• Published 28th Apr 2013
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Equestria Noir Case 22 "Heart of the Dragon" - Jacoboby1

A fire in Sweet Apple Acres causes Spike to meet his long lost parents. But Private and Twilight are suspicious at their sudden appearence...just what are they hiding from their son?

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Chapter 3 "Old Grudges"

Chapter 3

“Old Grudges”

Now look at what we've got here, brother of mine. It's the same in every town!

Detectives trying to pin on us a crime, but no evidence to be found!

We could have just been watching that fire, over there!

So we'll just step behind our lawyers and get them to take caaaaare!

'Cause we've got legality! Rights as ponies you must see!

It's held under, the Geneighva Conventiioooon!

Innocent until proven Guiltaaaaaayyy!!!

I’ll admit, that was a rather…musical defense. I looked on the brothers as I sat in the interrogation room at the detention center. They smiled at me, as if I would be so dumfounded by their song I would let them go automatically.

They weren’t too bright, were they?

I leaned forward and said, “First of all, your lawyers won’t be here for several hours since you left them behind in Fillydelphia. As for the fire, my friend Pinkie Pie saw you two running away right after the fire started, I asked around and nopony remembers seeing you two watching the fire.”

I put the glass sphere on the table and said, “Also, don’t try to be cute and say you’ve never seen this before. I’ve already had DNA testing done on it. One, or both of you, fondled this thing in your magic. Very carefully, judging by how the powder was positioned on it.”

Flim and Flam looked at each other and Flam spoke up, “You still don’t have any proof that we were the ones who set the fire!”

“Yeah,” his brother agreed. “It could’ve been anypony’s torch!”

“I never mentioned a torch,” I said with a smirk that caused Flim to sweat and his brother to facehoof. “So, no more games,” I said firmly. “Tell me why you set fire to Sweet Apple Acres and maybe I’ll be reasonable.”

“Alright,” they both said at the same time.

“We were just hired to light the trees on fire,” Flam said.

“The stallion said it wouldn’t be traced to us,” his brother added.

“He gave us the torch and we used the sphere that we bought years ago from a collector up in Manehattan to carry it around.

“We came by to the farm early this morning and set fire to the trees,” Flim said.

“What about the barn?” I asked. “The ones with the fillies inside it who almost got burned alive?” I tried to make my voice sound as dangerous as possible. I knew these idiots would talk. It was just a matter of playing into their fear of taking responsibility for their big talk.

“Look, we didn’t light the barn!” Flim stated hurriedly “We left after the trees were caught on fire. We hid behind the barn until the chaos started, but that was about as close as we got.”

Flam crossed his forelegs and complained, “Especially since Somepony lost our payment for the job!”


I reached into my trench coat and pulled out the necklace from earlier. “Does this ring any bells?”

“That’s the necklace we lost!” Flim cried in shock. “Where did you find it?”

“Near the barn,” I explained. “Fire and soot messed with the DNA on it, but I managed to pull a little bit of yours from it.”

“That was ours!” Flam shouted. “He gave it to us as a down payment!”

“Who gave it to you?” I demanded.

“He didn’t say who he was,” Flam said. “I just remember getting a letter about three weeks ago that said if we did this we would be paid enough money to get our Segway business of the ground.”

Yeah, somehow I don’t think that’ll catch on.

“He also said that if we didn’t perform the task, he would tell everypony about what happened in the southern mountains,” Flim said.

“What happened?” I asked.

They looked at each other and then back at me. “We’d, like to exercise our right to remain silent on that event, detective.”

Well, there was nothing I could do about that. They’d just musically sue me over it. “Well, what can tell me about your client?” I asked.

They shook their heads. “Aside from the fact he knew about what happened, we don't know anything else about him. He just sent us the necklace as a sign he trusted us to succeed.”

I looked at the necklace, the apple covered in rubies. As I stared at it I noticed… it had a small hinge on one side. I stepped out of the interrogation room and opened it. Inside was a picture of a beautiful earth pony mare with an orange coat and long red hair. Her eyes were a verdant orange.

