• Published 10th Mar 2012
  • 6,227 Views, 168 Comments

Shisno Chronicles: Friendship is Magic - nightelf37

Basically, it's a 'retelling' of the popular "Friendship is Magic" TV series with an OC.

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Chapter 4: Applebuck Season

Author's Note:

From what I realized, this chapter's less of a rewrite of the episode and more of a "WCDDtEo" scenario.

"What does 'WCDDtEo' mean?"

An acronym I made to mean "What Chronicle Did During the Events of" scenario. The chapter' less on the episode's event and more on what he was doing during them.

Disclaimer: I own only the following: Chronicle, Mystic Shield, Timerity, Blue Diary (the latter two not appearing this chapter), and anything that doesn't happen in the show proper.

The 'Magic Sickness' is taken from Adventures of the Elementals, although I'm not sure if it does apply in canon. So far, I haven't seen much contradiction. Save for the third Season two-parter, that is, but I can work around that.

(WCDDtEo) Chapter 4: Applebuck Season

One afternoon…

Chronicle was teaching a class alongside Mystic Shield in Self-Defense Academy for Unicorns, which he often called a dojo, even though it also has rooms a house would have. He hadn't been there to see the new students arrive since at that time he and his friends were at Appleloosa. Now, he could see who the new ones were. Some were the ones from Canterlot; Twinkle, Lemon Hearts, Amethyst Star (who wore a fancy saddle of some kind and a flower in her hair for some reason), and Minuette. There was also Sea Swirl, a pale pink unicorn with blue hair of two shades rose-colored eyes, and a cutie mark consisting of two dolphins. Dinky was there too, watching her sister Amethyst as she stood with the 'class'.

He looked back at what had happened earlier in the day…


"All right, students.", Mystic said as he paced about, his stare blank, looking at his class as they were positioned in columns of four, his first four being in front. "My name is Mystic Shield, but while we're inside this dojo, you shall address me as Master, or Master Shield."

Chronicle, who was standing near the wall behind Mystic at that time, took a good look at the ones he hadn't recognized yet as the teacher gave the orientation. One was a stallion with a brownish-yellow coat, blue eyes, purplish-blue hair, and a comet/blue star with tail as his cutie mark. Recalling his name from the attendance sheet, Chronicle remembered his name to be Comet Tail.

Mystic continued his speech. "…now, I'm sure some of you may have…unsavory thoughts about…" But Chronicle hadn't paid attention.

Another unfamiliar face was a mare with a gala pink coat, freckles, purple eyes, hair colored in yellow-blue-purple, and a strawberry cutie mark. Her name was Holly Dash, and she was the only pony he knew who had more than two colors in her hair, aside from Princess Celestia who had four, and Rainbow Dash who had six.

Another mare he didn't identify had a dark green coat, yellow-orange mane, and a fireball cutie mark. Her name was Firecracker Burst, and he had noticed that she was fidgeting on occasion and that Minuette wasn't pleased from having to stand next to her.

"I'll admit that there are only two spells I can teach you right now, so if you know of a spell that can also help in self-defense or are otherwise useful in a fight, I'll be very grateful for it if you share it with us. And…"

The second stallion aside from the first four had a grayish-purple coat, purple eyes, dark goldenrod wavy hair with yellow patches, and a yellow six-pronged star (shaped like Twilight Sparkle's) with four five-pronged stars surrounding it as his cutie mark. His name was Ponet.

The third stallion had a light gray coat, sea green eyes, dark magenta hair, and a scroll cutie mark. His name was Written Script.

"Now that that's over with, I shall begin."


Back in the present…

"All right, class.", Mystic said. "What did we learn today?" Gosh, I sound like a schoolteacher.

"The first spell is the barrier.", said Twinkle. "There are two basic variants. First is the dome shape." She demonstrated by flaring her horn and a spherical barrier formed around herself and stopped at the floor. She dismissed it a second later.

"Very good, Twinkle. What the second?"

"Second is the panel shape.", Ponet answered, then demonstrated it by conjuring a wall of magic in front of himself. He then dismissed it after a while.

"That's right, Ponet."

"Chrono Cards, Minuette, Amethyst Star, Comet Tail, stay where you are. The rest of you, move outside the mat." Everypony did as he said, leaving the two mares and two stallions in the tatami mat. "Can any of you remember what else is necessary in the spell?"

"Like with all spells, you have to focus on creating the barrier.", Minuette said. "It takes a small amount energy to maintain a basic barrier depending on its size, but it takes concentration to make it withstand a hit."

Mystic nodded. "Spot on, Minuette. Now the four of you make your barriers." The four in the mat did as he instructed, their horns glowing. Chrono's and Comet's barriers were blue domes, Minuette's was a wall of the same color, and Amethyst's was a violet-red dome. Mystic turned to his co-teacher. "Now, Chronicle, test them if you will."

The blue stallion nodded as he approached the four students. "Each shots will have the same power exerted into them.", he said, then flared his horn and he then fired a shuriken-shaped shot from it, heading right for Chrono's barrier. The shot hit, and the barrier held, its conjurer wincing. Chronicle proceeded with Minuette next and the shot hit, making her wince as a small crack in her barrier formed. Amethyst was next, and she grit her teeth hard as the barrier took the shot and held completely. As for Comet, the barrier shattered, and he seemed to be distracted.

Mystic put up a hoof as a signal to stop and began to evaluate. "Chrono, you've done well. Minuette, you've improved, although you still need a bit more focus. Amethyst, I think you put a little too much on that barrier. Comet, remember to concentrate. The purpose of a barrier is to defend against attacks. Otherwise, it's as good as nothing. Except for keeping out smoke or anything bad in the air."

All of a sudden, there was a tremor that shook the place, startling everypony. "I'll have a look.", Chronicle volunteered as he summoned a magical clone, which made his way out of the dojo, Dinky opening the door for him. For some reason, Amethyst and Lemon exited as well.

As the clone exited the dojo, he saw Rainbow Dash rising to roof level to look at something ahead. After a few seconds, he received an answer as to what was going on.

"STAMPEDE!!", his friend cried out. Immediately, there was general pandemonium in town as ponies galloped everywhere, shutters were closed, and a welcome mat was yanked inside a house whose front door was then slammed shut.

Amidst the chaos, Pinkie Pie stood as still as she can, letting the tremors bounce her along. "He-e-ey!", she giggled, her voice vibrating. "Thi-i-is ma-a-akes my-y-y voi-i-ice sou-u-und si-i-illy!" Chronicle also managed to see Heartstrings running among the townsponies, still wearing the magenta contact lenses from before.

He also saw his charge Twilight Sparkle on the streets as well. "Pinkie Pie, are you crazy? Run!" At that moment, one of the townsponies bumped into him, and he dissipated.

Back in the dojo, the real Chronicle received his clone's memories and rubbed his head as Mystic ordered his students to stay indoors.

"What's going on outside?", Mystic asked him.

