• Member Since 1st Sep, 2016


Save your fanfares for the heroes... not the damned.

Tabs 1744 stories
  • Tabs 1744 stories
    Created by Redux
    - July, 2017
Found 1,359 stories in 79ms

Total Words: 84,100,687
Estimated Reading: 33 weeks



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Inspired by the song Bismarck by the amazing band Sabaton!

When the Allies sunk the great battleship Bismarck, they thought it would be gone for good, left at the bottom of the Atlantic to rust as the Second World War raged on. What they didn't know was that the ship never made it to the ocean floor. Instead, the hulking battle machine was transported to someplace entirely unknown to mankind, with its sole survivor taken along for the ride.

The Gryphon Empire had been expanding its borders for centuries, gaining power and influence over the majority of the planet while at the same time stretching themselves ever thinner. Now, with food shortages threatening to tear the Empire apart, they look towards the only hope of salvation they have, Equestria.

Yet the pride of a predatory race would never allow for them to stoop to begging or trading for what they need. In their very blood there is a cry for war that cannot be denied if they are to save all that they have built. However, only a fool would dare go against the magical might of the pony nations, even taking into account the abysmal state of their military. Yet all of that changes when the hulk of a massive war vessel appears on the shores of their homeland, with a very strange pony the only being aboard.

Will Equestria fall under the power of one of mankind's most infamous warships? How will our lone human-turned-pony react to being in both a new body and world? You'll just have to take a look inside and see for yourself.

Thank you to my new Editors Grau and Helping Hoof for their help in making this an even better book for all of you to enjoy.

Chapters (24)

Jake Feldsparr, a college student and gamer, had a decent life. His family has always gave him support, but decides to do things on his own as he goes to college, but still keeps in touch with them. As for his friends, he hangs out with them at a college café, where they spend time playing, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. His main character is, Ridley, and so far, he is the best.

Until one day, after the semester ends and beating a Smash Tournament, held at his school, he heads back to his dorm, and once he entered, an explosion erupted in his room.

After a painful fate, a bright light shined in his unconcious state, has awoken at a rocky land full of lava and dragons. But, there is something very different that, Jake noticed. No longer a human he once was, but a familiar purple space dragon.

Disclaimer: Ridley belongs to Nintendo.

Note: Tags will be updated in further chapters.

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to Good Trooper Gilda

Gilda has been a fugitive, a refugee, a prisoner of war, and a bat-hen to Equestria's fussiest unicorn. But it wasn't until she took 'the Princess's bit', that she began to know something about what it meant to be responsible for the welfare of others, even if the others in question happened to be the pack of imbeciles, blackguards, con-ponies, and bat-ponies who had been fool enough to answer her captain's call to the standard.

A crystalline standard which had not been seen in the living world for over a thousand years.

And although Captain Gleaming Shield and her motley band of raw recruits and shifty bat-ponies aimed to do nothing more exotic and dangerous than put a foreign princess on her proper throne, there are other things stirring in the shadows.

Like calls to like, and the revival of ancient battle-colors may lead to the revival of other, darker memories upon which the rays of Celestia's sun lay lightly and infrequently.

Chapters (54)

This story is a sequel to A Tale of Two Suns, Book 1: The Two Suns

Sunset Shimmer's life has taken a rather large turn since her "mother," Sunny Skies, came to Canterlot City. But while Sunset's problems with Child Protective Services may have been solved, life is not exactly calm for the ex-unicorn.

While Sunset and her friends try to deal with a new round of troubles amidst school and average teenage life, new and terrible dangers rise on the other side of the mirror.

Disclaimer: I don't own My Little Pony Friendship is Magic or any of it's characters. I'm just a fan.

Cover art done by my very good friend PrettySoldierPetite.

Proofread by Dragon of Shadows

Pre-read by Setokaiva

EDIT: Now with a TV Tropes page

Side Story
Swimming Lessons

Chapters (5)

If bureaucracy is the wheels of a nation, then proper scheduling is the grease and oil.
When it is ignored, things either grind to a halt... or someone gets chewed up in the gears.
Tirek never thought it would happen to him.

Winner of the 8th GapJaxie's "Quills and Sofas" Speedwriting competition (19/9/19)!

Chapters (1)

She is youngest monarch to ever ascend the throne on the continent... in the youngest nation on the continent. She has been groomed to etch her name in history and with all the tools at her disposal to realize her noble goals: A roaring economy, an eager population, and a nascent, rising empire. She would lead Alemaneia into an era of prosperity and prestige.

Her proponents (who feel she would bring young, modern blood to the nobility) and her skeptics (who feel she is far too young and cannot possibly have the ability to stand up to their regional rivals) both look upon her career with immense interest.

Perhaps everypony, in some way, would be right about her. And perhaps everypony, in some way, would be wrong about her.

So very, very wrong.

A six-part story of an unprecedented rise, and a spiraling, tragic fall of Regenfall IV.
Set in the Flower Mare Universe. Reading is NOT required, but I certainly won't stop you if you want to read the series.
Royal Painting by G_Hyze, linked to his DA proper.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to A Beautiful Night

A standalone story in the Beautiful Night setting - reading the prequel is not required

In the shadow of Nightmare Moon's rule, the ponies of Equestria live in uneasy peace. Vinyl Scratch refuses to accept the new status quo, making seditious films in secret out of a hidden basement below the streets of Manehattan.

Octavia, meanwhile, busies herself with running a successful nightclub, finding audiences for illicit screenings of Vinyl's films, and preparing for the day when they draw the wrong kind of attention.

Vinyl might be willing to die for her art, but Octavia refuses to let that happen.

Special thanks to Pearple Prose, Aragon and Carabas for editing, and Monochromatic for prereading.

The coverart has been altered. Click the link to see the original.

Chapters (3)

Years ago, Rainbow Dash achieved her lifelong dream of becoming a Wonderbolt. She'd gone through the academy, been a staple of the main lineup and, eventually, earned the rank of Captain.

At 43 years of age, it's time for Rainbow to leave that dream behind, but not before she can dazzle the ponies of Cloudsdale one last time.

Proofread by AShadowOfCygnus.

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Chapters (1)

Celestia ascends the slopes of a mystical mountain to purify herself.

Originally written for the July 2019 Writeoff, with the prompt "Through Fire."

(2019-10-22) Featured on Equestria Daily!

Chapters (1)

Legend has it that a keeper of the forest will come to protect the forest and every creature in it.

Contains slight blood, violence, and profanity in future chapters

Chapters (23)