• Published 10th Mar 2012
  • 6,221 Views, 168 Comments

Shisno Chronicles: Friendship is Magic - nightelf37

Basically, it's a 'retelling' of the popular "Friendship is Magic" TV series with an OC.

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Chapter 3: The Ticket Master

Author's Note:

"Finally! The Ticket Master!"

Yes, Pinkie. After all those other episodes, I'm doing "The Ticket Master".

Disclaimer: I own only the following: Chronicle, Mystic Shield, Timerity from last chapter, and anything that doesn't happen in the show proper.

Also, Doctor Whooves will be making an appearance, not as THE Doctor in canon but some other Time Lord. Or something like that. Hence you will likely notice characteristics that aren't synonymous to any of the Doctors. I'm saying this because he serves as an "answer" to a little headscratcher in the episode, namely, why it's nighttime after Twilight teleported to escape when it was still afternoon before that.


Chapter 3: The Ticket Master

Daytime in Sweet Apple Acres…

Carrying baskets of apples on their backs, Applejack, Twilight Sparkle (with Spike on her back), and Chronicle were walking together down the farm's orchards. As Spike was inspecting apples and tossing them away, the sole stallion among them was 'catching' them and 'placing' them into his basket, which wasn't that full. Also, he tried catching the apples with his mouth on occasion, eating them when he does.

"Thank you kindly, guys, for helpin’ me out.", Applejack said as she jostled her own baskets slightly. I bet Big Macintosh I could get all these Golden Delicious in the barn by lunchtime."

These aren't Golden Delicious apples. Chronicle thought. If I recall correctly from my cousin's friend's apple farm, real Golden Delicious apples are yellow or light green, not red like what we're carrying.

Applejack then added giddily, "If I win, he’s gonna walk down Stirrup Street in one o’ Granny’s girdles!"

Then again, apples are probably named differently in Equestria.

"No problem at all, Applejack.", Twilight replied. "I’m glad the goal is lunchtime. All this hard work is making me hungry."

"I know, right?", Spike agreed as his next apple bounced off her head. She gave an annoyed glare and he gave a sheepish grin in return.

"Puh-lease, Spike. You’ve been lounging on my back all morning while we worked."

"Exactly! You two are taking so long, I missed snack time."

As if on cue, Twilight’s gut began to rumble. She gave him a nervous look and giggled. "I guess we better get some food."

As he was at the back of the line, none of them noticed Chronicle filch a single apple from his load and put it in "hammerspace". I should remember to pack emergency food supplies even if I'm just gonna stick around in town.

"Nope…worm…", Spike said, then found a bright red one. "Aha!"

Twilight licked her chops on seeing it. "Oh, Spike! That looks delicious!" But he abruptly yanked it away. A chomp, a spatter of juice in her face, and he had disposed of it in one bite. Naturally, Twilight was furious. "Spike!"

"What?", he asked after swallowing the apple. Just after, he suddenly made as if to vomit, but instead let off a belch of green fire that materialized into a scroll, which floated down to the quartet.

"It’s a letter from Princess Celestia!", said Chronicle as Spike took it, cleared his throat, and unrolled it.

“Hear ye, hear ye.”, Spike read. “Her Grand Royal Highness, Princess Celestia of Equestria, is pleased to announce the Grand Galloping Gala, to be held in the magnificent capital city of Canterlot on the twenty-first day of…” He then decided to skim ahead. "…yadda-yadda-yadda…" He then stopped at the end of the letter. “cordially extends an invitation to Twilight Sparkle plus two guests.”

The news took a moment to sink into the three ponies' brains; then the mares' faces brightened as they all gasped. "The Grand Galloping Gala!"

The two mares then jumped in place with excitement, saying the event's name again. The sole stallion wasn't as enthusiastic. Spike, meanwhile, was having none of it. As they carried on, now having got off of Twilight, he made a disgusted face and stuck a finger toward his open mouth as if to make himself vomit. The real gag reflex then kicked in once again. This time, his flaming belch resolved into a trio of gold tickets that floated down toward him.

"Look!", the baby dragon said as he held them up. "Three tickets!"

