• Published 16th Jan 2017
  • 1,179 Views, 12 Comments

The Earth Quake - Haileythedog

Scootaloo has found a family, but not one she ever thought she would have. Going from sleeping on cement to being diapered by your Idol isn't an easy transition, but when tradegity strikes, things get even more difficult.

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CH4. Ewwwwwwww

As always, I woke up in a puddle, what I didn't expect, is a metal roof over my head. I remember wakeing up, wondering if I had fallen asleep at Fluttershy's, but no. Above me was a thick, metal tiled roof with four supporting beams, giveing me, Tia, and my rock cover from the rain that poured around us. I stretched my eyes, with no idea of the time, due to no sun, and a larger than normal puddle on the ground. Thunder struck near bye and Tia awoke with a scream. She looked around questioningly, seeing the new structure erected ubove us. I knew I was a heavy sleeper, but wow... they had to use power tools to get this kind of result.

"Did you do this?" She asked me curiously.

"If I could do this, it would have been done a long time ago."

"One more question.... did you pee yourself?"

I looked down, flustered, forgetting it wasn't normal to do that. "I... never needed to have control at night... I know I'm-"

"Not alone." She inturupted and stunned me at the same time. She removed the blanket to show the wet spot. "Your not alone. The difference is, I get punished for my problem." She seemed to grab her flank, winding at some memory. I couldn't help but sigh. That could have gone WAY WORSE! "But that's not important right now. We have to figure out a way to get to school."

"On days like this, I usually take cover where I can and skip."

"Maybe that's why your grades are so low?"

"Maybe that's why I don't get sick."

"Well what do we do then?"

"Wait for the rain to pass. I do have a small secret to keep us busy though! Check this out." I reached into a deep crack in the rock and pulled out some crayons, coloring books, Chalk, and a history book. "I love history, so I read up on it from time to time. The crack is just deep enough to keep the book dry too!" I did love history. It's the coolest subject when you put it in perspective. Violence, Nudity, betrayal, it was like an action novel!

"Huh. The chalk seems fun, and I could use some help with my art... I saw you were really good at coloring, how do you stay in the lines?" So there we were, sitting under metal, protected from the rain. We heard the school bells ring and such, and eventually the rain ended. So, we decided to play hooky and head to visit Bill for some food

"Fresh out im afraid."

"YOU?! SOLD OUT!?" I was in awe, he hardly sold anything, let alone sold out of his entire stock.

"Afraid so kid, but hey, I'll have more tomorrow!"

"Well," I was slightly dissapointed, but it needed to be said. " Congrats on the sale. Seeing you do this all day... you earned it."

"Thanks kid. But hey," Bill threw me a small bag of bits. " that should be enough to eat today. And maybe a bath. You stink."

"DO NOOOOOOT!" I pouted and grumbled as he chuckled and waved good bye for the day.

"What are we ganna do now?" Tia looked at me with eyes that shouted hunger. I walked around the market, trying to avoid being caught by AJ. She would rat on us for sure. The market was beautiful after a rain. Droplets comeing off of wooden roves, shiny polishes glimmering in the new sun light, and delicious apples every where you looked.

"How about this," I started," we sneak behind AJ, take an apple or two, then leave the bits for her to find?" She nodded, her stomach growling again. We crouched real low to the ground and creeped behind the cart. I looked through the apples to find the most perfict one, then one for me. I started counting bits to leave on top of the apples.

"Uhhhh scootaloo...." Tia sounded worried, but I was concentrating.

"Shhhhhh, you know I'm bad at math," I whispered, getting out exact change.

"Maybe it's cause ya skip school." I remember the chills that crawled up my spine as I heard AJ say that phrase behind me. I looked back slowly to see her grinning ear to ear, as if she were a tiger, and we were two cute little bunnies crossing her path. "Ya know, the school offers money to those who bring in kids playen hookey." I gulped, knowing that was us.