"Stampede. Not sure of what."

"In any case, if there's anything we can do about it…" He turned to his first four students. "Greatstone, Bullseye, Tricky Books, Chrono Cards, with me." The four mentioned stood in attention as he then turned to his co-teacher. "Chronicle, lead the way."

Immediately, the bodyguard led the five unicorns outside. They saw the mayor, whom he remembered was also addressed as Mayor Mare, holding her ground in spite of what's happening. "Everypony calm down!", she instructed to no avail. "There is no need to panic!"

Rarity then came up. "But, Mayor, whatever shall we do?"

Just then, Rainbow, still hovering overhead, pointed off to one side. "Look there!"

The six unicorn stallions went over to where they guessed the stampede was coming from. As they reached the edge of town, they could see the cloud of dust that confirmed their position. Bullseye cast a spell on Mystic, whose eyes then emitted a faint amber glow.

"What's this?", Mystic asked.

"An enhance vision spell.", answered Bullseye. "While my eyes are keen, that spell renders your more so and gives them a magical zoom when you focus."

"Why didn't you cast in on yourself?", Chronicle asked as Mystic focused his eyes.

"As if. I'd be crazy or desperate if I were to do that."

"Is there a problem with casting spells on oneself?"

"The stampede consists of cattle!", Mystic reported, cutting them off. "And they're indeed headed this way. Hold on! I see Applejack!" There were words of relief from the crowd, the rest of his friends among them, that had gathered around the stallions. "She's charging up next to them! And I see a small brown-and-white…" Mystic gulped nervously, beads of sweat trailing down his head as the spell on him expired.

"What is it?", Chronicle asked, deciding to leave his debate with Bullseye for later. "Let me see."

The eyepatch-wearing unicorn cast the enhance vision spell on Chronicle, who looked closer. With the farmpony was a border collie. Now he could see why Mystic was nervous. He just saw a dog, and he was scared at the sight of them. He could see Applejack deliver a command and the dog, whose name he recalled was Winona, barked in acknowledgment and dropped back out of sight.

A few seconds later, Winona pulled into view on the opposite side. The spell then expired as Chronicle turned to his friends and Mystic's students. "Looks like Applejack's gonna steer the herd!", he called. He then turned to see Rarity turn her head with a scared moan, and Pinkie with a bag of popcorn and watching with great interest.

"This is the best rodeo show I’ve ever seen!", the pink earth pony said as she buried her face in the snack, Chronicle's charge turning away from her with a look of puzzled exasperation.

"We better make it safe just in case.", Mystic directed his students. "Form a wall before that bridge." He pointed to one over the stream bordering Ponyville, which the stampede was headed for. The five of them flared their horns and a wall of magic was formed, colored in Mystic's green aura as he was the initiator. This wall then expanded further past the railings of the bridge. When Chronicle then saw Twilight look interested and join in the casting, he decided to follow suit, mentally reminding himself he should've done it earlier.

Meanwhile, thanks to lessons from Mystic Shield, Bullseye cast his enhance vision spell on Tricky and told him to tell everypony what was happening.

"Okay.", the young unicorn said. "I see…" He paused to recall the name. "…Applejack nudging the cow next to her. …She's giving a whistle. …Her dog's leaping on the cows' backs. …She's now ahead of who's apparently the lead cow. Applejack's got her lasso ready." Then in a lower tone. "Where'd she get it from?" Back to his usual tone. "The lasso is around the lead cow's neck. She's now right next and is pulling. The dog's barking at the lead cow. They're approaching the barrier." Tricky panicked as he blinked rapidly, losing the effects of Bullseye's spell.

The cattle were now so close that the spell was no longer necessary. Just then, the lead cow turned just short of the bridge to run parallel to the stream, with the rest of the herd following. One cow bumped into the barrier, but that was it.

"Yee-haa!", Applejack could be heard yelling out.

After a brief, tense silence, the onlookers cheered her success, with Pinkie waving an apple-decorated pennant for good measure. Mystic and his students (as well as Twilight and her bodyguard) dismissed the barrier and gave sighs of relief.

"I'll have to say that was a close call.", Chrono commented.

"We turned out to be unnecessary.", said Greatstone.

"But best to be prepared regardless.", put in Tricky. "Better to have and not need than to need and not have."


"Oh wait a second, Bullseye.", Chronicle said, remembering something. "Where were we?"

"At the part where I was telling you that casting spells on yourself is impossible and dangerous."

"You weren't there, but fine. Tell me why is that the case?"

"Allow me to explain.", Tricky cut in as he 'summoned' a book that looked like his cutie mark. "You see, mature unicorns can cast magic on other objects and other living creatures without a problem. But in time, their bodies grow some sort of intolerance to their own brand of magic. It's like your own magic is like a disease to yourself. As far as I know, teleporting is the only spell unicorns can perform without succumbing to magic sickness because of its mild nature. If one were to cast more advanced and concentrated spells on themselves, they would contract a disease called 'Magic Sickness'."

Chronicle let this sink in for a few seconds. "Really? I never experienced that."

"What spells have you cast on yourself?", asked Bullseye.

"Let's see…speed enhancement, strength enhancement, jumping enhancement, water-walking, cloud-walking, and this." Chronicle demonstrated his "magic horn blade" for a few seconds before 'sheathing' it. "Technically, I could use this spell things like a stick or a broken sword, but I'm more comfortable with using my horn."

Bullseye seemed to be shocked. "I don't know about that 'horn blade' of yours, but all those other spells fall under the advanced category that should've made you sick."

"But I'm not. I wonder why?" I wonder if it's because I'm not born a unicorn?

"Perhaps there are some who are immune to this sickness, or there is a way to alleviate it for a while.", suggested Tricky.

The conversation was ended when the crowd saw Applejack's silhouette emerge over a hill in full view, framed by the setting sun. Cheers erupted as she lifted one foreleg, then reared up as Winona joined her, making Mystic feel nervous.

"Yee-haa!", they heard the farmpony say as she and her dog then raced out of sight.

Pinkie jumped out of crowd, bucking around as she said, "Yee-haa! Ride ’em, cowpony!"

The Mayor turned to Twilight and Rarity. "Applejack was just…just…"

Pinkie poked her head from above them. Somehow. "Apple-tastic!", she answered as she then thud to the ground.

"Exactly! We must do something to thank Applejack for single-hoofedly saving the town."

Pinkie got up to give an answer. "I know!"


The next week…

"A party!"

A celebration was being set up in the town square and pavilion, complete with balloons and and banners.

As Chronicle looked around, he could see Bon Bon tying a ribbon on a bridge alongside Twinkle, Cloud Kicker looking at an orange ribbon Golden Harvest had set up, Minuette dragging a yellow banner with an apple pattern similar to Pinkie's pennant, Berry Punch trotting over to assist her, Daisy looking awed at the results, Rarity adjusting tying a red ribbon to a tree, and Twilight—with Spike on her back—walking up to Rarity her.

