• Published 28th Apr 2013
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Equestria Noir Case 22 "Heart of the Dragon" - Jacoboby1

A fire in Sweet Apple Acres causes Spike to meet his long lost parents. But Private and Twilight are suspicious at their sudden appearence...just what are they hiding from their son?

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Chapter 6 "The Dragon Side of Me"

Chapter 6

“The Dragon Side of Me”

I looked up as Spike grew into a full sized dragon. His body was easily the size of a small house, his tail growing longer and more pronounced as well. His neck grew and his snout extended giving his sharp teeth an even more deadly vessel. His wings also grew to an impressive length, looking like they could easily crush a small house. Along his back his spines grew and sharpened. He then opened his green slitted eyes…and let out a fierce roar at Shar’drel.

Shar’drel’s eyes became pin pricks. “Such power…no!” she roared. “No son of Fran’salel can have this much power! I am the one who was to give birth to the tru-“

Spike suddenly swiped his tail and hit her hard across the face. Shar’drel fell back and then roared angrily, leaping at Spike. I looked to Twilight and called, “Help Rarity!”

She ran over to her friend while I glanced down at Silver Wolf. I had to help Spike somehow. He may be powerful now but he’s never fought a dragon before. Neither have I though. I tried to get closer but Shar’drel unleashed a torrent of fire in my direction. Spike threw his massive body between myself and the flame. He glared at Shar’drel “You hurt my friends! Kill my parents! Ruin my life!” he roared fiercely. “You will pay for all of it!”

“You’re nothing more than a pathetic pet!” Shar’drel roared and then once more tried to tackle Spike. Spike curled his claws into a tight fist and slammed them into Shar’drel’s muzzle, sending her flying again.

I looked over at Twilight as she moved Rarity to a safe spot. I ran to them and pulled some bandages from my trench coat.

As I began bandaging Rarity's chest, Twilight put an ear to her mouth. “She’s still alive, but she’s lost some blood.” She lifted the unicorn’s head gently with her magic and examined it. “Just a bit of bruising, nothing’s bleeding there, thank Celestia.”

I looked back at Spike who'd gotten cut across the cheek by Shar’drel’s tail blade. The dragoness charged him, head-butting him in the stomach. Spike fell back a few feet but then as Shar’drel was about to swing her tail again, Spike caught it in his teeth and bit down hard enough for me to hear the crunch of teeth on bone.

Shar’drel screeched in pain and tried to pull it from Spike’s mouth. I’ve never seen Spike so… ferociously before.

This beast side of him, was it always there?

Shar’drel fired at Spike, causing the dragon to open his mouth. The two dragons began circling one another. Shar’drel growled low, “I should’ve found that stupid egg of yours and smashed it myself! Your low-born mother ruined everything!”

“You ruined yourself Shar’drel” Spike responded with a fierce roar. “The very minute you dared to touch Rarity, that’s when you lost the right to even live.”

“Oh is she your handler now?” she asked mockingly “Or have you put yourself under the delusion that you love her?”

“Rarity…” He said, looking down for a moment.

“All they’ll ever see you as is what you are now,” continued Shar’drel tauntingly. “A monster, a freak, and that’s all you’ll ever be to anybody! The very second you were taken into these accused ponies’ lives was the minute you turned your back on what it means to be a dragon! To be strong! To be powerful and to take what you want! That is the essence of a dragon! You spit on that very name by protecting these insects!”

Unable to take the sound of her voice anymore, I took up Silver Wolf again and charged towards Shar’drel. I yelled as I leaped into the air and swung the sword down on her tail. She screamed as the blade cut through her hardened scales like a knife through butter. I completely severed her blade from her tail and she glared at me.

I glared back at her as blood stained my trench coat. “Spike is far stronger then you ever will be Shar’drel! Instead of running away and trying to bring about a fantasy that will never happen he embraced his current circumstances and became a far better being then you could ever be!”

Shar’drel roared at me, “Foul pony! I will kill you my-“

“YOU LEAVE HIM ALONE!” Spike roared and then lifted his claws; he then sliced Shar’drel across the muzzle, leaving deep gashes. Then he slammed his tail into her stomach, causing the dragon to stagger. Spike wouldn’t let up as he began pummeling the dragon with tail and claw attacks.