"Wow, great!", said Twilight. "I’ve never been to the Gala. Have you, Chronicle?"

"I have, actually.", he said. "Been there with a charge of mine. Didn't like him at all, though."

"Why not?"

"He was a snob, like most Canterlot royalty and politicians, Princesses Celestia and Luna aside. Among all my charges I've had to guard, he was the worst ever. However, thanks to him, Princess Celestia got to know of me and created the contract that first bound me to you."

"Wow, that's…interesting." She then turned to her assistant. "How about you, Spike?"

"No, and I plan to keep it that way. I don’t want any of that girly frilly frou-frou nonsense."

"Aw, come on, Spike. A dance would be nice."

"Nice?", Applejack cut in. "It’s a heap good more than just nice! I’d love to go. Land sakes!" She then looked up as if imagining something. "If I had an apple stand set up, ponies’d be chawin’ our tasty vittles ’til the cows came home! Do you have any idea how much business I could drum up for Sweet Apple Acres? Why, with all that money, we could do a heap of fixin’ up ’round here."

By this point, he could tell that Applejack was exaggerating. "We could replace that saggy ol’ roof! And Big Macintosh could replace that saggy ol’ plow! And Granny Smith could replace that saggy ol’ hip! Why, I’d give my left hind leg to go to that Gala."

"Oh!", said Twilight. "Well, in that case, would you like to—"

They were cut off by a cry from above. "WHOA!!" Instinctively, Chronicle placed a barrier around his friends as Rainbow Dash smashed into the barrier from above, sliding off of it after a few seconds.

"Are we talking about the Grand Galloping Gala?", the pegasus asked as the barrier was dismissed.

"Rainbow Dash!", Applejack chastised. "You told me you were too busy to help me harvest apples! What were you busy doin’? Spyin’?"

Rainbow waved her off dismissively. "No, I was busy…" She then pointed up to a tree in which a pillow and blanket have been placed. "…napping." She then proceeded to hover upside down near Twilight. "And I just happened to hear that you have an extra ticket?"

Twilight was obviously uneasy at this. "Yeah, but—"

Rainbow backed off, doing a loop. "YES! This is so awesome! The Wonderbolts perform at the Grand Galloping Gala every year. I can see it now."

"Here we go.", groaned Chronicle.


Two days before the fiasco with Zecora…

Since Spike was always the one supposed to assist Twilight in her work, in spite of being more than willing to lend a hoof, Chronicle was given some free time. Mystic Shield had needed a quick bit and had temporarily closed up as he took a request at the Request Board.

He had already did his daily practice and was without something to do. And then he ran into Pinkie Pie, who told him about Rainbow Dash practicing her moves that day. With nothing left to do for that day, not even a request he could take, he decided to accompany her.

Ten minutes later, the two ponies sat together in a meadow, watching Rainbow do her stuff.

"Everyone would be watching the sky, their eyes riveted on the Wonderbolts.", Rainbow said in the present. "But then, in would fly…" In the sky, Rainbow entered their view with a sharp U-turn, breaking a cloud apart in the process.

"…Rainbow Dash! I would draw their attention with my Super Speed Strut."

She proceeded to fly in a low altitude, touching the ground with her hooves, making it look like she was trotting. Pinkie whooped in cheer while Chronicle remained silent, although he gave a smile.

"Then I would mesmerize ’em with my Fantastic Filly Flash."

Then, Rainbow ascended for a few seconds before swooping into a nosedive straight for her friends, only to pull out just above their heads.

"And for my grand finale, the Buccaneer Blaze!"

She then gained speed as she rose into the air. Chronicle couldn't remember what happened next other than a sudden blast of brilliant light. His jaw dropped at the sight, but Pinkie's jaw dropped much lower, straight down to the ground in fact.


"The ponies would go wild! The Wonderbolts would insist that my signature moves be incorporated into their routine. And then, welcome me as their newest member."

With that, Rainbow finally landed on the ground. "Don’t you see, Twilight? This could be my one chance to show ’em my stuff! You gotta take me!"

Suddenly, Applejack pulled her back, tail in teeth. "Hold on just one pony-pickin’ minute here!" She then spit it out. I asked for that ticket first."