"We all ready?", he heard his charge ask the white unicorn.

"Just one last thing." Rarity levitated the banner Minuette and Berry were moving earlier and hung it from the third-floor balcony. "Now we’re ready."

"Is Applejack all set?"

Rainbow flew over and provided and answer as Chronicle approached them. "Actually, I haven’t seen her all week."

He was shortly followed by Pinkie. "Not since the stampede."

"But she’ll be here for sure. Applejack is never late."

"Well, there's always a first for everything.", said Chronicle.



A large crowd had gathered at the pavilion, where a lectern was set up in front of the doors. Twilight stepped up to this and levitated a stack of notes, squaring up their edges and bringing the first page up. "Welcome, everypony! Today we are here to honor a pony we can always count on to help in matters great and small." She 'brought up' the next page. A pony whose contributions to—"

Rainbow barged in, knocking the notes everywhere and forcing Twilight to step aside, much to her annoyance. "Did you see Applejack’s slick moves out there? What an athlete! This week, she’s gonna help me with my new flying trick, and I know it’s gonna be so awesome!" At those last words, the pegasus made a face Chronicle—who stood in front with his friends, Mystic Shield included—was going to commit to memory. And thanks to his Surveillance, he would be able to look back at it whenever he wanted.

Twilight shoved the pegasus back and continued, "Exactly." She then 'lifted' her notes again. "And—" She was cut off once more, this time by Pinkie, who popped up in front of her. Again, the notes fell.

"This week, I get to run Sugarcube Corner for the first time!", the pink earth pony announced.

"What does that have to do with Applejack?"

There was a brief pause from Pinkie. "Oh! Applejack, one of the best bakers ever, is gonna help me. Applejack makes everything great, so free samples for everypony!" There were cheers from the audience.

Twilight dryly pushed her aside. "Okay, that’s great." The notes were up again, but scrambled. "Now if I could just make a point without being inter—" For the third time, she was cut off. This time, it was from Fluttershy, who poked her head up, something Chronicle didn't expect from her for some reason.


"—rupted!" The notes fell and the purple unicorn moved aside as Fluttershy stepped up.

"Twilight, I’m so sorry, but I just wanted to mention that Applejack is also helping me this week with the official bunny census, where we count up all the new baby bunnies that were born this season." On the latter part of this, Twilight rolled her eyes wearily at all these breaks in her train of thought. "She’s gonna help gather them using her wonderful herding skills." There was a short pause, and before long, Fluttershy cringed and slid away.

"Anyone else?", Twilight called. "…Anyone?" There was no response except for a quiet cough. "No?" She briought her notes up yet again. "Well, then, as I was trying to say—" She paused upon realizing that the mayor was now standing next to her with an expectant grin. After a very long beat, Twilight gave up with a groan and let her notes go flying in all directions, which Chronicle promptly 'collected'. "Never mind!"

As Twilight stalked away, the mayor took her place, cleared her throat, and gestured to something on the far left (her right). "And so, with no further ado, it is my privilege to give the “Prize Pony of Ponyville” Award to our beloved guest of honor…" Chronicle turned to see where she was indicating and saw a large trophy decorated with a blue ribbon. It was gold and shaped like a two-handled oil lamp, supported by three pillars, and topped by a rearing filly. "…a pony of the utmost trustworthiness, reliability, and integrity…Ponyville’s most capable and dependable friend…" The mayor then gestured to her left (the audience's right) "…Applejack!"

At the right side of the pavilion, a curtain was pulled open, exposing…absolutely nothing. Cheers quickly give way to gasps and silence, with the exception of Spike.

"Way to go, Applejack, that was awesome! I mean…" The baby dragon fell quiet upon finding himself on the wrong end of quizzical glances from his friends and an angry one from Twilight. The mayor, at a total loss, cleared her throat. "Awkward."

"You tell me.", agreed Mystic.

"I’m here!", Applejack's voice was heard. A blond mane, brown stetson, part of an orange-tan head, and a pile of apples made their way through the crowd. "I’m here!" She then gave off a yawn as apples fell loose, leaving fruit in her wake as some ponies reacted with shock as she passed. "Sorry I’m late, whoa…I was just…" She was then heard stumbling over something. "Did I get your tail?"

Finally reaching the lectern, she thrust her face into the mayor’s, with two full apple baskets slung on her back. The bags developing under her eyes betrayed the fact that she had been hard at work and it had cut deeply into her sleep time. But what's so important today that she'd eschew rest for who knows how many days? Chronicle wondered.

Meanwhile, Applejack pushed the mayor aside. "Miss Mayor, hank you kindly for this here, uh, award thingie." She stepped over to look at it and yawned. "It’s so bright and shiny, and…" She then gave a drowsy yawn. "I sure do look funny." She then began pushing her head forward and pulling it back and forth, making high-pitched “whoo-ooo” noises. Pinkie joined her after a moment while Twilight made her way up as well, looking truly confused as she stood on the other side of the trophy.

"Oo-kay…well, thank you, Applejack, for saving us from that scary stampede, and always being there for everypony.", the purple unicorn finally said.

Applejack gave another yawn. "Yeah, I like helpin’ the pony folks and…and stuff." She dozed off and begins to snore. A moment later, she shook herself awake. "Oh, uh…yeah, uh, thanks!" Gripping one of the trophy’s handles in her teeth, she dragged it backward off the stage and through the crowd.

Once she was gone, Twilight was the first to speak. "Was it just me, or did Applejack seem a little—"

"Tired?", Rainbow finished.

"Dizzy?" Fluttershy.

"Fatigued?" Mystic.

"Messy?" Rarity. This earned her puzzled looks from the others. "Well, did you see her mane?"

Pinkie jumped onto the stage. "She seemed fine to me. Whoo-ooo!"

"Given how you are, of course you wold think she's fine.", snarked Chronicle as he saw his charge make a thoughtful face.


Eyecatch (video-type) - Applejack doing the "Whoo-ooo" swing with Pinkie Pie on stage with the trophy. The show's logo is seen on the lower right.



Twilight Sparkle and Chronicle, the latter not having to go to Mystic's dojo as he wasn't conducting classes until later, decided to visit Applejack to see how she was doing. From what they saw, a short distance away, she was filling tubs with apples by bucking the trees bearing them. They could also see that, if anything, she was even more tired than she was at the award ceremony.

"Phew!", they heard her say as her head then drooped for a moment before she shook herself out of it and squinted behind herself, rearing up for another go. This time, she was too far away from a tree and hit nothing but air—and the tree had already been cleaned off to boot.

"What on earth is that pony doing?", Twilight asked herself.

Applejack repositioned herself and tried again, but kicked over an apple tub instead of hitting the tree. "Whoops."

"Hey, Applejack!", the two unicorns called. "Applejack!" The harvester paid no mind to either of them as Chronicle walked over to the upended tub and 'refilled' it with the dropped apples. "Applejack!"