Wait, orange coat, earth pony, red hair?

This was Lilyblossom! Applejack’s mother!

“It certainly is mah Ma,” Applejack said as Twilight and I stood in front of her. We were at Sweet Apple Acres, the arson crew was still looking over some of the damages. Applejack lifted her green eyes to me and said, “She died not long after Applebloom was born, but Ah was old enough to remember what she looked like.”

“Did this necklace belong to your father?” Twilight asked.

Applejack nodded and replied, “Yep, only Ah remember it bein' just a little locket, none of these gaudy rubies attached to it.”

“They are far from gaudy, dear Applejack,” Rarity said as she walked over. She held out a hoof for the necklace and asked, “May I?”

“Sure Rarity,” Applejack said.

I gave the locket to the white mare and she looked at it with an expert eye. She nodded and looked up. “Applejack is right, these rubies were added to it after it was made,” she explained.

“When did your dad lose it?” Twilight asked.

“Sometime durin' the whole feud with Uncle Orange,” Applejack said gravely. “He was mighty depressed 'bout losin' it, but Ma told him it was just a necklace and that she still loved him no matter what.”

“Simply romantic, darling,” Rarity said with a sigh.

“So let’s recap,” I said. “Your mom got this for your dad, he lost it sometime during the feud, and somebody stuck all these rubies and stuff on it later?”

“Ah’d reckon,” Applejack said with a nod. “Mah ma was pretty and stuff but she never cared for jewels or prissy stuff.” She gave a small smile at Rarity and said, “No offense, Rares.”

Rarity simply raised her nose and said, “While I do appreciate the apology, I would like you to take at least a passing interest once in a while.”

Applejack tapped her hoof on her chin and then replied, “Nah.”

“Well, it was worth a shot anyway,” Rarity said, rolling her blue eyes.

“Anyway,” Applejack continued, “Pa lost it not long before Uncle Orange left town. Ah never expected it to show up again, ‘specially in the hooves of some no good con ponies.”

“Well, they are going away for arson,” I said. “Suffice to say their days of travel are over for at least a few years. I think I have an idea of who might have sent it, but it will take a while before I can confirm my hunch.”

“That’s the least those swindlers deserve,” Applejack said with a look of disgust.

Rarity then looked at us and asked, “Have either of you seen Spikey Wikey? I was hoping to let him have his pick of my gem pile for saving the life of Sweetie Belle.”

Twilight and I looked at each other. Twilight slowly said, “You remember that smoke that came up from the dragon mountain?”

“Yes, of course,” Rarity said. “You and Private went to investigate before anypony could stop you. I’m relieved both of you made it okay.”

“Well as it turns out,” I began, and then went on to explain what happened at the mountain. Rarity and Applejack jaws dropped at the same time when we finished the story.

“Ya mean tah tell me that Spike’s pa is up there?” Applejack blubbered

Rarity’s face contorted to a frown and she didn’t say anything.

I nodded at Applejack’s question and replied, “He’s spending the day catching up with him. Spike seems to at least want to try and connect.”

Applejack turned to Twilight and asked, “You okay with this, Sugercube?”

“Of course I am,” Twilight answered too quickly. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Just makin' sure yer handling this all right,” Applejack said gently, walking to her friend and putting a hoof on her shoulder. “You and Spike have been together fer years, but ya can’t force him to stay in the nest forever.”

“I know,” Twilight said with a sigh. “It’s just hard to take it all in.”

“Just try and think of things from Spike’s point of view,” Applejack said. “He’s meetin' his dad fer the first time in his life, but that doesn’t mean he loves ya any less.”

“Thanks,” Twilight said. “I’m glad for all the support.”

“Think nothin' of it,” Applejack said, smiling at her friend. “Ah’m just doin' what any good friend would do.”

I noticed Rarity walking down the path alone. I looked at the girls “Could you two excuse me for a second? I think Rarity has something on her mind and I wanna help,” I said.

“Always runnin' tah help others it seems,” Applejack said with a chuckle. “Ah’ll stay 'ere and look after yer marefriend. I could use some help fixin' up the barn anyway.”