"So? That doesn’t mean you own it."

"Oh, yeah? Well, I challenge you to a hoof-rassle. Winner gets the ticket."

At a nearby stump, thee two locked left forelegs and go for it. The contest remained deadlocked for a few seconds before Twilight shoved them apart.

"Girls! These are my tickets.", she told them. "I’ll decide who gets it, thank you very much. Whoever has the best reason to go should get the ticket, don’t you think?"

Applejack moved forward. "Drummin’ up business for the farm?"

Rainbow did likewise. "A chance to audition for the Wonderbolts?"

"Money to fix Granny’s hip!"

"Living the dream!"

Twilight looked at the two alternately, starting to realize what she has gotten herself into.

"Oh, my. Those are all pretty good reasons, aren’t they?"

"Although I'd probably choose Applejack.", butted in Chronicle, which earned him a harsh stare from Rainbow. But before the pegasus could speak her mind, Twilight's empty stomach spoke up again.

Twilight laughed nervously at this. "Listen to that. I am starving." She then started to back off. "I don’t know about you, but I can’t make important decisions on an empty stomach." Spike hopped on her back and her bodyguard trotted up beside her. "So I’ll, uh, think about it over lunch and get back to you two. Okay?"

The three then left, leaving two dejected ponies in their wake. "Okay.", their two friends conceded…then resumed their hoof-wrestling match.


At Ponyville…

Chronicle made a stop at Graphite's weapon store, where its storekeeper just finished selling a hatchet to a customer.

"Thanks for the purchase.", Graphite said to his departing customer, then noticed the blue stallion, his charge, and her assistant.

Hey there, Chronicle.", Graphite greeted. "What brings you here?"

"Who's this?", Twilight asked her charge.

"Oh, sorry." Chronicle gestured to the black stallion. "This is Graphite, an armor and weapons trader." He then gestured to his charge and her dragon assistant. "Graphite, this is Twilight Sparkle, librarian of the Books and Branches Library, and this is Spike, her number one assistant."

"Hello there.", greeted the mare.

"Hi.", greeted the dragon.

Chronicle then turned to Graphite. "Curious question. Do you know any blacksmiths in the town?" He then 'procured' from "hammerspace" a certain familiar item.

"Where'd you get that?", asked Spike as he saw it.

"Is that…the river serpent's scale?", Twilight asked her bodyguard.

"The very same one Rarity plucked from Steven Magnet."

"Do I even want to know how you got that?", Graphite cut in.

Chronicle turned back to the shopkeeper as he 'returned' the scale. "No. So…"

"I do know of a blacksmith, although she works primarily as a carpenter. Her name's Mjölna." Graphite then 'took' a notepad, 'wrote' on it with a quill, 'tore' off the sheet he wrote on, then 'gave' it to Chronicle. "Here's her address."

"Thanks, Graphite."

"Oh, and another thing. Don't confuse her with her twin sister Tasty Snack. They may look the same, but their cutie marks are different. Tasty's is a sandwich, and Mjölna's is a hammer in front of a lightning bolt."

"That's uncanny. Well, see ya."

With that, the three left Graphite's store and continued their stroll down Ponyville.

"So who are you gonna give the ticket to, Twilight?", Spike asked.

"I don’t know, Spike, but I really can’t think straight when I’m hungry."

"Well, so long as the others don't figure it out yet, my vote's on Applejack.", Chronicle said as they bypassed Sugarcube Corner.

"Why her?", Spike asked.

"Well, her dream is gonna help more ponies close to us than Rainbow Dash's."

"Why the emphasis on 'close to us'?"

"Applejack's helping her family financially. Rainbow Dash is just looking for fame. Which do you think is closest to being most helpful?"

"I think I see your point."

"So…where should we eat?", Twilight suddenly asked, not having paid attention to the "boy talk" behind her.

Just then, the top half of Sugarcube Corner's front door burst open and Pinkie Pie rocketed out through it for an impressive flying tackle. A barrier was brought up but it was somehow breached and dust was kicked up. Chronicle was knocked out for a second, but quickly recovered upon hearing Pinkie scream.

