• Published 1st May 2013
  • 1,919 Views, 112 Comments

Human and Pony Alike - ShutterGuy

Chris Taylor, a man that recently found himself stuck in the world of Equstria. Aiding him is ponified version of himself named Shutter flash. The same person in two different bodies and species.

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Into the Worst Night Ever

The evening came swifter than I could have anticipated. I found it to be really hard to be accepting of this place entirely. It is easy to find reasons why I love it here, but the feeling of being a prisoner would also come to mind. Not being able to really leave the house and lack of other humans felt like I was almost abducted on some alien planet.

The water of the shower hit my head and allowed me to go into a trance of my thoughts. Being locked in the bathroom for about a half hour was okay until the ponies of the house needed to use it. Admittedly sharing a bathroom with an sentient animal wasn’t entirely a concept I thought possible or one I would have to face.

My head shot up at the sound of a strong hoof giving the wood a light kick. “I’m getting out now!” I spoke in a loud voice to get my message through.

“I was worried you had died, however now that I know you’re alive hurry it up please.” The deep voice of Thunder made me feel obligated to move a bit faster now. Stepping out of the shower and onto the cold tile, I dried myself off in a hasty fashion. After some time I managed to get my lower body descent and opened the door to the teal colored pegasus eager to enter.

“My goodness… no other stallion I know takes as long as you in there son.” His fur brushed my chest and it tingled the healing scar on my stomach. How could I forget the wonderful gift that the timberwolves gave me as a welcome? It felt really good to finally have my bandages off and feel the air on my newly developed skin.

“Sorry Thunder.” I slightly smiled at him with my body still facing toward the hallway.

He didn’t hesitate to shut the door. “Go help your mother with the dishes for dinner, will you?” his deep voice rattled through the wood.

“Aye aye sir.” I nodded reluctantly with a touch of a unhappy groan. Making my way to the kitchen downstairs. I saw that Aurora was busy stacking the dishes with her golden magic encasing each dish. The sound of the wood creaking beneath my feet gave her notice of my presence.

“Oh Chris! Perfect timing. you can help me with the dishes.” She chimed with a squeak of joy in her voice.

“It would be a pleasure.” I felt honestly happy to say that as it would be known that I hate doing dishes.

“Good stallion.” Aurora smiled and beamed at me with those golden orbs for eyes. She flipped her curly blonde mane under the lighting of the kitchen to remove it from her face. “You wash and I’ll rinse, alright?”

“Alright.” I stood next to Aurora at the sink washing the dishes with my hands while she rinsed and dried them with a combination of magic and her hooves. I pondered to myself many times how she managed to hold the plates with just her hoof and never really coming up with a good logical reason other than she was adept at using what she had. As if she had read my mind she smiled and grabbed another plate with her hoof. She really did resemble my mother in every aspect except for the magic. To be honest the whole magic of the world both bothered me and intrigued me at the same time. It fascinated me to see it and it felt warm and natural. What bothered me was that I could feel it long after Aurora or Flash Drive used it around me. Could I be allergic to it? Does it have to do with me not being pony? Will it affect me?

“Chris?” Aurora’s voice pulled me back to earth.

“Yeah mom?” I look in her direction.

“You’ve been washing the same dish for the last three minutes. Is everything alright?”

I glanced down to the plate in front of me to see my face reflect back.

“You seem upset about something my son.” She kindly placed a wet hoof on my shirtless shoulder.

“I’m thinking of a lot of things right now.” I picked up another dish to see if she wouldn’t pursue the subject.

“This isn’t about your accident with Lora is it?” She asked in a whisper.

immediately I blushed and shook my head, “No, I had actually put that in the back of my head before you mentioned it.”

“Oh sorry, Chris.” She rubbed my back with the same damp hoof and it made me tense up slightly. “I wasn’t trying to bring it up sweetheart.”

“it’s fine. I think it will blow over as soon as tonight ends. Hopefully. I mean it’s not a big deal to me.” My hands lightly trembled in remembering the feeling I had when she did kiss me. ‘Come on Chris pull yourself together and just finish the dishes.’

“Well sweetie you should talk to her about it one day.” Aurora put her hoof back in the sink and continued to finish the job.

“I will. When the time is right, I will.” The question in my head screamed, “But how will I?”

The front door opened to little flash drive running in. His small hooves clopping across the wood floor as he seemed to be in search for something. “Uncle? Grandma?”

“In here my little colt.” Aurora sang out to him.

His little horn was visible as he dashed about the living room in search for his query. He jumped into the kitchen and ran up to us panting. “I saw my friend today!” He stopped as if that was the big statement.

