• Published 13th May 2013
  • 31,790 Views, 1,591 Comments

The Sun and her little Sparkle - Dark0592

pic inspired alternate universe mommylestia story.

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“So quill tells me that there was a staff member that was very kind to you, yet you still hate the place.” Celestia said to Twilight when the two of them were eating lunch. Twilight looked down at the table for a moment before answering.

“Well... I guess she’s the only reason I never wanted to run away... A terrible place can’t be made unterrible because of one nice pony.” She answered.

“Oh, I see. I know what you mean. Anyways, I hear you’re a lot younger than we thought. The instructor in charge of the exam never shows me the registration papers unless I ask for them personally and I almost never do. It just makes your magical talent and level of maturity that much more impressive.” Celestia said.

“Miss Care always said that all of my reading was going to put me way ahead of the other orphans... I thought she just meant like smarter.” Twilight said.

“Well you must have been reading since you were able to walk, then, with how smart you are.” Celestia said with a giggle.

“That’s... Actually true.” Twilight said after a moment.

“Oh... Well that explains a lot, then. Anyways, I want to try something with you for our lesson today. We’ll be entering the waking dreams again, but instead of nightmares we’ll be reviewing some of your memories. Good times or bad, you can learn from your past. I also want to know a lot more about you. In return for invading your privacy like that, I’ll show you some of mine to learn from. Deal?” Celestia offered. Twilight looked up at her, then back down at the table and was silent for a few seconds.

“But... I don’t want to invade your privacy like that either...” She said.

“Oh don’t worry. I’ll control what I show you, and you can do the same with your own memories. If I delve into something that you’d rather keep private you can just tell me and I’ll move on without question.. We can talk more about it when we get started, I think I smell the chefs coming.” Celestia explained, finishing by sniffing the air and looking towards the kitchen doors. Twilight giggled at that. In the small amount of time she had known the princess, it was obvious that she rather enjoyed food. She never gorged herself or ate too much as to be rude or disrespectful, but it was a very thin line.


“When was this?” Celestia asked when the scenery of the waking dreams turned into the large yard of the orphanage.

“Um... Not too long ago. It was before I turned nine, though.” Twilight answered. Celestia looked around and saw Twilight sitting in the very far corner of the border with a large book. None of the other orphans would pay her much mind. That is, until a few colts walked up with not so friendly looks on their faces.

“Oh no... Is what I think is about to happen going to happen?” Celestia asked when they started calling insults at her.

“I learned how to deal with bullies a long time ago...” Twilight said softly. She hadn’t asked the princess to move on, though, so it couldn’t have been all that bad. Celestia returned her attention to the scene unfolding in front of her.

“Come on you weirdo! Say something!” One of the colts yelled. Twilight looked up from her book.

“Please, go away...” The filly said calmly and returned her attention to the book. The colt growled and tried to wrest the book from her magical grasp with his own magic, but she didn’t seem to notice. He tried to physically throw it to the ground, but she fought it.

“Heheh, wups!” He exclaimed when he ripped a few pages off. The filly gasped and gave the ripped pages falling to the ground a horrified look.

“This is from the royal library! How could you?!” She exclaimed, giving the colt a mean look. Her horn started glowing and he took a step back, but something came between the two. It was Miss Care.

“Now Twilight, you know you shouldn’t use your magic against another pony in anger...” The mare said. Twilight’s horn stopped glowing and she huffed.

“And you...” Care started again, turning to the colts she probably just saved. “Everyone knows that it’s not alright to ease your fellow orphans. You destroyed private property from the royal library and you tried to instigate violence between a filly you really don’t want to get violent with.” She continued.

“Has anypony gotten you violent before?” Celestia asked.

“I kind of accidentally threw somepony onto the roof before for kicking one of my books into a puddle... And a few other things... I never actually hurt them or anything!” The real Twilight explained. Celestia nodded slowly before returning her attention to where Care was using her magic to mend the damaged book. The colts had run away and the memory-Twilight didn’t look like she was in a good mood.

“Now Twilight, you really need to make sure you stop going straight to magic. You could really hurt somepony.” Care said.

“But Magic is all I have... I’m not strong and no matter what I say they don’t listen... I even asked them to go away nicely!” Twilight retorted. Care sighed and tried to find a way to say what she wanted to say.

