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In a freak accident from the Cloudsdale weather control team, Twilight is struck down by an errant lightning bolt. But the veil of death is relatively thin...

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Blinking

Teleportation. It is the best possible way to travel... As long as you don't think about it too much.

Twilight had saved herself from the teleportation curse, she would make certain that she was the final victim.

Fan sequel to Blinking by Lumberjack. Which was a fan sequel to Ocalhoun's Blink. Permission was given for me to write this. Hope everyone enjoys.

Edited by Weakest Link

Chapters (1)

The Blot: an unearthly darkness, hostile towards all forms of life. This deadly enigma has swallowed up Ponyville, turning the once-thriving town into a pitch-black wasteland. In this new world, food and water are scarce, and the most precious resource of all is light.

Now, two survivors, Tinker Toy and his son, Gearhead, huddle in their home-turned shelter, hiding from the darkness. Without any contact with the rest of the world, father and son must work together to survive the waking nightmare they once called home.

Special thanks my pre-readers Rye Bread, jeray2000, sevenofeleven, and Mcstuffins!

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to End

In the middle of a dilapidated hospital during the end of the world, a doctor fights against memories from his past in order to save the life of his patient.

Now has a dramatic reading thanks to ObabScribbler!

This is a side-story to Fade

Like End and Fade, this was written more for fun and to make something that goes against my usual style. Same warnings apply for End as they do here, with the exception of more blood, but I highly recommend that you read that one first in order to have a good grasp of what's going on.

Chapters (1)

At the end of the world, Princess Twilight Sparkle is hidden away in order to survive. All that she has to keep herself sane is a single old computer-turned-journal, and she has no intention of giving in to madness just yet.

Thanks to NaarPuni for the cover art! (DeviantArt Link)

Now has a dramatic reading thanks to ObabScribbler!

Now has continuations: Fade and Falter

Warnings for apocalypse scenarios and strange grammatical choices.

This was written in about an hour for a myriad of reasons, including a want to actually get some writing done, a personal goal of trying to write a short story in about 1,000 words, and for fun.

This story has received some major edits as of April 22, including beefing up the content of several logs, adding some new logs, and other alterations throughout the story, both plot-wise and grammatical.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to End

As more creatures across Equestria disappear, a lone mare uses a microphone to let out a plea for help to anypony who would be willing to give her aid in her desperate time of need.

Now has a dramatic reading thanks to ObabScribbler!

This is a side-story to Falter

As with End, this was written primarily for me to flex my creative muscles and see what I can do in around 1,000 words with this sort of premise. Same warnings apply for End as they do here, but I highly recommend that you read that one first.

Also, I highly recommend listening to the dramatic reading if you get the chance.

Chapters (1)

Once a year, the Townsend occurs. It is a weeklong tradition held by all of Equestria where, for a full week, everypony falls into a very deep -- almost comatose -- state. Nopony knows why or how it happens. It just does. So far, nopony has found any consequences to this strange occurence.

Then, one year, ponies start to go missing.

Then, the next year, more ponies start to go missing. Every year after, some ponies just seem to poof, and are never seen again. Nopony knows what happens to them, and those who try to learn, disappear.

Jazz is a very regular pony. In fact, there's nothing special about her at all. She has many good friends, a crush, even a well-respected family. She lives an average life in the little town of Stableside. That is, until she is unable to fall asleep the night of the Townsend.

This starts a series of events that will shatter Equestria forever.

Follow Jazz, as she embarks on the journey of her life. Just what secrets do the Townsend hold?

For everything you are worth, hide.

Chapters (4)

When a certain drake find himself leaving home for a life of adventure, Twilight Sparkle finds herself in need of an assistant. While most would consider it the highest of honors working under any other princess, there's a problem with the newly-anointed alicorn.

She's absolutely, unapologetically, absurdly crazy.

Here are her adventures, as well as the adventures of her new assistant, who desperately wished he had ignored what father's advice and went into the profession of stripping.

Artists is Paradigmpizza

Chapters (6)

Twilight Sparkle loves to read, and when she picks up a strange little book that she has no idea from where it came. She finds that she has trouble putting it down. Her friends become concerned when she isn't able to leave her home without it.

Chapters (9)