• Published 9th Feb 2012
  • 7,077 Views, 330 Comments

The Adventures of Sundude and Moonbro - MetalGearSamus

The two Alicorn brodudes go on sweet adventures together.

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Sundude and Moonbro clean their garage

One day Prince Festeggiare Tutta La Notte stumbled into Sundude's bedroom at 3 in the freaking morning. He was hammered drunk.

"Yo, Sun-dude-bro-dude... bro-whatevah... wazzaaaaaap!?" he said drunkenly.

But Sundude said nothing in reply, because he was not in the room.

"Whoa," said the really drunk pink prince, "Where the bro is Sundude?"

Not in the room, said the narration.

"Oh," said Festeggiare Tutta La Notte after he'd seen that Sundude wasn't there, "I guess Sundude isn't here."

So instead he went drunkenly to Moonbro's room, but first he went to the bathroom and threw up. It was really gross.

"Yo, Moonbro!" he shouted at Moonbro's bed, "Where the bro is Sundude?"

But Moonbro said nothing in reply, because he was not in his room either.

"Whoa, where the dude is Moonbro?" He stare blankly at the space where the alicorn bro should have been sleeping for a good fifteen minutes before he forgot what he'd gone there for and stumbled away to look for a place to sleep.

Somehow he wound up in the garage, where Sundude and Moonbro were busy cleaning.

"Whoa," said Festeggiare, "whadderyoutwodoinghere?" he slurred.

"Lame-bro cleaning," said Sundude. "I had to make Dawn Breaker a princess and give her most awe-striking alicorn powers because I lost a bet with Discord. So she lives with us now and she's making us clean up the garage. It's lame as bro."

"Whao, Discord? But I thought he was totally stoned," said Festeggiare, who was totally stoned.

"Naw, man, I let him go last week. I was all 'Yo Discord, you like being stoned?' and he was all, 'Naw, not like this dude,' I was all, 'Okay, I'll let you go then, but you gotta be cool,' and he was all 'Yeah I'll be cool,' and then we were cool," said Sundude.

"True story bro," added Moonbro, "I was there."

"Oh... that's bro," said Festeggiare Tutta La Notte. "What was the bet, then?"

"Oh, yeah, so one day one of those dudes who guards me was all, 'Yo, Sundue, a magical empire just appeared out of nowhere near the south pole,' and I was all 'Whoa, what? That's trippy, little dudes,' and they were all, 'Yeah, we think it's the Swag Empire and they're asking for help,' and I was like, 'Oh those dudes? Those dudes are pretty crazy, what do they need?' But before that guard dude could answer they sent over a couple of envoys who were all, 'Yo, Prince Sundude, our names are Hashtag and Yolo, and the Swag Empire has lost all of its swag and we don't know where it is so could you help us find it?' and I was all 'Sure, no problem bro,' and then Discord bet me that Dawn Breaker could find their swag and I was all 'Naw' because I was pretty sure those envoys were high as bro and that the Swag Empire still had all its swag."

"But it turns out they didn't have all their swag and so Dawn Breaker found it all and everything was bro, except now she's a bro-ing princess and we gotta clean the garage. It is most unbro."

"True story bro," added Moonbro, "I was there."

"Whoa," said Festeggiare, who had spaced the bro out while Sundude had been talking, "What is that?" He pointed to a box that was glowing yellow.

"I dunno, bro," said Sundude, "But that glow ain't bro."

The three alicorn dudes who were no longer probably all related somehow because you can make alicorns with magic apparently all stepped toward the oddly-glowing box and opened it.

"Whoa," said Festeggiare.

"Bro," said Sundude.

"Dude," said Moonbro.

Inside was a bunch of swag, with golden, diamond-encrusted necklaces and Rolex watches and sparkly shutter shades and all that kinda stuff. Basically, it was a big box of bling.

"Swag Empire's Swag," read the side of the box, "Plz giv bak 2 Swag Empire if U find dis. #thanks"

"Wait a minute..." said Moonbro, "If this box has got some of the Swag Empire's swag then that means that Dawn Breaker didn't get all their swag when she went into their attic and found their swag!"

"And that means I didn't lose the bet!" cried Sundude gleefully. "Which means Dawny doesn't have to live with us anymore!"

"Aw bro the dude yes! No more cleaning!"

The two alicorn bros high-fived and ran off to tell Discord about all the other swag they'd found. Meanwhile, Prince Festeggiare stared at all the shiny gold in the box of bling for about an hour before he finally passed out.

He was really hungover the next day.

Author's Note:

I am so sorry.

So very, very sorry.