• Published 13th May 2013
  • 31,786 Views, 1,591 Comments

The Sun and her little Sparkle - Dark0592

pic inspired alternate universe mommylestia story.

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Twilight awoke to something she had never heard before. She heard a light humming that sounded almost like a lullaby. Every now and then the hums would turn into singing, but so lightly she could barely understand it.

“Lonely moon princess, goodnight sister mine, rest now in moonlight’s embrace...” She heard and then it dissolved back into humming. She recognized that voice, and as she opened her eyes she found Celestia sitting next to the balcony doors, looking up at the moon.

“Sleep... Sleep... Sleep” She sang after another bout of humming. The last syllable was drown out for a long time. She smiled, then, and got up.

“I know you’re awake, Twilight.” She said softly, turning towards the bed and smiling wide at the groggy filly. Twilight still felt Luna wrapped around her, but it wasn’t uncomfortable.

“What was that?” Twilight asked. Celestia smiling and crawled onto the bed, gently pulling the two filles closer to her with her wings.

“I was just feeling a bit nostalgic... For a few centuries, every night I would sing that lullaby to the moon, hoping it would reach my sister... I don’t know if they ever did, but she is with us now and I can ask her myself.” Celestia explained. Twilight looked at the dark filly dozing next to her and her expression fell slightly.

“What’s wrong?” Celestia asked.

“It’s just... I have no idea what really happened... I think she tried to explain it in the dream, but I couldn’t make heads or tails of it. And how the others were somehow here, how did that happen? I’m just confused... It all happened so fast.” Twilight explained.

“We will have to wait until she wakes for her side of it, but I got the full accounts of the others if you’d like to know in detail.” Celestia offered. Twilight thought for a moment.

“The others that were in the tower when it happened I can understand, at least kinda, but I have no idea who those earth ponies are.” Twilight said.

“They’re from Ponyville, a nice little village you can actually see from here on certain days...” Celestia started.


“What in tarnation?” Applejack said to herself. She was out on a late night apple bucking run, at least that was what she’d tell her big brother. Really she was just taking a nap out under the stars. She had just woken up and was about to get back to the house when she noticed something glowing in front of her.

She stepped towards the tree that had a strange glow to it, and found that the glow shifted. It must have been behind her, then. She quickly turned and out of the corner of her eye saw that everywhere shifted. The patch of apple trees she was in had a glow to it, but the source was her. She looked at her hooves to confirm this and indeed they were giving off a faint glow the same color as her coat.

That’s when she heard it.

Well, not really heard. She felt something. Her mind just perceived it in word form. It was a simple “I need your help, please.”.

What everypony in Ponyville knew about Applejack is that she was loyal to any and all that needed her help.

“Gosh darnit, where are ya?” She asked, wondering where this thing that needed help was. That’s when she felt it, something deep inside of her very being. She felt power, but not like when you get an adrenaline rush. It was more like that one time Rarity tried to levitate her. The unicorn had been unable to, Applejack’s stubborn nature combatting the weak wisps that was the spell’s energy.

This, though. It could have dragged her to the other side of the world without any trouble if it wanted to, and with a flash she thought it had. That’s when she heard a groan, a giggle and a few startled outbursts. She couldn’t see anything, though. There were six different light sources in the room, and all of them were blinding.

There was her own orange, there was a very familiar teal and pink, a deep magenta that seemed to not stay as one color, a light pink and finally an overpowering lavender.

The source of the lavender was what needed help. She didn’t know what it was, or why, but she still lent it her energy. Her power.

All five of the summoned ponies passed out simultaneously as a beam of multicolored light shot out of the window and impacted the moon.

After a few minutes, very slowly, what looked like a starry night given shape and form started appearing next to Twilight’s sleeping form. The night faded to reveal the blue filly that was Luna.


Pinkie had been in canterlot, at the palace actually, delivering a rather special delivery of baked goods to the palace chefs. She was bouncing down one of the halls to leave the palace to head back to the train station when she noticed something that she hadn’t seen before. She was glowing.

“Ooh! This is so cool! I can hang from the ceiling and be a disco ball! DISCO PARTY!!!” Pinkie explained, bouncing even higher as she started spinning around before she vanished in a flash.

She appeared and started giggling, she always loved being teleported. She heard thumps around her and looked around. For once she wasn’t thinking about a party, though, as a rather desperate presence filled her attention. Her face got serious as it asked for help and she gave it all she had.


“So, what was that glowing everypony had? I don’t know what could have even brought them here.” Twilight asked.

“Those were the elements of harmony at work. You are the element of magic, which is a sort of combination of the others. The others are Loyalty, Honesty, Laughter, Kindness and Generosity. Your connection to the elements is so strong that it pulled them through to you, and they readily gave you their aid. True friends, even though you barely knew most and didn’t even know some.” Celestia explained.

“I read and researched all of them, can they really do that?” Twilight asked.

“Apparently so.” Celestia said. She proceeded to nuzzle Twilight and settle down. “Now rest, we have a lot to discuss in the morning.” She continued. Twilight’s mind was still in overdrive trying to process everything, but when you’re already half asleep and the princess tells you to sleep? She was out before Celestia herself was.

Author's Note:

so small and admittedly disappointing update, but I think now I've genuinely lost the drive for this story...
Everything I come up with either involves vampires or twilight was dark tonight ideas.
on that note, I've gotten like 5 chapters for twilight was dark tonight updated in the past two days.
again, sorry for unsatisfactory update but I've got nothing left for this story for now.