"Bats! Bats on my face! Heeeelp!", She cried out as she zipped back and forth, the three tickets on her nose. After a few more seconds, she finally calmed down enough to get a look at the 'bats'. "Wait! These aren’t…tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala?!?"

Oh dear., groaned Chronicle as she then began to hop around and he began to hear music out of nowhere. It was a light calliope melody.

"It’s the most amazing, incredible, tremendous, super-fun, wonderful, terrifically humongous party in all of Equestria! I’ve always, always, always wanted to go!"

Chronicle braced himself for a little song segment as Twilight and Spike began to awaken next to him.

Now Playing: Pinkie's Gala Fantasy Song

Oh, the Grand Galloping Gala is the best place for me
Oh, the Grand Galloping Gala is the best place for me
Hip hip hooray, it’s the best place for me
For Pinkie!

Pinkie then began to speak again. "With decorations like streamers and fairy light and pinwheels and piñatas and pincushions! With goodies like sugar cubes and sugar canes and sundaes and sunbeams and sarsaparilla! And I get to play my favoritest of favorite fantabulous games, like Pin the Tail on the Pony!"

If Pinkie Pie thinks the Gala is like a carnival, she's sorely mistaken.

Oh, the Grand Galloping Gala is the best place for me
Oh, the Grand Galloping Gala is the best place for me
’Cause it’s the most gala-rific, superly terrific gala ever
In the whole galaxy

Finally, the music stopped as mysteriously as it came as his charge and fellow assistant got up completely.

End Song

"Oh, thank you, Twilight!", Pinkie finished as she stops an inch from the bookworm's nose. "It’s the most wonderful-est gift ever!"

Twilight backed off a bit as Spike gathered up the tickets. "Um, actually…" She was cut off by a sharp gasp from Rarity looking over the shoulder of a startled Spike.

"Are these what I think they are?", the white unicorn asked.


"Yes, yes, yes!", Pinkie affirmed, jumping in place. "Twilight’s taking me to the Grand Galloping Gala in Canterlot!"

Rarity gasped softly at this. "The Gala? I design ensembles for the Gala every year, but I’ve never had the opportunity to attend. Oh, the society, the culture, the glamour!" She then toyed with her mane. It’s where I truly belong, and where I’m destined to meet…him!"

"Him! Who?" There were puzzled looks from Spike and the other two mares. As for Chronicle, he was savvy enough to guess that "him" meant a Prince Charming of sorts. Also, he mentally groaned once again as he was treated with a fourth ramble on what his friend is gonna do in the Gala.

"Him.", Rarity repeated dreamily. "I would stroll through the Gala, and everyone would wonder, 'Who is that mysterious mare?' They would never guess that I was just a simple pony from little old Ponyville. Why, I would cause such a sensation that I would be invited for an audience with Princess Celestia herself. And the Princess would be so taken with the style and elegance that she would introduce me to him, her nephew.

"The most handsome, eligible unicorn stallion in Canterlot! Our eyes would meet, our hearts would melt, our courtship would be magnificent. He would ask for my hoof in marriage, and of course I would say YES!! We would have a royal wedding befitting a princess, which is…" Rarity then let out a giggle. "…what I would become upon marrying him! The stallion of my dreams."

Uh oh., Chronicle thought. Little does Rarity know that he is anything but charming. I should know. He was one of my charges and I was glad to leave his service. I wonder if I should tell her?

"Twilight! I simply cannot believe you would invite Pinkie Pie so she can…party…and prevent me from meeting my true love! How could you?" She then turned away in a huff.

"Pinkie's just jumping to conclusions, Rarity.", the sole stallion among them told her as the pink earth pony began to jump in place. "Besides, Twilight hasn't even decided yet. And as for Celestia's nephew, he isn't really—"

He was cut off by Spike yelping. Chronicle turned to see that a small white male rabbit zipped in, snatched the tickets, and zipped out, scampering all the way up to…Fluttershy, going up her tail, back, and stopping at the head, holding the tickets before her eyes.

She gasped at the sight. "Angel, these are perfect."

"Uh, listen, guys. I haven’t decided who to give the extra ticket to.", Twilight explained.