I looked over and saw Rarity awakening from unconsciousness. Her blue eyes looked upon the scene with horror. I couldn’t imagine what she must be thinking.

Finally Shar’drel fell to the ground in front of him; Spike pressed his claw on her neck to prevent her from getting up. Shar’drel didn’t have fear in her eyes, only smugness as she was held down. “Go ahead, prove that you are a dragon and kill me. I know that a weak minded, worthless excuse for a dragon wouldn’t be able to.”

“Watch me,” Spike growled and raised his claw into a ginormous fist.

Spike was going to kill her?


Spike brought his fist to the top of the arc and was about to slam down on her…when suddenly Rarity got up from her spot and grabbed on to one of his legs “Spikey Wikey NO!!!” she cried, causing Spike to stop in his tracks.


Perspective: Rarity

I held onto Spikey Wikey and wouldn’t let go. How dare that bitch do this to him! Force him to don this beastial form and fight. I fought back tears as I begged, “Spikey Wikey, please don’t do it…”

“Rarity, I,” he said, lowering his head to me but still keeping that bitch of a dragon down with his claw.

I looked up at him and said, “I’m okay, Spikey Wikey, you don’t need to kill her, please.”

“After all she’s done?” he asked, shaking his head. “Rarity she doesn’t deserve to live! She stole away the life I could’ve had”

“If she didn’t do what she did we never would have met,” I said, smiling a little. I then gave him a firm but sad look. “I know you have a deep hatred for her, Spike, and so do I, but you are not a killer! My Spikey Wikey would never kill anybody! He’s the most gentle and kind dragon in the world! If being a dragon means being a brute, then I don’t know if you should follow that path.” I held onto him and asked “If you do, how can I still love you…”

“Rarity, you said…” Slowly, Spikey Wikey started to shrink, until he was back to the dragon I knew and… loved.

I just held him tightly to me, his little arms wrapped around me as well. I fought tears as I held him. “Spikey Wikey, I’m so sorry. I do love you; I should’ve said that long ago!” I admitted.

“Don’t cry, Rarity” he said, looking at me. “I’m sorry, you’re right, I’m not a killer, nor will I ever be!”

I smiled and just held him.

Shar’drel was none too happy with our reunion though. She got up and glowered down at me and Spike.

“You foul, tainted, useless and unbelievably annoying ponies!” she roared “And you,” she pointed at Spike, “you turn you back on what it means to be a dragon, for a MARE!”

“You’ll never understand, Shar’drel” Spike said, letting go of me and looking up at her. “You never grew up with them. Ponies have shown me a way to live without fighting for gems or holing up in a cave. They’ve shown me we can improve our society by working together. All you’ve ever cared about was your stupid prophecy.”

Do I hear… chanting?

“Which is why I will change the dragons! I will make them so that they can see this new life! One of love, of caring for one another, and above all, one of harmony!”

I looked over at Private as the chanting got louder. I saw a cord of light come from his chest and hit me. I felt that familiar and warm sensation as Tenacity linked with Generosity. I looked over at Twilight and she was connected as well, her element appearing on her head. We swirled around Private and…

I blinked as I saw probably the most elegant looking stallion I’ve ever seen. Like me, he was a unicorn, and shared a mane and coat color with me. His mane was styled differently, of course, but if you put us side by side you could mistake us for brother and sister.

The stallion slowly smiled at me, and turned towards Twilight. His expression was, rather cold to the others though.

Then I saw another strange pony, this one a unicorn mare that greatly resembled Twilight. It's what she could look like, if she took my advice on mane care. She looked at my unicorn with a warm but firm look. My stallion looked about ready to say something to her, but then Twilight’s mare put a hoof to his mouth. Her green eyes gazed into his blue ones, I couldn’t tell what they were saying, but…they seemed close.

The two unicorns turned towards Spike and a cord of light extended from Private to Spike. I raised my hooves in sync with my stallion. How did my body know what to do?

As Private lifted his blade into the air, all four of us unicorns filled it with our magic. Spike, his eyes glowing as well, blew a stream of fire onto the blade and it was set aflame. Private held his blade in both of his hooves, and swung it with all of his might.

A torrent of green fire shot forth from the blade and moved itself into a roaring dragon. Shar’drel didn’t even have time to blink as the flames hit her dead on. It knocked the evil witch far outside the cave into the air. I looked on and saw her flying into the sky far away from Ponyville, followed by a large explosion that lit up the entire night sky.