“I know it’s the only thing you really have, Twi... But if you’re going to use it against bullies don’t do stuff that can possibly hurt them. You threw that one colt onto the roof and he almost fell off. If you were to ask me, I say just scare them a little bit, not scar them for life. Make some flashes or something. I’m worried you’ll really hurt somepony someday and you’ll feel absolutely terrible about it. I’ve seen you when you’re miserable and I do not want to see it again.” Care explained.

The Twilight in the memory sighed and nodded.

“Good. Now go back to reading your book.” Care said. Twilight smiled and nodded again, accepting the mended thing with a big thank you.

“You know... Back then I didn’t really understand what she said here completely... Now that I know the extent of what I can do, I think I understand it...” The real Twilight said. The scene froze in place after she said that.

“Well, let’s hear it. I’m interested to know what you made of it.” Celestia said.

“Back then, I always thought that when she told me things like this she just wanted me to stop being disruptive or something shallow like that... But now I think I see what she really meant.” Twilight started. Celestia gave her a look that said ‘go on’ and Twilight thought of how to word it.

“I guess it’s exactly what she said... I need to learn how to control my magic so that I don’t hurt anypony with it on accident... She wasn’t just scolding me, she was stopping me from doing something I regretted... I don’t really know how to word it...” She said.

“I think I get your meaning. It’d be hard to iterate it without just repeating what she said though. Let’s move on, shall we? We delved into one of your memories. How about one of mine?” Celestia offered.

“I-If it’s fine with you.” Twilight agreed. Celestia closed her eyes for a moment and the scenery started moving again. Twilight slowly recognized the palace’s main hall, where the day and night court were held. Celestia was there, but she looked much younger. Her mane was pink like it was before, and that made Twilight think while the memory was still constructing.

“Princess, if you don’t mind me asking, why did your mane turn that color before?” She asked. Celestia smiled.

“I thought you’d ask about that sooner or later. It’s rather simple, really. My mane and tail are pink, as you see now and saw before, but my affinity with solar energy and solar magic cause the majority of the spectrum of colors to show. I can store some of that energy to keep up that look, since it seems it’s become expected of me... We can talk about that more after today’s lesson. This was nearly a thousand years ago.” Celestia explained.

Twilight looked out upon the room. The place gave off a feeling of depravity, like something was missing. The Celestia in the memory kept looking to her side to find nothing there, and it seemed to annoy the pony who was talking.

“What’s wrong?” Twilight asked.

“We just moved the palace into Canterlot and... I had just lost one of my best friends before the move. It took almost a year for me to make it look like I got over it.” Celestia explained softly.

“But you’re not over it, are you?” Twilight asked. Celestia met the filly’s eyes and smiled sadly. She motioned back towards the memory with her head and, with some hesitation, Twilight returned her gaze to it.

“Princess, would you like to just suspend the court for a little while?” A pony next to Celestia asked.

“I think that would be best... I can’t do this on my own... Not yet...” The Celestia in the memory said. She quickly made her way out of the room while the pony made a few excuses. They followed the Celestia all the way back to her quarters, which were much more bare and empty than the current version.

“Princess, why are you showing me this memory? It seems like a really bad time for you... I don’t think I can learn anything positive from watching you be miserable...” Twilight said when the Celestia in the memory silently laid down on the bed.

“It’s the fact that I was miserable. Any living thing has feelings, and they can be devastated. I’m always seen as that indomitable will, the princess that is perfect. Some even call me a goddess... But even I have my vulnerable moments... We first met during one of them, actually, though it wasn’t nearly as bad as this.” Celestia explained.

“But what’s the lesson I need to learn here?” Twilight asked after processing the information for a little bit.

“I can’t tell you. Every time I review this memory, it only strengthens my resolve to make sure I keep that perfect image up for my little ponies as best I can. Equestria was miserable with me and I never want even a single pony suffer because I’m not well. The lesson you learn from this will be something different and that makes sense only to you. I don’t have anything else planned and it’s still another hour until suppertime. Take as long as you wish.” Celestia said.

“But... I... A-Alright... I’ll try.” Twilight said and she concentrated on what she saw. Celestia chose to jump back into Twilight’s memory they saw before. Twilight didn’t even seem to notice. She watched the filly being bullied and she felt just a tiny bit of rage and a huge wave of protectiveness when she saw it again. It surprised her. She guessed she never liked seeing anypony suffering in general, so that’s why she had that feeling. Right?

