• Published 13th May 2013
  • 31,745 Views, 1,591 Comments

The Sun and her little Sparkle - Dark0592

pic inspired alternate universe mommylestia story.

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*Please read the author's not at the bottom, please and thank you.
“So you are still awake.” Celestia said when she entered the astronomy tower to find Twilight amidst a practical fort of books. She giggled when a lavender head poked out of it.

“I got bored...” The filly said with an embarrassed grin.

“I noticed. Now, there’s something I need to talk to you about... Then I’ll have to leave for my own chambers.” Celestia said, extricating the filly from her book fort and sitting her down next to her in front of the grand fireplace. She lit it with a spark of magic and sighed in content.

“Is it something really important?” Twilight asked, apprehensive of what the princess had to say.

“Somewhat. It’s about your orphanage. Quill told me they arranged it so you would stay the night and return, pass or fail. If you passed then further discussion would commence afterwards. Quill will escort you there and take care of everything during day court and we’ll meet for lunch and go straight into your next lesson.” Celestia explained. Twilight’s mood dampened slightly and her smile fell into a line.

“But... I don’t want to go back there... Why can’t it be you who does it?” She asked after a moment.

“I could, if you really wanted me to. But the way I see it, if you do it when I’m busy then we’ll have more time together. And besides, Quill such a good friend of mine. She’s less of an assistant and more like that relative that helps you out all the time.” Celestia replied.

“Oh... Alright then... Is there anything else you wanted to talk about?” Twilight asked, perhaps hopeful to change the subject.

“I wasn’t planning to, but now that you mention it there is one thing. The nobility can be bigots sometimes, so if they treat you terribly just ignore them. Some of them might even try to have you thrown out if they don’t know who you are, so just stand your ground and get a royal guard’s attention. They all know you now. I made sure of that.

Your privileges are just a bit more than Quill’s when it comes to the palace and such. That’s mainly your library access though. I’d wait a few days to try and make use of some of the more high up privileges like free roam of the palace. At the very least I need to get it across to everyone that you belong here.” Celestia explained.

“But... Why would they do that? I didn’t do anything to them...” Twilight asked.

“If I knew I’d tell you. They’re just stupid like that most of the time.” Celestia replied, earning a giggle from the filly. “Well, I’m off to bed. Try and sleep, you’ll need it for tomorrow’s lesson. You are incredibly fast to learn new things so I want to test not only that, but your reserves as well.” Celestia replied.

“I’ll... I’ll try I guess. Probably not for a little bit though, I just found this really interesting passage in a book.” Twilight said, quickly going back to her fort and pulling out a book to show her.

“‘Basic magical theory’ eh? It’s a good read for the unicorns in the school for gifted unicorns. I’m glad you have an interest in it.” Celestia said. Twilight nodded enthusiastically and proceeded to get lost in the pages of said book. Celestia chuckled as she left the room. Different she may be, but Celestia genuinely enjoyed working with the filly.


“Well that was a rather drastic change in mood.” Quill said as she and Twilight rode in a carriage away from the palace. Celestia had seen them off and Twilight’s mood went from a giddy and happy mood to a depressing reluctance.

“I don’t like the orphanage... The only time I like being there is when I find someone who’s nice to me. They always get adopted right away though...” Twilight explained.

“Ah, I see... Well, you don’t have to worry about it anymore. The Princess gave me this special seal right here. Do you know what it meant?” Quill said, pulling what looked like a solid gold replica of Celestia’s cutie mark on it. It was small, but Twilight could almost feel how important it was. She shook her head.

“This seal pretty much says that I am acting on Celestia’s behalf and whatever I say will be treated as if the princess herself said it.” Quill finished.

“What does that mean for me, though?” Twilight asked after a moment.

“It means that no matter what I’m getting you out of there. The personal protege of the princess doesn’t deserve to live in an orphanage. She deserves the best we can offer.” Quill said with enough confidence and force to make Twilight smile again. She nudged the filly’s shoulder with her hoof, earning a giggle. Twilight seemed hesitant, but after a moment she playfully shoved back. That sparked a five minute shove war that ended with Quill upside down on the seat and Twilight on the floor of the carriage.

