• Published 9th Feb 2012
  • 7,077 Views, 330 Comments

The Adventures of Sundude and Moonbro - MetalGearSamus

The two Alicorn brodudes go on sweet adventures together.

  • ...

Sundude gets Moonbro outta the Moon

Nine hundred and ninety-nine years, seven hours, fifty five minutes, and forty-nine seconds later, a purple pony named Dawn Breaker was chilling in her library with her pet dragon Stab, reading her books.

"Hey Stab!" she called out as she finished reading a thesis on new developments in alchemy, "Could you grab Daring Dude and the Crimson Cobblestone for me? I've been wanting to check that out."

"Sure thing," Stab said, "It should be right over here." He began skimming through the bookshelves, but he was stopped by a sudden pain in his chest. "Urk-!" He belched out a letter, and Dawn Breaker levitated it over towards herself.

"Oh cool, it's from Sundude!" she said, and then began reading it:

Dearest Dawn Breaker,

As you know—for I have told many a generation about this totally unrighteous event—my eldest bro (Moonbro, not Festeggiare Tutta La Notte), was abducted almost a thousand years ago by the most lamest of all evil spirits: Mirror Broom. As the pony guy from the first chapter once predicted, this Mirror Broom dude is gunna be released from the moon on the night of his thousandth year there. Now, as I can no longer use the Elements of Bro-Harmony—which you also know all about 'cuz they are most pivotal to your country's history—it is up to you to get together with some of your bros and ready them to preform the Truly Epic Bro-Hoof necessary to reactivate the Elements. I would help you, but as it is also the Summer Sun Selebration*, I will be too busy partying it up in Ponyville with the local babes, and readying them for my bro's return.

A most radical time to you,


"Get together some bros? But I don't have any friends!" Dawn Breaker cried. "All I do is study. Doesn't Sundude know that?"

"B-but aren't I one of your bros?" asked Stab with sad, watery eyes. Dawn Breaker did not hear him, and instead of replying to her servant/adopted son went to go find a chariot and a couple of pegasi to pull it. Stab scampered after the purple pony, confused.

"Whoa, hold up Dawny! Where are we going?"

"To Ponyville! I'm going to find Sundude and tell him I don't have any 'bros' to activate the Elements with. And don't call me Dawny!"

"But can't you just make some friends? I mean there are plenty of ponies in Canterlot, right?"

"Don't be stupid, Stab. One does not simply 'make friends.' It takes years of interaction and trust building and stuff!"


"Trust me, Stab, I know all about this kind of thing. I've read about it. In books."

* * * * *

One change of scenery later, Dawn Breaker and Stab stepped off the their chariot into Ponyville and thanked the pegasi that had pulled it there. Dawn Breaker didn't want to waste time, so she asked the first mare she saw about where she could find Sundude.

"Whoa... duuude..." replied the mint green unicorn, "...your face is so purple."

"Uh..." Dawn Breaker took a step back as the green pony, who was clearly stoned out of her mind, squinted at her. "Maybe I'll ask somepony el—"

"No... don't go. I can help you, dude. What did you need, again?"

"I... I need to find Prince Sundude. Do you know where he is?"

"Whoa..." The green mare started at her with a dopey expression for a seconds, and then shook her head, blinking. "Oh, sorry, I spaced out there. Did you know there's a dragon on your back? That's awesome man..."


"Oh right, sorry dude. Who're you looking for again?"

"Sun. Dude. I am looking for Prince Sundude."

"Oh him! Yeah. He's at the party over there." The unicorn waved a hoof at a nearby tree that had been made into a house. "I'll show you."

"Uh, I don't think that will be necessary," said Dawn Breaker, "I wouldn't want to waste your time—"

"Oh no problem, dude. It's chill, I'm free," the unicorn said, turning to walk in the direction she had indicated. Dawn Breaker reluctantly trotted after her. "I'm Hyra, by the way."

"Of course you are..." Dawn Breaker muttered.


"Oh, nothing! It's nice to meet you, Hyra. I'm Dawn Breaker."

"And I'm Stab!" boasted the baby dragon who was seated comfortably on Dawn Breaker's back.

