• Published 16th Jan 2017
  • 1,179 Views, 12 Comments

The Earth Quake - Haileythedog

Scootaloo has found a family, but not one she ever thought she would have. Going from sleeping on cement to being diapered by your Idol isn't an easy transition, but when tradegity strikes, things get even more difficult.

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CH1. Takeing bed rock to a whole new meaning

Both of my mothers gently wrapped a blanket around me, sitting us all down in the grass. I looked over at the smoke comeing from Ponyville, wondering how this happened.

If I had to pinpoint a single moment this started, it would be the day I stole for the first time. I was what most people call homeless, but to me, the giant rock I called a bed was my home. On the outskirts of ponyville, there was a huge boulder, about 30 yards away from a river in the Forrest. I was too scared to sleep in the Forrest; mainly because of timber wolves and stray dragons. Yes, some were friendly, but it was a 50/50 chance, one that I didn't need to take. When it rained, I just slept in the rain. I was fine with getting wet, mainly because I wet myself every night anyway. I would wake up, urine soaked in my fur and in the dirt, then I would head over to the river and wash off as best I could, then I would head to school.

There was only one thing I really hated in this world, and that was pity. I hated it when grown ponies gave me that look of "oh, what a poor fille, I hope someone helps her." The fact that others thought that they were so above me that their pity mattered to me burned me up inside! I hated the world for that look, but at school, no one gave it too me. There was nothing to hate about school, but I always acted like it so that others thought I was cool. I was never one to complain about time with friends, freemeals, and even a little warmth or shade depending on the day, but I did, so that others wouldn't catch on about my true life. None of my friends new I was homeless, accept for A store vender I called Bill, he gave me free apples every time he saw me.

Durring class I would try and sit next to Sweetiebell or Applebloom. Sweetiebell usually helped me understand stuff in class and Applebloom had extra lunch to share. And when ever diamond tiara (whom Cherrylee never punished) would make fun of our blank flanks, or now our dumb looking cutiemarks, it never phased me. I thought it was pathetic. Why did she feel the need to be a villain? If she would just be nice, I'm sure we could add her as a friend. When recess let out I usually loved the swings, mainly because it was close to flying, something I had always wanted to do, but I always stuck with my friends and did what they wanted. I'm not complaining, I still had fun. After school Mrs.Cherrylee liked to keep me after class for some extra studying, some home cooked food, or even sometimes just to chat. After school my favorite place to go was the market, where Bill would be at his usual stand, selling anything he could. I called him bill because he looked like a billygoat. He was small, very thick, and looked like he could knock out a tiger. He would give me something to snack on almost everyday, and sometimes even had something to play with. I would sit and talk to him about the Cutymark Crusaders, how my day was, and diamond tiara. "Sounds like she just needs a friend," he would comment. It was almost a tradition for him to say that. It was odd, but I took it to heart. Some days I would try finding her and talking to her. There were days where she would get deep and personal with our conversation, talking about her parents and the stress they put on her, or maybe she would talk about class and the stress of failing, even though she was B student. Other days she would just make fun of me, covering herself, and trot along to do something else.

One day, Bill was sick, Applebloom had nothing extra to give, and I had a substitute teacher. By the time class ended, I was starveing. I went to talk to Diamond Tiara, and we talked about today's test, but all around me I could only see food. I needed something. When I asked DT, she told me her parents wouldn't let friends come in her house. I went to ask Sweetiebell and Rarity, but they weren't home, so I made my way to Sweet Apple Acres. Along they way I had to go through the market again, smelling the food around me, trying to keep my head down. Finally, I was tired of being hungary. I looked around and saw someone selling cheese. As he looked over, I snagged a small peice, running off with it. I had just stolen and gotten away with it. It felt kind of-

"THEIF!" Welp, never mind. I heard the clanking of armor behind me, so I started running as fast I could. I started balling while I ran, knowing I was in big trouble if they cought me. Tears flew off my eyes and into the wind as the clanking grew louder. I stopped in my tracks and raised the cheese to the on comeing guards. I got on my knees and begged, "Please don't take me to jail! Here! I dont even want the stupid cheese! Take it!" They didn't seem to care. They took both me and the cheese.

"Spoild little brat," One of the guards chimed, "couldn't get everything you wanted, so you decided to steal it. Kids like you need an old fashioned spanking." I cried as they took me to Jail. I had nothing to say. There was nothing to say. I just sat there in a barred cell as the guards told me that if the store owner decided to press charges, I could go to a youth canterlot prison. If not, they would see to it that I spent as long as I could in a cell, if just to teach me a lesson. They told me I could write a letter to anyone, but only one letter. I knew who I was writing to.