"You haven’t?!?", the party pony and fashionista gasped, the former in an irritated manner and the latter in an eager manner.

"I just said so a while ago.", pointed out Chronicle.

"Um…excuse me.", called out Fluttershy.

The other girls looked behind themselves and saw her and the rabbit named Angel close by. The latter was back on the ground, holding the tickets. "Twilight, I would just like to ask…I mean, if it would be all right…if you haven’t given it to someone else…"

Rarity seemed to have a look of disbelief. "You? You want to go to the Gala?"

"Oh…no." Angel didn't seem to approve and kicked her leg. "I—I mean, yes…or, actually, kind of. You see…"

Here we go again., groaned Chronicle, bracing himself for yet another monologue on what his friend wants to do in the Grand Galloping Gala.

"…It’s not so much the Grand Galloping Gala, as it is the wondrous private gated garden that surrounds the dance. The flowers are said to be the most beautiful and fragrant in all of Equestria. For the night of the Gala, and that night alone, will they all be in bloom. And that’s just the flora! Don’t get me started on the fauna. There’s loons and toucans and bitterns, oh my! Hummingbirds that can really hum, and buzzards that can really buzz!"

Buzzards? She want to see those scavengers? As Fluttershy spoke, he was soothed by her voice as he began to slowly close his eyes.

"Why, there’s bluejays, and redjays and greenjays, pinkjays and pink flamingos!"

There are all kinds of colors of 'jays' in Equestria? I didn't know that. At this point, Fluttershy had gathered Angel into her front hooves and was hovering just in front of Twilight.

"Gee, Fluttershy, it sounds…beautiful?", the purple unicorn finally said.

"Wait just a minute!", a voice came. Everyone turned to see Rainbow Dash perched on a roof.

"Rainbow Dash!", Chronicle scolded as he 'awoke' from his stupor. "Were you following us?"

Rainbow landed with the others and replied, "No—I mean, yes—I mean, maybe—look, it doesn’t matter! I couldn’t risk a goody-four-shoes like you giving that ticket away to just anybody."

"Wait just another minute!", another voice came. Everyone turned to see Applejack walk up to Twilight.

"Applejack! Were you following us too?", the sole stallion cried out incredulously.

"No, I was followin’…" She pointed at Rainbow. "…this one, to make sure she didn’t try any funny business! Still tryin’ to take my ticket."

Rainbow floated off ground and gasped, "Your ticket?!"

Pinkie then approached and said, "But Twilight’s taking me!"

Soon enough, Twilight and Chronicle (Spike just stood 'outside') found themselves on the wrong end of a quintuple verbal fusillade as Fluttershy and Rarity joined in on the argument. As the hapless bookworm huddled under the onslaught, the bodyguard just gave a sigh.

"The Two Ticket Scenario.", he groaned. "I can't believe I had to experience something like this again."

"Again?", asked Twilight.

"With a previous charge of mine, a spoiled sweet Canterlot noble. Usually, the scenario consists of a trio of friends, with one of them obtaining two tickets. As the remaining two begin to nag their friend as to who gets the ticket aside from the owner, the holder would have to choose between the two, straining her friendship between whoever gets left out. This time, the mayhem is multiplied since we got five others wanting in on the ticket."

"What should I do?", his charge asked as their friends' argument began to escalate in volume.

"They're your tickets, so I can't help you there."

Eventually, the abuse got so loud neither Chronicle nor Twilight could hear themselves think. Finally, Twilight lost her grip. "QUIET!!", she cried out and everyone clammed up except for Pinkie.

"And then I said, 'Oatmeal? Are you craz—'", she continued to rant before cutting herself off when Twilight glared at her. "Oh."

"Girls, there’s no use in arguing."

"But, Twili—", Rarity began to walk over and plead but was cut off by Chronicle putting up a hoof to back her off.

"Ehp! This is my decision, and I’m gonna make it on my own. And I certainly can’t think straight with all this noise!" Her still-empty gut then voiced its own dissatisfaction. "Not to mention hunger. Now go on! Shoo!" The others began to disperse with much reluctant grumbling, leaving just her, her assistant, and her bodyguard. "And don’t worry! I’ll figure this out!" She then added to herself. "Somehow."