“You’re pretty fun for a little filly as old as you.” Quill laughed.

“I’m not that old! I only turned nine recently! You’re the one who isn’t acting your age.” Twilight giggled back. Quill froze, shocked by this.

“You’re only nine years old? I could have sworn that staff member told me you were twelve...” Quill said.

“You didn’t see my exam registration forms?” Twilight asked, now confused. Quill shook her head.

“No, she put them in an envelope and sealed it before she gave it to me. She had me take a peek at it so that I know it was there, but I never read much of the details.” She replied.

“Oh... She kept telling me to be as mature as possible when I got to the palace... Maybe we can ask her about it?” Twilight continued.

“I think we should...” Quill agreed.

“Is it a really big deal that I’m not as old as you thought I was?” Twilight asked, worried it meant something terrible.

“Well... Not really. At least not that I can think of. We can deal with that when we get there, though. There’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you.” Quill said, getting sort of serious.

“What is it?” Twilight asked. Quill seemed to think for a minute, probably on how to word her question.

“The princess told me that you didn’t really seem to react all that much when she started teaching you. It was like you accepted it all without hesitation, and you already seem pretty close. I’ve seen her take on students before, I was one of them. We were never that close with her, Only after nearly a full year of spending time with her did we get to the level of comfort you show.” Quill said.

Twilight seemed surprised by the question. She definitely wasn’t expecting something like that out of nowhere.She looked at the floor and thought for a minute or two before she spoke.

“Well... Normally... I’m not exactly the best with talking to other ponies... I’ve never been so close to another pony, I think... It’s just that... I don’t know. I saw her true self, not just the mask she puts up in public. She was upset and she was sad. Before that I was terrified of meeting her, I felt as if I would be so tiny and insignificant in comparison... But seeing her like that... I guess It made me think that she’s still just another pony... Then she was so nice to me...” Twilight explained in a sort of slow way.

“Well, I guess I can see how that would work out... But you’re quite a bit behind when it comes to getting closer to other ponies, right? I have to think there’s something else. You can’t really change who you are that easily.” Quill said.

“Who I am?... I never wanted that to be part of who I am... But there is something else. When I’m with her I get this really weird feeling... It’s strange, because I recognize it. I can’t ever remember where I know it, though. It’s this sort of feeling that tells me I’m safe. It tells me I can be me, be who I want to be. It makes me feel comfortable and at home... I don’t really know how else to describe it.” Twilight said, finishing with a sigh.

“Well that’s certainly interesting. You’ll have to meditate on it sometime and try and figure out what makes you such good friends with her. For the record, though, I haven’t seen her act so giddy and careless in my entire life; and I’ve known her since I was seven. Like when she snorted during day court yesterday. She just giggled and waved it off like it was nothing. It was hilarious, mind you, but it’s not like her to be so informal.” Quill explained.

“Really? Maybe I shouldn’t interrupt her when she’s busy anymore then...” Twilight said.

“Oh hush you, I didn’t mean to say it’s your fault. It’s good she’s letting loose a little bit. The heavens knows she needs a bit of fun. And while I’ve only known you on a level closer than just your name for the length of this carriage ride, I have no doubt in my mind you’re just a ball of fun.” Quill said, nudging the filly again. Twilight refrained from starting another shove war, but she did giggle lightly.

“A-Alright... I’ll do my best!” She exclaimed. The carriage stopped not long after that. Twilight’s mood fell again when they exited the carriage to see the large orphanage. It was one of the biggest in Canterlot and wasn’t too far away from the palace, it was very prestigious.

“Alright let’s just get this over with.” Quill breathed as she stepped towards the large old fashioned gates.

“Do you want us to stay?” The leader of the ponies drawing the carriage asked.