After still no reply, Twilight fires up her horn and teleported over to stand right in front of Applejack while her bodyguard just walked over.

"APPLEJACK!", his charge yelled and the farmpony woke up with a start.

"Howdy, Twilight.", she greeted, not noticing Chronicle behind her.

"What is all this?"

Applejack just walked past as she replied, "It’s applebuck season." Twilight teleported over to her as she bucked another tree while Chronicle just walked again. "Whoa."

"Apple-what season?"

Applejack kept moving. "It’s what the Apple family calls harvestin’ time." Another teleport from Twilight and another walk-over from her bodyguard. "We gather all the apples from the trees so we can sell ’em."

"Oh right.", Chronicle spoke up. "I remember one of your cousins in Appleloosa tell me about this before we returned to Ponyville."

"Ahh! Chronicle! I didn't see you there!"

"If you weren't so fatigued, you would've heard me walking over."

"But why are you doing it all alone?", Twilight asked Applejack.

"’Cause Big Macintosh hurt himself." Another teleport and walk-over and she stopped.

"What about all those relatives I met when I first came to Ponyville? Can’t they help?"

Applejack gave a sigh before moving again. "They were just here for the Apple family reunion. They actually live all over Equestria and are busy harvestin’ their own orchards. So, uh, I’m on my own." Yet another teleport and walk-over and this time his charge was blocking the farmpony's path. "Which means I should really get back to work." Her two unicorn friend held their ground, leaving them and Applejack to stare each other down for a moment. Applejack cleared her throat. "Hint, hint? Get back to work?"

"Fine.", the two conceded as they walked off.

Applejack began to sway from side to side. "Could you step aside, Twilight, Chronicle?"

"We just did.", said the stallion, noticing that her vision seemed to be off. From what he could tell from her face, Applejack wasn't sensing the world clearly. "Applejack, you don’t look too good."

"Don’t none of you five worry none, I’m just fine and dandy." The tried to buck another tree but failed. "Whoa!" There was another teleport and walk-over.

"Do you…want some help?", Twilight offered.

"Help?" Applejack shook her head emphatically. "No way, no how!"

"But there’s no way you can do it all on your own." Applejack got in her face.

"Is that a challenge?"


Applejack turned to Chronicle for an answer. "Does is have to be?", he asked.

"Well, I’m gonna prove to you that I can do it!" Applejack walked up past the two once again. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got apples to buck."

The two who have actually got a good night’s sleep bit their lower lip nervously and looked after her. After a while, Chronicle turned to his charge, "May I—"

"No." She immediately cut him off and he gave a sigh.


The next day, at Mystic Shield's Self-Defense Academy for Unicorns…

Chronicle went to the dojo to teach alongside Mystic Shield. A number of their class was absent since they had to tend to their work, but a few who weren't in last week's class were here now.

"Heartstrings, Lemon Hearts, Ponet, Greatstone.", Mystic said. "Let's test your skill in the barrier spell." The four ponies stood in a line while the rest stood outside the tatami mat. He turned to his co-teacher, who caught his drift and positioned himself in front of the four, flaring his horn for a shot.

His targets' horns glowed and their barriers were set up. Lyra's was a gold dome, Lemon's was a light green dome, Ponet's was a purple wall, and Greatstone's was a blue wall. Chronicle fired his shots at the four and saw the results. For Greatstone, the shot did no effect on either him or the barrier. For Ponet, the barrier cracked and he visibly winced. For Lemon, the barrier held, but she seemed to react in great pain. And for Lyra, there was a massive crack and she seemed to react similarly.

"Greatstone, marvelous.", Mystic evaluated. "Ponet, good job. Lemon, you need more practice. Heartstrings, you have to concentrate more. The more focus you put on it, the lesser aching you will feel." Lyra looked down and depressed at this, as if dejected. Mystic noticed and walked over to her. "You know, there's another way to maintain a strong barrier."

"There is?", Lyra asked as Mystic raised her head with a hoof.

"Uh-huh. If simple concentration won't do it, there's this method. I call it conviction. Think of somepony you really care about, then when you cast the barrier, if you really care for them, make yourself determined to stay safe for and protect them."

Lyra seemed to lighten up. "I think I can do that."

"However, that's more of a desperation move. You should at least master the form first. And keep practicing. Still, a conviction to protect helps in keeping a barrier up." Mystic stood up, then walked back to his place. "Now. Let's proceed with the shot spell. You've seen Chronicle do it, right? Now everypony on the mat." All the unicorns did as he said., even— "Dinky? You too?"

The unicorn filly just nodded. "Uh-huh."

"I'm not entirely sure. I mean, I'm not against training children, but what would your mother say?"

"Don't worry.", said Amethyst Star. "I'll explain it to her."

"Very well. I guess it can't hurt. Just remember that you're not supposed to use this to intentionally harm anypony."

"Don't worry.", chirped Dinky. "I'm a responsible filly!"

"Okay." Mystic got back to attention. "Now. For the shot spell, remember to focus and aim." He then conjured a red-and-white dartboard target on the wall behind him, then two more so that everypony has space. "Remember that there has to be a balance of power and charge time. Too weak and you might as well be swinging a feather. Too strong and it may be too dangerous. Same thing if you charge it too fast. Charge it too slow and whatever you're trying to hit might either be gone or on to you. Now, we shall test your accuracy. One by one, you must try and shoot a target, and remember to aim for the center."

Mystic stepped aside, allowing for his students to do as he instructed.

Bullseye was first as he charged his horn for a half-second before releasing a slim beam that hit a target in the center. "Nice job living up to your name, Bullseye."

Lemon Hearts was the second to try, charging up a shot—and releasing an arrow-shaped blast, which hit a ring just outside the center. "Okay. That's quite good."

Written Script followed, charging for a second and a half before releasing a quill-shaped shot (the type used as a writing tool, not the ones in porcupines or hedgehogs) that hit a target. "Interesting. You're getting better."

Twinkle was next, and her horn flared pink for two seconds before her shot came out—in the form of a comet that arced upward before going down landing on a target. "…Okay. Let's try it again." And Twinkle shot again. This time, she shot went straight for a while before arcing upwards to hit the ceiling. Luckily, the shot was too weak to do any damage.

"I'm sorry.", Twinkle squeaked.

"It's all right.", Mystic replied. "I was caught off guard too. I think you'll have to stay a bit later so we figure out why your shot curved. Next."

Firecracker Burst was next as her horn glowed blue and she instantly shot a small fireball at a target, hitting it…and setting it ablaze.

Minuette immediately charged her shot and released a short beam that hit the flames…and left a small splotch of ice where it hit. "Interesting.", Mystic commented. "Firecracker, your aim could use a little more work on control. Minuette, nice job on putting her flames out. Both your spells are useful."

Comet Tail was next and he fired a comet similar to Twinkle's, but it did not curve as it hit near the edge of a target, but not missing. "You could use some more work, Comet."

