• Published 16th Jan 2017
  • 1,180 Views, 12 Comments

The Earth Quake - Haileythedog

Scootaloo has found a family, but not one she ever thought she would have. Going from sleeping on cement to being diapered by your Idol isn't an easy transition, but when tradegity strikes, things get even more difficult.

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CH5. I'm not in the mood any more dear.

Tia woke me up, rejuvenated. "Scooty! Scooty! Wake up!"

"Mmmmm what Tia? What do you want, I'm tired." I was a bit pouty, mainly because of the wet diaper around my waste.

"Do you smell that?"

It took me a moment, but as soon as I smelled it, I jumped up, and in unison, me and and Tia shouted, "BROWNIES!" We ran down stairs and paused at the stair way. We looked in horror as we saw fluttershy on the couch with a paddle. I was frozen in place, as Tia tried to make a break for it. But fell and slid back down to the bottom of the stairs, starting to cry. "I'm sorry!" She began to plead, "I won't skip again!" I couldn't believe Fluttershy, of all ponies, had a paddle in her hands. And why was she blushing?

Rainbow peeked her head around the corner, also blushing. They looked at eachother, and Fluttershy was as red as a tomato. "Kids," Fluttershy began, "ummmm...."

Rainbow had a bit of a quicker reaction than she did, scolding, "Yea! That's right! You better not! Fluttershy is the only one keeping me from spanking you! Now... um... go upstairs until we decide your punishment!" She began to trot tword us.

"Why is your flank red?" I asked in a curious tone.

"A hot pan. Now back to your rooms!"

We sprinted back to the bed room, Tia crying as I started to wipe her eyes. "It'l be okay," I comforted, "you heard Rainbow, Fluttershy won't spank us. Plus, could you imagine?"

She started to calm a bit. "I'm sorry, it's just that when ever I wake up at home... my father waits with a paddle because he knows I wet my bed."

I frowned and held her close to me. "You never need to worry about a spanking when I'm around."

"Thanks... but I just can't believe you." She hugged me as well, praying for a light punishment. It wasn't long before the door opened and in came fluttershy with some wipes and, and a stern, but still beat red face.

"Lie down you two. Me and rainbow will discuss your punishment after a diaper change. Then Diamond Tiara is to head home. The bell rang about an hour ago, so they expect you home soon I'm sure." I lied back, helping Tia into position.

"Why are you punishing Tia?" I got that I didn't have parents to punish me, but she did.

"Because... well that is a bit complicated," she began cleaning up the pink pony next to me. "See, we don't fully agree with Filthy Rich, so we figure that our punishment would fit the bill just fine." Once she was clean and the diaper in the garbage, she moved onto me, tears starting to well up in my eyes. Partially because I was tired, but I felt a deep shame that I had dissapointed Fluttershy. She looked at me, and her stern face melted, just as always. She finished cleaning me and helped us off the bed, then we slumped down the steps. Rainbow waited for us, some brownies on a plate, and two slips of paper.

"What's this? Why are we getting treats?" I asked, questioning the nature of this punishment.

"Well, sit and I'll explain. The brownies are more of a snack than a treat." Rainbow gestured to the couch on her left. I sat down and and Tia kept close, as if snuggling me. "For your punishment, you are to right an entire page, front to back, on something you learned from this."

"That Fluttershy owns a paddle." I said it before I even thought about it and the both of them grew so red I thought they were going to explode.

"Why... don't we stay away from that lesson. I don't like that one very much." Fluttershy hid her face behind Rainbow as she said it.

"I'm sure you two learned something today, and if not, the day isn't over. Now please, take a brownie. They are still warm." Rainbow took one while she had talked and started to eat. I picked my favorite out of the bunch, then handed it to Tia. I then picked another and started to eat as well. We all sat back, enjoying the melty chocolat, almost as a family. I wondered in that moment if this is what families do. Sitting together, enjoying small things, even if haveing been caused by sadness. Soon the thoughts were out of my mind as we ran out of the delicious treat.

"Awww..... do I have to go?" Diamond Tiara was not looking forward to leaving, and dreaded the thought of going home.

"As much as I hate to say it... yes dear, you need to head home." She was somberly walked to the door, and I gave her a big hug, already excited to see her tomorrow.

"WAIT! MR. STUFFEN!" She started looking around.

"What? The bear?" She blushed, realizing how much of a foal she looked, but she nodded. "It's back at my rock," I answered, "as well as my blanket.

Rainbow grinned "want to time me?" She got in a raceing position and stared forward.

"Readyyyy..... GO!" Fluttershy dropped her hoof, as if it were a racing flag and Rainbow was gone. "1...2...3...4...5...6...7..." As Fluttershy was about to say 8, Rainbow skidded to a sudden stop, almost crashing into the house. Her breathing was heavy and our toys were in her hoof. "8 seconds, your getting old." Fluttershy giggled at the jab and Rainbow puffed out her chest.

"Well so many years being the fastest, I guess I better give Scoots a chance one day! I mean after all, records are made to be broken."

We all said our good byes and Fluttershy braught me back in. "You get started on your paper. Dear, and you need to get ready for the night weather. Remember, you're part of the night team tonight?"

