• Published 13th May 2013
  • 31,793 Views, 1,591 Comments

The Sun and her little Sparkle - Dark0592

pic inspired alternate universe mommylestia story.

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The Sun, The Moon and The Stars

Twilight was once again awoken, but this time it was from something that she vaguely remembered. It was a voice. Well, not really an actual voice, more like somepony was mumbling in their sleep.

She and Luna opened their eyes at the same time. Celestia had to keep herself from bursting out into Laughter as both of their eyes widened.

“You’re awake!” Twilight exclaimed, forgetting they were intertwined and nearly dragging them both off of the bed.

“Well that was quick... I thought I would be out for longer.” Luna said. Her tone was intelligent and wise, but her voice was adorable and high pitched. She used her magic to untangle the two of them. She proceeded to shoot towards Celestia, nearly tackling the towering Alicorn’s head. They both started laughing. A twang of sadness went through her, though, as they embraced. Where did that come from?

It was obliterated when Celestia swept her up in a wing too and for the next minute or so the three of them rejoiced in each other’s embrace.

After that, though, Celestia gathered the two of them up onto her back and proceeded to fetch the other five fillies for breakfast. There was a lot of conversation, though none of it overly important. Mainly they were all just asking Luna random questions. That is, until they finished and Celestia asked a question.

“So tell us, Luna, what exactly happened? Twilight was unsure about it all, so you would be the only one to know.” She asked. Everypony quieted down and gave the filly their attention.

“Ever since I realized that Nightmare Moon wasn’t going to do anything helpful I’ve been taking every chance to fight back. Every single time, though, she would beat me back into submission. Even on the moon, she would not let me regain control. What I know now, which neither of us actually knew all that time, is that you banished the Nightmare and not me. If I were to regain control in full then I would have been able to return.

Unfortunately she was too proud and controlling to let me even wallow in my regrets in my physical form. Not long ago, though, I felt an immensely powerful magical presence. We both did, and we both rejoiced. We both hoped it was our own salvation. Fortunately for me, I was the one who was right.

After that, I started searching through dreams. I would leave as soon as the Nightmare tried to follow me, but one particular dream caught my attention and I couldn’t bring myself to leave. She did not follow, couldn’t actually. I spent a whole night in that dream until I figured out why she couldn’t and I found it to be pure harmonious energy combined with an incredibly powerful pool of magic.

Unbeknownst to me, I had tapped into that harmonious energy and that pool of magic. It was only just a little, but it was enough to take the Nightmare by surprise and nearly defeat her.” Luna explained. At this point, though, she stopped and took a few breaths. She seemed to be calming herself, at least that’s what Twilight thought. They all looked at Luna with worry before she continued.

“That was the first time she ever came that close to ending my life... The only reason she didn’t completely snuff out my existence was because I managed to slip away into the dreamscape, and in her rage she lost track of where I was. I found my way back into your dreamscape, and that’s where she found me. All of her strength went into trying to break through whatever was blocking her, and a bit of her Nightmare managed to slip through.

Just as the dream warped into a nightmare, though, I felt a massive surge of harmonious magic. That gave me enough power to completely eradicate the nightmare. Revitalized, I had to at least try to return the favor. I banished your nightmare as well and here we are.” She finished explaining. Everypony waited a few moments, probably to see if she would continue, but when it was obvious she would not Twilight hugged her.

“Well thank you for that, and glad I could help.” She said. Luna smiled and hugged her back.

“Hey, hey! We helped too!” Dash exclaimed, jumping into the two to join in. Pretty soon all of the fillies were hugging, even Celestia had enveloped the group hug in her wings. Needless to say it was a big ball of cute just waiting to burst.

And bursted it was. Quill came in, followed by a guard.

“Princess, This is...” She started. The group disengaged the massive hug in an instant and Dash jumped from where she was, even flying to gain speed, as she crashed into the guard.

“Dad! I haven’t seen you in a couple days!” She exclaimed, though instead of worry or sadness her tone was filled with playfulness.

“Yeah, guess so. Maybe I just needed a break from the little ball of energy that is you.” The stallion chuckled, ruffling her mane. Fluttershy flitted up to them and he smiled at her as he got to his feet.

“Princess Celestia, I can’t thank you enough for looking after my Daughter and her friend. I don’t think I could ever repay you.” He said to Celestia, bowing low. Celestia just laughed lightly and walked up to him.

“Cloud Dash, you needn’t ever worry about that. For starters it was for Twilight as well as them. You serve Equestria every day as a royal guard, and that is more than enough compensation.” Celestia explained. He smiled and bowed his head after he stood.