It was during supper when Twilight spoke again. She was in the middle of bringing a spoonful of soup to her mouth when it froze and slowly floated back down into the bowl.

“Is there something wrong with your soup?” Celestia asked. The chef who had made it gave her a dejected look, as he had just peeked out to ask them how it was.

“N-No! Of course not! It’s the best vegetable soup I’ve ever had.” Twilight started, the chef sighed and returning to the Kitchen. “I think I know what I can take from what you showed me...” She continued.

“Really now?” Celestia said. Twilight nodded.

“I told your assistant that I saw you without your composure and that it made me feel more comfortable around you... Now that I’ve seen you so bad... It’s more than just your composure or even a mask. Like you said, you have your image to uphold- and for very good reason. But with me, you don’t bother with a lot of it. I think what I learned from it is that it’s alright to be yourself around those you’re comfortable with. When things are going bad, though, you need someone who you can be yourself around.” Twilight explained.

“I see, I think I get what you’re saying.” Celestia started. She giggled after a moment, though. “Maybe I should start calling these friendship lessons, for the both of us. We’ve learned more about making a good friend than magic in these two days.” She continued.

“Both of us?” Twilight asked.

“Oh, you’ve probably seen it but Quill is probably the only one here that I can actually call a friend. We have an employer-employee relationship, though, so we can’t just go out and have mindless fun like real friends do and ultimately I am her boss... You, though. I can do whatever I want with you and as long as it has some semblance of education or instruction I won’t even get in trouble with the nobility.” Celestia replied, a bit playfully at the end. Twilight giggled and continued eating her soup.

“I never spent much time around other ponies, mainly because stuff like what you saw happened, so I’ve never really had any friends.” Twilight said after a minute or two, going back to the original subject.

“Well then I’m glad I can be your friend. Quill wants you to think of her as a friend too and, according to her, the two of you partook in a bit of mindless fun on the way to the orphanage.” Celestia said.

“She’s really fun, she acts like a little filly when she wants to.” Twilight giggled.

“She’s always poking fun at me. I think it’s the reason I made her my assistant after she graduated from the school.” Celestia said.

“I know I’d want to keep a pony like her around... Especially with how boring your work is.” Twilight said.

“The only thing worse than the courts is the paperwork...” Celestia agreed. “But fortunately it’s only mundane and tedious and doesn’t take very long.” She continued.

“Would you like dessert for tonight, Princess?” The chef came out once more and asked.

“Oh, how about one of those cakes you’re always so good at making. The ones with all the waffles and syrup.” Celestia replied.

“But it is so big... Are you sure the two of you could finish it after eating dinner?” The chef asked.

“Probably not, it is a breakfast cake so we can finish it in the morning.” She answered.

“As you wish, it will be ready in five minutes.” The chef said with a small bow and returned to the kitchen.

“Breakfast cake?” Twilight asked.

“Of course! Little known fact, I have quite the sweet tooth. I once had him make me cake and ice cream for every meal. My metabolism stops me from fattening up, but he didn’t know that at the time. Chef Iron is a genius when it comes to food, he invented a few different types of cakes that could be considered a normal breakfast, lunch and dinner.” Celestia explained.

“A dinner cake would certainly be interesting...” Twilight said after a moment, trying to imagine what it would look like.

“Perhaps another time. I have night court soon, I have a lot of paperwork to get through with after so I’ll be quite a bit later than last night to check on you so we’ll say goodnight after dessert.” Celestia said.

“Alright, I’ll try to get some sleep without you having to make me.” Twilight said.

“Good. Ah! Can’t you smell it? An aroma fit for a god.” Celestia said as a heavenly aroma wafted into the room.

Author's Note:

good lord guys, stop asking about shining, cadence, parents and spike! I've said multiple times what's happening to them! Spike is going to be the focus of the next chapter. Shining and parents will come sometime after and cadence will be the foalsitter when Celestia goes out of country.
So I think in terms of storyline I'll leave it relatively blank. I think I'll try and just have incremental storyline and goals, but not a total overarching one. I just can't think of anything that fits the idea and that I'd enjoy writing.
I always take suggestions though.
it only took less than 18 hours for this to be featured and it's been about 36 hours and it's passed 500 likes and probably 1k faves... love you guys