Twilight smiled and told her friend, “Anything to help.”

The two mares set off towards the barn as I followed Rarity’s hoof prints. I found her sitting by herself, plucking at a flower’s pedals, saying, “He’ll stay, he’ll go, he’ll stay, he’ll go.”

“Rarity?” I said softly.

She dropped the flower and looked over at me. “Oh Private, I didn’t see you there.”

“You okay, Rarity?” I asked. “You were awfully quiet and I know something’s wrong when that happens.”

“Forgive me, darling,” she said, looking down at the flower which had half it’s pedals gone. “I’m simply thinking of Spikey Wikey.”

“You two have started being together, right?” I asked, trying to sound positive. “You should be happy that he’s happy.”

“I am, though I can’t help but worry,” Rarity said, sounding conflicted. “Part of me always knew that someday Spikey Wikey would meet another dragon. I hoped it would’ve been before I developed feelings for him, but I guess you can say, too little too late for that.”

“You’re worried he might leave with Thal’lan,” I deduced.

“I am,” Rarity confirmed. “When Spikey Wikey first left for the dragon lands I was heartbroken that he would consider leaving us behind. I guess you could say that’s when I started to really realize how I felt for him. I’m terribly selfish to think such a thing. After all, if Spike is happy living among dragons, than who am I to control what he wants?”

I just looked at Rarity as she poured her heart out.

“He’s the sweetest and kindest being in the entire world,” Rarity mused. “He’d make any dragoness truly happy. Yet, through all the time I’ve known him, his eyes never averted from me. He didn’t care that I treated him before as little more than a servant. So long as I was happy, he was happy.” A slight tear fell from her eye. “What if my happiness would cost him a life where he could be happy himself?”

“That’s just what being a stallion, or in Spike’s case male dragon, is all about really,” I said, levitating out a tissue for her to wipe her eyes with. She did so as I went on, “Spike cares about you, that’s why he puts forth as much effort as he can to make you happy. Being the element of generosity can’t be easy, but he’s generous towards you.” I smiled and winked. “Isn’t that what you wanted in a significant other all along?”

She smiled and nodded. “You are right, whatever Spike’s decision, I will honor it. If he should wish to leave and discover himself I will always love him from afar. I cannot ignore all he’s done for me any longer.”

“Atta girl,” I said with a smile. “Now why don’t you run back home and get those gems ready for him? I’ll pick up Twilight and see if we can’t find our mysterious client.”

“Good luck, Private,” Rarity said with a smile. “Also, thank you for supporting Spikey Wikey before his father came. I’m sure whatever children you have with Twilight will be lucky to have such a wonderful father.”

Children? With Twi… Oh Luna!

Rarity giggled as my face turned red. “You’re just as easy to tease as your beloved. I shall be off, if you see my hero, please send him my way.”

With that Rarity trotted off much more cheerful then she was before. My thoughts did turn to what she said though, kids…with Twilight.


Her looking up at me, a small unicorn filly held in her forelegs, as she laid down on the floor. Me gently nuzzling her on the cheek, I look behind her, another filly?

Black, violet mane, teal eyes that blink at me, feathers…



I blinked out of my state and looked over at Twilight who nudged me in the shoulder. “You were kind of staring off into space, are you feeling alright?” she asked with concern.

“Yeah, uh,” I smiled and replied “I’m fine.”

“Alright,” she said with a nod still looking skeptical. “How’d it go with Rarity?”

“She’s just handling the situation like we are,” I explained. “Luckily there was no need for her to go total drama queen.”


We looked over to see Spike running down the path to us. Twilight teleported over to him and picked Spike up in her forelegs. Spike flushed at his mother figure holding him like this as she said, “I was so worried. Are you okay? Did you have fun?”

“Hey. I’m okay, Twilight,” Spike said, gently squirming out of her grip. I walked over as he said, “Thal- I mean, Dad was great! He showed me how to use my wings, how to use my fire on my claws, all these really awesome things! I can’t wait to show you guys!”

