Here is a collection of stories from all kinds of ponies and from all over the wasteland. Some are so old that they've become mythological tales, while some still remain fresh in the minds of the ponies that first witnessed them.

Chapters (3)

Jibbly Jot, simply Jot if you know what's good for you, is the tough as nails, muckraking, investigative journalist for the Junction City Tribune. Her stories have overturned slaver plots and rooted out corruption. She was hot on the trial of her latest story, an exposé of Congresswoman Coriander of the NCR, when her home burned down erasing her evidence and killing her daughter. Out for revenge and with nothing left to loose, Jot kills Coriander in cold blood and is sentenced to death.

Then the unexpected happens, on the day of her execution mysteriously no one in the wasteland is permitted to die, no matter how injured they are. Having already been executed, she can no longer be held by the NCR. Stripped of her citizenship and effectually blacklisted from the city-state she has nothing left to do, but what she does best: find answers. With the rights of first report going to the Junction City Tribune once she finds them.

This story is canon to the Audio Files Series fics, but is not directly connected and reading those fics is not needed to read this fic. It is also formatted like a regular story and not like the other fics in the Audio Files Series.

This story is also canon to Gamma Deekay’s and Digital Ink (AKA Sawyer)’s series of connected fics, as well asattempting to include EAST Corp Production and Nuclear Horseman Studios canon.

Chapters (6)

A decade or so before the light bringer cleared the skies. The Equestrian wasteland was just as hostile and unforgiving as ever. What would become major factions and warlords were just starting to gain power and spread there influence. Ride along with the train crew of Engine 3133 as they travel the country on the rails of the old Friendship Express. Struggling to balance survival and profit this band of ponies must deal with dangers from abroad as well as with in or become the next victim of the wasteland.

Chapters (3)

Let's talk a little about apocalypse ideation.

Have you ever wanted the world to end?

Imagine if everything that was wrong with your life - every entrenched system of messed-up people and processes - was wiped away in an instant, replaced with the kind of problems you can just put a bullet in. Wouldn't it be nice, to know for certain that your actions matter? To walk in the middle of the road, without looking both ways?

That's the great lie of post-apocalyptic stories: that life gets easier.

Imagine if everything that was wrong with your life was suddenly replaced with the kind of problems you can make friends with. Wouldn't it be nice, to know for certain that you are the best at something in the whole wide world? To be adrift, in a pastel sea?

The very idea that Fallout and My Little Pony could be in any way connected is inherently absurd. And yet, to a certain kind of person, they tell the same lie.

Chapters (8)

Okay SO BEFORE YOU READ there are some important things that need to be made note of:

1) This is a story I wrote years ago and submitted only to Equestria Daily. It was long ago enough that Sethisto was still one of the major moderators that oversaw the approval of content to the website, which just kind of shows this story's age now that there are teams of moderators doing that sort of stuff. I wanted to bring it over to FiMFiction to archive it and also introduce it to a new audience. It's an early story of mine so I don't feel the dialogue or story progression is at a standard I hold today, but I still see it as passable enough to archive on my FiMFiction account. That and...

2) Literally no one cares about it but I find this hilarious and I thought I'd share it with everyone here: I made the FIRST My Little Pony/Fallout fanfiction EVER. Years ago when the most major repository for MLP fanfiction to be widely seen by the Brony fandom was Equestria Daily, I remember randomly searching EqD to see if there were any Fallout-themed MLP stories to read because I was really into playing Fallout: New Vegas at the time. There were none when I searched EqD in early 2011, so on a whim, I decided to write the first Fallout/MLP piece (To my knowledge. One could have existed on a chan board or general fanfic website before, but I didn't know of it and if it did exist it seems to have been lost to time.) My story went up on EqD on Saturday, April 23, 2011. Kkat's Fallout: Equestria story was first submitted to EqD later that year on Sunday, December 25, 2011 with the prologue, introduction, and I think the first or second chapter ready to read. Don't get me wrong, I think Kkat's story is MUCH better in terms of character, writing, and story and deserves to go down into the MLP Fanfiction hall of fame for how influential it became on the fandom. I just think it's rather hilarious that Kkat's amazing story could have been all that AND one of the first widely released Fallout/MLP fanfiction crossovers...but my stupid little rinky-dink short story stole that thunder. Still, it just goes to show that the firsts to the finish line aren't always the first to be remembered.

Anyways, please enjoy this weird little quirky tidbit of MLP Fanfiction history haha.

The original Equestria Daily description:

Story: Blue Moon by Sethisto

[Crossover][Sad] Luna and Fallout? That's the wildest combo ever! I'm pretty sure Luna stories are default awesome judging by the 20 five star stories in her part of the archive.... but can she survive a nuclear crossover?

Author: Bongo

Description: Nuclear bombs have struck Equestria and the world is plunged into a nuclear winter. Princess Celestia is soon sick with radiation poisoning while trying to protect her smaller sister, Princess Luna. The great emotional intake is starting to take its toll on Princess Luna, as her world starts to grow darker and darker with sadness and grief... Based off the apocalyptic nuclear wasteland of Fallout: New Vegas. Best read when listening to Frank Sinatra's Blue Moon.

Additional Tags: Fallout: New Vegas, flashback, nuclear radiation, Frank Sinatra, Blue Moon (FimFiction doesn't like copyrighted lyrics)

Chapters (1)

This is about a young human born in earth still full of life who was young who was frail got One day, he tried to get enlisted to help out but got rejected a lot. But then one man and princess Cadance requested his help to save a dying planet of equestria in another dimension so now he enters the world as a brave strong deer and fights the pure chaos as Captain Equestria. (Spinoff of fallout equestria )

Chapters (2)

What do you give to a princess as a gift? What is it they want no matter what, something that they need and long for? Little Pip gives Celestia something that seems impossible but what she wants is something she already has.

Chapters (1)

Before there was a Wastelands there was the Equestrian Heartland, the haybale for Equestria. A region of mainly farms and small towns and cities. The only real impact of the war with the Zebras being the occasional notice from the War Department to families that have lost a member, or the increasing number of Balefire Bomb attack drills.

While on their way home to Cloudsdale from visiting family in Fillydelphia we meet Cloud Seeder and his best friend, and fellow Weather Control Warden, Winter Wind as they stop for lunch in the heartland community of Manesville. A railroad crossroads on the Hoof Rock river.

While they are there their worst fear happens and they partake in the actions and panic that occurs on the Day of The Fall. One simple decision that leads to a chain of events will change their lives forever as well as those who live there, from the waterfront of Manesville to the gates outside of Stable that they did not know was there.

A prequel to Fallout Equestria: Borderlands.

Chapters (1)

A botanist from Tall Tail witnesses the bombardment of megaspells on the final day of the Great War. Facing a newly destroyed Equestria and the poisoning of the pink cloud, he fights his way back to Tall Tail from Canterlot in hope to find a piece of the life he had before.

Chapters (3)

In the land of Equestria a war between the ponies and zebras has left the world a waste land. We all know what happened to the Goddesses and her student, but what about her former student? Celestia sends one last message hoping where ever Sunset is that she is safe and well, but most importantly to send a warning to her to never return to what is left of Equestria.

Chapters (3)