• Published 16th Jan 2017
  • 1,171 Views, 12 Comments

The Earth Quake - Haileythedog

Scootaloo has found a family, but not one she ever thought she would have. Going from sleeping on cement to being diapered by your Idol isn't an easy transition, but when tradegity strikes, things get even more difficult.

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CH2. Don't expect me to stay!

I still remember the first time I had Mama Shy's home made mac&cheese. That would remain my favorite food for many years. We all sat around the dinner table, Rainy talked about her new promotion at work, how she will get to show the new young "cloud kickers" how it's done. I just sat there enjoying the best meal I'd had in a very long time. As we all finished our plates, rainbow got a more stern look on her face. "Scootaloo," she started, "you are going to write a formal apolidgy for stealing that cheese." Fluttershy put her head down. I didn't know it at the time but she hated negativity at the dinner table. However Rainbow had that look that let you know... she was getting her way, and she was getting it now.

Now it's not that I wasn't going to say sorry in the first place, but I hate takeing orders. So in response i regrettably said "Ummm... no, I won't. You can't make me."

I will never forget Rainy's look at that moment. I thought I had seen it all. Dangerous monsters, Twighlight's main Cumbusting into pure fire, but that look, it gave Fluttershy's Stare a run for its money. I imeadiatly looked down, resisting the urge to crawl in a hole and die. "Look at me." Her voice was like razors cutting my ears. Nonetheless, I looked at her. "You will write an apology, weather I have to strap you to a chair or you do it willingly. It will be done tonight. You broke the law and my trust. You have no room to protest."

I chocked back tears, there was no way I was crying again today. There was no way to win this fight, but there was something I could say, so I once again regretted opening my mouth. "Your not my mom." Now that didn't mean much at the time, but looking back on it, I can see why Fluttershy said what she did next.

"ENOUGH YOU TWO!" She shouted, tears running down her cheeks. "Rainbow, I hate to say it but she is right. We can not tell her what she can and cannot do, but that doesn't mean you are in the right Scootaloo. I may not be your mother, but if I were, I would tell you that you deserve to be spanked and sent to your room for... for..." She could only muster so much anger. Later I would learn she almost has a timer on her, because anger turns to sadness almost every time. She dashed off up the stairs, rainbow starting to follow, stopping at the doorway.

"You may go if you like, but Fluttershy wouldn't want me to give you an ultimatum." With that, she dashed off, not looking back. I figured that was her way of kicking me out. I say there for a second, my heart broken over my own words. Truth was I had fantasized about Rainbow dash being my mother. Not only that, but I made Fluttershy cry, witch is the worst thing that any liveing creature could do. I decided it was best to leave, but as I got up, Angle came up with a paper, feather, and a jar of ink. I was about to shrug it off, but decided it may be best to write that letter. I grabbed the supplies and headed out.

It was getting late, so I headed back to my rock, sitting in front of it and starting to write. I can't remember what I wrote, I was tired at the time and couldn't think straight. In fact I don't even think I finnished it that night... no, I actually believe I finished it in school the next morning. But what I do remember is wakeing up. I woke up, leaned against the rock with a purple wool blanket on me. I had. Ever seen the blanket before, but was welcoming the warmth. That is until I moved. Not haveing parents and living in the dirt, I never needed to potty train at night, but now I had already ruined such a warm blanket. I found the half written note next to me, under the ink jar. I rolled it all up in the blanket and took it with me to school.

On my way I stopped by bills shop. He saw the blanket and smiled. "Cold?"

"No," I started to explain, "I woke up with it over me."

"It's wet. Here." -he threw a smal bag of bits to me. I let go of the make shift sack and put them in. "That will cover a washing machine. I don't have much, but I have enough for that."

"Thanks Bill. Hey, my CMC group meets today. So I'll-"

"Stop bye a little late yea yea, hey, I'll see ya then. Oh! And tell AJ she owes me 10 bits!" I nodded his way, though I don't think AJ will pay up, but anything for Bill. So I made my way to the washers and threw in the blanket. The note had gotten a bit wet on the edge, but not enough to ruin it.

I wondered who could have delivered it. Rainbow was still mad at me, so I'm sure it wasn't her, and Bill doesn't have blankets. That only leaves Fluttershy. Later would later learn that it was actually Rainbow, borrowing Fluttershy's Mare-Do-Well outfit to keep her unnoticed. I heard the school Bell start to ring. Seems I would be late.


"Correct scootaloo! Very good!" I wasn't very good at math, but being right always made me feel good. "Okay class! Time for lunch! And it's weds day, so you know what that means! Lunch out side!" The entire class cheered and ran outside, Mrs.Cherrylee trying her best to keep up. I stayed behind and finished my apolidgy note. It didn't take me long, then back into my blanket it went. I looked at the soft cloth, then hugged it.

"Is that your blankie?" A familiar voice came from the door.