“I know Flash. You left this afternoon to see him.” Aurora giggled as she placed the last of the dishes in the drying rack.

“No! You don’t know what he told me!” He jumped in his excitement. Before either one of us could ask he hopped up on a stool. “There we were in his treehouse talking about monsters of the Everfree and he spoke to me of the hooded phantom. He said to have glowing eyes of ember flames and carries the spear of goblins.”

My head snapped to Aurora, “There’s goblins here!?”

“No. There isn’t.” She rolled her eyes in a small laugh. “Youth always do have the most active imagination.” She smiled as she dried her hooves on a dish towel. “Swipes do you have any homework before break is over? Remember you have to keep your grades up if you want to go on that field trip to Canterlot Gardens.”

“All I have to do is a report on the history of Ponyville. I got the best source of information right in front of me though seeing your old as sand.” He pointed his hoof out to Aurora in a small giggle.

“Go do it before I give you a real history lecture.” She lowly growled.

Drive ran out of the room with another giggle and his tail tucked beneath him as Aurora apparently spanked him lightly with her magic.

I gently laughed at the scene before thinking on what Flash Drive told us. “What if there is another... ?“

“Another?” She asked me in confusion.

“Oh. Another being like me.” I confessed my thoughts.

“I highly doubt it sweetheart. there is no record of your species… then again… you did appear recently.” She pondered for a second. “Chris would you please monitor Flash with his homework. I’m going to make dinner now.”

“Would you like me to help you?”

She turned around with only her hooves replying my question as they echoed against the kitchen tile.

Nodding my head in silence, I began to make my way to the living room. Turning the corner, I whispered quietly to myself, “I remember she used to do that to me only if she was focused on something on her mind.”

The living room was alight with a warm glow from a center light fixture that seemed to give Drive the best light to write his report. He was busy with the pencil in his mouth, writing away at the paper with speed. I was impressed by the penmanship of his mouth. Getting a good look at the paper, it was a half a page of complete narcissism. “The history of Flash Drive and his discovery of Ponyville?”

His little head nodded quickly and he peered up in the corner of his eye. “This is going to be a hit at school.”

“I don’t think you got your facts correct.” I chuckled and sat down next to him.

“What do you know about pony history?” He spat the pencil down.

“Sadly I know little to nothing about this place.” My words trailed off as I continued to read down the paper. “You are quite the clever little writer now aren’t you?” I stopped on the word ‘Canterlot’ and recalled the event that was taking place tonight. It was something very important to the ponies here and all of them seemed to be excited by the mere mention of it’s name. Perhaps Drive could provide me with some answers. “Hey Drive?”

“Yes Uncle?” He grunted through his teeth as the pencil was back in his mouth by now.

“What is this evening event called again?”

“The what now? I’m doing homework if that’s what you’re asking…” his face was confused.

“No. I meant the thing that Shutter is taking Lora to.”

“Oh, the big triple G.” He smiled. “Yeah around here it’s the biggest party throwdown in the land, but only those with connections can get invited to it. Grandma works setting up the fireworks for the princess. She said that a lot of formal, fancy ponies show up and they dance and laugh till morning. If you ask me, it sounds really fun.”

“Perhaps I could go there and see this party.”

“Maybe you could follow Grandma to help her set up tonight.” Drive flashed a mischievous smile.

“Flash you know as much as I do that doing that would be not…”

“Not entirely wrong if your sneaky about it. It’s at night and who would see you except some rich ponies. They would probably just toss it to the lights in their eyes.” He interrupted me with a witty smile.

“Flash…” I wanted to not encourage his idea, but darn it if it wasn’t a good one. “I’m not saying I’m approving that kind of behavior.”

“But you want to.” The smile broadened on his face.

My mouth opened to say something, but he had me nailed. Drive was almost too sure of himself now as he went back to his writing. The little horse was now all powerful of self esteem that was evident in his history of self glory and power. Shaking my head, I stood up and stretched my upper naked body from the awkward sitting position. To my right, I noticed Thunder coming down the stairs and off behind me was my pony mom fixing up something that had a drool enticing effect.

“Dinner is almost ready boys. Please get the dinner table ready.” Her psychic like statement called out before our stomachs rumbled and growled.

“Honey, I’ll never know how you are able to do that.” Thunder chuckled and trotted across the living room. “Lets go stallions.” He gestured to Drive and myself.

“Chris Sweetheart, please go get Lora and Shutter upstairs. They should eat before leaving for the Gala tonight.” Aurora smiled. “Thunder and Drive can handle the table themselves.”

“Alright, I’ll be right back.” I turned to the stairwell and dashed up them with leaps.

