight to help him create The Noble Dragon Code, he hoped a lot of things would happen.

Getting worshipped as a god by legions of theologically-inclined dragons wasn't really one of them but, hey, whattcha gonna do? Them's the breaks, kiddo.

Chapters (5)

Spike only wants things to stay the same. Time, however, has other ideas. He's going to need a lot of help... An everypony story.

(Cover image by Rannva)

Chapters (17)

Before Twilight and her friends saved the Crystal Empire, its ruler had to watch it die. Long before she meets Shining Armor and Twilight, Cadence walks through her home for the last time.

Chapters (1)

We don't know a lot about the pink-coated and multi-hued mane princess; we know that she is the Crystal Princess and that she was Twilight Sparkle's foalsitter. What we don't know, however, is what happened from the time after Sombra was banished to present day Equestria... So what did happen?

Chapters (2)