I thought I saw a little shadow fall into the Everfree forest, that had to have been her. If she survived, she knows now not to mess with Ponyville ever again.

The chanting started to quiet and I looked back at the apparitions. The mare was walking away, and the stallion was calling her, “IZANAMI!!!!”

With that, the chanting stopped, and the unicorns vanished…


Perspective: Private

Tenacity activated again, the sensation though; I thought I felt something, foreign. Guilt?

Seems like every time I try to use the darn thing something weird happens. Just how much mystery does this power hold?

The chanting subsided and I landed on the ground. I looked over to see everypony was okay. Shar’drel was gone, Thal’lan was still unconscious but okay, everypony and dragon was uninjured. So I guess you could call it a win.

Spike looked up at Rarity and said, “Rarity, I’m so-“ He was cut off when Rarity slapped him across the face.

Twilight and I dropped our jaws at this. Spike just rubbed his cheek and said, “I…guess I deserve that.”

“You had me worried sick!” Rarity cried, glaring at Spike. “I looked all over town for you! Then I hear you were leaving and you didn’t even bother to say goodbye!”

Spike’s eyes betrayed his guilt, I was about to step in when Twilight stopped me with a leg. Spike needed to hear this.

“Rarity, I-“ Spike said

“Was it something I did?” she asked, her blue eyes filled with unshed tears.

“What do you mean?” Spike asked, looking confused.

“Was it because I didn’t appreciate you enough?” Rarity asked frantically. “Was it because of how I treated you before you told me of your crush? Was it anything I said or did? Spikey Wikey, do you hate me…?”

“No, that’s not it at all!” Spike cried. “I just knew that if I took one look in your eyes I would never want to leave!”

Rarity blinked, a faint blush showing on her cheeks.

Spike looked at Rarity “I know it was awful, but that was the only reason I couldn’t say goodbye. Rarity, I could never even think of it. I never could hate you. Rarity, from the moment I first saw you I’ve loved you! I always have! I… I just didn’t want you to have to wait for me.”

“Wait for you?” Rarity said, just looking at Spike.

“If I did leave, how can I expect you to want to wait for me while I was away? You deserve a great stallion to look after you. I couldn’t have asked you to wait so long; you deserved to be able to move on with your life. Find a prince that’ll love you always…”

Slowly, Rarity reached forward and hugged Spike tenderly. Spike’s face flushed bright red. Rarity then smiled down at Spike and said, “My Spikey Wikey, I’ve met the prince, turns out he’s overrated. However, the dragon was much kinder and sweeter than the prince ever was. I think… I would’ve waited for the dragon for a hundred years if he asked me to.”

Spike and Rarity then pulled into a kiss.

YEEEESSS!!! WHOO!!! Finally they come together! Whoo hoo!!!

This calls for a celebration!!!

Pinkie! What did I say about getting in my narration?

That a running gag can only go as far as….it can run!


Dang it, Pinkie!!


That pink pony…

I shook my head and saw Spike let go of Rarity. Spike looked at Twilight, then at me, and said, “I owe you guys the biggest apology of all. I went on about seeing you guys as my family. Then I say all those horrible things, I just got so caught up in having my dad back, I didn’t want to think that maybe there was something wrong with him.”

Twilight just walked forward and hugged Spike tightly. I too walked forward and held him as well. “Spike,” I said, “You've got nothing to be sorry for, and we should’ve handled the case better.”

“I guess you could say we didn’t want to let you go,” Twilight said, putting her head on top of Spike’s.

“You guys…” Spike hugged us both tightly. Rarity smiled wide at the sight of our pseudo family holding each other. We must’ve looked like an odd sight. For a minute, I imagined Twilight and I holding somepony else entirely.

“Such kindness…”

All four of us looked as Thal’lan raised his head slowly, cracks were forming in his scales and green light was coming from them. Spike broke from our embrace and ran to him exclaiming, “Dad, you’re okay!”

“I’m, afraid not….” Thal’lan’s voice was haggard and tired, like he just ran his entire life. He moved his head slowly to Spike and said “The spell, fading, I will not last long…”

“You’re a construct,” Twilight said. “They don’t last long, a few years at most.”

