• Published 9th Feb 2012
  • 7,077 Views, 330 Comments

The Adventures of Sundude and Moonbro - MetalGearSamus

The two Alicorn brodudes go on sweet adventures together.

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Sundude and Moonbro solve problems

Many months of toil later, the newly crowned Princes Sundude and Moonbro sat in the royal throne. It was a comfy and soft sofa, with many drink holders so the two would never feel thirsty.

"What a bodacious day!" Sundude exclaimed as he drank from a refreshing energy drink. "It is so good to finally get time to rest after all this work."

"You're right, dude," Moonbro agreed, "Who knew that rebuilding the country would be such a difficult and most arduously hard task."

"I know that feel, bro," Sundude replied, "My wings are killing me from all this flying around." He sighed, and slouched back in his throne-sofa.

Suddenly, a scared looking earth-pony-dude crashed through the door.

"No! Our sweet door!" Moonbro cried, "You broke it!"

"No time for that," said the earth-pony-dude, "we need your help! Little Timmy has fallen down a well, and we cannot get him out!"

"Oh no! That is most uncool and perilous," Sundude said. "C'mon, bro. We must go and save Little Timmy right away."

"Wait!" cried a pegasus-babe who had just crashed through the ceiling. "Some griffon-guys are stealing our clouds!"

"Noo! Our sick ceiling!" Moonbro cried again, "You broke it!"

"Oh, sorry," apologized the pegasus-babe, "But I still need your help."

"Sure, babe, we'll help," said Sundude.

But then an old bearded-unicorn crashed through the window. "A horde of rabid bears are after me, and my magic only works on flying things! HELP!" he yelled.

"Nooo! Our radical window!" Moonbro cried again again, "You broke it!"

"Whoa, chill bro. I got this." said Sundude. "You, pegasus-babe! Go fly into the well and get Little Timmy out of there while beard-dude goes and takes care of those gnarly griffins with his intense magic. We'll go thrash those uncool bears."

"Sure thing!" the ponies agreed.

"And the earth-pony-dude can fix our castle," Moonbro added, "So we have a place to crash after what will be a most intense battle for our lives against these ferocious bears."

"Right away, your broness," he said.

And then the brodudes fought the bears. It was most intense.

"I'm drained, dude," Moonbro said over the corpse of one of the bears. "I don't think I can help any more of our pony peeps today."

"Yeah, me either," agreed Sundude, who was covered in blood, "We need more down time. There has been far too much work in our lives these past few months, and not enough chill."

"But what about all these ponies?" Moonbro asked, "We're Princes, dude. We gotta help them."

"Don't worry about that, bro," Sundude said. "We'll just start doing what we did today. Tell them how to fix things themselves, or hire other ponies to tell them how to fix things themselves. We'll only take on the stuff that's too raw for even the most powerful of normal ponies."

"That's a great idea dude!" Moonbro said. "You're the best brother a bro could have." And he stuck his hoof out to his bro.

"Thanks bro, you too," said Sundude, who met his bro's hoof in a brohoof. "Nothing could ever break up our bromance, not in a thousand years.* We'll be the best of bros forever."

And that's how Equestria's bureaucracy was created.