Tricky and Chrono shot their blasts, which were shaped like a page and a playing card respectively. Both of them managed to hit

Lyra followed, charging her shot for a second before releasing a musical note-shaped shot that spun as it hit the target. "You're improving, Heartstrings."

Dinky was next as she charged up her horn and fired a shot, which was shaped like a small bubble, and it hit the center on one target. She did it again on the other targets, and each shot struck home. "Wow. Wonderful accuracy, Dinky."

Greatstone's shot was shaped like a rock…and it missed entirely. "Good try, Greatstone."

Sea Swirl charged her horn in a pink aura for three seconds before unleashing a medium-sized shot shaped like a dolphin, which hit a target spot on. "Sea Swirl, while that was a pretty impressive shot, we're focusing on accuracy, not power. Luckily for you, we're testing that next."

Mystic Shield walked so that he was now between the targets and his students. "Now, I want you to strike me." The ponies seemed hesitant. Mystic then 'put up' his barrier. "I meant this barrier, so I can evaluate. You don't have to worry about hurting me. Given your current progress, you won't be able to do much to me."

After positioning himself, Sea Swirl decided to go first as she fired her dolphin-shaped shot once again. It hit the barrier, and he visibly winced. "That was a powerful shot."

Greatstone 'hurled' his shot at Mystic, which dissipated upon contact with the barrier. "You got some power there, Greatstone."

Dinky was next as her shots hit the barrier, although Mystic didn't seem to be affected at the slightest. "That's quite powerful for one your age. Don't worry about it."

Lyra. "Conviction also helps in power. You're doing well."

Comet. "You need to exert a little more power"

Chrono. "Nice job."

Tricky. "Doing good."

Firecracker. This time, she fired hot stream blaze, which failed to penetrate the barrier, but it singed the ground around it. "That's quite powerful, although more control may still be required."

Minuette. "Not as powerful as I hoped. You still did well."

Twinkle. "You packed quite a bit there."

Written. "You remember when I said, 'Too weak and you might as well be swinging a feather'? That's what it felt like. Just concentrate some more."

Lemon. "Optimal. Nice work."

Just before Bullseye could get his turn, something crashed through the dojo's roof, landed right on Mystic, and kicked up some dust from the splinters of wood. When the dust cleared, it turns out that Rainbow Dash had crashed right on top of Mystic's barrier, which was now cracking. It shattered shortly after and the pegasus landed on the unicorn's back.

"Umm…Can I help you?", Mystic asked as he got Rainbow off of him.

The pegasus turned to Chronicle and said weakly, "I think somepony else needs your help, Chronicle."

"Applejack?", the bodyguard guessed.

"Yep." She passed out right after.

Chronicle turned to Mystic, who seemed to know what he was about to say. "It's okay. Go. I can't have any more ponies breaking through the dojo. First the door, now the roof."

Lemon Hearts came over shortly and her horn glowed light green. A stick-on bandage colored in the same aura appeared out of nowhere and onto a medium cut Rainbow had received while she crashed through the roof. "It's a magical bandage spell.", she then explained to Mystic. "It covers a wound until it's fully healed."

"Useful spell there, Lemon Hearts."

After hearing that, Chronicle made his way out of the dojo and straight to Books and Branches Library. He looked up at the lower balcony, where he saw Twilight Sparkle was reading a book.

"Twilight!", he called, catching her attention as she walked over to the edge and look down.

"Yes, Chronicle?"

"We need to talk to Applejack again. Rainbow Dash just crashed through the roof of Mystic Shield's dojo just a minute ago."

His charge gave a sigh as she exited the balcony and soon joined him.


Later, at Sweet Apple Acres…

As the two unicorns walked over to see Applejack, who was bucking another apple tree, full apple baskets slung on her back. She then ducked down to grab a fallen apple by its stem in her teeth, only yo bangs her head on a low branch as she straightened up. The hit sets her entire skull vibrating before her two friends approached within normal hearing range.

"Applejack, can we talk?", Twilight asked.

Applejack scratched at an ear, trying to clear it. As Twilight repeated herself, Chronicle could tell that that concussion compounded with her lack of sleep has dulled her hearing.

"CAN BEES SQUAWK?", the farmpony replied. "I DON’T THINK SO!"

His charge tried again. "No. Can we talk?"





"What?! Zoo?!", Chronicle gasped to himself in panic. What's would be in a zoo in a world of sentient ponies, griffons, buffaloes, and zebras?!

"OH!", Applejack said meanwhile. "WELL, WHY DIDN’T YOU SAY SO? WHAT YOU WANT TO TALK ABOUT? "




"WHILE HE WAS TEACHING IN CLASS!", Chronicle pitched in.

There was a moment of silence before Applejack spoke up again, this time without shouting.

"Oh…yeah." She then dropped her head. "I wasn’t feelin’ quite myself this mornin’."

"Because you’re working too hard and you need help!", Twilight told her.

"What? Kelp? I don’t need kelp. I don’t even like seaweed."


"Nothin’ doin’, Twilight. I’m gonna prove to you, to everypony, that I can do this on my own!"

"What's more important to you, Applejack?!", Chronicle asked her. "The harvest, or your pride?"

Applejack ignored him as she walked away…and clunked her head on the same branch. This hit knocked her eyes out of focus. "Ow! Now if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go help Pinkie Pie!" She then stumbled away, nearly dumping her freight of fruit and leaving Twilight to groan wearily to herself.

Chronicle then turned to face his charge. "May I—"


"It won't hurt her. Much."

"Violence is not the answer."

"Oh, come on! I'll eve start out weak."

Twilight was resolute at refusing her bodyguard whatever he was asking. "No."

Chronicle grumbled at this. "Fine. But strike three, and I'm doin' it whether you like it or not."


Later afternoon, at Mystic Shield's dojo…

"And that's how you do the bandage spell." Lemon Hearts was finished explaining to Mystic Shield how her spell worked.

"I see."

Rainbow Dash had since healed and exited through the hole she made in the roof. Chronicle returned for another day of teaching alongside Mystic. Lemon Hearts had to leave though, as she had work to do, of which Chronicle hadn't bothered to ask.

Today, they were going to have duels; one pony would face another and they would practice their shot spell and barrier spell. The pairings were as follows; Bullseye and Greatstone, Firecracker Burst and Comet Tail, and Ponet and Written Script. Dinky was practicing the shot spell with her spar partner Mystic Shield since he was doubtful that the others would go too easy or not easy enough.

As for Chronicle, he was facing another student who had recently enrolled. The student was a stallion with a slate blue coat, dull gold eyes, white wavy hair with light blue patches, and a safety pin cutie mark. Of course, he was a unicorn like everyone else in the dojo.

"Are you ready, Pokey Pierce?", Chronicle asked as he flared his horn.

"Ready when you are.", the white-haired unicorn replied as he did the same, his horn glowing amber.

