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After being driven out of Ponyville following the incident with the Ursa, The Great and Powerful Trixie flees into the Everfree forest, where she meets a mysterious masked stallion named Herald. Herald offers Trixie a chance to learn ancient magic that will truly make her the most powerful unicorn in Equestria, by offering her a book that not even Twilight Sparkle has ever read. But there is a reason Twilight's never read this book, and there is more to Herald than there appears...

(A Cthulhu Mythos crossover. Cover art by kirokokori. TVTropes page here, although I've no idea who started it, and was gobsmacked when somebody else told me http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/FanFic/TheStarsWillAidTheirEscape )

Chapters (22)

Never enter the woods alone, for there are monsters there. They can look like anything, even another pony. And if you waver in Gaea's love, you will become one.

Winner of Ponychan /fic/'s April 2012 Write-Off!

Chapters (1)

At 3:15 AM, Adams woke me with a loud knock on my front door.
"Put your boots on," he said when I answered. "There's a biblical monster in my house."

* * *

A Visual Companion, by the author
Interview with the author, from the Royal Canterlot Library.
Audiobook by Robin Jacks and Wubcake.
Audiobook by Scribbler.
In-depth analysis by the Heroic Tales cast.
Literary Analysis by ScarletWeather.
Special thanks to GaryOak.
City of Doors
One Man's Pony Ramblings
Louder Yay
Between Lines
Bad Horse

Chapters (4)

Apple Bloom has a very important classroom duty, at least according to Miss Cheerilee.

Second place winner in the January Writeoff - All In

Chapters (1)

The first Nightmare Night with Princess Luna was fantastic. Big Macintosh had finished his cart rides, and was ready to mingle with the rest of Ponyville. When Cheerilee comes rushing up with Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle in tow, they learn Applebloom went missing from Pinkie's little herd. A search begins, and a creeping dread comes over Big Mac, as he can't help but notice a strange scent in the air, as they draw closer to the Everfree Forest...

Art -- http://imalou.deviantart.com/

Chapters (1)

Lightning Dust has been in a bit of a rut ever since getting kicked out of the Wonderbolt Academy. Day after day, she's been sticking to a strict exercise regimen under the guidance of Cloudsdale's premier personal trainer, Haymaker. Her hope is that she'll unlock her true potential and show Haymaker how awesome she is, thus prompting him to use his connections to get her back into the Wonderbolts. No matter how many times Haymaker tells her it's impossible, Lightning simply refuses to listen.

Then one fateful night, Lightning Dust's training is interrupted by the appearance of her greatest idol, Wind Rider. It turns out he too has difficulty accepting reality, and he has his own, more nefarious schemes to get himself back in the game. Haymaker sees this as his last chance to save Lightning Dust from walking Wind Rider's path. And if that means rubbing salt in a few wounds and shattering a few dreams, then so be it.

Cover art provided by the amazingly talented Cyrano.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Siren Song

Bioshock meets MLP in this psychological thriller, where Celestia's new faithful student, Siren Song, must discover the truth behind the city beneath the waves.

Since arriving in Vision, Siren has done things she never thought she was capable of—all in the name of survival. But now she abandons safety to gallop back into the darkness. Determined to do the right thing in a city gone mad, Siren must face the horrors she once fled from. But all is not as it seems in the vast and dark ocean, and Siren’s greatest foe may yet lie within herself.

Book 2 of the Vision series. Sequel to Book 1: Siren Song.

Now with a TV Tropes page!

Chapters (15)

Bioshock meets MLP in this psychological thriller, where Celestia's new faithful student, Siren Song, must discover the truth behind the city beneath the waves.

Beautiful, gifted, and faithful student of the Princess of the Sun, Siren Song has very nearly everything a pony could want. Sometimes though, in the twilight hours, Siren can see the sadness in her mentor's eyes. Once, ponies whisper, the Princess had another student named Twilight Sparkle, but she left Equestria, never to return. The pony who has a perfect life just needs one more thing—to convince Twilight Sparkle to come home so the Princess will smile again. But when Siren arrives in pursuit of Twilight, she soon finds herself trapped in a city of horrors, with only its monstrous denizens for help.

Now with a TV Tropes page!

Chapters (16)

After returning from the Dragon Migration, Spike begins to feel even lonelier with an empty space inside him (even though he proclaimed the ponies as his family)... All he wants is one thing really and the only pony who can give him that is a certain lavender unicorn

Collab done with Darth Link 22 (Author of Post Nuptials and Families... big thanks to you man!)

Editted by Vozzlefox (Author of Lately and Unwanted... huge thanks to him, he's also my teacher)

Artwork done by Conicer

Chapters (2)