• Published 1st May 2013
  • 1,919 Views, 112 Comments

Human and Pony Alike - ShutterGuy

Chris Taylor, a man that recently found himself stuck in the world of Equstria. Aiding him is ponified version of himself named Shutter flash. The same person in two different bodies and species.

  • ...

Trip to Ponyville

I woke up to the sound of a heart monitor pinging away my pulse. I had the strangest dream. I dreamt that I fell through a portal and there were talking ponies. I met one that was like me in almost every way. Man I wonder if Robert is okay. Ow! I felt a stabbing pain in my arm and could feel the blood leave my system. I opened my eyes to piece of white sheet covering my face. I immediately felt pain all over my body as I tried to move. An older male voice spoke next to me on the right side of the bed. "Oh, he's finally awake. Nurse please go tell his friends that are waiting for him." I then heard a clopping sound of two sets of feet. I figured that more than one nurse left and both were wearing some kind of shoe that clopped with each step. "Now, that she's gone I can finally ask you some questions. First question: What type of species are you?" At hearing this I slowly lifted my hand to the white sheet and pulled it down a little. I was staring into a pair of gray eyes that were wide with anticipation. On the side of the bed I saw a turquoise colored pony with a horn that had a light blue aura around it. Is that a... Unicorn? Then all that I thought was a dream, happened?! I felt my mind go numb as I looked at a clipboard and a pen both encased in the same colored aura and were... LEVITATING?! How in the world is that even possible?!

The pony scratched his grey mane with a hoof and began to cross something out on the clipboard. He wrote something else and then looked at me. "I guess the first question should have been 'Do you have the ability to speak?' which in this case I will write no."

"I-I can speak..." he stopped at what he was doing and looked up at me with beaming eyes.

"Oh you can speak! I knew it! Now can you answer the fore-mentioned question, please?" He brought the pen to the paper eager to hear my answer.

"What question was that again?" I was overwhelmed with everything that had happened. I couldn't even think straight. His face became slightly disgruntled as he rolled his eyes.

"What is the name of your species?" his voice was a little less enthusiastic than before.

"Well I'm..."

"I don't care! Even if the princess herself told you to go, you just don't go into that forest Shutter!" I was cut off by a yelling female voice that came from the hallway. Both the pony and me turned our heads to the door that was on my left.

Hearing his name instantly brought back the memory of the navy pony who saved my life. He was like my twin in almost every way except for the small fact that he was a pony and I was human. I remembered having my mind blown by the shear fact that he could talk. A world of talking ponies. No one would ever believe me back home... I let out a mildly sad sigh as I heard the angry female voice coming closer. I wonder if I will ever see home again... Well I guess I'm stuck in this world for now. What did they call it again? Equestion... No... Oh come on its going to drive crazy if I can't remember. Equestlia...

"Lora, you don't understand! I never seen anything like him in all of Equestria!" Upon hearing Shutter Flash say the name I face-palmed and shook my head. How could have I forgotten a name like that? I put my hand down to see the door was opened by Shutter. I saw that his right foreleg had a bandage wrapped around it. "I promise Lora once you see him you'll realize why I endangered myself." A peach colored head popped from around the corner with her sapphire eyes burrowing into Shutter and teeth grinding. Her rose colored mane was flared up and almost seemed to be dancing like fire. I felt a chill climb my spine at the fierceness that this pony produced.

"You should've never even endangered yourself in the first place!" She nearly screamed in a sibilant tone. I than became conscience that I was shaking in fear as much as Shutter was. She then entered the room not taking her piercing stare off of Shutter. The first thing I noticed, besides how beautiful she was, were the wings on the side of her body.

"Y-your a... Pegasus!" My thoughts became audible with my face in a state of shock. Her ears immediately perked up and she spun her head around to stare at me with those soft blue eyes. Upon seeing me she let her jaw drop and let out an adorable squeak.

"Your voice..." She then began to alternately look between Shutter and myself. "How... What kind of animal are you?

"That's exactly what I have been trying to find out!" The turquoise unicorn yelled.

"I can answer that, Doctor. He is from a legendary race called humans." Shutter stepped to the side of the white bed and smiled at me.

"Legendary? Humans, legendary?" I rose one of my eyebrows and Shutter gave me a wink. The unicorn squinted his eyes and looked at me tapping his hoof against his chin.