Up in the second story hallway, I could see that Shutter’s room was wide open as the blue Stallion of myself was getting ready for his night. He looked very tidy with his navy bowtie and white formal suit. I walked in and smiled behind him as he looked in the mirror. His eyes seemed to staring at a photograph of him and Lora taped to the mirrors wooden edge.

“Tonight Lora…” He sighed lovingly in a whisper.

“You two were meant to be together.” I spoke softly as to not scare him too much.

“C-chris!?” His eyes darted strainght at me through the mirror and his body shifted in a half turn. “How long have you been standing there?”

“Not very long my friend.” I managed to withheld a laugh. “Mom insists you come eat before your trip to Canterlot.”

“That would be a good idea considering the train food isn’t all that filling.” Shutter fixed his slightly messed up mane from me scaring him. “You mind going to get Lora for me? I feel like it wouldn’t be all that proper if I went to see her before she’s entirely ready.”

“Sure thing Shutter.” I was about to leave when I noticed a few photographs with shutter and few other ponies, mostly all stallions. There were a couple that stood out to me though. There was a tall, lanky brown stallion with square glasses that covered his green eyes with his mane tied up in a ponytail and wore a dark grey jacket. A very smug, sly grey unicorn stallion with a red mane that curled up at the end and magenta eyes that seemed to say ‘That’s right I’m here’. The last one I saw made me believe that he was some kind of night guard of royalty as his deep blue coat stood out against the dark armor and his bright blue piercing stare. “Shutter? Who are these three stallions?”

“Oh those are some of my closest friends.” Shutter smiled and trotted to me to point them out. “This brown earth Stallion is Lego Brick, the ashy unicorn that looks like he is the center of attention is Vocal Point, and the pegasus warrior is known as Feather Book.”

“I see… you have a lot more too.” I took notice at all the others on his wall. In my heart I wondered if there was a pony that would represent my only closest friend from my world. “Robert…” I whispered as I looked at all of them.

“I’m sorry what was that?” Shutter asked looking up at me.

“It’s… it’s nothing important.”

Shutters eyes narrowed on me as if to say ‘I know you’re lying’ and quite frankly it worried me that he was able to read into that. He finally shrugged it off. “Whatever you say Chris. Please go get Lora for dinner now.” He patted my back and trotted out into the hallway.

As soon as I knew he was gone, I sighed and shook my head. “This… isn’t my world…” My heart grew slightly heavy. “I need to find a way back home.” I shook my head as my feet lead me back into the hallway again.

The room that Lora was staying in was closed and everything seemed quiet. Moving toward it I noticed there was no light coming from the door. “Lora? Lora are you okay in there?” My hand on the knob, I pushed on the white door to reveal that the room was completely dark. “I guess she’s not here.” Just as I was closing the door a figure moved about in the room. “Okay who’s there?!” My feet went forward as my mind said not to. The light wasn’t anywhere to be found on the wall as I entered with my hand looking for it franticly. I darted my eyes in the darkness as I looked about for the figure. “Come on please…” I whispered in frustration as my hand couldn’t feel the light switch. Then I could feel something feathery wrap around my body.

“Gotcha.” I heard Lora whisper in my ear.

My heart jumped as her wing threw me down into her other wings embrace. Before I could say anything I felt her lips softly press onto mine as her wing held my head up. Surprised at first I nearly squirmed, but the instant her kiss made contact I froze up and I felt the wave of bliss sweep over me again. My heart was slowing down. I lost all sense of the world around me as I kissed back. The sensation of her kissing me again made me want to lose myself and surrender to the feelings I had for her, However when I felt her touch my scar with her hoof, my mind tried to regain control once more. Pushing myself out of her hold I rolled to the floor and got to my knees. “Lora. Please stop it’s Chris.” I said in a hushed voice.

Her tail flicked at the light switch to reveal her in a beautiful cyan gown with rose stripes that swirled up like a dancing ribbon of silk. She was staring me down with her mane all bundled up looking at me with sultry eyes. “You think I didn’t notice?” She tittered as she closed in. “The feel of your skin, your body’s shape, the taste of your lips. Come on Chris. It doesn’t take much to deduce that it was you.” Her muzzle gracefully touched my forehead as she kissed it.

I pulled back in confusion and almost disgust. “L-Lora I’m not Shutter.”

“I know. You’re more than that I believe. There’s something more to you.”

“What?! No there isn’t anything Lora. I’m nothing more, besides I’m human and you’re a…” My mouth stopped as I saw the slight hurt in her eyes.

“A what?” She frowned. “Somepony that has feelings for you?”