“Yes please, this shouldn’t take too long. I’ll buy you lunch afterwards if it does.” Quill said. The pony chuckled and nodded.

When they entered they were immediately greeted by a staff member. It was the one that Quill spoke to and arranged the exam with.

“Miss Care, was it? Before we get to business you’re going to have to tell me why you lied about her age.” Quill said. The white coated pony sighed.

“Oh, I was worried she was too young to get into that exam proper... I don’t like seeing any of the foals suffer and I knew she just doesn’t belong here. It was all I could do to help get her out.” The mare explained.

“I see. You do know that the exam can be taken as young as eight, right?” Quill said.

“Well... I didn’t know that young... I was just trying to make sure...” Care said. Twilight looked at her. Their eyes met and the mare smiled and winked. Quill thought for a moment. Normally this mare would be in a bit of trouble, but she was only trying to help Twilight. She decided to let it go.

“Alright, I guess it’s alright. There was luckily no harm done. Now, to business. The Princess herself sent us to get her out of here. If memory serves, a pony in your care is allowed to move out and into their place of education if they have proper lodgings. Am I correct?” Quill asked.

“You are.” Care replied.

“Good. Twilight here is the Princess’ new protege and she has been provided with more than proper lodgings at the palace, which technically is her place of education now. I have this as proof.” Quill said, finishing by pulling the seal out of her bag and showing it to the white mare. Care looked at it and smiled.

“Good job Twilight, I knew you were great. That’s genuine as far as I can tell, just let me go get the paperwork. I’m afraid the princess will need to sign it herself, unless it will be you caring for the filly instead of her.” Care said.

“That won’t be a problem.” Quill said. Care just nodded and quickly trotted off. Twilight looked at her strangely, though.

“What?” Quill asked.

“How are you going to get it to Princess Celestia?” Twilight asked,

“Oh it’s a rather simple spell, really. She’ll probably teach it to you eventually. When I was a foal I used to use it to bug her in the middle of day or night court, sending her little trinkets and notes.” Quill replied, giggling in remembrance. After a few minutes, Quill got bored and suggested they go pack what things she had.

Twilight’s room was rather bare. There were two beds, though one looked like it hadn’t been used in a while; name the fact that there were dozens of books stacked on top of it. Twilight was silent as she combed through the books and picked a couple out. Quill didn’t see most of it, though, as Care found them again and they talked for a bit before she gave Quill paperwork to be signed.


The pony from last night’s court was talking again, this time suggesting a different method of making his village rich. He was in the middle of describing a violent magical drill when a stack of papers and a letter appeared in front of Celestia.

“Oh, excuse me. Go on... I’m listening.” Celestia said. She could have sworn she heard the stallion mutter ‘yeah right’ but she chose to ignore it and him along with it. Luckily the other royals of the court had similar thoughts against this stallion, so she could zone out without fear of the stallion ruining the lives of many ponies.

‘Well I know how much you love paperwork. Twilight has a few things to talk to you about, but that can wait until lunch or your lessons. Enjoy!

The letter read. Celestia chuckled lightly at it and quickly looked through and filled out the paperwork. She sent it back with a flash of magic and returned her attention to the speaker.

“Sorry about that, urgent matter. Go on, you were explaining to us how much safer a drill would be?” She said.

Author's Note:

So I'm still not sure what I can do for a full storyline for this story, but some of the things you guys are suggesting is brilliant. Keep the suggestions coming. It surprises me how like minded we are sometimes, as half of the things you've said I was already planning on touching on or something.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with my work, probably most of you, I write fast and frequently. I also do very minimal planning, so if I derp pretty hard then tell me and I'll do better the next chapter. Don't point out the little tiny mistakes, like a misplaced capital or space, it's mundane and unimportant and is slightly annoying.
Hope you all stick around and enjoy reading as much has I enjoy writing. Please bear with the jumbled style the first batch of chapters is, until I get a storyline thought up I'm kind of just pulling these out of my ass.
Until next time, farewell my friends