"Intriguing... Most intriguing. Such an exotic species. Furless, small eyes, little mane. And also apparently is capable of copying both vocal patterns and speech. Tell me. Can you replicate my voice? Are you bilingual in any other language beside Equestrian?" The levitating pen scratched some words as he continued to peer at me with a look of interest.

"Well no on both questions. I don't copy anybody's voice and the only language I know is English. I do know some Spanish."

"Anypony..." The uncorn said in a corrective manner.


"You said 'anybody' when its correctly said 'anypony'." I glanced over at Shutter with a deadpan face. He responded only with a look that said 'He's right'. The unicorn continued, "Tell me what is this Spanish that you spoke of?" I turned to the peach Pegasus, who was studying me with those lovely eyes of hers.

"Como te llamas, guapa?" She tilted her head to side.

"What does that mean?" I smiled as I repeated the same question in English.

"What's your name, Beautiful?" She immediately blushed and her wings popped open.

"Oh... um, Lora Silkstep." she slightly turned her head away and gave me an adorable look out of the corner of her eyes. "What's yours?"

"Chris Taylor. It is an honor to meet such a pretty girl... uh I mean mare like yourself, Lora." I reached out with my hand. She smiled and placed her hoof inside my palm to shake it, but I gently pulled it close and kissed her hoof. Her face reddened even more and she tried to hide her face with her wing like a fan.

"Chris... I like that name. I'm very happy to meet you as well." she said partly behind her peach feathers. Shutter giggled at Lora's adorable shyness while the unamused unicorn impatiently tapped his clipboard.

"So are you saying that the voice you have, is your own?" I didn't turn my head to respond I was too busy enjoying the look on Lora's face.

"Yes, it is. Why is that important though?" The unicorn was about to speak when the door swung open. Standing at the doorway was a beige pony with a nurses hat and she had a look of complete bewilderment. She was wearing a pouch on her back where multiple clipboards sat inside.

"Um, doctor the blood test we did on the creat..." She eyed me nervously. "I mean 'patient' came out to result that he had visited this hospital on a prior date."

"What!? that is impossible! How could that be true when he came in just today?" The nurse pulled out a clipboard with her mouth and the light blue aura took hold of it. The unicorn began skimming the writing then stopped. Shutter noticing the expression on his face approached.

"Doctor what is it?" The unicorn slowly pulled his face away from the paper and glanced at Shutter Flash. He then stiffened a hoof out towards me.

"If I may ask. How did you come across this human?" His gray eyes darted at me then back to Shutter.

"Well I found him being pushed through some portal in the Everfree Forest. Why?" the medical pony quickly trotted right next to me and studied my face closely. He then directed a question to the nurse that stood on the far side of the room.

"Are you sure that you didn't mix Mr. Taylor's blood with anypony else." he shot a glance to Shutter and then back down to me.

"I'm very certain sir." She replied with confidence.

"Very interesting... we need to make sure no mistakes were made. Take another blood sample for testing."

"Yes, doctor." the beige pony trotted over to a white cupboard and began pulling out syringes. Shutter and myself quivered at the sight of them. I felt a tap of a hoof on my shoulder. I looked at the supporting smile of Lora on my left, somehow she knew that would be enough to calm my senses.

"Mr. Taylor..." the professional sounding voice grabbed my attention. "After we take another blood sample..." He let out a soft sigh. "You'll be free to go. Your wounds should heal up fine and the stitches should fall out on their own in three days." I glanced down to realize that I had been striped of my shirt. I lifted the white sheet and was immediately relieved to see my pants had been left on. Lora gasped at the sight of my abdomen. It was covered all over in little gashes and my stomach had been wrapped up in bandages. "I still want you to take it easy for next two days. No extreme lifting or pushing yourself hard. This will only make the healing process a little bit longer. " the nurse came to side where Lora sat and grabbed my arm prepping it for the needle. Lora's face held a puzzled expression.

"Why not just heal him with a spell?" My eyelids blinked rapidly at Lora's question. Spell?

"I tried that, but for somepony to receive magic, one must already have magic in them. I could only assume that Mr. Taylor is immune to magic because not a lot is in his system. It was a good thing he was still unconscious when I stitched him up." I tensed up as the needle went into my skin. Lora comforted me by rubbing my shoulder with her hoof.

"I shouldn't have any magic in me what-so-ever. I come from a non-magical place."

