• Published 28th Apr 2013
  • 4,107 Views, 153 Comments

Equestria Noir Case 22 "Heart of the Dragon" - Jacoboby1

A fire in Sweet Apple Acres causes Spike to meet his long lost parents. But Private and Twilight are suspicious at their sudden appearence...just what are they hiding from their son?

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Chapter 5 "True Blood"

Chapter 5

“True Blood”

I just stared at Spike; no words could make up for what he said. Twilight looked absolutely heartbroken. She walked up to Spike and said, “Spike, please tell me you don’t mean it.”

“I do, Twilight,” Spike said, looking at her. I could tell he was fighting to keep in control. “I can’t stay here forever, you know that. Eventually I’ll get big again and… I don’t even want to think about it.”

“That’s still ages away!” Twilight said pleadingly. “You can’t leave! You’re my-“

“Twilight,” Spike said shaking his head, “I know it’s hard, but you have to have known I couldn’t stay your assistant forever.”

Twilight’s eyes filled with tears. I walked to Spike and glared at him. “You’d better think long and hard about the consequences of this!”

“Sorry, Private,” he said, meeting my glare. “You’re not my dad, don’t pretend to be.”

The words hit me like a sledgehammer. I was about to say more, but then shook my head. This has gone on enough. I reached over to Twilight, put a foreleg over her shoulder and gently began leading her out of the cave. “Come on, Twilight, let’s go home.”

She just walked beside me, fighting the urge to break out in tears. I looked back at Spike, how could he even think this? After all he said about us being his family…


Twilight was silent the whole balloon ride back. I could tell she was trying to process all that happened. I was just as quiet, just trying to take all that was said. Twilight then started sobbing quietly as we touched down on the ground. I saw her starting to tear up and I pulled her into me and held her gently. “It’s okay, Twilight,” I said consolingly.

“No, it’s not okay!” Twilight said, her voice muffled as she pressed her head into my chest. She began sobbing all the more as she spoke in a voice that's best described as whimpering. “How can Spike just say that? Doesn’t he care that I’ve looked after him all these years? Doesn’t he love me anymore?”

“This is hard for him too,” I said, gently stroking her back as she cried into me. I rocked her gently in my forelegs as she sobbed “He still loves you; it just came out in a bad way.” I gave her a gentle kiss on the head, trying desperatly to help her realize she has somepony who still cares.

“Am I a horrible pony for wanting him to stay?” she asked, looking up at me with red puffy eyes. She sniffed a little, her sobs were subsiding a little but I knew one push could send her back.

“Of course not,” I said, nuzzling her. I tried to catch her tears on my muzzle as I did. “You loved him like a little brother and a son. He’ll never forget that, but I know from personal experience it’s hard to let go.”

She put her head back on my chest and kept sobbing, saying things in between sobs that I couldn't make out. This whole thing shook Twilight to the core. I gently began rocking Twilight more as her tears stained my trench coat. I closed my eyes in an attempt to keep myself from getting emotional as well. Twilight didn't need me to start crying too. She needed me whenever it became too much for her. Spike, you idiot. I hated seeing Twilight like this; nopony should make a mare as wonderful as her cry.

Twilight calmed down a little and looked at me. Her violet eyes were still red and puffy, eyes I never liked to see on her. “Private,” she said, nuzzling into me a little, “Thanks for being here. I don’t know how I would’ve handled this without you.”

I lifted her head so our eyes met. I wiped the tears from those beautiful eyes gently. I then said “You always told me that I can’t handle everything alone. I feel I’m just following your advice.” In truth, I felt just as terrible inside. But, Twilight needed me like this. I remember times when our roles were reversed, and she was always there to comfort me. The very least I can do, is stay by her side through this. I hoped...maybe I could stay there forever.

Twilight slowly smiled, I felt relief in my heart for it. “I love you,” she said, softly and then putting her nose in my neck. “Private, just stay here.” She said tenderly "I just, need you with me during all this"

“I'm here for you, Twi,” I said, gently kissing her on her head. “I'm always here. Whenever you need me...”

Others may have called us clingy in that moment. But the truth was, we both just took care of each other. We loved each other to the point where we run to each other if anything becomes too much.