"Hey Tia. Here to bash me about my flank? Or my loneliness?" I wasn't in the mood this evening, and appearently, neither was she.

"No... I... I could use a friend. I mean a real friend." She came over and sat next to me, a depressed look on her face. "I'm sorry you couldn't come in, I saw you steal that cheese. Here." She pulled the peice out of her saddle bag and I smiled. "The man felt bad, he didn't know how much you took, only that you stole."

"So no prison?" I felt stupid asking that over a peice of cheese. Tia laughed like it was a joke.

"No, those guards are mean. They gave me the same speech when I tried stealing some grapes."

"You tried to steal? Why?"

"I was tired of every one seeing me for my parents wealth." She sighed. "The guards caught me, told me I could go to prison. There is no youth prison in Canterlot."

"Huh... what did you want to talk about?"

"Are you an orphan?" I couldn't believe she had figured it out. "It's okay, your secret is safe with me. I saw you sleeping on a rock one night, I felt bad you don't have a home."

"Is that why your so gloomy?" More pity. I tried not to show my anger.

"No. I wanted to come with you for a night." I went from anger to laughter in about 5 seconds. I fell out of my chair and her face grew crossed. "What's so funny!?"

"You want to expeiriance the worst part of my life. The one part about it I hate. I have a CMC group meat today anyway, but I guess I won't stop you if you want to come."

"It's not that, I just want to see if my parents even know I'm gone." My laughter stopped. Suddenly, it hit me. How could I not understand it?

"So... your parents don't notice you?"

"No... never. Even when I'm home they don't see me unless I've 'tarnished the family name.' They they pretend to ignore me some more."

"Look... this is going too fast. How about this, come to CMC with me, and be nice. Then maybe I'll think about it."

"You mean it?" Her face lit up. One of the very few times she let her guard down was when she was excited.

"Yea. I do." I smiled at her and she ran over and hugged me.

"I call this meeting to, wait... DIAMOND TIARA WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?" Applebloom looked furious.

"Ahahahahahah," I began. "She is here with me." Tia looked down and scooted close to me, knowing she couldn't be forgiven for being a bully.

"Scootaloo..." Sweetiebell looked at me confused. "What... why?"

"If we went around and stopped every one who was mean from becomeing a CMC," I started, "then we wouldn't have any members. Every one is a bully once in a while." Truth was it was hard to defend her. She did kind of bully us for the longest time. But I had to, she wasn't a bad person, she just needed a little guiding. I wrapped my blanket around her and both of my friends looked at me in astonishment.

"Alright... but as chairman of this club, I sentence you to 10 minuts in time out! As payment for your transgressions!" Such a meaningful punishment seemed obserd in all this, but she seemed sad nontheless. She sat in a corner of the room, facing the wall as we talked about what came next for the crusaders. As always, we agreed on nothing. When Tia came out, she came out with an idea.

"What if we gathered a band of the kids to do things around the town?"

"Like what?" Sweetiebell asked curiously

"Well, like cleaning the streets or finding other cutiemarks."

"But not everyone will want that." Apple bloom retorted.

"It's not for every one, only those who want to." Tia seemed scared.

Both AppleBloom and sweetiebell were confused, not haveing seen this side of her. It was a good idea, and she had a lot of influence in school. I just wished it could have happened.

We all walked down to the market, where our usual break-off point was. Sweetiebell broke off first, saying good bye and heading to the boutique. Next we went to look at what bill had in store. "Aye! Mainly food, got a new stuffed bear." He set a hand sewn bear on the table, made of lavender colored fabric. It had button eyes and a bow tie. I smiled at it and took it off the shelf.

"Did you make this Bill?"

"No, my daughter did. Why? I'm sorry but I can't give you this for free."

"I know." I sadly set the bear back on the shelf. "Can you put it on hold?"

"Ehhhhh.... tell you what kid, if you get me something to trade for it, I'll give it to you."

I took the cheese out of my blanket and offered it to him. He nodded and handed me the bear. I looked back to see where the others were. Apple bloom was talking to AJ about the gen bits she owes Bill and Tia was was looking at jewlery. Soon enough Apple bloom was over hear telling bill his sister paid him gen bits.

"Yea, for the coffee, this is for the hoarse shoe bet. She lost! She pays up!"

"Hey apple bloom, me and Tia are going to head out." I wrapped my hoves around her and she nodded.

"I'll see y'all in school. No Mister, she paid you those ten last Friday. But she says you were too drunk as a skunk on cider to remember."

I snickered to myself as I pictured bill stumbling around Sweet Apple Acres, but now was no time for laughter. I had one more thing to do in the market, something not so funny. I took out the note and started walking tword the cheese stand.

Author's Note:

A lot of dialogue, mainly so you know about most of the conflicts. Eh. Hope you liked it. Also... SPELLING ERRORS! I'm doing this on my phone soooooo no auto correct.