• Published 1st May 2013
  • 1,918 Views, 112 Comments

Human and Pony Alike - ShutterGuy

Chris Taylor, a man that recently found himself stuck in the world of Equstria. Aiding him is ponified version of himself named Shutter flash. The same person in two different bodies and species.

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From Hand to Hoof

As the warmth of the sun touched my face I squinted in rays of light pouring through my widow. I rolled out of bed and landed with a thud against the hardwood floor. Why, Celestia, why? I just want at least one more hour. I picked my head up and rubbed my eyes with my hoof. I wonder if she ever sleeps in. Probably would do her some good. I looked at the mirror to see that a ragged looking pony was staring back at me. My brown mane was tossed to one side and patches of my navy blue fur were frayed. I lazily blinked in the morning light trying to see if I could possibly fall back to sleep. However, the damage had been done and I was now up and awake.

Seeing that sleep was no longer going to come to me I staggered over to the window and pushed it open. The cool morning air hit my face and waved through my mane. It felt good and refreshing as I closed my eyes to take a deep breath. The crisp chill that flowed into my lungs made my heart start to pump, knocking all thoughts of sleep out of my system. I peered over the rooftops of Hoofington and took in the peaceful silence that covered the town. I was about to bring my head in when a delicious aroma crossed my muzzle. I began to drool at the thought of the fluffy buttery goodness of, "Hay pancakes." I spoke aloud and sat there letting the heavenly scent hit me.

Somepony knows how to start the day. I think I will make a batch myself I stood up and trotted over to the bedroom door and opened it. It wonderful smell only intensified as I could smell it coming from the hallway. Wait, why is the smell coming from my house? I trotted slowly to my staircase and could hear movement down in the kitchen below. Upon reaching the bottom of the stairs I heard a sweet soft voice that sent my heart fluttering. "Good morning, Shutter Flash. Are you hungry sweetheart?"

"Lora? what are you doing here? How did you get in?" the peach colored pegasus popped her head out of the kitchen, her rose colored mane wrapping around her face. Lora Silkstep, one of the most talented dancers in Equestria and I was lucky enough to call her my mare-friend. I let out a deep loving sigh. She smiled at me intently and gave me a loving stare with those sapphire eyes that seemed to pierce my soul. I swear, if I had wings myself I would've been pretty embarrassed right about now.

I remember meeting her almost two years ago at the Grand Galloping Gala. It was my first real photography job. I was to document the event and do a photo essay on 'Lifestyles in Canterlot'. I found it difficult to find a good story amongst the cluster of the financial elite ponies. There seemed to be a lot of interesting ponies, but all them were uncooperative in my cause. I was about to lose faith in completing my endeavor, when I saw her. I instantly fell in love with way she twisted and turned, dancing in the air. Her moves were elaborate and flowing like waves of silk. And while the other ponies watched in amusement, I gazed at her with my mouth gaped in awe. After her dance I asked if I could photograph her and she agreed eagerly. We had such a connection that night I knew then and there that she was my special somepony and I was hers. I want to be with you forever. One day my love, I will ask you to be my wife.

"Babe, you always keep a spare key in the bushes. Breakfast would have been done sooner if I hadn't had to wash my hooves from digging it up." Lora's voice pulled me back to the present. She withdrew her head back into the kitchen and continued to flip the pancakes. I thought that hiding place was rather clever. I didn't mind her popping in unexpected. She usually just comes in unannounced anyways, but making me breakfast was a new thing. No complaints here though. I glanced over to the coffee table in the middle of the living room. On it were a stack of letters.

"Lora did you grab my mail as well? I headed towards the table.

"Oh, yes I did. The mailmare was here when I arrived."

"I do rather like her. She always kind to me when delivering my mail." I smiled at the thought of that adorable grey pegasus.

"She is a sweetheart, isn't she? I do hope she finds a special somepony to settle down with." Lora with a kindness that made my world brighter.

"Trust me honey, I know she will." I started to go through the letters as Lora trotted in with two plates filled with buttery hay pancakes. I looked at them and shuddered in delight. So good. Pancakes your going to get it. I went back to the letters and picked them up in my mouth. Which probably wasn't the best idea since I was drooling at the sight of the heavenly food. I placed the saliva covered letters on the dining table and Lora immediately shot me glance of disgust. "Look I am sorry I don't have a horn and that food makes me drool."

"Well... what do you have in the mail?" She gave the stack of letters a flick of her hoof and began eating. I took a bit of my own before peering down at the first letter. The first thing that caught my eye was the elegant writing and I instantly knew who wrote it. I opened it up and read aloud.

"Dear, Shutter Flash. How have you been darling? It's been a long time since I have seen your handsome face. I wanted to thank you for the lovely job you did on the pictures you did promoting my dresses. I would like to ask you to please come to Ponyville and showcase my new line of fashion. At your earliest convenience of course. I will pay you the same as last time and will throw in an outfit for you and your lovely mare-friend. Safe traveling darling and I hope to see you soon. Rarity." I rolled up the paper and placed it to the side and continued eating.

"Oh a trip to Ponyville? That would be a good excuse to see your parents again, Shutter." Lora beamed at me with a smile. She actually loved my parents and enjoyed visiting them. There would be times where she would push me out the door to go see them.

"Yeah I suppose that would be nice." I took another mouthful of pancakes. So good. I eyed over the next couple of letters. I received a couple of requests to photograph weddings, some on parties, and one family portrait.