I never want to leave her...


I set some coffee down on Twilight’s desk in the office. She drank from it greedily, as I went back to the chemistry set. I examined the green goo I got off the dragon's scale. “Twi, do you know what this stuff is?” I finally asked.

She looked up at me, using her mind would get it off the fact her assistant was leaving. “Let me have a look,” she replied.

I levitated it over to Twilight. She used her magic to pull books from the shelf, and started sifting through them at blinding speeds. She stopped at one book and compared the picture to the substance. Her eyes went wide and she exclaimed, “This is Ectoplasm!”

“Ecto what now?” I asked.

“It’s a substance created from the formation of spirits,” she explained. “Timberwolves have them because they are really spirits possessing wood and branches. That’s why it smelled like that before.”

“So what was it doing on a scale?” I asked, rubbing my chin. “Something’s going on that Thal’lan isn’t telling us.” I looked back at her and asked, “What is the stuff used for?”

Twilight shook her head and replied thoughtfully, “Probably some form of dark magic, although, I’ve never heard of it being put on scales.”

I heard a knock on the door and went to answer it. I saw Rarity standing there, her breathing was heavy and her mane looked slightly frazzled. “Rarity, are you okay?” I asked with concern.

“Sorry, darling,” she said, fixing her mane. “I’ve been running around all day looking for Spikey Wikey.”

A sour expression came to my face that didn’t go unnoticed by the white unicorn. “Rarity, you may want to sit down,” I said with a sigh. I was not looking forward to this conversation.

Rarity sat down on the office’s coach and I explained everything. Rarity’s face turned from surprised, to hurt, to sheer anger. “How can my Spikey Wikey say such horrid things?” she cried.

“Well, we did accuse his father of manipulating News Spot,” I said, trying to keep my frustration at myself for being so careless out of my tone. “He must’ve been thinking about leaving for a while.”

“That’s still no excuse!” Rarity yelled. “How could he just leave?” Suddenly her anger turned to tears. “He didn’t even say goodbye… Is that why he’s been so elusive…?”

Twilight walked to Rarity and hugged her friend tight. Rarity cried dramatically into her and poured her heart out. “Is it because I played with his feelings? Is it because I didn’t appreciate him enough? Am I responsible somehow?”

“Rarity, it’s not your fault he’s leaving,” Twilight said, holding Rarity gently.

“What about not saying goodbye…” Rarity’s sobs turned pitiful. “How can he… after all… how can he just leave me?”

“Rarity...” Twilight said, in slow realization “You love Spike, don’t you?”

“With all my heart, darling,” she said, sobbing softly into Twilight. “Hearing this, just him leaving without saying goodbye, is the worst thing ever.” She looked up at Twilight with tear stained eyes and sobbed, “I do love him, and I never got to tell him.”

Twilight just held Rarity. I smiled at the scene. Twi’s willing to look away from her own sorrow if it means helping her friend. Yet another reason why I love her so much…

Rarity calmed down after a minute and wiped her eyes with a silk handkerchief. She looked at us a little guiltily “I’m sorry you both had to see me like that. I just cannot believe Spikey Wikey wouldn’t even say goodbye to me.”

“I think he just didn’t want to make it hard on himself,” I said sagely. “You’re right though, it isn’t an excuse.”

Twilight put a hoof on her friend’s shoulder. Rarity sighed and said, “Whatever his decision, I will honor it. This is his father after all; he deserves to spend as much time with him as he can.”

I smiled gently at Rarity. “I’m sure he’ll come back to visit sometime.”

“Then I will wait for him as long as it takes,” Rarity said firmly. “Celestia as my witness, I will never forget my Spikey Wikey!”

Twilight smiled at her in turn.

Just then somepony knocked again. I opened the door to see Flame Broil there with some papers. “Finished up all the paper work, Private. Luckily the Apple family has some good insurance that’ll help them recover.”

“Thanks a lot, Flame Broil,” I said, taking the papers and levitating them onto my desk.

The older stallion saw a distraught looking Rarity and asked, “Did I come at a bad time?”

“It’s fine, Flame,” I explained. “One of our friends is moving away, we’re all just trying to cope.”

