In Canterlot High, nothing seems to stay normal. Magic makes a day somewhat dangerous yet adventurous for Twilight Sparkle and her friends.

To a trio of students, its just a part of their school life. Join Book Worm, Champagne Barrels, and Candy Pink talk about what happened on each Equestria Girls movie! Or maybe they'll talk about boring things, who knows.

This can be connected to my Equestria Girls Shots, but it's not really that much big of a deal.

Chapters (5)

The final battle with the dreaded Old One, Pharaoh 90, ends with the monster dead and Sailor Saturn gone.

But that is not the end of her adventures as she is thrown from her own universe into another, one that is full of technicolor ponies.

Now in Equestria, the Solider of Death and Rebirth becomes one of Equestria's defenders. Yet something may have followed her, something that may end up destroying her new home.

AU of Sailor Moon S

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Rise of Char

Smolder has journeyed into the Void, once known as the Kingdom of Naught, to help the mysterious Mira destroy the Dark King Null; host to the Storm that devours all traces of life. Twilight and friends are racing to discover whatever they can about the Void, searching all over Equestria in hopes of bringing Smolder home. Within the land of Naught, Smolder will discover the fate of his mother, learn to wield his unruly magic, and stands against an ancient evil that threatens to bring all of Equestria into eternal darkness.

Chapters (73)

The birth of a draconequus is a very rare event. It only happens when there is to much order in the world. But what happens if one that was just born is stripped of her energy and sent to another dimension. Read to find out.

Chapters (3)


Here's a link

Twilight sighed. “You destroyed the Elements of Harmony...” She said with a grim expression on her face. “They are what have been keeping peace and harmony in our world.” She looked at Bruce with a dead serious expression on her face. “By destroying it, you’ve put our world in grave danger...”

When Bruce Gunderson stepped into the Land of Equestria, all he wanted was to live a nice and peaceful life. However, the word 'Bruce' and 'peaceful' aren't actually known to be used together. Proven when the very embodiment of peace and harmony shattered when he stepped into that portal.

Now, he has to take the responsibility as the Protector of Equestria for destroying the elements.
Let's just hope that the Crystallized Singularities are a powerful enough substitute...

Chapters (15)

Twilight wakes up in a dark, Stone room. Nothing is in there besides a Lantern, a box and a door. She steps out of the room and sees a long dark hallway, as she keeps going she realizes she's in Some sort of Maze. Where exactly is she? How did she end up here? And most importanly, Is sompony watching her?

Chapters (2)

The infamous Princess Molestia has attacked Ponyville using the magic of the Princesses and her main goal is to take over the whole equestrian nation. Only Twilight Sparkle, Spike and their friends are available to stop her. But, will they?
Warning: contains vulgar language, immature jokes and a ton of pop culture/brony/anime references.

Chapters (1)


Everypony has a special talent. Everypony has dreams to achieve.
But, sometimes, your dreams may not be there despite how much talent you have.

What is a pony without a cutie mark?
We may know that.

What is a pony with a cutie mark and no dreams to achieve? What happens when your talent means nothing to the world around you?

Lightning Dust knows it. Better than anypony.

Inspired by dragonataxia's artwork.

Chapters (1)

Luna tries to convince Celestia that the sun belongs to her because it is a star.

Chapters (2)

The Entity is many things to those few that have encountered it: an errant star, or a harbinger of doom... others have tried to reach out to it, but the Entity always remained unaware of their intent or influence: it's curiosity the only thing that demanded its focus until it encounters the one being that it can't ignore.

Commission for Kapuchu

Chapters (1)