"Whoa." Hyra stopped to look up at Stab for a few moments. "It talks." She then smiled at Dawn Breaker. "That's awesome, man."

"Yeah, um, can we get to that party now? Please? I really need to talk to Sundude."

"Sure! Just follow me," Hyra said.

* * * * *

When they arrived at the party, Dawn Breaker was taken aback by how totally rad it was. There were dozens of ponies of all colors dancing to the sick beats of techno, killer drops of dubsteb, thrilling chords of rock music, and the occasional classical piece; because ponies like to keep things fresh. There was also a disco ball, and at least twenty different lights and strobes. There was so much color it was hard to make out anything.

"Whoa... this is so awesome," said Hyra, "I think I'm gunna have a seizure." Dawn Breaker frowned in confusion at the comment.

"Uh... right," she said "I'll just go look for Sundude. You have fun."

"Oh trust me dude, I will. Oh, and good luck with your quest!" Hyra waved at her before jumping into the sea of dancers.

But Dawn Breaker was already trotting in the opposite direction, looking for the Sundude. She spotted the shimmering outline of an alicorn, but it was much too small to be the dude-prince. She frowned, and squeezed through the crowd toward him.

"Festeggiare? What are you doing here?" she shouted as she recognized him.

"Oh hey Dawn Breaker," replied Prince Festeggiare Tutta La Notte, who was an alicorn and a prince like Sundude and Moonbro but not as tall or powerful as them or a ruler of Equestira for reasons which were probably good and well thought out but which Dawn Breaker had never bothered to look up. "I'm here enjoying this sick party! What're you doin'?"

"I'm looking for Sundude. Do you know where he is?"

"I think he took some chicks up to Sweet Apple Acres for a drink."

"A drink? Really?" She frowned. Sundude hated the taste of alcohol.

"Yep. Cider. Apparently that place is loaded with it. You should check it out."

"I will. Thanks for your help Feste—" An electric squeal and the boom of a bass drop drowned out the rest of Dawn Breaker's words.

"WHOO! Go DJ! I love this song!" Festeggiare Tutta La Notte shouted. The DJ waved a hoof at the prince in response.

"That's why I picked it, bro!" he cried.

Dawn Breaker rolled her eyes and trotted away, exiting from the barrage of colors and sound to the quiet evening of the Ponyville streets. She took a few steps forward before being stopped by a worried looking stallion.

"Um, excuse me," he said, "Have you seen a mint green unicorn around here?"

"You mean Hyra?"

"Yeah. Where is she?"

Dawn Breaker pointed back to the party house. "In there somewhere. She wandered off after we went in."

"Ah, thank you. I'm Bro-bro, by the way."

"Dawn Breaker." They shook hooves.

"Oh, by the way," said Bro-bro, "She wasn't, uh, acting weird or anything, was she?"

"She was higher than Cloudsdale, Bro."

"Darn it. And she promised me she'd stop this year..." Bro-Bro frowned. "Anyway, thanks for the info, I gotta go," he said before galloping away toward the party.

"What a weird town," said Stab.

"You said it," said Dawn Breaker.

* * * * *

When Dawn Breaker and Stab got to Sweet Apple Acres, they found Sundude sitting at a table with five other ponies, drinking frothy and delicious cider from brown mugs. Dawn Breaker was majorly pissed that the prince was acting so casual when things were so serious.

"Sundude!" she cried, "What are you doing?"

"What am I doing? What are you doing?" Sundude sassed back, "You're supposed to be saving the world with a bunch of your bros and all that cool stuff."

"But I don't have any bros!" Dawn Breaker cried, "And we're running out of time to get another six ponies together. Look, it's almost sundown!"

"Huh, so it is," Sundude said as he took off the awesome pair of shades he had been wearing. "Well don't worry, these five dudes here can be your bros. Then you can use the Elements of Bro-Harmony."

"But I can't just become bros with random strangers in one day! Friendship doesn't work like that in any of the books I've read!"

"Sure you can, DeeBee—"

"Please don't call me that."

"—here, I'll introduce you." Sundude put a hoof around Dawn Breaker's shoulder and showed her around the table, introducing her to the five other ponies who were seated there.

