Quiet Fire has many problems in her life. A friend she hasn't seen in years comes back. A relationship that has gone south. A drinking problem when stressed. Thinks hot cakes are the universal cure for hunger. And on top of it all is the falling out with her family. Secluding herself to a quiet life in Ponyville, Quiet Fire takes up a day job of being a courier pony. At night, however, she is an underground martial arts fighter and enjoys the thrill of winning bits through broken bones.

Yes, many problems plague her mind. But there is one particular problem she couldn't avoid. A problem that has caught the attention of the princesses and those above them. The stars had aligned. The seven have chosen their vessels. And a wyvern calling himself Ouroboros states that if the seven hosts do not meet the prophecied fate, the whole universe could be in danger.

The idea inspired by the sub plot in my FO:E Lineage that is its' own story.

Special thanks to NixWorld for the amazing cover art! You should definitely check out his other work and deviantart for more stuff!

Rated Teen for: Suggestive Themes, Violence, Language, Blood, Alcohol and Drug use.

Chapters (33)

When the earth ponies of Ponyville started lashing out against the unicorns and pegasi, Flitter and Cloudchaser retreated to a home in the clouds. Cut off from Ponyville and Cloudsdale, they had no warning when the Legion of Doom overran Equestria, bringing the windigos and eternal winter with them. With supplies running low, they come to terms with their mortality and the feelings deep inside them.

But perhaps their love for one another will keep them alive long enough to make it through the storm.

Incest Is Wincest April '20 'Trapped' contest entry. Contains sister/sister incest (duh), but no clop.

Chapters (1)

Stylo has kept himself locked up in his Ponyville home for the past three years, with only his poetry and his thoughts to keep him company. When strange weather patterns begin affecting Ponyville, however, the Cloudsdale Weather Team demands that all pegasi pitch in and help, and Stylo is dragged up into the clouds for a mandatory shift. With no experience, no will, and no friends, he is determined to put forth as little effort as possible. These next few days will surely be uneventful, no?

Chapters (10)

[MLP mix-up with SCP and Amnesia & collab fic with http://www.fimfiction.net/user/alexandru1208]

When Doctor Whooves leaves his two co-workers; Cloud Chaser & Alex Thunderstrike to watch over the TARDIS while he is out for a 'business' trip with his lover the two ponies find themselves in a world where monsters thrive and the two ponies go on quest to find their way out of this horrible world and get back home.

[Credit to alexandru1208 for the awesome poster/cover!]

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Impossible Numbers' Flashfic Anthology, Volume Four

Cloudchaser is the one who bids her sister goodnight. She knows precisely why; she's just trying to forget it. After all, ignorance is bliss.

Genres: Sad, Slice of Life
Prompt: "So Long and Goodnight"
Original Source: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/212112/flashfic/thread/432899/flashfic-150-april-2020-so-long-and-goodnight#comment/7198414

A pegasus - Raindrops - is intrigued as to why an earth pony - Cherry Berry - would have any interest in defying her tribe's traditional biological limits. Maybe she sees a chance herself...?

Genres: Slice of Life
Prompt: "I'm Flying Without Wings"
Original Source: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/212112/flashfic/thread/435203/flashfic-150-may-2020-im-flying-without-wings#comment/7208622

She was legend. She was real. She was the Ultimate Crusader. She... was Scootaloo.

Genres: Adventure
Prompt: "Dream A Little Dream"
Original Source: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/212112/flashfic/thread/437919/flashfic-150-june-2020-dream-a-little-dream#comment/7253781

N.B.: This fic is preserved more for historical interest than for its quality. It was later adapted to a much more comprehensive and complete version under the same title, accessible here.

On Sweet Apple Acres, some things have to be done. No one said they had to like it.

Genres: Dark, Sad, Slice of Life
Prompt: "After the Storm"
Original Source: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/212112/flashfic/thread/440844/flashfic-150-july-2020-after-the-storm#comment/7275689

N.B.: Original title was "Storm and Stress, Then Healthy Crops". This was later changed in light of the critical feedback.