"Well not to surprise you or anything, but you have somehow obtained a little magic. Only that of a newborn colt which is very little." with the syringes finally filled with my crimson blood the nurse gently sat them down on a tray and carried them out of the room. "Well that's it. You can be on your way. I suggest that you come back to check up with me in a week. Here's my card." I grabbed the card and read it in my head. Dr. Crescent Inter-species specialist and member of PAS.

"PAS?" he nodded

"Pony Advocates of Science. Were always discussing on the latest breakthroughs, like yourself. If only we could get our hooves on you for one day." Feeling slightly discomforted I got up out of the bed.

"Thanks, but no thanks." Still feeling weak I stumbled and almost fell to the floor if Lora and Shutter weren't there to catch me. "Um, doctor where is my shirt?"

"Oh of course here you go." the torn navy shirt floated through the air and landed in my hands. "Remember. No extreme lifting or pushing yourself, understand?"

"Got it thanks again Dr. Crescent" He sighed as continued to write down something on his clipboard. I threw on my shirt and all together we made our way out of the room.


Before leaving the small hospital, Shutter Flash picked up his saddlebag that he left at the desk. "Thank you for holding it for me." the pony behind the desk smiled at him.

"Anything for you Shutter Flash. I can't tell you how much I appreciate the family photos you did for me. They're beautiful!" Shutter rubbed the back of his head and smiled.

"No problem, I'm always happy to work with my camera. Take care and have a good evening." She waved to us goodbye as we headed outside. The cool evening air was relaxing and I took a deep breathe through my nose. The oxygen was fresh and had a hint of sweetness from far off baking. The street was empty and the moon began it's rise over the rooftops. The sky was magnificent stars were twinkling against the purple hues and the moon looked like someone had painted it with acrylics. Wow... this night is so beautiful.

Thank you...

I quickly snapped my head around and scanned the area. The only ponies around were Lora and Shutter. The female voice was elegant and smooth like Lora's, but it didn't belong to her. I could've sworn I heard someone say thank you.

"Chris, what's wrong? Lora was eying me in concern as she saw me looking around.

"Oh... it's nothing much. I was getting used to my surroundings is all."

"Okay. Well Shutter I will go home and get ready for tomorrow's trip to Ponyville." I began to slightly giggle, but a glare from Shutter caused me to silence it completely. "Uh... um yeah. Chris it was a great pleasure to meet you and I look forward to spending more time with you tomorrow." I nodded and she smiled widely at me. She then turned to Shutter and leaned in close. Really close. Then I felt my stomach turn slightly when she wrapped herself around his neck, kissing him. Wait do I actually feel jealous about this. She pulled away and looked into his eyes. "Your right. Saving Chris was a good reason to go into the Everfree Forest. But if you do it again. I will make sure that you won't ever find your camera, okay sweetheart?" Shutter's eyes widened and he rapidly nodded. "Good. Night you two handsome stallions." She flapped her wings out and flew off into the air twisting and turning towards a distant cloud. Shutter Flash sat on his flank and sighed lovingly.

"She is amazing, Isn't she?" I turned away from him to hide the frustration in my voice.

"Yeah, she is..."

"Let us get some sleep, I think we both deserve it. I'll show you where I live, Come on." He stood back up and began slowly walking away from me. I stood there a second longer just staring at the disappearing form of Lora as she soared. I felt my heart thumping in my chest and I could feel a lump in my throat. Do I actually have feelings for this pony? I shook my head. No I need to stay vigilant. She belongs with Shutter Flash after all. I turned towards Shutter and followed him through the dark streets of Hoovington.


We came up on a two story house that held a sign over the front door. It had Shutter Flash's cutie mark and words that were off center, the words read 'Picture This'. Shutter opened the door and gestured inside. The doorway was just big enough for me to walk in without ducking. Shutter patted the sign and entered the house. "My father was the one that came up with that name." I was saddened a little at the word of father.

"Funny, I was going to name a photo business that same name."

"Are you serious? Wow... I guess we share more in common that just looks." He lit up the room with a lamp. He took his saddlebag off and started to rummage through it inspecting his equipment. Everything seemed to be going fine until he pulled out his camera. He let out a quick gasp and was troubled greatly by his discovery.

"Flash, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for that to happen." Shutter lifted his camera and the lens were hanging off it cracked. "If you didn't slow down for me, your camera would have been fine." He immediately shot me a stern stare.

"Yeah and If I didn't you wouldn't be alive. I think your life is a little more important than a lens."

"How about your camera?" I walked over to the couch and sat down.