Eyecatch (video-type) - Twilight and Chronicle against a pink background, in the bottom center portion of the screen. The remaining area gets quickly tiled in with squares containing the faces of their friends, who are directing their abuse their way. The show's logo is seen on the lower center.



Twilight, Chronicle, and Spike decided to eat at a restaurant. The building had a thatched-roof, but they—as well as a few other patrons—were eating outside the building around several giant, flat-topped mushroom tables out front, sitting on piles of hay. The signs at the door and walk showed clover blossoms.

While the bookworm slumped over the tabletop and the baby dragon read a menu, the bodyguard was looking over at one of the waiters in the restaurant.

He was a very properly-dressed, off-white earth pony. He had a navy blue mane and tail, a white dinner-jacket lapels and shirt front, a red bow tie, a pencil-thin mustache, and white spats. His eyes were gray-brown and his cutie mark depicted a covered serving dish. If he remembered correctly, his name was Horte Cuisine.

As Chronicle watched him serve Lightning Bolt and another pegasus pony, his attention was caught by his charge's weary sigh as he turned to face her. "Ah, Spike, Chronicle, what am I gonna do?" She proceeded to levitate a flower off the vase standing in the center of the table. All five of my best friends have really good reasons to go to the Gala." One by one, she 'pulled off' the petals. "Applejack…or Rainbow Dash…Pinkie Pie or Fluttershy, Rarity… Oh, who should go with me?"

There was yet another grumble and her face fell. Then, she stuck out her tongue to round up the petals and eat them, earning a curious stare from her bodyguard, who then resumed normal composure an instant after.

"Well, if you ask me—", he began to say before he was cut off by a French-accented voice, catching Twilight by surprise.

"Have you made your decision?", it said. Chronicle turned to see Horte having come up to them.

"I CAN’T DECIDE!!", Twilight shouted, earning stares from the other diners.

Spike pointed to the menu and said, "Twilight, he just wants to take your order."

"Oh. I would love a daffodil and daisy sandwich."

"Daffodil and daisy sandwich?", asked Chronicle. "Don't daffodils taste nasty? Aren't they toxic to the point of poisoning? And won't the pollen of daisies cause allergic reactions?"

"No need to worry about that, monsieur.", voiced in Horte. "Our food is perfectly safe to eat as they are specially treated to remove those dangers you have mentioned."

"Okay." Chronicle then 'took' the menu from Spike and started reading it. I can't believe there are foods containing gelatin here. Aren't ponies vegetarians?

"Do you have any rubies?", Spike asked Horte, getting a funny look from him. "No? Okay. I’ll have the hay fries—extra crispy."

"And I'll have a carrot bun." Horte gave another funny look, this time at Chronicle. "There is one in the menu, right?" He just walked away, leaving the three to wait.

"What do you think, Spike?", Twilight then asked.

"I think we have to try another restaurant. I mean, I like grass just fine, but would it hurt anybody to offer some gemstones?"

"I mean, about the Gala and the ticket and who I should take!"

"Oh. You’re still on that?"

Twilight leaned angrily over the table, knocking the vase away. "Spike, listen!" She then settled back down. "How do I choose? And when I do choose, will the other four be mad at me? I mean, I could give up my ticket and give away two, but that would still leave three disappointed ponies."

"Excuse me?", Chronicle cut in. "If you're not going, I'm not either. The only reason I'd go to the Gala is to serve as your bodyguard."

"All right. But still, that would then leave two disappointed ponies. What if I—"

She was cut off with Horte serving their food. "Ah, your food.", he said as he then left right after.

"Oh, thank you. This looks so good.", Twilight said as Spike was already digging in his fries. "I’m sure everything will be much clearer once I eat."

"I'll bet.", said Chronicle as he and his charge 'lifted' their sandwiches. Just as they were about to consume them however, a small stampede past the table got their attention.

"Um, monsieur, madame?", Horte called from inside the front door. "Are you going to eat your food in the rain?"

"It’s not raining.", Twilight said.

"Now how did I fail to notice this?", Chronicle said as they realized that it was indeed raining, and a thunderstorm at that. For some reason, a spot of tranquil clear sky kept the rain out of their heads.