The carrot-top-blond one started to fire his shuriken-shaped shots while Pokey set up his panel-shaped barrier, which held as he winced. The two blue unicorns then switched roles. Chronicle set up a barrier while Pokey fired his shots. However, these ones proved to be different in comparison to all the other shots. Instead of dissipating immediately upon impact to deal damage to the barrier, Pokey's shots stayed for a while before disappearing. And upon closer inspection, he could see that they were even spinning…and making cracks at his shield.

Pokey stopped shortly after and asked, "Is there something amiss?"

"I noticed your shots were different from the others."

"How so?"

"Well, not only did they stay hitting the barrier for longer, they also actually began to crack my shield."

"Wow. Are my shots that powerful?"

"No. Regardless of my concentration, the cracks were constant."

"Pokey Pierce. Chronicle.", Mystic called. "Continue sparring."

"Yes, Master Shield.", they both said as they continued.


Half an hour later…

"Wow, you're doing pretty well, Dinky."

Dinky was still practicing with Mystic as he began testing her barrier spell by throwing pebbles. He wasn't going to use his own shot spell for this, especially given what Amethyst Star said concerning their mother…

"Thank you, Master Shield.", Dinky replied with a smile on her face.

"You're doing quite well, if I do say so myself."

Just then, the doors opened as Minuette came in, 'carrying' a bag of treats.

"Minuette.", Firecracker greeted, oblivious to the glare the blue unicorn mare gave shortly after, then resumed smiling.

"Hey, guys. I got muffins I bought from Sugarcube Corner." Nearly everypony else lightened up and gathered around him. Mystic just smacked himself in the face with a hoof. As for Chronicle, he seemed to react badly.

Uh oh. Sugarcube Corner? Chronicle's mind was in overdrive. They've been baking together. Given Applejack's condition, she would misintepret Pinkie's commands. And with Pinkie Pie being who she is, she won't be paying attention to what's being put in. That means— He then realized what that meant and he immediately ran for Minuette's muffin bag.

"DON'T EAT THE MUFFINS!!!", two voices called out.

Minuette could only stand in confusion as Chronicle sped straight for her. At around the same time, a gray blur headed the same way from outside. The blue-and-white-haired unicorn saw this too, dropped the bag, and got out of the way as the two forces collided, kicking up smoke. When it cleared, Derpy Hooves was on top of Chronicle, who had the muffin bag held in his arcanokinesis field. The scene was too awkward for anyone to say a word. Then Dinky was the first to speak.

"Mom?", she asked.

"My little muffin!", Derpy cried out affectionately and pounced her in a hug.

"Derpy's your mother, Dinky?", Chronicle asked.


"Derpy. You sensed something wrong with the muffins?" As it was, both of them had cried out the warning to not eat them.

"Yup.", Derpy replied. "I was among those who got the free samples." She then approached the muffin bag, reached into it with a wing, and took it out. From what both of them could see, it was thoroughly unappetizing, mud-colored, and an earthworm poked out of one of them. "The ingredients of the muffins are potato chips, soda pop, lemons, and earthworms. There was no baking soda, flour, or wheat germ used in baking these muffins. And those are very important ingredients."

Everypony in the dojo stood there in stunned silence save for Dinky. As it was, Derpy wasn't commonly known for any sort of brilliance. "Wow. Didn't think you could tell what's in a muffin."

"I bake muffins for them whenever I can.", Derpy said with a smile as she brought Dinky into her forelegs and gave a friendly noogie. "I love them so much." Just then, she paused in horror as if realizing she forgot something. "Oh no! Sparkler! She ate one of the muffins!"

"Is big sister okay?!", asked Dinky.

"I hope so. Let's go see her!"

With that, Derpy was off, her daughter in tow. Chronicle turned to Mystic, who sighed and nodded, then he took off after Derpy.

"Hold on! If you took a muffin, how are you not sick?", he asked the wall-eyed pegasus.

"A worm came out of my muffin before I could eat it, so I knew it wasn't safe to!"



The three reached a clearing with open air tents, although Chronicle lost track of Derpy, who mysteriously disappeared, presumably in one of the tents. Just then, he caught sight of his charge and Spike in front of another of the tent's curtains. Just as he joined them, the curtain was pulled aside by a somewhat frazzled-looking white earth pony mare. She had light blue eyes, light pink mane and tail with the former gathered in a bun, and a red-cross cutie mark with a small pink heart tucked into each corner. This design was repeated on the white nurse’s cap she wore. If he remembered correctly, her name was Nurse Redheart.

"We came as soon as we heard.", his charge said, not noticing that her bodyguard was now with them.

Redheart gave a sigh. "Thank you, Twilight. We need all the help we can get." She then stepped aside to show the victims of what he presumed was the muffins. He saw Sea Swirl, Daisy, Twinkle, Carrot Top, Lemon Hearts, Berry Punch, and Pinkie Pie.

Some of the patients’ faces have gone green. And one was vomiting into a bucket, much to Chronicle's horror. Luckily, she didn't seem to have—he shook the thought off, spooked at the idea.

Twilight seemed to have the same thoughts as well. Or perhaps something somewhat less so. "Oh, no! What happened?"

Spike noticed a half-eaten muffin on the floor, picked it up, and was surprised to see a worm poke out of it. "It was a mishap with some of the baked goods.", explained Redheart.

"No…not baked goods…baked bads!", Pinkie corrected, green-faced before throwing up into a bucket.

Twilight recoiled for a moment, then regained her nerve. "Applejack!", she concluded.

"Yup.", agreed Chronicle, then turned to Redheart as he ignored his charge's startled look. "How bad was it?"

"Luckily, it wasn't as bad as it could've been thanks to our resident mailmare Derpy Hooves."

She then stopped as sounds of eager chomping were heard. They turned to see Spike scarfing down the muffin he found and had gathered up an armload. He then offered some to them. "Want one?"


Eyecatch (picture-type) - The left side of the screen shows Rainbow Dash dizzy on Mystic Shield's back while in the dojo. The right side shows a sick Pinkie Pie in bed at the open-air hospital tent. Chronicle looks to the left and Twilight Sparkle looks to the right as they stand in the center, their bodies crossing the split line. The show's logo is seen on the upper left.


The next day…

Chronicle and Twilight Sparkle walked up to Applejack, who was nodding off without her hat as she hung on the high end of an upturned cart. She apparently was going to back the cart to a tub that rested in a depression between two hillocks, but had fallen asleep, resulting in gravity getting her to this position.

"Applejack.", Chronicle sternly called. "Applejack, we need to talk."

"Wha—? Huh?...Oh. It’s you, Twilight, Chronicle." She gave a yawn. "I know what you’re gonna say, but the answer is sill no."

"Not to upset your apple cart, but you need help.", Twilight said.

"Har-de-har…" She tried to flip herself down and failed. "…and no, I don’t." Again.

"Here. Let me help."