"Its got a couple of dings that are new, but nothing that should affect its performance. I'll just buy another lens in Ponyville tomorrow, before our job." I was taken back a little.

"Our job? What do you mean?"

"Well a friend of mine needs pictures done and seeing that you are completely new here your going to need a job. So as of now you are my assistant, you're going to need the bits." He put his camera back into the bag.

"Bits?" I was yawning and could feel my eyes become heavy.

"See, if you don't even know what our currency is how do you expect to survive here? I'll explain more about bits in the morning. For now you should get some rest." I snapped my head back up pulling myself out of a dreamy trance.

"I'm sorry about the lens Shutter." He looked at me and smiled.

"Ah, don't worry about it. I was more concerned about the camera. It was given to me by my dad."

I could sense my heart start to ring itself with pain. I suddenly found myself to be disgusting as I remembered my lack of a reaction to my own lens cracking. Shutter thankfully didn't see the tear roll down my face. Suddenly my mind remembered the aged cloth that was still in my pocket. Shutter hung his saddlebag on a hook near the door and was about to turn off the light when I stopped him.

"Shutter if you please I would like the light on for a little while longer."

"Oh sure, Chris when your done just turn it off. Are you sure your going to be okay?" I smiled at him for his sincere caring tone.

"I'll be fine thank you."

"Alright, good night Chris." he trotted upstairs and I heard a door close shut. I then pulled out the old cloth and gingerly opened it. I pulled out the dog tag and stared at it remembering O'Harrea's words in my head.

"He used to talk a lot about you, you know?" I turned the tag until I could see the name of 'David T. Taylor' in the warm light of the lamp. "You can still get a hold of your life, but you need to actually try to make it work." I unhooked the chain and pulled it around my neck. "He was a good man Chris, you should be proud to be a Taylor. I clipped the chain into place and let it fall onto my chest. I am proud to be a Taylor, just not proud of what I've said.

I started to tear up at the memories of our last fight. Had I only known that it was the my last moment with him I wouldn't have fought with him. I threw my head into my palms and sobbed quietly. Dad... Please forgive me... I-I just wish I had a chance to take it back. Oh God, I would do anything for that chance. I continued to cry into the night trying keep my regrets at bay.


The sun shone its powerful rays onto my face and I opened my eyes squinting. The dryness under my eyelids told me that I had cried myself to sleep. I imagined my father would tell me to man up at this point. I sat up to find myself in a bed. Wait wasn't I on the couch? Just then I heard hooves getting closer beyond the door of the room. I looked around to see that I was some guest room. The door slowly opened and Lora popped her head in.

"Good morning, Chris. I have breakfast ready for you." She beamed at me with a beautiful smile.

"Thanks Lora, I appreciate that." She must've seen the way my eyes looked because her smile turned into a frown.

"Sweetheart, what's the matter?" I slowly brought my feet down to the hardwood floor as she came and sat next to me on the bed. She brought her right foreleg up and began to rub my back. I have to say with the fact that didn't have any fingers It felt incredibly comforting. "You can tell me anything, I want you to know that."

"Lora I... I'm just missing home is all." I knew I could trust her, but I didn't want to burden her with my problems.

"You know, keeping it in will only hurt you. Shutter told me how you have these moments and he understands them. He does the same because he doesn't want to hurt others with his problems." She leaned in and nuzzled my check which I instantly blushed from. "I won't push if you don't want to tell me, but please remember I will always be willing to listen." She pulled away from my face and I looked over at her with slight smile. Her mane seemed to curl around her face directing me to her gorgeous blue eyes. We sat there staring at each other and I could sense something stirring inside of me. A warm and wonderful emotion that I wished wouldn't go away. I smiled widely at her and she returned it with a smile of her own. I continued to take in the adorableness of her stare loving every second of it. Her muzzle and rosy checks made me want to take her in my arms and not let go. I placed my hand on her hoof.


"Yes..." She said in a soft voice.

"I... I... Just want to tell you..."

"Chris! Lora! Come on the food is getting cold and we're going to be late for the train." The sound of my voice from downstairs was enough to pull me back to earth.

I don't know how but I suddenly found myself mere inches from her face. She seemed to realize the same thing as she slowly pulled back and gawked at me. I removed my hand from her hoof and looked at the floor feeling ashamed. She's a pony and she doesn't belong to you. Come on Chris! Get your head on straight! I felt a hoof touch my shoulder.