“I am sorry to hear that,” Flame said honestly. “Friends are a dear thing for anypony to have. I hope you ladies find some measure of peace after this.” He smiled comfortingly at Rarity and Twilight.

Twilight wiped her eyes and said, “It’s hard, I've raised him since he was just an egg.”

Flame blinked. “An egg?”

I nodded and replied, “Remember that purple spotted egg you found on the expedition? Well turns out it made it’s way to Celestia’s School of Gifted Unicorns. The result was our friend Spike.”

Flame Broil nodded and confessed, “I remember that egg. It caused me a heap of trouble, but glad to see it ended up in good hooves.”

“Now dear Spikey Wikey is going to live with his father,” Rarity said, a little sad but better than before. “We’re all just trying to handle it.”

Flame blinked again and asked, “Wait, his pa?”

“Yeah,” I said with a nod. “He came by shortly before the fire started. Spike’s going back to the dragon lands with him now.”

Flame suddenly shook his head “That’s impossible!”

“Why do you say that?” I asked, staring at him in confusion.

“Because his pa…”


Perspective: Spike

I made my way back up to dad’s cave after gathering my things and Peewee from the library. The phoenix chick was on my shoulder as we landed in front of the cave. He looked at me and chirped a worried song.

“I’m fine, Peewee. I’m going to live with my own kind, and find my own way in this world,” I said, trying to sound firm.

Peewee looked at me with his golden eyes, and I could tell what he was thinking.

“Look, it’s just better this way, okay? Twilight won’t have to worry about watching me all the time, and she can just be happy with Private. They can move on with their lives without me getting in the way.”

He chirped a retort and flapped off me, glaring at me a little.

“Private may think he’s being subtle but I know he’s a ring away from marrying Twilight,” I said, looking firmly back at him. “I don’t want to be a third wheel in their relationship.”

He chirped some more.

“What now?” I glowered.

He hopped up to my bag and pulled out a gem. He pointed to it and glared at me. I knew what he was saying.

“Don’t you dare bring up her!” I growled.

He screeched angrily at me.

“She’d be happier with a stallion not a dragon!” I yelled at the chick. “Rarity is better off without me dragging her down! All I’ve ever been is a burden on everypony. Applejack even thought so…”

He looked at me for a bit, and then nuzzled my leg. I petted him with my claw and said, “Hey, it’s okay. I’m sorry too. I’m just thinking about everypony else. I didn’t want to say goodbye to Twilight back at the cave, but I was just so mad that she accused dad like that. It completely ruined what I thought was a perfect reunion…”

He gave another chip and gazed up at me. His eyes asking me, “Do you really want this?”

“It’s not about what I want Peewee,” I said, turning to enter the cave. “It’s about what’s best for everypony…”

I walked inside, Peewee at my shoulder. The little guy had started to learn how to fly a few months ago, so he occasionally hovered alongside me. Right now though, I just wanted to get out of here as soon as possible.

I rounded a corner and saw a green light coming from deeper in the cave. I looked deeper and saw that Shar’drel was standing over dad. Her claw had a weird green and purple lined aura around it, wait.

Dad was lying face down on the ground, and he wasn’t moving. Shar’drel’s bladed tail flicked in annoyance, as she muttered, “That little brat is taking too long to come. I can't hold him together for much longer.”

“What’s going on here?” I cried, running forward.

The female black dragon suddenly stopped using the magic and turned towards me, a slimy smile on her face. “Well, if it isn’t the little Prince Spike, your father is resting right now,” she growled.

“I know what you did!” I exclaimed, pointing at her. “That’s dark magic! I recognize it from when I was in the Crystal Empire! What are you doing with my father?” I felt Peewee fly off me, but I was too focused on Shar’drel to care.

“Oh dear,” she said mockingly. “It seems I’ve been found out. You are a clever little wyrm, aren’t you?”

I ignored her and demanded, “What are you doing to my father?”

She replied with an evil smile that reminded me of Sombra, "I am creating a new Thal’lan, and you are the key ingredient, my dear.”


“Thal’lan is dead?” Rarity, Twilight and I shouted at the same time in absolute shock.

