This story is a sequel to Crazy, Clever and Cunning

It's been over six and a half score years since she first entered Ponyville and with most of her friends now dead it's time to move on. Not knowing where she is from Flarenza begins her journey to find where the rest of her kind is and to locate her place in the world.

Book 2 of the series which will take place over a long period of time. It also happens immediately after the last of the non-alicorns of the Mane 6 passes away from the previous story which is approximately 130 years after the start of season 1. Expect long gaps of time with little reference to time as it will take place over the course of many years. Much of it will explore things outside of Equestria so there will be a lot fewer ponies in this one than the last.


Tags are provisional for now but if you see one that should be added or removed then please let me know.

Chapters (22)

Spike has finally reached his limit. After finally coming to grips with the realization that shakes him to his core, he decides to isolate himself from the town he called home. A chance encounter with the town's unwitting ladies stallion might just change his mind.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash is known to be a fearless pony. But, her bravery is put to the test when she has to get that one thing that she really doesn't want: a vaccine.

Chapters (1)

Not knowing where the river will take him, Marshwillow begins his journey down the river and away from home, leaving his parents behind.

Chapters (1)

Discord makes a movie about Twilight and her friends saving Equestria. Unfortunately, he takes some artistic liberties...

Chapters (1)

When Spike gets the day off, he crashes into the CMC and strikes a conversation with them. After agreeing to go to their clubhouse to talk some more, Spike finds out that the three fillies have other things planned for the little dragon, showing that they wanted to crash into him in the first place, and it's the worst possible thing he could imagine. A makeover.

And, his makeup artist is Sweetie Belle, his long-time crush.

Featured in 'Popular Stories' on 9/20

Chapters (1)

All the lies, all the deciete have finally come to the light. Equestria was never as she thought. It was never truly safe, or peaceful it was always corrupt, it was always a crippled nation full of lies no one can be trusted.

Chapters (5)

Smiling, carefree parasprites now roam the gilded corridors of Canterlot Castle, and not a single pony can be found. Celestia and Luna have temporarily abandoned and quarantined the premises, staying elsewhere while they argue over the best method to go about removing the adorable trash that has infested their home. Unfortunately, parasprites are not the only intrusive thing that have now taken up a presence in the castle during the sisters' brief absence.

Inexplicably teleported in from the sheer amount of valuable possessions being left unguarded, the Norsemen have arrived.

Chapters (1)

In an ideal world no one cries. In most pony's world ponies cry, they weep and feel sorrow. They feel pain but there's always someone there: a parent, friend or even a pet. In my world ponies cry, ponies weep, ponies feel sorrow. I feel pain. That's it. Nopony is there for me, no friends, no family, not even the stray cat at the end of the street. No one. I didn't choose this life, it didn't choose me. It just happened. No pony understands, maybe they do, maybe not, it doesn't matter. Either way no pony cares. When I cried they didn't cry back. So shouldn't I continue this tradition?

First time trying to write first-person narrative that changes each chapter and second time writing fanfiction. Please no hate, but constructive criticism welcome. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN MY LITTLE PONY OR HASBRO
If any one reading this knows of a better cover image then please alert me.
Teen for language and slight gore.
I have chosen to reveal the plot as I doubt I shall continue writing. Hope you enjoy!

Chapters (2)

When Tirek somehow crash lands in Manehattan, all seems lost as he devours everypony's magic. However, hope comes in the form of the greatest Alicorn OC's of all time: Marey Sue and Donut Steel! Can these extra-dimensional powerhouses hope to defeat the greatest evil of all time?

Eh, probably.

This Idea came to me one night while half asleep.

Chapters (1)