"I'm sorry Chris, I hope your not upset. It's just whenever I look into your eyes, I'm reminded of a certain stallion." She gracefully fluttered off the bed and landed in front of me. She took her hoof and made me look up into eyes again. "Your a very handsome human and I bet you make your special somepony very happy back where you came from. Now lets go get some pancakes." My entire body popped up in response to hearing the word. "Shutter knew you would like that." She giggled with her hoof over her mouth. I rushed out of the room and headed downstairs my mind consumed with thoughts of fluffy clouds of pancakes raining syrup. I only stopped when I saw the old piece of cloth with the piece of paper still inside it sitting on the coffee table. Another time, right now pancakes! I grabbed the cloth and placed it in my pocket. I then made it to the dining table where the smell of pancakes overtook me.

Shutter was just finishing his stack as he looked up to me with a bit of syrup dripping off his muzzle. "Gould Morling!" he tried to say with the pancakes filling his cheeks. I chuckled at him.

"Good morning Shutter Flash. Where do I sit?" he indicated with a hoof towards a pillow next to the table. "You ponies wouldn't happen to have chairs would you?" Shutter swallowed his bite and gave me a confused look.


"I'll take that as a no." I walked up to the table and knelt down on my knees my arms just high enough to clear the edge of the table. It was uncomfortable way to eat but I didn't care. In front of me was six pancakes all of them were covered in syrup and a touch of butter. Heaven in Equestria.

After the most delicious stack of pancakes i ever had in my life Lora, Shutter, and myself made our way over to the Hoofington Train Station. I was carrying the most of the luggage due to the fact that I had none of my own and my hands were perfect for grabbing multiple bags. Figures that i would be made to to carry the most. As we traveled the streets I saw the array of multicolored ponies carrying on with their business. Any who made eye contact with my form was instantly frozen with wide eyes. A world of colorful, talking ponies. Why do I feel like I'm in some cartoon show. I shrugged off the thought as we approached the train platform. The train was a vastly colored as the rest of the ponies that roamed through town. I walked up and placed the luggage down in front of the booth. Shutter brought up a hoof and tapped the window. "Um excuse me I would like three train tickets to Ponyville, if you please." A head came into view and looked down at Shutter with a smile.

"Sure thing that will 12 bits please."

"12 bits? I guess they've raised it since last time. Well i guess I can get more bits once we're Ponyville." he reached into his saddlebag and pulled out a bag that jingled with the sound of coins. He emptied it and bunch of golden coins fell onto the counter.

"So those are bits."

"Yeah, this is how we financially pay for our needs and wants." the pony in the booth started separating the coins counting aloud.

"Okay." I secretly thought that bits were something edible.

"Ten, eleven, and twelve. Alright here you go and enjoy your trip." The pony reached out three tickets and Shutter took them with his mouth. He and Lora went ahead and jumped onto the train opposite of the ticket booth. When I lowered myself to grab the luggage I noticed the pony' smile slowly fade at the sight of me. He began to tremble almost in fear. Gosh I guess ponies are still as timid as the ones back home. I grabbed the luggage and followed Shutter and Lora into the train. Stepping up into the first car, I immediately sensed numerous sets of eyes peering at me. A bunch of various colors and types of ponies had silenced their conversations to stare at me. Starting to feel uneasy I slowly made my way to the empty seat at the back of the train car.

"Um hi there. Please don't mind me, I'm just a plain harmless human." Their eyes followed me as I made my way to the empty seat behind Lora and Shutter. I turned around placed the first of the luggage up in the compartment over head. I could still feel the stares and to be honest it started to get on my nerves. I finally finished organizing the luggage to fit when I heard the train start to move. Before sitting down into my seat I looked up to see that the ponies were still blankly gazing at me. You know screw it. I am an alien to them, and I probably would have gawked at a martian the same way. I plopped down into the seat and began to observe the scenery as it slowly moved past the window.

After what seemed to be an hour of traveling I started missing simple things I took for granted back home like a mp3 player. Then I just started thinking of home wondering if I would ever see it again. Not this world wasn't beautiful, it was just being the only human was beginning to mess with me. I sat next to the window with my chin resting on my palm watching the trees blur past me. I glanced forward to see that Shutter was doing the exact same thing. Then Lora placed her head on his shoulder and he turned to her kissing her on the forehead. I shifted my position to folding my arms taking my attention back outside. I can't let anything happen to them... there so perfect together. I need to accept that she is a pony and I'm human. I let out a sigh and then threw on a face of determination. I swear that I will protect their relationship. Even from myself.