“No… Lora it’s not right. Even if it wasn’t, I only arrived less than a week ago. You and Shutter have been together for what a year or two?”

Her eyes lowered toward the floor as she seemed to have made the same connection in her mind. “But, Chris I feel like with you its…”

“Lora you can’t be with me… I… I don’t want to be with you.” My throat closed up and my mind and heart became numb as I spoke. “There is nothing between us.”

The look of her heartbroken face killed me right down to the core of my being. Tears started to fall from her cheeks. “I… I see.” She turned away from me.

“Lora.” I said her name in feeling I could somehow undo the pain, but I couldn’t say anything now as she made her way out the door with her wing covering her face. My body weakened from the emotions I collapsed on the floor in a pathetic sitting position the wood creaking underneath my bottom. “...Damn it.”


Taking the liberty as the family ate dinner, I snuck out of the house and made my way into town. The low lighted streets from the moonlight made the stones pop out of the stream of the dirt path that flowed through town. It wasn’t quite as most of the ponies were having their own party to probably partake in the Gala without going to it. Here I am sneaking around as a thief. A thief of Lora’s and Shutter’s love. My heart knew that only one pony would be wise enough to help me with my sin. Unfortunate for me, Aurora was with Shutter and Lora heading to the train station right about now. The plan formulated in my mind that the best course of action would be to get to that Gala and have Aurora talk to Lora about her feelings. A bad call most likely, but at this point of everything I had no choice.

The shadows made it easy for me to sneak past house to house. My mind was on nothing else than the goal of reaching Aurora at the Gala. A few houses here and there caught my eye as the ponies inside them made gay entertainment out of this night. The gentle breeze hit my face as I ran to shadow to shadow. The smell of the soil and cool air ran through my nose. Train Station was a distant landmark at this point and I could see the column of smoke rising into the clear starry sky. Pulling my jacket on closer to my body, I picked up speed.

Covering ground making certain that I wasn’t spotted, I made my way to town square where the Sugarcube Corner was. my feet rolled off the dirt as I ran up to an empty alley. The feeling that I was being followed was rising the hair on the back of my neck as I neared the train Station. Before exited the alley, I spun around and looked back to see a bright green tail disappear over the top one of the buildings. The faint light of the working station behind me casted a very faint shadow against the building.

Once I regained my breath, I finally asked the pursuer, “Who are you and why are you following me?”

“Oh my… This one talks.” A voice said over the rooftops.

My mouth dropped in hearing this male voice speak. That particular voice was never to be forgotten anytime soon. “Robert?” I slowly took a step forward into the alley again.

The black bat winged pony swooped down and landed in front of me with a wide wicked grin. His mane altered in black and bright green that stood out in the darkness along with his white fanged teeth. His eye’s however were covered with a pair of dark sunglasses. “The name is Veroto Hades, human.”

“Veroto Hades? What kind of pony...Wait you know I’m human?” I asked. “How did you know?”

“So many questions to answer.” Veroto laughed with an evil chuckle before stepping a little bit closer to me. “Tell you what Chris, I’ll answer them all if you survive what's to come.”

“You tell me now! How do you know about me! And what did you mean when you said I talked…” My voice trailed off as I felt something grab ahold of my arm from behind. The shadow I casted on the wall was now larger than before. In a reaction I jerked and turned to see the assailant only to be horrified to my core. My eyes landed on the stone pegasus that nearly got me the day before. “No…” Was the only thing that came to my lips.

“Good luck, Chris. Maybe we’ll met again… if you’re still alive.” Veroto laughed again as he flew overhead. “Try not to blink!”

My heart pounded out of my chest and tears rolled down my cheeks. “No… I will not die like this.” With all my effort I kept my eyes glued to the statue and pulled my arm hard. immediately I was greeted to my appendage not moving at all as it was stuck inside of the pegasus’s stone wing. The face was just staring at me with it’s deathly silence and emotionless expression. “No! Help! Anyone!” My voice echoed into the night, but was silenced by the even louder whistle blow from the train.

Still trying not to blink I saw that ponies were now leaving to go to Canterlot. To my adding pain, my eyes landed on Aurora, Shutter and Lora boarding the train. My heart screamed out as I reached my free hand toward them. “Help me!” I yelled with all my might. In my cry I heard boxes behind me fly back as if I kicked them. My natural response caused me to look back, but I was severely wrong in doing so as my other hand was now imprisoned by the demon statue.

I shot my eyes forward to now have the pegasus in my face. Her eyeless sockets shook me to the core as I knew she was staring right into my very soul. “Oh… God…” I whimpered with fear.

My eyes burned as amazingly I managed to keep them open long enough for the realization to It hit me. I’m going to die here…
