This story is a sequel to Mindset's Foalish Vacation

Tinker gets a letter from Mindset asking him to join her on vacation. Though hesitant upon learning where, he agrees to join his sister in a relaxing, (and regressive,) stay at the Kingdom of Fountonia, a kingdom inhabited by foals. After meeting some friends from her last visit, the two drink from the regressive water as they both return to their days when Mindset was just born.

Tinker, now as a seven-year-old, begins helping his now newborn sister, but as time passes, old memories he had long since forgotten begin to resurface, and he soon questions whether he was always the good older brother he remembered himself being, or if these pleasant memories only hid his true thoughts and feelings towards his sibling.

This story contains Diaper Usage, Regression, and some Mature Themes. If this doesn't interest you, might I suggest some good anime?

Chapters (2)

Kylie is now a guard educator where she’s a teacher for some newly recruited ponies to replace the old ones. But, as the students don’t listen to her kindness, she became into a bad teacher, and has been mean to someponies. And she wasn’t that energetic at all, she started happy, but as time goes by, those things dissipated. Will she ever come back into that mood? Will she ever finish the teachings to her students? Will of they pass the school year? We’ll find out as we read through.

WARNING: This story is a fetish fueled story whih ponies wants to wear and use diapers so if you are offended to this kind of things... Read some other stuff.

Chapters (1)

I wish. I wish. With all my heart...

There once was a dragon who wanted to have friends from other worlds to play with them. This dragon enchanted their scales and sent them to the aether with hopes some very special playmates would come to give them company.

Well, one was burped up by Spike when he was a toddler.

This story tells of how two magical dragons happened to meet along with how it will be an experience that Cassie will never forget.

This is a clean story made to merge the Dragon Tales and Friendship Is Magic universes. It was inspired by the art of Sweetie Lover / Diapered Pony.

Chapters (3)

Twilight's secret is accidentally discovered by Starlight...It turns out that the secret is super embrassasing. How will this end for Twilight?

Warning: Contains cuteness and diapers, if this isn't your thing, please don't read it.

If you take hate to me personally, I will refer you to my blog.

Here is the link: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/785186/something-that-i-have-to-admit-my-mental-challenges

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Pinkie Padded Pie

(A stand alone sequel to "Pinkie Padded Pie", though it is not required for you to read that one to understand this one. Originally published on Fanfiction.net, original fic inspired and requested by Supernova2015 on Fanfiction.net. The fic has been spruced up a little for here. Warning!: This fic will contain diapers and very mild AB/DL themes, and has been rated Teen as a precaution. If such material is outside your comfort zone DO NOT READ! Takes place prior to any events in Season 8.)

On a visit to the Crystal Empire, Spike is put in charge of looking after Flurry Heart for a couple of hours while her parents go out for the evening. Before long, the little dragon finds himself growing slightly jealous of the little one and all the attention she's receiving.

Flurry, meanwhile, decides to have a little bit of fun with her foalsitter. And to that end she decides to dress him up like a baby. Something that Spike is not very thrilled with at first.

But will Spike go along with his new condition to please his young charge? And will anyone see him in his new padded state?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A Flurry Of A Cake Date!

Lil' Cheese Sandwhich-Pie and Big Sugar Apple are excited! They are going to make their first pie with no adult supervision! Woo!

Nothing could possibly go wrong! I mean...they know this recipe inside out! It is an easy recipe that their parents have been making since these two were in diapers! They are going to have so much fun with this - they can feel it! These two can taste the melt-in-your-mouth flavors already!

Easy peasy, lemon squeezy! A piece of cake! Easy as Pie!

Or maybe a complete and utterly hilarious disaster for the ages....who knows?!

This adorable and wonderful cover art is by Cirillaq!

Written for the amazing 1,000 words contest! (The experimental/random genre.)

This fic is so close to 200 views, we can do it!!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Follow the Twinkles

This story is a supplement to the tale of how, through My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, I learned to accept losing the last of my physical eyesight in 2016.

The tale has a number of fictional elements to it but sometimes you need a little fantasy to help drive you to stay strong and push past life's struggles in reality.


Yosh has lost his sight very shortly after starting his journey with another of Celestia's star students, Dawnbreak Horizon. He must now figure out to regain his life when all he has known seems to be lost.

Diapered Pony / Sweetie Lover

Chapters (2)

When a competition practice stunt leads to a major freak flight accident, and to a near death experience, Rainbow ends up permanently grounded and even worse, ending up having permanent damage to her bowels and bladder causing her to be Incontinent. Leading no choice, Twilight allows her heartbroken and dream crushed friend to live with her. When the accident leaves not only damages, but causes Rainbow to be scarred for life, Twilight will take any measure possible to make her friend whole again

Warning: The fic will contain Diapers, Incontinence, and Twidash.

Chapters (2)

Consider this fanfic as a spin-off sequel to A Stinky Problem.

Glorious Melody could be a great mom taking care of her daughter Biscoito, but sometimes she could be so distracted with things that she don't see her daughter trying to get cookies without permission.

Superpinkbrony still helping in the editing!

Warning: Contains babies adventures and babies using their diapers, if you don't like this Idea, what are you doing here and how did you get into my profile at first?

Chapters (1)

WARNING: Diapers! DIAPER USAGE! OH THE PONEMANITY!? (get it? Like huemanity? Ehh? No? Okay :( )

So just to warn you, you won't know what's going on in the intro. Don't worry, It starts you in the middle, then the first chapter will start you in the beginning. The only gore is dead animals. Don't worry, no animals were actually hurt in the makeing of this story. There are hints to sex, but this is not porn. Sorry to dissapoint. They are two consenting adults... THESE THINGS HAPPEN!

It's been quite a ride, but every story comes to an end, and the main six are no acception. Sure they can step in if ever the need arises, buuuuut I'm sure fate will choose new hero's to arise from ash and take their place.

Twighlight has opened a new school for gifted unicorns, AJ has become the soul owner of Apple Acres, Pinkie has moved out of the Cakes' place to open her own shop, and Rarity has a huge franchise all across equestria. As for Rainbow and Fluttershy, well they fell in love! They settled down in Fluttershy's cottage where animals flourish and Rainbow brings home the main source of income. They are in this tale, but are not what it is about.

Instead we follow scootaloo, a homeless fille liveing on the streets of ponyville, doing her best to bother no one. However, when our two lovers are in search of a kid, things get turned upside down.

Story best read by John Delancy. (No idea if that's how you spell his name, if I'm wrong please correct me.)

Chapters (9)