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*This story takes place sometime before Season 3*

*Story is a One-Shot*

Story Note:
Night Mare Night is a widely celebrated holiday through out Equestria. Everypony is always so excited for it - regardless of how repetitive -

Princess Luna isn't so sure about what she plans to do, though... Something makes her second guess her usual routine and she decides to give a little extra to her role.

Meanwhile, the CMC and their fellow Schoolhouse friends, are in for quite a Night Mare Night! Mwahahahahaha!! >:)

Creator's Note:
Hey Everypony! I finally decided on an idea for a one-shot, so here it is!! I got lotsa help from my best pal Axlgx. He's awesome, so go check him out!!

Chapters (1)

(This fic takes place in the same AU as Rainbow Dash v.s. The Toilet, and although it is highly recommended you read that first, it is not required for you to do so.)

They say friendship is one of the most magical things that can happen in a young pony's life, but just how far will some friends go to help each other? Scootaloo doesn't know, but she's going to find out. For there's something she wants to do very badly.

While attending a play date at Carousel Boutique with her good friends, Scootaloo asks them if they'll help her learn how to use the potty, despite her mother claiming she isn't ready. Only, when she says potty, she really means the big one known as "The Toilet".

Scootaloo's friends say yes, not quite anticipating just how difficult the task will be. After all, the toilet is pretty big. And Sweetie Belle's big sister, Rarity, is supposed to be watching them for the duration of the playdate. But that's not going to stop Scootaloo from trying anyway. After all, everypony learns how to use the toilet sooner or later, right? So what's so wrong with getting a head start?

(Contains diapers and cuteness. A belated birthday present for Matt11, who inspired the original idea for this story which can be found here. Proofread by Smitty1038 on Deviant Art and proofread and edited by deadpansnarker on Fimfiction.)

Chapters (1)

(Cancelled/ indefinite hiatus - I like this, but I've got too many stories running. I may come back to this.) It's been ten years since the Cutie Mark Crusaders received their cutie marks. Life has gone on, but the trio remained best friends forever. In two days time Sweetie Belle leaves for Canterlot to pursue her singing career, so Scootaloo and Apple Bloom prepare to throw her one last party. Meanwhile, Diamond Tiara goes missing.

Chapters (2)

The end of the school year is coming up, and the CMCs still don’t have their place in the yearbook. This leads them to the most obvious solution: beating the shit out of each other.

Chapters (5)

Diamond Tiara hypnotizes her mother into going out naked, as part of her effort to make her mother nicer to her.

Commission for Superfun
(Note: commissioned story; different vibe than my other stories.)

Chapters (4)

After the CMC got their marks and became friends with Diamond Tiara, Apple Bloom's grasp on reality starts to change. Blurry vision, jumbled words, and that's only the beginning. Friends coming in and out of life, and Apple Bloom has to suffer for it all. How will the CMC get through all this? Will she come to grips with the truth, or will everything she knew dissappear?

Chapters (1)

When Noise begin appearing in Equestria, it's up to Neku and his friends to set things straight. This shouldn't be too bad...why are they ponies? And they have to keep it a secret? What else could go wrong? ...is that Taboo?

A MLP:FiM and tWEwY crossover. Existentialism, flashbacks, and musical numbers incoming. Also contains post-game headcanon and speculation.

Migrated over from my old Fan Fiction account. Written pre-season 3, I'm planing on reviving it and completing it here.

Chapters (3)

Applebloom is in town for a convention.
Silver Spoon is staying in town to visit a loved one.
The two of them coincidentally bunk together.

The (probably) last in a trilogy of stories about the CMC living parts of my life.
Which is more interesting in retrospect than it seemed at the time.
Oh, I feel that I should mention that they're older now. That seems important enough to warrant a mention.

Chapters (1)

Set shortly after "Crusaders of the Lost Mark". Though she finally stood up to her mother and expresses a genuine wish to be a better filly, Diamond Tiara really DOES have A LOT of nasty stuff to make up for. Half-fortunately, half-unfortunately, a new bully even nastier than SHE used to be just might give her the opportunity she needs to patch things up with the other students - especially Silver Spoon (as the bully in question is a nasty colt who has a VERY one-sided crush on her). However, with the help of her former enemies/new friends, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, she just might pull it off.

Chapters (1)

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon got their cutie marks so early they never actually learned what they meant. Now, some time later, the answer to that question still tugs at Diamond’s mind.

Chapters (1)