"Ohhhh let them be Apple Jack, we did much worse when we were in school." Rairity's voice echoed through the market as she came trotting up. Her main had that stylish wet hair look, but one could tell it was done on purpose. "Heck, you used to get in detention so often, you asked me to bail you out once. Do you remember, when Mrs.Button spanked the entire class because you put a tack in her chair?"

"It was no tack," AJ said matter affactly, "no, I put a straight up nail on her chair, witch at the time probably felt bigger than a rail road spike." Rairity burst into laughter.

"The scoundrel had it comeing! She was such an old hag!"

"Oh and if you think I was bad, remember when Orange cut her hair!?

"Oh Celestia, that's right! How is Orange doing now a days?"

I glanced over at Tia to signal her to make an escape, but as we turned, AJ yelled, "Now I ain't done with you yet!" We froze in our tracks, almost peeing ourselves on the spot.

"AJ! Let them go already!" Rairity seemed bitter.

She handed us the coins. "Here... those apples are on me. But if I ever catch y'all skipen again, I'll tell both yer parrents... well okay, in all honesty I know Filthy Rich would probably skin y'all alive, so i might just tell Scootaloo's... well maybe not... eh I'll just let Rainbow sort y'all out!" Rairity couldnt help but chuckle.

"YES MA'AM!" The two of us said in unison. Then we dashed away, faster than Celestia herself. We didn't stop until we we inches away from our makeshift shelter. We gasped for air from so much running. We sat in the shade and leaned against eachother. I handed Tia the better of the two apples.

After we ate she smiled and said, "Scooty... can I call you that?"

"Sure," truth be told I still think it's a cute pet name.

"Scooty, could you take me for a ride sometime?"

"I would love.... OH FOR CELECTIA SAKES!"

This made Diamond Tiara jump. "What!? What is it!?"

"I left my scooter at Rainbows!" My hoof hit my face instantaneously.

"Then let's go get it, I'm sure they won't mind."

"No way. We got lucky with Rairity showing up last time, I doubt Fluttershy will be as nice. And Rainbow is still peeved from me stealing."

"Wow! No need to cuss!"

"Sorry, it's just, I don't want to get caught."

"Look, Bill made a huge sale, we got free apples, got away with skipping school... this is a lucky day. Why don't we take full advantage of it?"

"Luck runs out Tia... but... I guess your right... okay you've convinced me, let's try it."

"You kids should be ashaimed of yourselves!" It didn't take long for Fluttershy to spot us. I mean she was outside gardening! How unlucky could we get! We stood in the livening room, being scolded at. I was indifferent, but Diamond Tiara was crying, so I held onto her.

"Yea! Ashaimed! Horrable! Horrable! The ponemanity!" Rainbow chimed in, trying to play off that she was mad.

"Oh hush Rainbow! You were worse than both these girls combined! You made poor Mrs.Whirlwind quit."

"Hey this is about them! Not me! Shame! Shaaaaaame!"

"Sorry Mrs.Dash." I said, half meaning it.

"You should be... and never call me that again!" She scorned. But as always, her face grew into sympathy for the poor sweet Diamond Tiara. She scooped up the filly and snuggled her close. "Shhhhh," she said, "there there.... everything is going to be okay. I won't tell your parents."

"What does it matter?" She started to calm, "they will probably just ignore me. The only thing I get punished for is wetting the bed, and it's only one spank. They don't care enough to punish me...." she started to cry again. Fluttershy took her upstairs and Rainbow sat next to me.

"So sport, why'd ya skip?" She seemed almost a little happy to see me some before she left for work.

"Well, it was raining and I didn't want to walk there and get sick."

"Ah. Makes since. I usually skipped for dumb reasons, like wanting to fly instead of read. At least you care about your health."

"Um, Rainbow, would you mind if I had a bath here? The river will be too high to use." I blushed, Remembering Bill's words yet again.

"Yea that's fine. We just got plumbing, so you get to be the first in the new tub!"