Twilight looked up and asked, "What’s going on?"

"I have a sneaky suspicion." The two of them then looked up to see Rainbow Dash cheerfully poking her head.

"Hi there, best friend forever I’ve ever ever had!", she greeted. "Enjoying the sunny weather?"

"Rainbow Dash, what are you doing?", Twilight asked suspiciously as Chronicle began to 'procure' a simple blue umbrella and a saddle of the same color from "hammerspace" and 'put' them on himself.

Rainbow tried her best to look innocent, in spite of the glaring evidence otherwise. "What do you mean? I just saw the smartest, most generous pony about to get rained on—" Neither unicorn was impressed. Spike just ignored the scene. "—so I thought I’d kick a hole in the clouds to keep her dry so she could dine in peace. That’s all."

"Rainbow, you’re not trying to get extra consideration for the extra ticket by doing me extra-special favors, are you?"

Chronicle looked up at Rainbow, seeing her head being illuminated by the sun behind her as if she were wearing a halo. This made her all the more suspicious to the stallion. "Me? No, no, no, of course not."


"Seriously, I’d do it for anypony."

"Oh, really?", asked Chronicle as he indicated the other customers bolting for cover from the downpour. By then, he and Spike have finished their food.

Rainbow swallowed hard and managed a nervous little laugh at having been caught out. "Uh…"

Twilight spoke up firmly. "Rainbow, I am not comfortable accepting unwanted favors. So I’d appreciate it if you’d close up that rain cloud right now."

Rainbow groaned as she relented. "Fine!" She then zipped the hole closed, sealing herself off from view.

"That’s better.", Twilight said. However, just before she could take a bite, Chronicle 'caught' it with his aura and 'shoved' it straight to her mouth—a second before the rain turned both of their manes into a waterlogged mess.

Spike couldn't help but stifle a laugh as Twilight began to chew and swallow, then seemed to choke in need of a drink, then settled with catching rainwater, then swallowing that. Once she was done, Rarity arrived on the scene, donning a saddle with an ornate umbrella attached to keep herself dry, much like what Chronicle was using to keep the rain out of him. While he could easily put up a barrier of magic to keep out the rain, he considered it a waste of energy.

"Twilight! It’s raining.", said Rarity.

His charge deadpanned, "No. Really?"

Rarity then proceeded to yanking her away. "Come with me before you catch a cold!"

With a sigh, Chronicle followed, Spike sheltering himself under the stallion's umbrella.


In Carousel Boutique…

Rarity had taken Twilight there and Chronicle and Spike followed to see the purple unicorn in the ground-floor showroom. Of course, the blue unicorn had 'put away' his umbrella and accompanying saddle back into "hammerspace". As for Twilight, she shook herself dry, then looked over her shoulder, giving an uneasy little laugh as she realized she had thoroughly drenched Rarity, whose mane and tail have gone limp.

"Oops.", she said. "Sorry."

Rarity just forced a smile and said, "Oh, no. It’s quite all right." She then slid up to nuzzle Twilight's shoulder. "After all, we are…the best of friends, are we not?" She quickly dried out her coiffure with a simple spell, then took Twilight’s forelegs in her front hooves. "And you know what the best of friends do." She then proceeded to back up as Twilight's male companions now stood close by.


"Makeover!" In a blink, she zipped a privacy screen in, knocking the two boys out of the way. Dust puffed up from behind the screen as they heard the sound of Rarity’s high-speed overhauling.

"Oof!…Rarity!…Ow!…", they heard Twilight say. "This really isn’t necessary…I mean, thank you, but…oh, that’s too tight!" Finally, the screen was whisked away to expose Twilight, now wearing a blue-green saddle trimmed in blue, with yellow tassels, and a blue collar/necklace trimmed with a strand of rainbow-colored beads. She eyed it with great trepidation.

"There! Oh, you’re simply darling!", Rarity said.

"Uh…" Twilight gave a smile. "…yeah, it is kinda pretty, isn’t it?"

"I kinda have to agree.", commented Chronicle.