"Help?" And again, but still to no avail. "No, thanks!" The two nonplussed unicorns just watched her attempt to get herself and the cart off. "A little more…little…" Twilight clapped a hoof to her face as Applejack successfully unhooked herself out and was already moving the cart into position onto another tree, ready to buck it. "There. I’ll prove that this Apple can handle these apples." She then bucked the tree repeatedly. "Come on, apples…fall off!"

"AJ.", Chronicle called as he looked up. "I think you’re beating a dead…tree." Indeed she was; its branches bore no fruit whatsoever and only had a very few leaves. And one of them dropped loose.

"I knew that." The farmpony said as she walked off, the two unicorns following.

"Sure you did.", the bodyguard replied with sarcasm.

"Actually, Applejack, I had something else to talk to you about.", Twilight said. "I just came back from Ponyville Urgent Care and—"

"You know, I’m a little busy to get lectured right now, Twilight.", the farmpony cut her off.

"But if you’d just let me help—"

"Ugh! No, no, no!" The three of them stopped walking. "How many times do I gotta say it?" She then walked off. "I don’t need no help from nopony!" However, she was then stopped by Chronicle, who had pulled on her tail for a second to catch her attention.

"Sorry, Applejack, but I can't allow you to continue.", he said as he heard his charge complain about Applejack being as stubborn as a mule. "Already, thanks to your muffins, you poisoned THE ENTIRE—" He never got to finish as Applejack had raised her hind legs and bucked him in the face, sending him right past his charge—and a mule—into a tree, where he crashed.

"I. WILL. DO THIS. BY MYSELF! And nopony's gonna stop me!", he heard Applejack say before closing his eyes. He was quickly woken up by an apple falling on his head. As he opened his eyes, he saw his charge and a buck-toothed mule standing beside her.

"Chronicle!", he heard his charge call.

"Are you okay?", the mule asked.

The stallion groaned as he righted himself back on all fours and rubbed his muzzle. "Do I look like I'm okay? Applejack just bucked me in the face! Sorry, but that was strike three. Regardless of your opinion or anypony else's, Twilight, I have to do this for the sake of the town!" The then trotted forward, only to fall down in pain. He had suffered some injuries in the legs from his collision with the tree. "Oww! After I get healed up first, that is. Take me to Mystic Shield. He can patch me up quick."

Twilight levitated Chronicle onto the mule's back and the three began to walk to Ponyville.


Later, at Mystic Shield's place…

"This is the second time I've had to patch you up.", Mystic said as he put on some bandages on Chronicle's injured body. There were no classes today and the two were at Mystic's living quarters behind the dojo part of his home. They were the only ponies inside.

"Yeah. Ack!" Chronicle winced as Mystic wrapped a bandage around a painful portion after casting a magical bandage spell over it, having learned it from Lemon Hearts, but not mastering it enough just yet.

"What did you get yourself into this time? I hope it's not another griffon."

"Nope. It's Applejack. Man, she's got a powerful buck. Lucky I didn't break my muzzle."

"Well, from what I've seen, a mare's muzzle is more flexible than a stallion's." The blue stallion frowned a bit at this as he didn't take the statement well, given that his face was shaped like a mare's. "Sorry. Why did she hit you?"

"I was trying to reason with her, but she cut me off before I could tell her that she had nearly poisoned the entire town."

"But didn't she?", Mystic asked as he 'picked up' another roll of white bandages.

"Thanks to Derpy's warning, no. I tell you she knows her muffins well."

"Did you or did you not have your shield spell up when she attacked you?"

"No, I didn't."

Mystic sighed in relief. "For a second, I thought she—"

"Oh, please." Chronicle scoffed off his friend's thoughts as more bandages were applied. Luckily, he suffered no splinters. "She was fatigued. I doubt she would've hurt me that much. But given what she managed to do to me, if she were at peak condition, I doubt I would've gotten off unscathed even with a barrier up."

"Hmm…all this time, unicorns have been the only ones I've shown plenty of concern for."

"If only because they're the only ones who can learn what you wish to teach."

"Yeah, that's probably it." Mystic nodded as he finished patching up his friend. "There. All done."

"Thanks, Mystic Shield."

"You're welcome."

"STAMPEDE!!", a familiar voice called out.

"Again?", Mystic wondered as he and Chronicle left the living quarters. "What's making it this time?"

"Well, whatever it is, it ain't a herd o' cattle. Or if it is, just not as many as last time."

Just then, the doors slammed open as a number of ponies went in. They then promptly closed the door right after.

"What's going on?", asked Mystic. "What's out there?"

"You do not want to find out.", said one of the ponies. It was Sea Swirl.

"Come on. How bad is it?" Just then, there was a small flash. As it turned out, Chronicle had teleported. But where?

The answer was the roof of Mystic's place. There, the blue unicorn looked over what was going on and couldn't believe his eyes. The culprits of the stampede were…bunnies. He then recalled what Fluttershy had said; she was going to have Applejack help her in the bunny census. And given had happened in the previous days, he could tell that it wasn't good. From what he could guess, Applejack probably herded them like she did the cattle, causing them to panic.

Also, he realized that while this would've been ridiculous at first sight, he then saw that these bunnies were eating the plants in the gardens. By themselves. With nopony telling them what to do. Just like the animals in the Everfree Forest! Not to mention the plants they're eating might have various side effects for the bunnies.

Taking this in, we went for the hole Rainbow Dash had made yesterday, and looked down it to see Mystic looking back up, as if knowing he had gone there. "What's happening outside?"

"A bunny stampede."


"And they're eating what's in the gardens."

"That's not good, now that I think of it. If this continues, they'll take some of the town's food supply! Not to mention medicine."

"And the bees too.", another pony said. Mystic turned to see Holly Dash. "Without the flowers, they won't find nectar to gather, or in turn, anything to pollinate. And that could be very bad…"

"Got it. I'm heading out." With that, he exited his dojo as Chronicle jumped down to join him and landed in a roll. Together, the two of them went out to see what they could to to help.



Twilight was trotting along the street and humming cheerfully to herself. However, she then stopped short with a gasp, seeing three unconscious earth pony mares before her. Daisy, Lily, and Rose.

"The horror!", cried out Rose. "The horror!"

"It was awful!", said Lily.

"A disaster!", Daisy lamented. "A horrible, horrible disaster!"

The cause of which had Twilight mystified, since the street was empty and quiet. "I don’t get it."

Lily rushed to a ruined vegetable patch. "Our gardens, destroyed!"

Rose raced to some denuded flowerpots. "Every last flower, devoured!"

Daisy still lay in the street. "By…by…them!" She pointed to a of bunnies chowing down on every bit of greenery in sight.

Twilight could also see Fluttershy in a state of panic. "Oh, my…oh, please stop, little bunnies…oh…no, no…please, let’s go home…" She then ran off to chase a few. "…no…oh…oh, my goodness!"

