• Published 1st May 2013
  • 1,919 Views, 112 Comments

Human and Pony Alike - ShutterGuy

Chris Taylor, a man that recently found himself stuck in the world of Equstria. Aiding him is ponified version of himself named Shutter flash. The same person in two different bodies and species.

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The Job

The lamp in the corner dimly lit the room while the moon hit across my face. the painful ticks of the clock were reminding me that soon I would have to leave for my job. I laid on my bed and stared at the ceiling all the while wishing that I didn't have to go to work. I signed myself up to some security company that liked to keep it's employee's in the dark. It was rather shady and suspicious, but I couldn't find any other job so I just delt with it. It made it easier to handle knowing that my only friend Robert was also signed on with me. Man I don't know what I would do without him, I thought to myself. I closed my eyes and started to go over my life, observing the man I became. I was 23 years old with no real education, a bit of an drinker, and overall one massive screw up. The clock began it's toll of bells indicating that my shift was to start soon. I sat up and placed my face into the palms of my hands. Why, God, why? When will this nightmare end?

I stood up and made my way over to the dresser. I opened the second drawer from the top and pulled out a navy colored uniform. The shirt had an embroidered white falcon on the right hand side, which was the companys emblem. I began to throw on my shirt only to stop when my eyes met with a dusty camera on top of the desser. I let out a long sorrowful sigh and continued to get dressed. I'm sorry Dad, but I am not that man anymore. I just got my pants buttoned when I heard a hard knock at the door.

"One moment, please." I called towards the door. Another loud knock hit the door and an raspy elder voice hissed at me.

"Chris! The rent is due! I demand payment you piece of trash." The voice belonged to my landlord, a withered old man with no heart and didn't know how to die. Seriously, he had to be there at the beginning of time itself.

"Sir I told you I get paid tomorrow, you'll get your payment!" I felt like snapping on him. I leaned on the desser as I slipped on a sock.

"Oh look who thinks he owns a pair! Tomorrow you'll pay me my money and then your out!" his voice sounded more sinister than usual. I stopped a moment at his words. I felt a mixture a anger and confusion fill my body.

"Wait, what!? You can't just kick me out!" I grabbed my boots from the corner of the room and made my way to the door. I was about ready to lose it.

"Yes I can. And I will!" I opened the door and glared in anger down at the old man, the top of his head met at my chin.

"No your not." I attempted my darkest voice possible. However he was unintimidated as he leaned in towards my face. Only inches from my nose I saw the definition of his wrinkles in the poorly lit hallway. He stayed there for bit holding the same looking glare I gave him. He finally spat in a low evil voice, "Try and stop me." he turned around and slowly made his way back down the hallway. My vision turned red and I began to grind my teeth. I let out a low menacing growl as I placed my hand on the door and slammed it hard.


After claming down a bit I made my way down the hallway with a duffle bag clenched in my right hand. I noticed the office door on my left. My landlord's name was on the door in golden lettering. I stared at it a bit with the cogs rotating in my brain. I felt a smirk form on my face as I pulled out my pocket knife. As I passed the door I pushed the tip of the knife into the wood creating a good scratch mark through the gold letters. I flipped the knife closed and smiled widely as I placed it back in my pocket. I felt a brief moment of victory in my action while I headed out of the building. When my feet hit the black pavement I started to think to myself What do I do now? With my apartment taken away from me, I'm left with not a lot options. I walked the dark street with no sight of any other living being. The cool air in my face seemed to calm my senses and subdue my anger.

I turned a corner of a building still thinking of my situation. Moving back north with my mom isn't an option. She hasn't been the same since dad... I stopped walking at the thought of my dad. I was filled with regret as I remembered the last thing I said to him. My harsh words seem to linger still in my head like a audio loop "I don't need you in my life!" Tears freely flowed down my face as I stared into the purple night sky. "I need you, now." I wispered in a low sorrowful tone.