Flame nodded and said, “I was the first into the cave. When I went inside and found both of them dead right in front of me. I investigated the corpses and found that buried under the momma was an egg. She must’ve tried to protect it in her last moments.”

“So you mean to tell me,” I said, in absolute shock, “that Thal’lan died with his mate? That Shar’drel’s story…”

“Was a lie!” Rarity cried furiously, her anger back with a vengeance. “Then whoever this Thal’lan imposter is, he will rue the day he would trick my Spikey Wikey!”

“We gotta get to the cave!” I exclaimed, and then looked at Flame. “Keep the officers in town, in case Shar’drel comes and attacks.”

Flame nodded as I ran out the door. Rarity and Twilight were on my hooves as we made a mad dash towards the balloon. I only hope we can reach them in time.

Hold on Spike, dad’s coming for you!


Perspective: Spike

“What?” I asked, shaking my head in disbelief. “Just what is going on? What did you do to my dad?”

Shar’drel frowned slowly and growled, “He brought this on himself. He was the fool who refused to adhere to the prophecy!”

“What prophecy are you talking about?” I asked confused. “What does any of this have to do with me?”

She smiled evilly and replied, “Years before you were even born, our elder foretold that a great dragon would come forth from Thal’lan’s line. He would lead the dragons and they would unite under him in a new golden age. I was to be the mother of that dragon, your father was supposed to seed me…”

“You?” I stared at her and asked, “You were in love with my dad?”

“Love,” she scoffed. “Bah! A frivolous emotion that tainted ideals have brought about!” She growled “No, there was no love, only destiny. I was the strongest in our clan, the best and proudest. I was the one destined to give birth to the legendary dragon, but your father thought otherwise…” She glanced over at Dad’s stiff form.

I stood my ground and asked, “What does this have to do with me? So what, you got gypped out of some lousy prophecy! Just why is dad there and why are you using dark magic on him?”

She just glared at me and continued her rant, “Your mother stole my chance to bring about the legendary dragon. This fool chose her over me! A mere common wyrm was chosen over the most powerful dragon in the clan!” Her claws scratched the ground, leaving deep gigantic gashes. “I tried to convince your mother that it was folly to think such emotions as love matter. Love makes a dragon weak; our world is unforgiving and only the strong can survive, as it should be.”

“You’re wrong!” I said pointing at her. “It’s no wonder dad chose my mother over you! You don’t know the first thing about motherhood!”

“At least I am not somepony’s pet,” she sneered. “When your mother laid your egg I planned on stealing it to raise as my own. However, I arrived too early. I ordered Fran’salel to give me your egg, but she refused. I was trying to persuade her with force, when your foolish father threw himself in front of the attack, and he met his end, Then I killed Fran’salel for taking what was rightfully mine.”

“You…” I growled, feeling a deep rage inside of me. “You’re the reason I don’t have any parents! You murdered my mother and father! The two dragons that were to teach me everything! To help me find out who I am! What about my sister?”

“Your sister is alive, I took her egg because she had the greatest magical potential in her.” she said with a slow smile. “I left her with another dragon colony after I found out she was not the legendary dragon. I then began researching a spell, hidden in the darkest and most ancient of magics, and found one.”

She walked over to Dad and bent over him “Your father here is merely a construct; his memories are intact right up to just an hour before he died. I saw the ponies coming on the expedition and after they left I used the spell to revive Thal’lan. He was so devastated seeing his dear mate’s corpse after the ponies left.”

“You tricked him!” I shouted. “That’s why he thought that ponies killed mom! He didn’t know that he was dead too!”

“You are quite perceptive,” she said with a smirk. “Sadly, the spell is unstable and requires that a powerful dragon’s blood be sacrificed in order for the construct to remain. The blood also needs to be that of a relative, your sister’s blood was insufficient since she did not have one tiny detail that you have…”

“And that is?”

“That you, Spike, are that dragon from the prophecy.”

Me? I’m some sort of legendary dragon who’s supposed to unite the dragons and bring them into a new age? Me…?

“Of course, I plan to correct this little error,” she said, glaring at me. “I will kill you, take your blood and use it to revive Thal’lan, this time with memories of me as his mate. Then the legendary dragon can come about the proper way…” She lifted her bladed tail. “Now…be a good boy and die…”

I leapt out of the way as the tail swung past me. I looked over and saw the blade easily cut through a rock. Dad wasn’t any help; I had to get outta here! I looked to Peewee and cried. “Go get Twilight and the others now!”