"Oh! I almost forgot it was Thursday!" She kissed Fluttershy's cheek and gave me a hug. "I won't be here tonight, so good night Scoots."

"Goodnight Rainbow!" She flew out of the house and I looked at Fluttershy. "Uhm.... so.... can I ask you something?"

She turned to me and with a warm smile, putting on her apron, she said, "yes dear, anything. Unless it's about the paddle, then I rather not talk about it."

"No, no, although that does kind of make me curious... but, I was wondering if maybe I could sleep over tonight?"

"Oh? Well of coarse! I could use the company anyways. It makes me sad to see you go, Rainbow told me you had no home."

"Yea... I just... I don't like being a bother." I hadn't known it then, but Rainbow had planned to slowly get me to stay with them. Though Fluttershy wanted to do it imeadiatly, Rainbow knew it would be a slow transition. "When I slept in that bed.... I felt like I had parents for once. I was happy." Fluttershy started to giggle and laugh. "What!? Hey! What's so funny!?"

Fluttershy ran over and scooped me up with her hooves, singing, "You are just like a small foal asking for chocolate!"

"Am not!" I got mad, but not because she was wrong, because I did miss my foal hood, considering I didn't have any parents for it. I wouldn't have minded if she'd thrown me in a diaper and treated me as her babydoll. "Okay okay! I need to get to work."

"Okay dear, I'm going to make us some dinner." She turned to the kition.

"Um... hey... remember that Mac&cheese you made the first time I came over?"

"Oh? Did you like it!?" She fluttered up ten feet off the floor.

"I... I have been craveing more of it since that night." I was embarrassed to admit I liked anything that wasn't 'awesome'.

"Comeing right up!" She excitedly sped to the kition. It was time to get to work. Fact was I had learned something that day. You shouldn't skip school, even if your late. You can't get away from punishment no matter where you go. Some make shift mother will always be around the corner to tell you that you've done wrong, but to also remind you they made the same mistakes as a kid, and just don't want you to make any more mistakes than you have to. Though I maayyyy have extended that out a page or two, you know, for practicality sake.

"Dinner's ready!" I hopped out of my seat faster than a Wonderbolt and lept into my chair, excited for food. Fluttershy moved the flower to the coffee table and set a huge bowl in the middle of it. She plopped some into two smaller bowels and stuck two spoons in them, sitting down to eat. I picked up the spoon and started to chow down. It was like childhood in the form of creamy cheese noodles. I could taste the home made cheese in the sauce. If you didn't know, she only uses the cheese she makes in a nearby cave. I could taste the imported barly made into soft, shelled noodles, and in the middle of it all, I felt a little get on my nose. Fluttershy was leaning over the table, spoon against my muzzle, giggling like a school girl. I opened my mouth and took the mass of food off. We both blushed as we realized she was feeding me. She went back to eating her food, a lot more quiet now. I looked at her and knew she wanted to do it again. So did I. So I opened my mouth and sat there. I felt stupid, helpless, foalish.... but good. She looked up at me and blushed some more.

"Fluttershy... your the closest thing I have ever had to a mom... if you want to feed me, I would never object." Her heart melted in her chest, and she started crying again, hugging me in the process. I held onto her and nussled her cheek.

"Scootaloo... your the closest thing I have had to a real foal." I started to cry as well now, but I felt happy. I was happy I had someone like this to go too. I know not everyone does. I sat in my chair and she pulled hers close to me, starting to feed me spoonfuls of my favorite meal. I actually had wished I'd worn a bib, because if got everywhere! Eventually she started talking to me about raising animals, and how it was nice, but not a foal. I sat and listened, soaking up every word as if it were gold. "How about after this, we get you diapered up, and cuddle on the couch?" I nodded, my mouth full of bliss and my mind filled with a storm of thoughts. I wasn't quite ready to call her mom, though that thought had crossed my mind, but it still felt early, and I wasn't a complete foal. How ever I made a mental note to myself where the baby animal supplies were. Maybe bringing a baby bottle to my rock wouldn't be such a bad crime? I would return it... but I would love to try it once.

Soon enough dinner was over and it was time to get ready for bed. Yes it was early, but I was tired and planed on being Fluttershy's cuddle buddy tonight, so less bathroom trips seemed bennificial. I know this stuff doesn't seem normal to you... or even to me for that matter, but we all have guilty pleasures. Where a middle aged mother eats a box of chocolates and gets off on anouncing it to the world, I liked to be a baby foal, a right that had been stripped from me at birth, and now an option I had as a filly. I'd be darned if anypony knew about it though!

Once I had been diapered and wrapped in my blanket, Flittershy poped in a movie about talking fish trying to find one another. I didnt really follow the plot, but I enjoyed the colors and the silly jokes as I slowly drifted to sleep in Fluttershy's arms. Tonight was a good night, but tomorrow would be different.

Author's Note:

DAWWWWWWWW Seems our Filly is going to be an FF... FILLY FOAL! Eh, there isn't as much of this in there, only because it doesn't really fit scootaloo too much, but I feel like after missing her first chance, she would try and have a second chance at Foalhood. Am I wrong? Probably... but that's why it's alternate Universe right? Cause I do what I want! Any way, hope you enjoyed!