She could also see Chronicle and Mystic 'picking up' bunnies and 'hoisting' them in baskets not unlike the ones Applejack used to carry the apples she was still harvesting. They had then hung them somewhere safe. While the bunnies could easily jump off, they didn't seem to want to.

"All right.", Twilight said to herself. "Enough is enough!"

"Twilight!", her bodyguard called. "Gonna speak with Applejack again?"

"What else do you think?", she called back.

"I'm coming with you.", offered Mystic. "Twice she's already indirectly disrupted my classes."

"But isn't Winona there?", Chronicle warned. "You're scared of her, aren't you?"

"I'll take my chances just this once."


Shortly after, at Sweet Apple Acres…

The three unicorns trotted up a hill where Applejack was weakly bucking a tree. "Must…keep…buckin’...just…a few…more…must…finish…harvestin’…", she muttered as the three came up to her with their complaints.

Twilight was the first. "All right, Applejack. Your applebucking hasn’t just caused you problems. It’s over-propelled pegasus, practically poisoned plenty of ponies, and terrorized bushels of brand-new bouncing baby bunnies."

Mystic was next. "And those first two have twice interrupted the self-defense classes I've been teaching." In spite of the possibility of Winona being around, he decided to brave it just to voice his complaint.

Chronicle was last. "I don’t care what you say, you need help!"

One more buck brought down a double basketful of apples. "Hah! No, I don’t. Look, I did it!" Applejack pointed to one part of the orchard. From what the unicorns could see—in addition to Big Macintosh coming over—every visible tree has been cleaned of its fruit. "I harvested the entire Sweet Apple Acres without your help. How d’you like them apples?"

They then looked at another part of the orchard…and it turns out only half of the work had been finished. And Macintosh was quick to point it out to his sister as he spoke in a slow and thoughtful tone and gesture his head. "Um…how do you like them apples?"

Applejack turned as well and she shuddered in panic upon realizing she was only half-finished. "Where’d all the apple…" Her speech degenerated into unintelligible mumbling as her eyes went out of focus, and she tottered back and forth before finally crashing to the ground.

After a while, Mystic said, "Okay. I don't think I can stick around this place any longer."

Chronicle turned to Applejack's older brother and said, "Uh, Macintosh?"


"Could you please escort Mystic out of the farm and make sure he doesn't see Winona?"


"He's a cynophobic. Afraid of dogs."

"Eeyup." With that, the large earth pony accompanied Mystic on the way out of the acres.

Behind him, he heard Twilight calling Applejack's name. As he turned around, the farmpony had come to, and was lying on her back.

"Huh?", she uttered.

"Oh, good. You’re okay.", Twilight said. "Now, Applejack, I completely respect the Apple family ways. You’re always there to help anypony in need," She didn't notice her friend look nervously off toward the trees that still needed harvesting. "So maybe you can put a little of your stubborn pride aside and allow your friends to help you."

There was a long pause. And he heard Applejack concede. "Okay, Twilight."

"I am not taking no for an answer." She then paused upon realizing what Applejack said. "What?"

"Yes, Twilight." Applejack then put her front hooves together beseechingly. "Yes, please. I could really use your help."

Smiling, Twilight chuckled to herself and let off a relieved little sigh. It was then that Chronicle decided to come over.

"I'm glad you've come to your senses.", he said with a smile, which then turned into a frown. "However, I cannot allow you to simply rest after all that's happened thanks to you." Then, from "hammerspace", he 'procured' a frying pan. "Twilight, I'm only going to say this once; step aside." Upon seeing his resolute face, his charge decided to do as he said as he then walked up to Applejack.

"Huh? What are you—"

She didn't get to finish as the bodyguard 'brought down' his pan hard on her stomach, forcing her to yelp in pain. "This is for inadvertently destroying Mystic Shield's roof!" He then 'delivered' another blow. "This is for poisoning the town with those muffins! If it weren't for Derpy it could've been worse!" Another blow. "This is for ruining part of Ponyville's food supply and medicine supply with the bunny stampede!" Yet another blow. "And this is for bucking me in the face!" For good measure, he 'delivered' one last blow.

"Oww! Now what was that last one for?", Applejack asked, groaning in pain.

"If fatigue won't convince you to rest, I figured a serious injury should. Nothing personal, but I can't let you off with mere words." He then smiled again and he 'picked up' Applejack, hoisted her on his back, then made a stern face. "Let this be a lesson for you. When I get angry, I will use force, whether you're a friend or enemy. However, I will only use the proportional amount; something like this and just a beat-up, someone threatens to harm my charge or friends and I'll harm them back, and if one's out to end any of you, I'll end them." Applejack seemed to shudder for a split second at this. "I take the general safety of my charge and the ponies around me seriously. Please don't make me have to do this again, are we clear?"

He could see nothing but a nod from Applejack. With that, he resumed his smile. "Good."


Later that day…

Applejack's friends were gathered at the Acres, doing what they could to assist. Rainbow Dash was bucking a tree so that its fruit fell into a cart pulled by Pinkie Pie. Mystic was pitching in—still wary in case Winona showed up—as he and Chronicle 'picked' apples from two trees and 'set' them on their baskets. Fluttershy was letting apples from another tree drop into baskets on her back, all just by looking at them somehow since nopony was picking them up and dropping them. Rarity was carrying two full ones away. As for Twilight, she was levitating apples off a large stretch of trees and moving them to fall into three huge tubs.

As they finished, Applejack—now properly rested, and with a swath of bandages wrapped around her midsection, which Macintosh had said he had similarly worn around two weeks before—pushed a beverage cart carrying eight bottles of apple juice, complete with straws.

Applejack called to the rest, "How about y’all take a little break? I got some fine apple juice waitin’ for you." Everypony gathered at a table where she had set up the drinks. She then gave a sigh. "Girls, boys, I can’t thank you enough for this help. I was actin’ a bit stubborn."

"A bit?", Twilight echoed.

"Okay, a might’ stubborn. And I’m awful sorry. Now, I know the town gave me the Prize Pony award, but the real award…is havin’ you all as my friends."

"Hold it there.", cut in Mystic as everypony drank through the straws. "I'm not that close to all of you just yet."

As he then proceeded to drink as well, Spike walked up as Rainbow finished her drink and pulled away from her straw. "Phew! That applebucking sure made me hungry."

"And I’ve got the perfect treat!", Spike offered as he held up the botched, half-eaten muffins.

Pinkie, who was next to him, recoiled at the sight. "Ewww! Spike, I threw those away! Where’d you get them?"

"From the trash!"

"EWWW!!", everypony said as they started to leave.

Spike followed them, insistent. "Just a little nibble? Come on…"

There were more collective sounds of disgust as Mystic said, "As my student Bullseye would say, 'As if!'"


“Dear Princess Celestia: My friend Applejack is the best friend a pony could ever have, and she’s always there to help anypony. The only trouble is, when she needs help, she finds it hard to accept it. So while friendship is about giving of ourselves to friends, it’s also about accepting what our friends have to offer. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle.”

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