“Shar’drel erased my memories of exactly how I died,” Thal’lan explained. “Had I known…I would’ve… tried…harder…”

“Dad,” Spike cried as his eyes grew watery. “No! We just met, you can’t die!”

“Spike…” Thal’lan’s claw raised Spike’s face so their eyes could meet “It doesn’t matter how long one has… but…what one does with that time. In such a short time…I’ve gotten to know the son I lost… and seen… how great of a dragon he’s become…”

Spike looked at himself and replied, “I’m so small though, and I don’t know anything about what it means to be a dragon. I don’t know anything about me! I don’t even know what my real name is!”

“Spar’kran,” Thal’lan answered “Your name, was going to be Spar’kran… Your mother picked it for you…”

“What does it mean?” I asked, knowing the significance one’s name can have.

“It means… Watcher,” Thal’lan says. “She meant for you… to watch…the world enter a new age, with your aid…”

“I’m some sort of legendary dragon?” Spike said shaking his head. “It’s all so much to take in.”

“Spike…” Thal’lan said weakly “I don’t have much time to explain, but… find Ran’sea, your sister. She’s a dragon white as snow… with spines of green… like yours.”

“Where can I find her?” Spike asked desperately.

“Her clan had moved far to the north,” he went on. “Near a place called… the Crystal Empire, but… that was years ago. Search for her Spike… she will… help you.” He let out a fierce cough and a scale fell off him, like the one from before a green slime showed on him. He was dying…

“Dad, there’s so much I wanna say. So much I wanna do,” Spike said, his tears showing.

Thal’lan began crying himself; one of his tears fell to the ground and hardened. He picked it up gently and held the tear before Spike. “This… will allow us to be together…When a dragon is to pass…he leaves behind his last gem…a tear.”

Spike took the gem in his claws and held it tenderly. Thal’lan then looked at me and Twilight. “You two…protect…my son…he needs…the guidance…of parents as kind as you two…”

I gave Thal’lan a firm look. “I promise you, we will keep him safe, and raise him to the best of our ability.”

Thal’lan smiled. “I’m…glad…to see…Spike happy…with both of you.”

Rarity went up next and said, “We haven’t been formerly introduced… I’m Rarity.”

“My son’s chosen?” Thal’lan asked with a smile. “I’ll admit… it’s…unorthodox to see a pony love…our kind…but…I will be happy…to see a mare as lovely…and kind as you are…love…and care for…my son….”

“With your blessing,” Rarity said, slinging a leg of comfort over Spike, “I promise to remain by Spikey Wikey’s side forever.”

“Funny…my mate called me…Thally Wally…” He said with a light hearted but weak chuckle.

“Dad,” Spike just looked at his father.

“I must…go Spike…but…I’m happy…to have met you…my son…” Thal’lan then began walking away. He slowly stood a few feet away and began talking, seemingly to the air. “Oh ancestors of my kind…guardians of my line…creators of me and those I love…I return to you…I come at the end of a long…and fulfilled life…I speak…my true name…Thallos Alan…Precursor to the Light…I have fulfilled my destiny…my son will lead this world…to a new light…I go…knowing the world has it’s savior….”

Then Thal’lan unleashed a torrent of fire. Before my very eyes the dragon literally burst into green flames. I watched in awe as a dragon was formed from the flame. The dragon was soon joined by another, was that Spike’s mom?

I watched as Spike stepped forward, both dragon souls flew down to the little dragon. They opened their mouths and released a jet of fire. Spike watched as they carved two swirling dragons into the tear. The dragons then wrapped themselves around Spike. Spike smiled and held the flaming constructs.

The flaming dragons then looked at us, and then spread their wings and flew out. All four of us watched as the souls flew towards the rising sun. I wonder, does Celestia know where dragons went?

Spike looked at the tear and said, “I’m going to make them both proud. I’m going to be the dragon that dad wants me to be. But above all, I’ll do it, with my friend’s right beside me.”

With that, Spike held the tear to his chest, looked out to the rising sun, and then opened his mouth. Spike let out a roar that echoed throughout the mountains. Right then and there, I felt proud of Spike.

He made himself a true dragon; he lifted himself beyond the preconceived notions of dragons and made himself something great.

I wonder, is this what dad felt? Is this what I will feel, when my own child comes into the world?