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed a mountain range with what seemed to be a castle built off the side of it. It was terribly far so I could only make out shapes of it. Shutter turned around and pointed to the window. "Chris, that is Canterlot. Home to the Princesses and where I first met Lora." He turned to nuzzle her and she blushed.

"Princesses? You mean you have more than one?"

"Yeah one who rules the night and one during the day. Luna is the one that rules by night and Celestia is during the day." I was confused at how the politics worked here, but not caring for politics I decided to let it go. I turned my face back to the window to see a town on the horizon. I felt the train shift as we started to decrease in speed and let out three long whistles. Shutter's face lit up slightly. "Yes we're finally here!"


"Ponyville, Chris."


Once the train came to a complete stop the ponies all filed out of the train all carrying their baggage's. Lora, Shutter and myself were one of the last ones off the train. I stepped off onto the platform and took in the town known as Ponyville. It was bustling with a good number of ponies about forty were all going about their business. There was a market place where vendors were selling food and a few restaurants that were busy attending hungry ponies. One shop that stood out to me though was one that looked like a gingerbread house that said 'Sugercube Corner'. Shutter exhaled a content breath. "Ponyville, my hometown. I lot of my happiest memories are from here." He turned to Lora and nuzzled her check. "Honey can you go and pick up something for us to eat for lunch. Meet us at my family's house when your finished."

"Sure thing sweetheart." She smiled and flew off towards the market. Shutter turned to me and smiled.

"Chris follow me. I think I know a shop that you would like." Luggage in hand I walked after the navy colored pony pondering on where he was taking me. After a few blocks around the homes we came to a little store with cameras sitting in the window. Shutter immediately jumped for joy at the sight of the store. "Oh my goodness, they finally got a new lens. Come on, Chris hurry!" I smiled after him as he galloped towards the shop. I readjusted my grip on the luggage feeling my arms getting tired from carrying them. I walked forward, but soon found myself tripping forward and face-planting into the ground.

"Oh I am sorry I didn't see you there... Well hey there Chris." I pushed off the ground and looked back at a brown stallion with a dark brown mane and a hourglass on his flank.

"How do you know my name?" He chuckled a little as he reached out a hoof to help me up.

"Did the kick to the head do more than just a migraine? It's me, the Doctor." I grabbed his hoof and he pulled me up to my feet.

"Doctor who?" He laughed even harder.

"No, just the Doctor. Well it's good seeing you again. I would love to talk, but I am actually late to meeting Miss Hooves over at Sugarcube Corner." We waved to me and ran off in the direction towards the gingerbread house. I stood there flummoxed. How did you know me?

"Chris I finally got it. The new 20mm lens with an aperture that opens to 1.2. Wide angle shots will look amazing with this." Shutter then leaned into my line of sight. "Chris, are you alright?

"I'm not sure..."

"Well, did you hurt yourself? Because your face is really dirty. What happened to the bags you were carrying?"

"I tripped on someone. Er, I mean, somepony." He nodded in satisfaction of my correction.

"Let's get going to my childhood home. There's a couple of ponies I really want you to meet." I grabbed the bags and quickly stared in the direction of where the brown stallion ran off to. How could he know who I was, if I never met him before? Deciding that it was too confusing to understand I shook my head. "Come on, Chris!" I ran to catch up to Shutter who was heading towards the outskirts of Ponyville.

He came up to a green house with a dark blue trimming surrounded by a white picket fence. He trotted up and opened the gate. He bowed his head towards me like I was royalty and announced, "Welcome to the house of Lighting Flash the third. This is where I was born and raised. Come inside I can't wait for you to meet them."

"Who, Shutter?" But before he answered me he opened the front door and called out inside the house.

"MOM! DAD! I'm home and I brought a friend." I entered the house behind Shutter Flash and took in the surroundings. Portraits and beautiful pictures of Equestria lined the walls everywhere. My heart skipped a step at the sight of one particular family photo. It was one of where Shutter Flash was just a colt with his mom and...

"Hey, there's my boy! How is Hoofington treating you son!" I lost all feeling to my senses as I heard the one voice that I thought I would never hear again. Tears fell rapidly as I looked towards the source of the voice dropping the luggage in the process. In the doorway between the living room and the kitchen stood a tall pony that held the same look as my...DAD!?

Author's Note:

Whew, well here it is. I really hope you enjoy this chapter. Please leave me a comment on what was good or bad I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you for reading.