About an hour later, Rainbow Dash stormed in the jail, Fumeing from her ears. The guards stood at attention, soluteing her. "Release her," she commanded. Haveing retired form the wonderbolts, she was still an E9. She had command over them. They opened my cell and I sheepishly made my way over to her. She glared with extream anger and hostility in her eyes. "Why?" Was all she asked.

"Can I tell you out of here?"

"Fine... but you had better have a very, and I mean VERY, good reason." As we walked I explained the situation. I told her everything, mostly with tears in my eyes. Here I was face to face with rainbow dash, but not because I did something cool and amazing, but because I needed her to bail me out of jail. I couldn't have felt any worse at the time. When I was done, she had cooled, but not by much. "Being hungary is tough, but that was no excuse to steal. You know Sweet Apple Acres would have given you all you needed." She sighed and looked over at me. "Come on, you can have dinner with me and Fluttershy."

"I don't need handouts."

"Obviously you do. In fact that's kind of exactly what you need."

"Look! I asked you to help me, and you did. I'm grateful but-"

"But you have absolutely no room to argue since you made me pull rank on those poor guards! And you broke the law! You are comeing over for a decent meal, and that is final!" I hated it at the time, but she was right. I still wonder why she referenced the guards as poor that day. What made their lives so miserable? The walk to the Cottage was quiet. I didn't have the nerve to talk.

It's funny, when you start walking to Fluttershy's house, you start seeing more and more animals as you get closer. It was comforting, knowing they were all with us. I started to look around, watching a family of bears snuggle and warm eachother. A pack of wolves started teaching a litter of pups how to walk. Birds flew over head, singing songs in their own language. Usually I would make a vomit face and make my friends laugh, but I wasn't in the laughing mood. Comeing to the cottage, Angle hopped over to meet Rainbow, complaining about what he was getting for dinner. What a spoiled brat. I thought, A family is moveing and carding for you and you complain about the dinner you are getting? It burned me up a little to see this.

"I'm sorry," Rainbow apologized, "we are out of carrots. Youbwill have to deal with cabbage for tonight. Maybe I'll get you something special tomorrow from the market." His tail started bobbing and his ears shot up. We all headed inside to see Fluttershy hard at work in something. She seemed exaugsted. Rainbow snuck behind her and wrapped her hooves around the peguses' small waist, kissing her cheek. "Hey baby."

"You're home late dear." Fluttershy said, half paying attention. "Work hold you up?"

"Actually," Rainbow retorted, "I brought a guest."

"WHAT!?" She turned around to see me in the door way, meekly looking around the warm cozy room. It was all made from the hollowed out tree accept the furnature. To my right was a living room, complete with a Television, DVD player, a long couch against the wall and a smaller couch with its back to me, a book shelf on the opposite wall, holding classic books that I will never read, and a coffe table with flowers on top in the center of the room. The room I stood in was a dineing room, with a Small finding table and two chairs faceing eachother, again with a flower in the middle of the table. Farther back was a kition full of cabnets, an electric stove, a refrigerator and a microwave. Between the dineing room and the livening room was a stair case leading some where forighn to me. The walls were lined with pictures and hand knitted decorations that read something cheesy like "Tree sweet home" or "Our Dashing Abode."

Rainbow started to finish dinner as Fluttershy rushed over and hugged me. "Scootaloo! It's Ben a while!" She meekly backed off.

"Yea... and you were a lot more shy then."

"Sorry. Ever since Rainbow and I tied the knot, she has slowly been getting me out of my shell. Would you like to sit down dear?"

"I'm okay Mrs... ummm... Dash?"

Rainbow looked back and jokeing my asked "Oh.... is my mother here too?" This made Fluttershy giggle and snort.

"Well feel free to watch TV or a Movie. I have to go Finnish dinner so we can all eat." She fluttered over to Rainbow and softly took the spoon from her hoof. She kissed her lips gently and grinned. "Go sit down and relax Rainy, I love you very much, but I do not love your cooking." The some how still polite jab make Rainbow chuckle and Trot to the couch. She plopped into the seat with a sigh, turning on the TV. Finally she looked at me and said "well, are you just going to stand there all dinner? Because that would make it pretty awkward."

I had been taken aback by all of this so much that I hadn't moved from the door way. I walked over and sat on the couch, Angle hopping in my lap. "So," Rainbow started. "I'm sure you have plenty of questions about me and Shyzy, any I can answer?"

"Well... just one."

"Oh? And what would that be?"

"How are you getting electricity in a tree?" The entire cottage erupted in laughter.

Author's Note:

There, another chapter with MORE SPELLING ERRORS! That's okay. We have plot! And your not as confused as you were... hopefully. Oh well I don't care that much.