Peewee nodded and flew away as fast as he could. I turned back to Shar’drel as she opened her mouth hugely wide. I leaped behind a rock just in time to dodge a jet of green flame. The dragon fire from the farm? This had to have been from her! She was behind everything! She could’ve easily have made dad speak to Newspot!


I was wrong…

All of this was just a trick to get me away from Ponyville.

To continue the sick dreams of that witch!

I won’t let her hurt anybody else anymore!!

I leaped out from behind the rock and landed on Shar’drel. I raised my claws and stabbed into her snout. She let out a screech of pain and I fell off. My wings helped me land better and I fired a jet of fire at her. This didn’t affect her much when it hit her, right, Dragon scales, fire proof, kind of dumb of me.

She raised her tail and hit me with the blunt end. This sent me flying into a nearby wall and I hit it hard. I saw stars for a moment and looked up just as Shar’drel pinned me to the wall with her claws.

“You’ve been a thorn in my side for seventeen years, your father constantly moaning over whether his precious children survived. I’m going to end it all right now."

She opened her jaw to snap at me…


The bullet hit one of her horns and she turned to glare at Private levitating his black revolver, Twilight and Rarity were standing beside him.

“Oh, this is cute,” Shar’drel said, laughing “Have you come to claim your lost pet?”

“Spike is no pet, you monster!” Twilight growled “We figured out your little scheme!”

“Now,” Private said keeping Blackbird trained on her, “you've got not only two very angry adopted parents, but his marefriend to worry about…”



Perspective: Private

I fired two shots at Shar’drel’s claws, causing the dragoness to let go of Spike. The bullets didn’t penetrate her scales, but the impact was enough to hurt it seemed. Spike ran over to us and Twilight bent down to embrace him tightly.

Spike cried into Twilight, “I’m so sorry Twilight, I didn’t mean to say all that I…”

“Shh,” Twilight said soothingly.

I looked up at Shar’drel and saw that she was suddenly being assaulted by gems. They were being thrown as projectiles by Rarity’s magic. She glowered at the dragoness and yelled, “Nobody hurts my Spikey Wikey and gets away with it, you bitch!”

I then opened my trench coat. I did bring along one weapon I knew may help. I pulled out Silver Wolf, the long sword that Voidera gave me, with my magic. I was part of my fencing club at school so I knew how to use a sword. I crouched low and ran at the distracted dragon. I sliced one of her legs with Silver Wolf, the blade cutting through her scales like skin.

Did Voidera know that I’d need to fight dragons one day? If so, thank you for that pal. I then thrust the blade into her hind leg and she screeched in pain.

She lowered her head to chase after me, her teeth snapping as she got closer. I swung and cut her across the muzzle. She then opened her mouth and fired off a jet of fire at me. Twilight’s horn glowed and a barrier formed around me that protected me from the flame. When the fire dissipated I moved forward and tried to strike her again.

Before I could slice her, she slammed her tail into me and I fell back. I managed to hang onto Silver Wolf with my magic, but I felt a little woozy. Shar’drel began to swing at me again but a fireball hit her, drawing her attention away.

I looked over to see Spike glaring at her. “You can hurt me all you want, but you leave my friends alone!” he yelled bravely.

“I only need your blood anyway!” Shar’drel glowered, and then raised her tail again….


It all happened in slow motion. The tail came slowly swinging down on Spike. Rarity then leaped in front of the blade, knocking Spike away. The blade slowly cut Rarity across the chest, sending the unicorn flying back. Spike let out a cry as he saw Rarity land on the ground, hurt from the attack. Rarity’s head hit the ground hard, she fell unconscious.

Spike ran to Rarity and bent over her.

“A foolish mare,” Shar’drel said. “Giving her heart to a pet, love is truly a pathetic emotion…”

Spike looked at Rarity, fought tears at the sight of her, dirty, hurt and unconscious on the ground. Then Spike began to shake. He turned, his eyes true slits as he glared at Shar’drel, and then…

He grew…