“Thank you. Now, I’m sorry we can’t stay, It isn’t exactly just a few wingbeats to get back, but if Dash and Flutters wants I can always bring them back.” He said to the other fillies. There was general disappointment about them leaving, but general joy about them coming back. Celestia smiled and gave Twilight a wink. She would make it happen if need be.

“Well unfortunately for the rest of you, it’s about time for you to go as well. Families and Guardians are waiting outside.” Quill said.

That said, all of the little fillies engaged in one more group hug before dispersing, leaving only Twilight, Luna and Celestia in the dining hall.

“It’s too quiet now...” Luna said softly.

“Hopefully that’ll change soon. I think I’ve grown accustomed to having fillies at the palace, and I’ve grown to love the sounds of them having fun, and I tend to keep around things that I like.” Celestia said in a rather playful tone as she stood up. Twilight and Luna got up as well.

“And besides, friendship is magic. You’ll both be seeing a lot of them I should hope. For now, though, I have day court. I’d like the two of you to join me so we can get everything out in the open. Then I’m going to plan a vacation for once. I need to have a nice week to have the both of you to myself, I’ve been much too busy to properly mother you, Twilight, and I don’t want to be a bad sister.” She explained as she led them towards the throne room. “Any objections?” She finished, turning before the door.

“None at all.” The two fillies replied with grins. Celestia grinned back and opened the door.

Author's Note:

guh... I feel kind of terrible for finishing this off with such a mediocre bunch of words... But this story needs closure and it's the best I can give. I wish I could have done more to end it, but I tried and nothing came out. Sorry for all of you who enjoyed it so much from start to finish, and I know the quality dropped as it went on. I may start an adequate sequel, or I may go ahead with the side-sequel I've already started, but either way this story is now finished... I'm afraid I finally had to put it down. I know there are quite a few loose ends, but all they are now are dead ends unless I continue the side-sequel, and I got mostly negative response from the ideas of it.
We shall see, though.

Comments ( 222 )

please don't kill me for this *hides*


You did good.

Not every story needs uber climactic endings.

Simple happiness and a sense of completeness and new adventures can tie up a story just fine.

*gasps* i-its over? :applecry:
But wait! he said a maybe sequeal... :duck:

THIS is the end? You're right, there's quite a lot of other places this could have gone. Although, I suppose I did enjoy it while it lasted.

2921415 I'm going to try and keep scarlet reverie alive as long as possible, though the end is in sight because I'm starting to slow down on that one and I only had so many ideas for it. I plan to go back to some old favorites like Scarlet High, or possibly even revive the rewrite of Crimson Dawn. That last one might be a little far-fetched, though.

It's not that bad of an end.

Yeah, it could be better, but given your feelings about it, I think it's good.

Who knows? You might just come back to it.

Also... It still read incomplete for me. Might wanna check that

~Skeeter The Lurker

Please sequel:fluttercry:

Of course, in about six months to a year from now, you're probably going to have a sudden surge of inspiration that'll bring all sorts of new material, possibly even enough to make you reconsider ending this. That's what often happens to me on my (admittedly too numerous) hiatuses.


Um... Thank you?

~Skeeter The Lurker

2921482 *blushes and runs away* "Someone dared me to do it!!"

thank u for finishing it at least

Please, may the next update contains the link for the sequel

It wasn't a really good ending, but at the same time it wasn't bad in anyway. After hearing how much of a struggle the story was for you lately this was a good ending, because it pretty much wrapped everything up In a nice way. I'm pretty sad that it ended, because it was one of my favorites, but I'd love a sequel, and I'd give the side-sequel a shot if you wrote it.

This is it?:fluttercry: I guess that can't be help. I really enjoy it. If you do decide to continue this story. I be here waiting.:scootangel:

This was a good fic. An overall nice read. I like it and I'm glad you wrote it.

But I do think that, maybe after a long time, you should eventually get around to finishing this off with a bit of a more all-around concluding end. Or edit this one to make it encompass more. Just a suggestion.

Overall it was a good story I really enjoyed it.:twilightsmile:

A couple of things,

1)There are so many ways you could take this in a sequel
2)Luna as a filly deserves to be expanded on
3) It was actually not a bad way to end this. I no doubt want to see more to this but overall not a bad way to end it.


An edited ending would be awesome when you're up for it :scootangel:

It'll be sad to see this go but if you're done then you're done I get that...Just wanted to say that I really liked this story.

