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Update, July 17 · 1:04am Jul 18th, 2022

Still here, working on a few things. Some of them are more challenging than others, but might be fun if I can get them to work. Should have something at least pretty soon.

Report EroPony1000 · 61 views · #Update

NOTICE: I May Not be Able to Put Out Chapters/Stories as Fast For The Moment · 11:26pm Sep 21st, 2015

Ello. As you may have read, or have noticed on my latest work of fanfiction, my update speeds have gotten slower. There is a reason for this. Well, many reasons for this.

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Report TheUnknownPerson · 148 views · #Update

Today's updates · 7:36pm Jul 4th, 2018

Since I needed to mentally recharge from a family reunion type thing that happened over the weekend ( family can be fifteen kinds of crazy sometimes) I haven't kept up my daily posts so today there should be at least two updates...Maybe three if I can manage it.

Report Midnight_Song95 · 141 views · #Updates

Chapter 3 and Onward · 4:34am Aug 1st, 2022

I decided to release the 2nd chapter shorter than I anticipated since it felt like there was more that could be added into another chapter.

As soon as I released the chapter I instantly began work on the next. I wanted to waste as little time as possible to get the job done this time.

A 3 week wait wasnt the best in my eyes so now im going to try for 1.5 weeks or less if I can

Thank you for your patience and sticking with me

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Report Lunar Hymn · 62 views · #update

New chapters on the way! · 1:47pm May 14th, 2022

Hey, everyone! I apologize for the lack of updates over the last few weeks, but my personal health has been chaotic lately, at best. Just got my fourth COVID booster yesterday, and it's kicking my ass already. Lots of little things piled up into big problems, but I'm managing enough to get more work done, thankfully.

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Report Nonameknight · 416 views · #update

Short Story Update · 4:42pm Aug 8th, 2015

Hello Everybrony!

Latest story to date is An Unlikely Parring, my first shipping fic. I never thought Iā€™d be able to write a good shipping fic, but apparently the majority of my readers say otherwise. Credit to my good friend Li-ten for suggesting to me to write a shipping story with Gummy!

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Report RainEStar · 161 views · #Update

Next Chapter Progress and Such · 9:37pm Aug 25th, 2022

Hello again all seem like little old me got in a bit of a predicament with some personal problems, had a bit of familiar issues that took a bit of time to resolve so for I'm behind schedule. Not going to rush the chapter out like the last time so it will be late, my main goal is to get it out at least on my birthday being Monday or Tuesday of the week.

Sorry for keeping you all waiting and I'll see you all then

Sincere Apologies,
Lunar Hymn

Report Lunar Hymn · 59 views · #Update

The Oracle Infinium - Chapter 1B · 11:40pm Apr 29th, 2017

Dearest unnamed,

Your journey continues in Chapter 1B where more untold, unforgiving stories await. There, you will encounter someone that may prove to you helpful on your travels.

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Report TwiWonderfilly · 150 views · #Update

Cardboard Casket · 7:24pm March 9th

This story was my first attempt at writing with detail, I think it turned out well.
Thank you to all the wonderful ponies who proofread and pre-read it!

My next story has been written since before Cardboard Casket was released, it just needs to be proofread.
Going to try to get it released this Sunday, but if not, it will be out next Sunday.

Thanks for reading!

Report Silk Rose · 55 views · #Update

Rarity x Pinkie Story Update 5 · 8:59pm Feb 6th, 2019

I'm almost done with the story.

Report Silk Rose · 108 views · #Update

Plush Pondering · 9:47pm March 17th

I had fun writing this story, a nice refresher after Cardboard Casket.
The plush in the cover is mine, I've had her since 2013.
And yes, I do strap her in a seatbelt when she comes with me.

I have several stories in the works, and I'm doing a collaborative story with PseudoBob Delightus for April Fools, so stay tuned for that!

Thanks for reading, and stay safe!

Report Silk Rose · 58 views · #Update

The next chapter will be released soon! · 12:43pm Apr 2nd, 2019

Although we still need about 2k more words hopefully we will get the next chapter out either today or tomorrow. Luna praises we finish it today!

Report KnightnGame · 111 views · #Update

C-c-Changes šŸ‘€ · 4:35am Feb 5th, 2022

For those who might've reread my story recently you'll notice that I've made some small changes to it, mainly grammar errors and extra details that weren't there before. I'm doing this to keep the quality consistent between my standards now and especially with the yet to be released Chapter 4: Kombat Time (like seriously, it isn't mind-blowing, but there's a high chance that you'll still like what I'm doing with it. I also plan to do a MASSIVE rework of The Prologue, and

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Report Sirplayalot_64 · 109 views · #update

Updates. · 5:08am Feb 10th, 2021

Hey y'all. This has been a long time coming.

As you know, I have been unable thus far to sort out my Wi-Fi issue, so I can only update as I get data on my phone.

We are almost to the point where I can announce that new story (only 8 followers to go til 100, YAY!), so you can look forward to that.

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Report Echo Breeze · 108 views · #update

Update on Sotires · 9:51am Dec 21st, 2021

Hiya Folks!

So this is another update on thing like stories that I'm working on, one shot that are in the works and Stolen Childhood!

Let's start off with what most people expected to hear from, Stolen Childhood chapter 5, which btw is coming out quite soon. The chapter in itself is in the last stages of writing, then comes a little editing form my part and lastly will be the publishing bit.

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Report MistyShadowz · 104 views · #Update

Another really good songs! · 4:42am Mar 27th, 2020

I really love his music.

Report Badwolf1175 · 107 views · #Update

The Hunter From Another World, Update 11 · 11:46pm Aug 23rd, 2019

I've managed some free time so I was able to get this next chapter done early. The story continues with discoveries, developments and a few heart to hearts. Enjoy.

Report Marezinger Z · 127 views · #Update

I finally figured out how to blog post about stuff now. Anyway here's an official update. · 6:03pm Jul 2nd, 2023

No post in comments on my profile, nor on the story, THAT'S RIGHT, I finally figured out how to make blog posts regarding the story

So anyway, THE FUTURE (be weary of spoilers):

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Report Local Loco · 97 views · #update

I'm Back · 1:53am Jun 26th, 2023

I'm back with card number 4 on my rig.

During the whole time I was down I used my laptop to write the latest chapter in the chapter, which is now in the editing stage, which may take a few days with the size of this one being nearly 20,000 on the word count which make this chapter as big one of the earlier chapter in the book.

The late time, I did a chapter of this size was in Chapter 24 Chaos In The Streets, and from what I can remember the editing stage took some time to go through it.

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Report James Cribb · 58 views · #update

CHAPTER WILL BE OUT BY MONDAY!!!! · 2:50am May 25th, 2023

I do not really feel like introducing myself so I will just say the basics.....
My name is Sam, but you can call me HAL (yes like in space odyssey). I am 13, so do not expect my writing to be a masterpiece.....


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Report SAMBOT2000XP · 55 views · #update
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