"This is Pinkie Pie. As you can tell from her most girly-ish and undude name, she's not from around here."

"Hiya! I just love this whole 'bro/dude' motif you've got going on. It's super silly, and I love that kind of thing! Especially at parties, because that's when—"

"She also talks, like, all the time. Moving on. Dawn Breaker, meet Rainbro Dude. Rainbro Dude, meet Dawn Breaker."

"Hey," Rainbro Dude said, "Tight name. I like it."

"And this is Rawity. Emphasis on the raw."

"Wazup, DeeBee? You ever been to Califoalia? They got some gnarly waves there, man. It's totally sick."

"He also likes to surf. Now, this girl over here is called Gutterfly. As you can tell by the lame name, her parents hated her, and she has a most tragic history of growing up alone on the streets. Or in the ghetto. I forget which."

"Yo prune-face, stay away from the west side of Everfree, you got that? That's me and my animals' turf."

"She's serious about that one, Dawny—"

"Don't call me Dawny."

"—I'm pretty sure she f-ed up a bear once. It was most horrifyingly gruesome." Sundude shuddered at the memory. "Anyway, here's your last new bro: Applejack. He farms apples."

"Hi," said Applejack. "You want some apple cider? Or I have just an apple if yer not thirsty."

"Uh, no thanks," replied Dawn Breaker. There was an awkward silence as she looked over all her new bros. "So... I guess we're friends now?"


"Sure, that's cool."

"Heck yes we are!"

"If you scratch my back I'll scratch yours, if you catch my drift."

"Eyup. You want an apple to commemorate? I got plenty of apples."

It was at that moment that the sun set and Moonbro was released from his imprisonment. He fell to the ground in front of Sundude most ungracefully, and groaned in pain.

"Quick!" said Sundude as he tossed the Elements of Bro-Harmony to the six newly acquainted bros. "Use the Elements and get Mirror Broom out of my bro!"

"Alright everyone," Dawn Breaker cried as she put on the Element of Supernatural Powers and stuck out a hoof, "HOOF ME! Quick, before Mirror Broom can do anything lame."

"You got it!" said Pinkie Pie, who wore the Element of Laughter. She placed her hoof against Dawn Breaker's.

"On it," said Ranbro Dude. Rainbro Dude was wearing the Element of Sticking Together.

"Aaaaaaw yeah!" cried Rawity as he put his hoof against the other three's. He was wearing the Element of Free Stuff.

"This moon man is bad news for my animals. He's going down," said Gutterfly, who had on the Element of Being Excellent to Each Other.

"I wonder if Moonbro likes apples," said Applejack. He wore the Element of Apples.

Their six hooves met, and a rainbow of radical bro-energy exploded from them and into the possessed body of Moonbro. A broom appeared in the air above his body, but before it could say anything lame it exploded into a million tiny pieces, all of which exploded a second time to make things more awesome.

"We did it!" cried Dawn Breaker, "We freed Moonbro!"

"Whoo-hoo! That was over way faster than the first time. Ooh! You know what this calls for? A party! I'll go set up some balloons, and you guys and girls can go..."

"That was pretty legit."

"Dude. That. Was. AWESOME. We gotta do this again sometime."

"Don't mess with the west side, or I'll show you your tomb, broom."

"That was for my apples!"

"Bro!" cried Sundude as his brother woke up. "You're okay! I missed you so much."

"Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude!" cried Moonbro when he saw his brother. "I missed you too. You have no idea how boring it was up there."

"Let's never go into a basement again, bro," said Sundude.

"Yeah, never again. This was a most trying ordeal. I shall never be able to erase that amount of lameness from my reputation ever again." Moonbro sighed.

"Don't worry, bro," said Sundude, "As long as we have each other, nothing can stop us. Not even a thousand lame broom-based enemies**."

"You're right dude." Moonbro stuck out a hoof. "Bros forever?"

"Bros forever." Sundude brohoofed him, and the two princes returned to Ponyville to selebrate*.

*The 'S' stands for 'Alliteration'
**Not foreshadowing, just hyperbole.