When Derpy gets an unexpected surprise and is expecting a foal, she has to ask for help from her friends in Ponyville. Hopefully, with friends like hers and a helpful community, things will turn out alright.

Teen rating and warnings only included to be safe because of the "wheelbarrow game" in Chapter 2.

Please leave a comment and any feedback you have; it would really help and make my day!

(Based on my older sister Vicky's experiences with pregnancy).

Chapters (2)

A contest entry for the dialogue only contest and a tribute to an excellent horror game. It was added when it was still the 15th in the contest group's area. XD

What transpired to curse those living in a small village in the Everfree, was brought on them by themselves.

Original story by Donitz
Art by: x-nekopunch-x

Chapters (1)

The Princess of Dreams is no stranger to the happenings within a pony's mind.

And she knows no mind better than her own.

But now there is another presence there.

And it intrigues her.

(Last minute!) Entry into the Dialogue Only Contest.

Chapters (1)

Cosplay is fun, and when I had the opportunity to grab my ticket; I run for it, buying the tube.

Naturally, I had chosen Rarity; because of the style and finesse, she possesses.

Once I heard of the Holographic Characters becoming available, I had been looking out for my own Rarity.

I had never had a twin, or even a sibling; could I make the holographic Rarity into that twin, now?

Handling the adjustments, had proven only too easy for me to manage; what I had not predicted, is how she is changing me in the process. The avenues, I could never have walked down before; exploring myself in the guise she had lent me.

I had never known, what a Mistress was before I met my Rarity; she is proving to be the perfect hostess, I had been dreaming of. Even if I had never realized, the path she is leading me onto. Where it will end, I have no clue.

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Written by: Kentavritsa
Edited by: Kentavritsa
Re-edited by: ???

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Ps: if you want to have a quick sneak-peak at what is ahead, you can aces these at your own leisure/risk..
Pass: Holographic Character

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Chapters (4)

A group successfully broke into the Canterlot Royal Vault and only because of a member being betrayed did the Canterlot PD even know it happened. With the suspect in custody they need answers, it seems the suspect is more than happy to talk.

Entry for the Dialogue Only Challenge

Submitted 6/15/2024

Chapters (1)

When Sunset got to Equestria Twilight showed her an invitation from the Blue's Clues world asking them to take part in a music show. When they have got there Tickity lost her voice and now she can't sing. While Twilight, Spike and her friends help set up the stage for the music show and rehearse Sunset help Steve find 3 clues to find out who will be Blue's new singing partner. Along the way the friends need help with singing rehearsals, setting up the stage and to make up a song for Steve.

Chapters (1)

Ah, sunrise. The perfect time for a cup of coffee!

... or ten.

... okay, fine, twenty.

Seriously, how much caffeine does it take to kill an alicorn anyways? And what is her morning routine like?

Featured on EQD on June 18th, 2024!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Mother Knows Best

After being turned back into a young colt, Sombra is tasked to keep an eye on Mother's new creation in someplace called... Ponyville and manipulate her to become evil.

However, that is easier said than done as it turns out the mission would be quite hard for Sombra to complete.

Would Sombra turn Umbré evil, or would Umbré turn Sombra good?

The romance does not come until much, much, much later

(I was going to use the title Umbré and Sombra's Epic Adventures, but the more I thought of it, the more I didn't like it)

Chapters (5)

Twilight installs a new PA system in the School of Friendship. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie react to this as one might expect.

Written for the Dialogue Only Contest :D

Chapters (1)