2921385 no reason to. you left a proper ending that if wanted to could be expanded on vastly. good show

2921685 oh trust me I wanted more filly luna too, I just had nothing to work with anymore. This little bit took hours to come up with itself, and I've been thinking of how to end it for a week now. That's how hard it's been lately.
2921644 I did say I might write a sequel. If that never happens then I'll probably write an epilogue
2921605 heh, you sure? it's a dark and violent humanized. and I want your profile pic lol.
2921465 I don't come back to old stories unless it's to finish or rewrite. Since this is now finished, and the execution is decent enough to where I couldn't justify a rewrite, the only thing I'd add to this is an epilogue and that's if I never do a sequel.
2921446 it's 3 am, i'm forgetful : P

and to everyone else as well, you guys are awesome. I was expecting to get my ass chewed out.

Glad to hear it. Go for it!

I'd really prefer a sequel to this one personally, an epilogue would be nice if you don't want to write a sequel.

while I'm not a huge fan of dark and violent fics, I'd still give it a shot considering how much i liked this story. Warning though I will probably back out of the story if I find I don't like it.

Finally here you go.

2921385 And through the door comes a kid Discord, with a pie to Celestia's face!

pls? :twilightsmile:

Yay Happy Ending... OR IS IT!?

wait. IT IS THE END!?
I would never knew if i wouldn`t red the author`s note.

2921385 Nuclear missile launch detected


:pinkiesmile:nice..... Nice....
:pinkiehappy:not THRILLING
:pinkiesmile:but nice

I like this story a lot, I don't think it's mediocre, its an adorable story about family. :pinkiehappy:

2921385 hmmmm....you're safe, but if in the future you have a sudden burst of inspiration feel free to exspand. It was a good story and the end wasn't that bad.

Most of the fic was enjoyable.

The ending though... didn't make itself clear. I had to read the A/n to realize that this was the ending.

As for a lack of inspiration, I could understand that, except that it seems to me that you set up the possibility of Celly taking Lulu and Twi on vacation. so there's that at least.

take your time, this fic was so great besides the mental blocks, i cant wait to see a sequel!!!


.............its over...........

There better be a sequel or something soon

2921850 If someone wanted to take over for you (not me, but someone), would you allow it? Just wondering.

you should nightmare moon come back as a filly and then have her put in timeout after the mane 6 fight here or something along those lines

1500 upvotes yeah make a sequel I don't mind so much the degrade in quality I just liked the story.

Comment posted by Sinful Pickle deleted Nov 15th, 2013

2922939 if I saw some of their work and got to talk it out with them first then most likely. That would be rather interesting, I've never had another author take over something I couldn't finish before.
2922602 that's either going to be it, a sort of open-ended ending, or that'll be the epilogue should I decide not to write a sequel
2922012 you are awesome, thanks, and it's more of a spiritual successor than a sequel. It's basically making this the backstory while not effecting the main storyline all that much, I think I'll post a teaser for the first chapter of it as a teaser in this story so people will see it.

No! Don't end it yet! Continue! Give a timeskip! Part 2! Adventures in Ponyville for the young mares! Please!

This is such a sweet story, but I would love to see the typos removed from the end.

The ending was good, I guess i'm still a purest when it comes to the elements but that can change :twilightsmile:
I do look forward to a squeal and hope that you continue writing:moustache:

the ending wasn't great but you did your best with what motivation you had, it wasn't bad and i enjoyed the story so that's what matters to me

Plz, :ajsmug: can you make a sequal or have someone you trust do the sequal if you can't?
:twilightsmile: :pinkiehappy: :heart: :rainbowlaugh: Al in all I loved this story if I could up vote it more I would.

for how much trouble you've said you had continuing this story this was not that bad of an ending.
a little flat? yeah but it was still not a bad way to end this. Luna rescued, Twilight and the rest friends and pause between storms. just like the MLP that we all love to one exstent or another

I definitely agree that this didn't need a monumentous ending. Seeing the family reunited is just fine. :twilightsmile:

2924454 well as of now it's only me, unfortunately I really don't have any friends on fimfiction that don't have their own popular stories to worry about. And I still haven't decided. I'm saving that decision for when i finish scarlet reverie
2923976 ah well, you see, 3 am writing isn't exactly the most coherent : P. Nothing major I hope though, if it's big then I'll go back and fix it

make the sequle please, this was actually a god ending to the whole thing a bit anticlimatic but heart warming enough that thats dosent matter i just want to see where this can go

that was an awesome story and if you feel like it Please make a side story , i loved it from start to end you are a very good writer and i love the way you told this story , you had my attention the entire time , i loved it ... all in all Great job

2925782 ... good fucking lord everyone did this when that chapter came out... no... she is in no way batman ever... not even close...
2925588 you obviously aren't familiar with me. I know this VERY well, from lots of experience. and I still do it anyways. and I think I'll do the spiritual successor, but the sequel i might just hand off to someone else if I want it written
2925162 well the side story is 0% like this story lol, just uses it as backstory really. and nice profile pic, love in kanji

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