"Hey Chris what are ya doing" A familar friendly voice called out behind me. I quickly wiped my eyes and threw on my best fake smile. I turned to see Robert in his navy colored uniform running up to me. He was my hieght and made me look like a lightbulb with his tan skin. "What's with the duffle bag, man?" he asked eyeing the bag in a quizical manner.

"I got kicked out of my apartment." I lifted the bag up a little. "It's all my stuff that really matters to me." Robert's face went from concern to cross.

"That old bas..." I held up my left hand to stop him. He respectively did knowing that I myself didn't like swearing. It was just the way I was brought up. He shook his head in disapproval at the situation I was in. "Well what are you going to do now, man."

"I guess I'll need to find a new place after our shift." I gave him a rather hopeful glance. But I knew he saw through my wall and was able to see my worry. He smiled at me and started wave his hand in a 'show me the money' gesture.

"Ah, forget about it. Let me ask you somethin'. Have I ever let you down?" he put on a heavy fake itailan accent. "In da meantime you be staying in my house. Or I'll bust your kneecaps, Kapesh!" I chuckled deeply before replying.

"Bada bing!" I attempted a terrible accent of my own.

"Bada boop!" He patted my back. "Now let's not be late for work." His voice back to normal, he ran off down the dark street. I smiled as I threw the strap of the duffle bag over my shoulder and gave chase after him.


After a good run through sleeping city we made to the bus station where about fifteen other men were dressed in the simlar navy blue uniform. We seemed to arrive with perfect timing as the bus's headlights came around the corner. All the men stood to attention and kept silent as the bus slowly pulled in front of the station. The doors flew open and a dark figure could be seen with his head downward staring at men on the sidewalk. After a moment of awkward silence the figure stepped down onto the pavement shifting his head glaring down the row of heads. He wore the same uniform as the rest of us but on top of his head he wore a navy beret with a gold falcon. He stopped at me and rolled his eyes. Robert leaned in close and whispered.

"The beret is a nice touch." I nodded in agreement.

"So this is the group that has signed up. Why do I not feel safer already?" the man shook his head with his fingers holding the bridge of his nose. He then resumed the glare he wore before and rose his voice to near yelling. "Open your ears and listen closely for I only like to say things once. I am your Captain. My name is Mike O'Harrea, but you will always refer to me as Captain O'Harrea. Got it?"

"YES SIR!" We all spoke in unison.

"Very good. Now line up and approch upon hearing your name." we did so quickly so to not to test the authority that this man seemed to possess. He pulled out a clipboard and began to read off names. One by one the men approched the bus and entered the dark interior of the vehicle. After a good number of men were called onto the bus he finally came to the 'T''s on the list. "Chris L. Taylor." O'Harrea looked up saw me coming towards the bus. His eyes narrowed at me as I passed him and stepped up the stairs. I was meeted by two offical looking soldiers that grabbed a sack and placed it over my head.

"Wait! What are you doing?!" I started to pull off the bag when of the soldiers put a heavy hand on my shoulder and in a deep tone spoke into my ear.

"If you take off the bag while the vehicle is moving, I will have no choice but to shoot you." My eyes widened in the darkness of the bag. What have I gotten myself into? He continued. "Also no talking is permitted until we reach our destination. Understand?" I nodded slowly. He used the hand my shoulder to turn me around and I felt myself being led down the isle of the bus. He turned me around again and pushed me into a seat. Outside I could hear O'Herrea call out the last name on the list.

"Robert S. Villa, Okay that's it put on this bag on your head and don't take it off unless told to. Understand?" it would've been nice if someone had told me that.

"Got it sir." I could hear Robert climb into the bus and was navigated towards the back. Then the same soldier that spoke to me earlier yelled behind me.

"Okay everyones on. Drive." At his command the bus shifted and I could feel the sickening motion of us moving forward. Why do I have a bad feeling about this? I let out a low soft sigh. This is going to be a long night.

Author's Note:

I have a tremendous respect for writters now. Again this is my first time doing this so please give any feedback. Good or Bad anything would be awesome. Thank you.