Starry Eyes loves Twinkleshine. Such a princess among unicorns, the beauty of astronomy, the brightest star in his sky! Well, it can't be hard for him to tell her how he feels, can it? He's a pegasus, after all. Pegasi are supposed to be fearless...

Genres: Romance, Sad
Prompt: "Early Bird"
Original Source: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/212112/flashfic/thread/443711/flashfic-150-august-2020-early-bird#comment/7289694

Where Luna chose the night, Celestia chose the day. Except the night is everywhere, in this universe, whereas the day exists only here. After all, the sun is just another star...

Genres: Drama, Horror, Sad
Prompt: "Rising Star"
Original Source: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/212112/flashfic/thread/449695/flashfic-150-october-2020-rising-star#comment/7346449

Sweetie Belle remembered the song. Long ago, Rarity had sung it to her: a song of fairy-tale romance. Only in her marehood does she properly understand her sister's secret meaning...

Genres: Slice of Life
Prompt: "A Song I Remember"
Original Source: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/212112/flashfic/thread/452549/flashfic-150-november-2020-a-song-i-remember#comment/7364209

Written Script loves "Carrot Top", as her friends call her. Why, he wishes to write the perfect poem for her! The problem is... well... she's Carrot Top. She's not exactly the mushy romantic type.

Genres: Romance
Prompt: "Poetic Justice"
Original Source: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/212112/flashfic/thread/458094/flashfic-150-january-2021-poetic-justice#comment/7415927

Chapters (8)

Written for Terry the Human for Jinglemas 2018.

Thunderlane got his marefriend, Flitter, a signed Wonderbolts jersey for Hearth's Warming. That same year, Cloudchaser gave her sister a set of paints. Clearly, she couldn't let this blatant insult stand, so next year, she made sure to get her sister the best present she could think of, kicking off an ever-escalating battle of gift-giving between herself and Thunderlane. Will the two remember the true value of a present before their relationships with their loved ones are ruined forever?

Features a very brief crossover with Doctor Who

Chapters (1)

Nothing is as it should be. They have taken over...it's like some bad horror flick, except...except it's real. We're racing against time to find our families, and can only pray that they're alright. (HOTD Crossover/Parody)

Chapters (2)

Flitter is on her break day, but her sister Cloudchaser isn't. So she decided to see an old friend. On her way, she hears drums and started to dig in the spot that she is hearing it. Finding a board game called Jumanji, she decided to play it with her old friend. I mean, what could go wrong, right?

This may have sex in the tags, but at most they make sexual jokes a few times. Remember it's rated T, not M

Hothead112 takes half credit for this.


Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Weekend With The Pies

Since Spike got brand new wings, Rainbow started teaching how to fly. With little to zero luck, she has only one last idea, take him with her to see The Wonderbolts, hoping he will finally learn how to fly. And maybe get him to fall in love with her.

Rainbow also has to make sure that Cloudchaser doesn't win over first, with her history with stallions in the past. Rainbow knows that Cloudchaser would love to crush Spike's heart under her hoof and destroy the happy that he made with Pinkie and her sisters and any other mare that might want to be with Spike.

Chapters (2)

I hate Twilight Sparkle, I have ever since we were kids and I still hate her. You're probably wondering who I am and why I'm saying this, right? My name is Artemis Arrow and I'm the Stardust Phantom...or at least I was.

This story follows the Equestrian version of Artemis Arrow and boy is he different from the Artemis in Blazing Passion (Go check that out to see what I mean). His life has been one filled with both silent rage and jealousy and all of it is aimed directly at Twilight Sparkle. One day, Princess Luna decides to take on a student of her own, Artemis quickly catches her eye and she decides to take him under her wing.

Tell me in the comments if I'm getting better with these descriptions or worse.

Chapters (3)