"Looks like my star photographer is getting more attention." She slid her hoof down my back and stopped just above my mark, which was a gray camera body with a flash on top. I playful pushed her hoof away.

"Well I have you to thank for it." I gazed into her eyes and she returned with a loving smile. I brought my head back down onto the plate and finished the pancakes. "Oh my gosh. That was amazing. Thank you so much."

"Think nothing of it." She leaned over and kissed me. I immediately felt my cheeks heat up and the butterflies were tossing the pancakes in my stomach. She pulled away giggled and trotted in the kitchen with the plates. I sat still for a moment feeling lighter than air. I was grounded shortly after by checking the last letter one the table. A letter from the Princess!

"Honey get in here! I got a letter from the Princess!"

"You what?!" She immediately dashed into the dining room and rammed into the side of me. She practically jumped up and down squeezing my foreleg. "What's it say, what's it say?!" She excitedly squealed. I opened the letter and read it out loud with her peering over my shoulder.

"Dear, Shutter Flash. I would like to formally invite you and your Mare-friend to our annual Grand Galloping Gala as a honorary guest. Here attached are two tickets, please come join us in the celebration. And Shutter please bring your camera. I am to believe this gala will be most interesting. Your Princess, Celestia." On the bottom of the parchment two golden tickets seemed to shimmer.

"Oh my goodness, I can't wait. We have so much to do to get ready. I mean its only four days away and everything has to be perfect." She hovered around the room anxiously. "I know I will go home and get packed and we'll leave tomorrow morning. That sounds like a plan. Doesn't that sound a plan? Its a good plan! Oh I can't wait!" She flew into me smacking me onto the floor. She kissed me hard and then looked into my eyes while hers were shinning with admiration. Minutes seemed like hours passing as we just sat there gazing at each other. She smiled widely before she leaned in towards my ear, she spoke softly "I love you."

My heart immediately melted as the world dissolved all around us. I could only see her. Her beautiful face slightly covered by her rosy red mane. Her eyes were my world now. I wanted to swim in the blue pools of light that seemed to halt my beating heart. I felt a wave of ecstasy flood my senses as we just stared at each other. I suddenly felt my lungs again as I let out the only four words that spoke truth. "I love you too." I lifted up my head and tenderly kissed her sending me farther into bliss.

She pulled away and smiled warmly. "I'll see you later, okay sweetheart?

"Okay." Is all that I could muster. She giggled and flew over to the door. She opened it and trotted outside, but before she closed it she looked over at me.

"You should probably go and take some pictures today. Its so beautiful out today. Bye... Shutter." her voice was coated in love as she said my name. The door clicked closed and silence filled the house. I laid there with the widest smile I ever wore In my entire life.

"Bye." I dreamily said to the air.


I practically hopped through town with my camera around my neck and my saddlebag over my back. My saddlebag held most of my camera equipment, although not very well, as it clattered together with my trot. I couldn't care though because I was walking on clouds as the happiest pony that lived. No pony could take that feeling away from me.

I was greeted with smiles all through town by my fellow ponies. Either they waved at me or would tip their hats it felt good to be known like a bit of a celebrity. I waved to them all as I made my way out of Hoofington and out onto the northern fields. The green grassland stretched out far rolling up and down like still waves of the ocean. On the far east of the fields stood the tree line of the Everfree Forest.

Many were scared of the mysterious forest and from what I collected from the survival stories, they had every right to be. Things like hydras, Manticores, timberwolfves, and other unknown creatures lay hidden by the dark ominous veil of trees. I still found it extremely intriguing and exciting. I mean, I never would put myself in danger at the risk of being scolded by Lora. Nothing in that forest could compare to that mare if you got her angry. A chill ran up my spine from just thinking about it. However, the thought of capturing the mysteries of the forest on camera always brings me here to these fields. Today I could feel something calling me here like as if I was to be here to witness something extraordinary. Then again I always think that when I come to this place. I sat down in the grass to enjoy the scenery and to see if anything would play out on my hunch. After several minutes of scanning the forest I figured it was safe to say that nothing was going to happen. Like usual. I stood up and began to trot towards the west. Well I know a good a waterfall that I could...


I snapped my head back to the Everfree forest. What was that? I squinted into the distance of the forest and make out a faint aqua glow. Reaching into the saddlebag I pulled out a telephoto lens and twisted it on the camera body until I heard it lock into place. I kept my eye on the glowing aura as it grew and shrunk in size. Pulling my camera up to my eye, I zoomed in as far I could possibly go. The glow seemed to originate from somewhere deep in the forest. Ever so slowly moving I was scanning from tree to tree until I came small gap that revealed the source of the light. My eyes widened. Is that some sort of portal?

What appeared in my viewfinder was an oval shaped ring that held the aqua glowing tint on the outside and what appeared to be a dark interior of some room. I then saw some four legged figures jump into the dark center disappearing. There was no mistaking it those four legged creatures were without a doubt, timberwolves.

I snapped a shot before putting the camera down. I quickly put my hoof up to my chin and thought of actually going to investigate. What if it is a portal? What if it's a magical anomaly? Does this mean timberwolves also have magical abilities? hmm. I stomped the ground with my hoof. Right then its settled. I quickly took off the telephoto lens and placed it back into my saddlebag along with my camera. I then placed it on my back and turned towards the forest with a determined face. I knew I was putting myself in danger as well as risking a tongue lashing from Lora, however this was moment to rare to pass up. I needed to know what was going on. With a kick against the ground I broke into a fast paced gallop. My face was solemn as I rapidly approached the Everfree Forest.