“Sounds like you and Dad really bonded,” I said, rubbing his head affectionately.

“Hey, cut it out” he said, acting annoyed but smiling nonetheless. “Yeah, it was great, turns out that I have a sister! She’s somewhere out in the dragon lands! Her egg didn’t get smashed!”

“That’s great, Spike!” Twilight said with a smile. “I can’t wait to meet her someday.”

“Neither can I,” Spike said. “It would be nice to have another dragon to hang out with.”

“Speaking of hanging out,” I said with a smile, “Rarity was hoping you would drop by.”

“She-“ He turned red as an apple. “She was?”

“Well, well, Spike,” Twilight said, giving him another hug. “Seems like my little dragon has become quite the gentledrake.”

“Gosh” Spike said, rubbing his claw at the back of his head in embarrassment. “I’ll go and see her right away.”

“What about Thal’lan and Shar’drel?” I asked.

“They’re going to stay for a little while longer,” Spike said. “Shar’drel doesn’t like it though. For some reason I always get the creeps around her.”

“Well, don’t keep your lady waiting, Spike.” I then continued in a mock gentlestallion voice, “'Tis an insult of the highest caliber, my good boy!”

“I wonder if Fancypants will consider that accurate?” Twilight mused.

“I’ll see you guys later!” Spike said. “Good luck on the fire investigation!” He then took off down the path, his new wings flapping a little in excitement.

I looked over at Twilight, and saw her eyes were filled with tears. I smiled and slid a foreleg over her shoulder. Twilight spoke into my shoulder, her tears staining my trench coat, “He’s growing up so quickly, I can’t believe it…”

“Hey Twi,” I said, gently nuzzling her, “they all gotta grow up sometime.”

“I know.” She then left my embrace and wiped her eyes. “I just hope I raised him right.”

“You’d be a great mom one day.”

Did I say that out loud?

“Huh?” Twilight gave me a look.

“I mean, uh, we should get to the detention center don’tcha think?”

Twilight just nodded and we walked down the path together. I felt a little embarrassed at having mused that out loud. It’s what I really thought, though.

I wanted to start a life with her, a family…



“It’s been a long time.”

“The last time we saw each other you were breaking into my office.”

“I had the proof and they had the warrant.”

“You humiliated me that day, now I’m in stripes.”

“You put yourself in here the moment you thought yourself free of consequences.”

“You speak of my bastard…”

“Most fathers would’ve held at least a little sentiment.”

“Tangerio was no son of mine. Neither is this Barbra Seed I keep hearing about in the tabloids.”

“What? Mad that I may have dropped a hint to the press to keep you from snaking your way out of prison?”

“That was you?”

“I may have said a thing or too when a reporter asked, you’d be surprised what they are willing to give for a good story. Especially one about a criminal as notorious as you are.”

“Just speak your piece! What do you want?”

“I want information.”

“What kind of information?”

“Why is it, that the Flim Flam brothers were hired to set fire to Sweet Apple Acres?”

“They are daft fools! They know they could have gotten arrested fo-“

“Don’t act so innocent.”


“I know you hired them…”

“And your proof?”

“A necklace I found. I believe you’ll recognize the picture.”


“The mare that fell in love with your brother.”


“Interesting fact about this necklace, it was originally made for Applebuck after they got engaged. However, once the feud started he lost it somewhere. Then a small jewelry shop up in Manehattan was suddenly commissioned to add rubies to it, the very same weekend it went missing according to Granny Smith.”

“So what? Again, this proves that some fool tried to make it more appealing to pawn it off.”

“No, you wanted it to be more appealing, to try and win her over.”


“You tried to prove to her that you were always the superior brother, the richest, the most famous, but she still turned you down.”

“You dare slander me.”

“She never loved you, she loved your brother because he was just like his daughter, honest and true to his heart.”

“Just who do you think you are? Spouting out these vicious comments!”

“I’m the stallion who put you away in the first place, Mandarin Orange…”

Author's Note:

The last bit of this story somehow failed to copy and paste right. I apologize and have fixed it. Enjoy the story!