"She is fine," Fluttershy said, makeing her way down the stairs. "She is asleep upstairs."

"Oh, um... flittershy, do you remember when you foal sat me and I had that... um... problem?" I didn't want them to wash everything when she could easily wear some leak protection. I felt bad giveing the information away.

"WEEEELLLLLL I'm off to work! Soooooooo see yea tonight!" I had never seen Rainbow leave her house as fast as she did that day. Diapers weren't her specialty.

After Fluttershy had stoped giggling from her wife's spectical, she said, "Why do you mention it, missing being a foal?"

"It's not that, it's just... well if she is sleeping up stairs... um.... you might want toooooooo..." Fluttershy got the hint and patted my head.

"While I'm up there I'm going to prep you a bath. Smells like you've gone a few weeks without one. Oh dear, I hope those Diapers fit! If not I think I have some plastic some where. I'll be back, feel free to watch some TV, just, keep it down please. For me."with that she fluttered upstairs. Truth was I didn't need TV just then, I needed to think. This had all gone so fast.

I thought back to this morning, mentioning my accidents. She seemed oddly indifferent about it. I get not being upset about them, but wouldn't she be over joyed that she wasn't alone. And she was quick to talk about it. Maybe she was trying to avoid the conversation?[\i]Well at the time I had no idea how right I was, but those answers would come pretty soon. I had better check on fluttershy. Maybe she need help with the bath.[\i] I went up the stairs, greeted by a fracked door, with a sweet little fille snoreing her head off under some blankets. I followed the sound of running water to find fluttershy adding bubbles to the bath. I blushed at the idea, and will never admit it out loud, but I really liked the idea of a bubble bath.

"Oh dear, I was hopeing for more of a lavender scent. This smells more like tea. Oh well. Come on Scootaloo, hop in." I was hesatent, not being a huge fan of baths in the first place, how ever it was pretty warm compaired to the cold outside. I inched my way in, finally sinking in, neck deep in bubbles. I started giggaling and grabbed an big hoof full of bubbles and blew it at her, the soap going every where. She giggles and took a big glob of it, squishing it on my head and ruffling my main. I giggled and playfully tried to grab her hoof, but she was too quick and grabbed a cup with it, starting to scoop up water. "Now I'll put my hoof over your eyes so you don't have to worry about soap getting in them." I closed my eyes and let her do as she said, feeling the water wash over me and pour away the massive amounts of dirt. "Oh dear! So much mud and dirt! I'll have to give you another after your nap!"

My face straightened up and I gave her a dead stare "Nap?"

"Yes, a non-negotiable nap."


"Funny, I don't remember that being a question. You still have a good 4 hours before school is out right?"

"Wow, Rainbow really did take you out of your shell didn't she?" She just booped my snout as a response.

"Do you know why you have recess in school? It's okay if you don't."

The answer was obvious to any school fille. "To make school bearable?"

After a good 5 minuts of laughing, she looked to me and said, "no dear, it's to give your brain a break from so much strain. Now both your brain and body need a break, so a nap will do you a lot of good." I just sat and pouted, but this had never worked when being watched over by Fluttershy. She washed off what she could and took me out of the tub, draining it while I dried myself off, and laid out the towel, almost out of habit, and lied back on it. She got out a goodnight and the supplies needed for the night while I laid back and tried to distract myself, failing. I closed my eyes until it was over, as comfy as it was, it was still embarrassing.

Eventually she picked me up and I leaned into her, a bit surprised she could still do this. She gently set me in the same bed as Tia, letting me under the covers and petting my mane. I rolled over and cuddled the the Fille in my hooves as she tucked her head into me. I hadn't realized how tired I was before I sank into the mattress and fell asleep, cuddling the Cute pink made in my arms.

Author's Note:

I love AJ and Rairity in this chapter. Just their back and forth about Mrs.Button. No wonder she was mean, she was being tortured! Hope you like it.