• Published 9th Feb 2012
  • 7,077 Views, 330 Comments

The Adventures of Sundude and Moonbro - MetalGearSamus

The two Alicorn brodudes go on sweet adventures together.

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Sundude and Moonbro fight giant mutant cockatirces

One day Sundude woke up and found that Canterlot was under attack by a bunch of giant mutant cockatrices. It was not a good thing to wake up to.

"Oh crap, bro," Sundude said to Moonbro after he ran into his bro's room to tell him about what was going down, "there are some most uncool giant mutant cockatrices attacking the city right now. We gotta do something!"

"I would totally help you out with this situation, dude," said Moonbro, "because, y'know, we're the rulers and protectors of all of ponydom, and it would be totally awesome to fight a bunch of mutant cockatrices with you, but I can't right now because I lost a magazine I was reading and I really really wanna finish the article I was reading."

"But, bro, I'm not sure I can handle all of them, and—"

"Can't Festeggiare help you, dude?"

"Nah, bro, remember? Those pony dudes down in the Swag Empire made him their Emperor after he found all their swag."

"Oh yeah..."

"Now can you please give me a hoof, bro?"

"I really really gotta find this mag first. Trust me. I would be pretty freaked out if someone else found it."

"Okay bro, but if I get stoned then you gotta come save me."

"Will do, dude."

So then Sundude went out to fight the Giant Mutant Cockatrices.

* * * * *

A wind blew through the castle grounds. It was a fierce and unnatural wind, one that brought on its breath a swarm a death—the Giant Mutant Cockatrices. Their horde held hundreds, and all flew toward Canterlot, intent on destroying it. Sundude stood alone on the balcony of the castle's tallest tower, wings spread in defiance of the incoming beasts. An aurulent aura surrounded his horn, and as the creatures neared it blossomed, expanding to encompass his body in a mighty golden glow. His multicolored hair floated slowly in the air beside him, crackling with small flashes of lightning as his gathered power peaked. Above him the sun began to shine brightly, blinding the giant monsters. They would not be able to freeze him now, not unless they got very close. And by then it would be too late for them.

The first cockatrice landed, crumpling the roof of a pony's home in its talons. In a flash Sundude was beneath it, and before it had the chance to react he unleashed a blast of energy at it, vaporizing it instantly. There was not even ash left to blow away in the wind. Sundude did not have any time to rest, however. The horde was on top of him now, seeking vengeance for their fallen companion. With a powerful kick Sundude vaulted into their midst. Closing his eyes tight, he consolidated his power inside him and unleashed it in a powerful burst. For a moment, the sky was overwhelmed by white light, but when it faded a third of the cockatrices had disappeared, their fate the same as the first.

Sundude was safely on the ground now, preparing himself for the next wave of monsters. That attack had devastated the cockatrices numbers, but it had cost him most of the power he had been storing. These beasts were stronger than he had predicted—that blast was meant to put an early end to the battle.

Another cockatrice swooped down upon Sundude, screeching as it bared its claws. Sundude jumped into the attack, using a burst of magic to blind the beast a moment before he pushed himself out of range with his wings. The beast was below him now, and it had lost track of him for a crucial second. Sundude landed behind it, and shot a beam of fire through the creature's head. It slumped to the ground with a final cry of pain, and Sundude turned to the now-regrouped horde. He fired several more beams, felling several more beasts, but it was not enough. They surrounded him, slashing at him with their talons, pecking at him with their beaks, and trying to freeze him with their eyes.

He was on the defensive now. A shield flashed around him, stalling their attacks, but it quaked and cracked underneath the cockatrices' weight. At the last moment, he release another burst of light and teleported away from his blinded enemies, hoping to put some distance between himself the the horde.

More were on him in an instant. They had held back, foreseeing some sort of retreat, and had swooped in when they saw him reappear. Sundude caught three more in another blast of energy, but his power was wearing thin. They were massing in front of him now, forming a wall across the street they were on that stretched up into the sky. He began backing up, restoring his lost energy from the rays of the sun, but a shadow passed over him. He snapped around, gasping in shock at the Cockatrice that had snuck up on his flank.

This one was a behemoth. Bigger than all the rest he had fought before. The ground cracked underneath its weight, and when it opened its maw to shriek at him Sundude saw that it was large enough to devour him whole. The beast struck with its head, intent on eating him, but Sundude charged underneath its swing, stabbing upward with his head. His horn scathed its scales, but did no real damage, and the beast batted him with a heavy wing. He was pushed to the ground, stunned, and the horde closed in on him from behind. He gathered his magic, intent on warping away, but at that moment the behemoth caught his eyes with its own. Sundude grimaced as he resisted the glare of the beast. He knew that his magic was greater than the creature's stare, but he would not be able to overpower it before the others attacked. He was doomed, he knew.

But just then, there was a flash of movement from above him, and a purple and green blur smashed into the cockatrice's face, breaking its stare and allowing Sundude to teleport just outside of the mob of monsters. Without a pause he spread his wings and unleashed a wave of heat at the creatures before him. They backed away, screeching in pain and rage, but the figure who had saved him did not. It was Stab, Dawn Breaker's dragon, and he hissed dramatically as he backed up to Sundude's side. The two were shielded by the vortex of heat, but Sundude could not sustain it—it was beginning to melt the stone beneath their hooves/feet.

"Thank you, Stab," Sundude said, "But why are you here in Canterlot? Where's Dawny?"

"They went off to fight that changeling chick again. I came here to see why you weren't answering the letters we sent you."

"Oh, well, I've been doing this," replied Sundude, "Thanks for saving me, bro."

"No problem, Sundude." Stab bared his claws and hissed again as their heat shield faded. "Now let's finish this."

Before they could say another word the horde was on them again. Sundude finished off the behemoth with a concentrated blast of magic, while stab darted through their ranks, distracting them with swipes to their feet. With their attention split between the overwhelming power of the Prince and the painful slashes from Stab, the cockatrices' already reduced numbers quickly dwindled. After a tense few minutes the last few scurried back into the sky in fear, and Sundude and Stab stood, proud but exhausted, over the corpses of their felled foes.

* * * * *

It was shortly after the battle's end that Moonbro finally came to check up on Sundude.

"Hey, dude!" he cried happily as he appeared next to his bro, "I did it! I found that magazine I lost!"

"That's awesome, bro," said Sundude, "I killed a bunch of giant mutant cockatrices."

"That's pretty cool too, dude," replied Moonbro.

The two brothers brohooved to celebrate their respective victories, and all was chill.

Author's Note:

For those wondering, this is basically what happens in one of the MLP comics. You all really should read them.