Ever wondered what the mighty, the powerful, the beautiful, and the cake-agedon is like off the throne? When she's away from the nobles? What about all those times she did something or when she didn't do something?

Well your gonna haft a wait, cause she ain't first.


This came about when I had questions about how Equestria is run.

As a side note, I need Questions to ask the ponies and non-ponies. So I'm going to turn to you readers for help. If a character gets enough questions or even a few interesting ones I will try to write a chapter about them with those questions.

Seriously the more questions I get for characters the faster I can turn out chapters.

That's all for now, hope you enjoy it, even if you don't that's okay.:twilightsmile:

[12-04-2017] Going on Hiatus for a little over a month but I will be back I just will need Questions for Nightmare Moon to get it out as soon as I can.

[02-02-2018] I'm back! I still need Questions! Please I can't think of any good ones.

Chapters (4)

Starlight Glimmer talks about events leading up to the Season 5 finale. However from her point of view, things are a bit different then the perception of Season 5 that every pony knows. Comedy because it's talking about possibly the biggest prank ever. Sex is implied during part of it. Alternate Universe since I highly doubt this is what will happen in Season 6.

Chapters (1)

Queen Chrysalis has hatched a plan to take the crown from Princess Celestia. Her primary adversary Twilight Sparkle is occupied with her duties as the Princess of Friendship this opens an opportunity for Queen Chrysalis to act. Our heroine starts as a victim but earns a special place on Chrysalis' list of most annoying ponies as Sakura consistently ruins the Changeling Queen's plans. Sakura falls into the position of heroine strictly by accident as such she strives to stop Chrysalis from taking the crown.

Chapters (1)

As the end of Luna/Nightmare Moon's exile approaches the Light Bringers are preparing for an increase in monster attacks and other catastrophes. In the midst of these preparations, Intrepid Dawn is born and raised. As the son of a captain in the Light Bringers, much is expected of him, especially as his skill with a blade and his quiet strength are revealed, however a chance meeting with a unique changeling may change his path forever.

Chapters (5)

When the changelings invaded Canterlot, the battle lasted eight days. In the end, the changelings won. Soon, they took over the rest of Equestria. You take the roll of a high ranking changeling who found the last remaining pony. How you react is quite less clear than your leg, though.


Trust me, the tragic part will come.

Chapters (3)

the old home lands were shattered by the great blizzards, 1000 years ago Celestia and Luna created the modern state of equestria and spread across the world. in this, the frontier of empire, they hold little sway and war is everywhere. the royal guard hold back the ever approaching hordes of griffins, dogs of various types, changeling, and rogue ponies. add on the consistent infighting among the imperial noble houses, there is a lot of work for a skilled lunar knight.

Chapters (2)

Heh... They yelled at me, scorned me. "You'll never get your Cutie Mark!" I bet it'll be a stupid donkey!" Heh.... Now, they get to feel the pain... So much of it....

Chapters (4)

Okay, so I'm in Equestria… cool
I got to meet Princess Celestia… awesome
I get to hang around Trixie… meh
I'm in a world full of cartoon ponies and I've been given super strength… fanboy squeal
I have to save all of Equestria from creeps WITH Trixie… uh, earth, I think we have a problem.

Chapters (10)

On November 28, 2015, there was a riot on Crystal Empire, it's between King Sombra's supporters and non-supporters. Over 500 ponies were dead during the conflict. Most of them alive to tell the stories of a Black Griffon downed today, this is the story about, Black Griffon Down.

Inspired by Black Hawk Down
Image cover by Pandramodo or PJ, check PJ's DeviantArt!
Storyline by Moonbeam the Changeling
**Some of them were picked from the movie "Black Hawk Down" and National Geographic "No Man Left Behind".

Chapters (2)

A young girl's body-image is everything. Surrounded by the most beautiful, wonderfully dressed and sophisticated creatures of Equestria, she's out of her element and a long way from home. But at least her birth form is not a threat to her life. As it is to another girl.
Winner of the BronyCAN 2015 writing contest.

Chapters (1)