A short little story in the style of a poem, about a day in the life of Roseluck, tending to her garden of flowers.


Written purely because I've no idea how to write up new chapters for a few of my current stories right now, plus I'd rather make a start on my new Castlecania / MLP music video-style animation as soon as possible. Also I personally think I'm just a slight teensy weensy bit better at poetry than at writing stories.

Cover art belongs to DuskyAmore on DeviantArt. Go check her out or just do whatever you do after you read a story. It's your life.

Chapters (1)

Roseluck takes the disasters that occur in Ponyville like her friends, Daisy and Lily: with loud, unnecessary dramatics, and there's fainting every so often. As long as they're all together, she's content with her life.

Then they go missing, and loneliness is quick to follow. How could she possibly know where they are, and if they're alright?

The answer isn't in the Elements of Harmony, but rather a sweet mare and her mysterious friend. And despite her awkward and panicked demeanor, Roseluck will go to great lengths to save those who mean the world to her.

A Doctor Who crossover. Needed knowledge on the show is minimal besides the basics and some details for a decent read.

Proofread by: Lucky Seven. Can't thank you enough for your help!

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to A&E: The Case of the Obsessive Compulsive Disorderer

After solving the case of the Obsessive Compulsive Disorderer, detectives Amethyst Breeze and Ember are starting to settle into their roles as Private Eyes in Ponyville.

However, after a number of foals go missing their next case may prove to be too much for the duo.

Reading the prequel is not required, though it is recommended.

This is a collab fic with Doccular42. Couldn't have done it without him!

Cover art done by Lord Destrustor

Chapters (1)

Dawnstar, Princess Luna's son and heir to her night, isn't too happy about being part of the royal family; not because of the responsibilities that comes from it. No, it's because every time he decides to look for a special somepony it turns to be a run for power or wealth. After his mother convinces him to go to Ponyville to relax and center himself; Dawnstar finds himself talking to a gorgeous mare who may seem to be the one he's looking for.

Chapters (10)

For a happy couple like Roseluck and Lily Valley, it is the little things that matter: making a sale, gossip with friends, and good weather. Too much of a good thing can be hard to handle, and without anything big to worry about, little things can matter more than they should.

Sometimes it is better to misbehave and create a little trouble to refocus on how good things really are.

Written for the School for New Writers Class Project for June 2018.

Chapters (1)

Roseluck is a typical mare, and she works with her bestfriends Daisy and Lily in a store she owns. This store is called "Got Ya' Rose!" But behind this working mare, let alone any mare are the many experiences they have.
Whenever the holiday "Hearts and Hooves day" was around the corner, her store would have many couples browsing her goods.
This holiday was meant for love. A very close and sacred love between couples. But for Roseluck it would mean having to revisit sad memories, and drowning them with little amounts of alcohol.
These memories would be the loss of trust within the other gender, through a Pegasus named Ace Swift.
But by her side would be her two friends and a special stallion to help her regain her confidence.
This is a story about the regaining of Roseluck's confidence through the help of many ponies.
While she herself tries to help another mare with her love troubles as well.

Chapters (1)

Vinyl was widely known as the only girl who had never shown her eyes. She was also the 2nd best girl at soccer in the team, and nearly the 2nd best player in the school. At the moment, 3 certain girls found their way into the locker room, and they had a grudge. We all know how bad this will go.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to The Redshirts Defend Canterlot

Exploring the galaxy under the flag of the United Federation of Planets was something that Rose has always wanted to do... what she didn't want was to be part of their security personnel...

Oh well, it could be worse.

She could have been a stormtrooper...

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Twilight in Torchwood

The Doctor and Rose travel to the Crystal Empire only to find an arctic wasteland. The Doctor then finds an underground fortress that may be the cause of the Crystal Empire's disappearance. It's up to the Doctor and Rose to save the Crystal Empire and stop the dark forces that are at work.

Chapters (2)

One normal day in the city of Canterlot an ambitious pony and his friend start a educational project in Ponyville. Applejack signs in to be a teacher after being told by Rarity she doesn't meet the standards of such a fine institution, but what Applejack didn't sign for is the academic and cultural plan that will change the face of Equestria from its delicate base. The children.

Chapters (6)