As for Spike, he made as if to heave his guts at the sight. Rarity suddenly popped over to them next, jostling the baby dragon so that he briefly shoved his whole hand down his throat.

"And you! Oh, Spike, Chronicle, I have some dandy little outfits for the dashing gents."

Spike tried to make a break for it and Chronicle prepared to flash-step out of reach as Rarity whipped out the screen once again, but they were both too late. Somehow, she managed to grab them both, the stallion physically and the baby dragon via telekinesis. Dust began to fly again as Chronicle was unable to see through the tussle.

"Ow…oh…hey…oh…watch it…whoa!", he managed to hear Spike say.

Once the screen was withdrawn, Chronicle could now see that he and Spike were both decked out in a blue ensemble with a light green cummerbund, both catered for their different body types of course.

Man, I look like I'd fit right in for Ponyville’s next production of Little Lord Fauntleroy., Chronicle thought as he looked at his outfit. Assuming they have such an event. He then looked at Spike to see a curly blond wig covering the baby dragon's head spines as he attempted to cover himself upon seeing what he wore. I do think they make for a good suit for the Gala, although it could use less frills. …Oh, wait a second…

"Oh, Chronicle, Spike…", Twilight said as Rarity plunked a broad plumed hat each on the boys' heads.

"Now you just need a hat.", the fashionista finished.

"Bleah! I told you, I don’t want any part of this girly Gala gunk.", complained Spike. "See you back at the library." He then bailed out fast enough to leave the new clothing floating to the ground. Rarity forced a laugh, then dismissed him with a wave of her hoof.

"Oh, who needs him anyway?" She then pulled a mirror up, showing the other two unicorns' reflections as they then admired themselves. "This is all about you, and how fabulous you’ll look at the Grand Galloping Gala."

Twilight snapped back at this. "Wait. The Grand—"

She was cut off by the designer as she approached an "equinequin" in an identical saddle/collar rig. "And oh, my goodness, what a coincidence. I happen to have an ensemble of my own that matches yours to a T." She then pushed Chronicle aside and threw a hoof around Twilight’s shoulders. "We would be the belles of the ball, you and I. Everyone would be clamoring for our attention." Obviously getting carried away, she got Twilight in a headlock. "All eyes would be on us, and then everyone would finally know. The most beautiful, most talented, most sophisticated pony in all of Equestria…is Rarity the unicorn!" After a few long seconds, she let go of Twilight, who had wound up in a rather annoyed half-crouch, and realized that her fantasy went just a bit overboard. She laughed nervously, patting Twilight’s head. "And Twilight Sparkle, of course."

As Twilight straightened up, Chronicle—who had removed his clothes and stored them in "hammerspace" during the monologue—'tugged' on Rarity's tail and 'pulled' her away from his charge. "You really think we don't see what’s going on?", he asked as Rarity backed up. "You’re just buttering Twilight up so that she would give you the extra ticket. Well, it’s not gonna work!" He then 'removed' the saddle from Twilight and 'threw' it over Rarity's head.

"You’re going to have to wait for my decision just like everyone else!", Twilight finished as her bodyguard 'tossed' the beads right around Rarity's horn as the two of them made their way out the door. "Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve been trying all day just to get some lunch!"

As if on cue, Applejack poked her head in. "Did somepony say lunch?", she asked.

The famished unicorn was then unceremoniously yanked out the door to land flat on the grass. The thunderstorm earlier had since passed. When she got upright again, her bodyguard joining him, her jaw dropped.

Stopped in front of the unicorns was a cart piled high with all manner of apple treats, even more food than was brought out during the Apple family brunch back during the Summer Sun Celebration.

"You’ve got to be kidding me!", said Twilight as Applejack started pointing out the items.

"I got apple pie, apple fritters, apple tarts, apple dumplin’s, apple crisp, apple crumblers, aaand…" She then held up on her head a slice of dessert on a plate in front of Twilight, whose irises have grown to nearly fill her eye sockets. "…apple brown betty!" There was a few seconds of silence as Chronicle inspected Applejack's cart, doing…something with the items. "Uh, the dessert, not my auntie. What do you say there, best friend?" There was another stomach growl from Twilight. "Is that a yes?"

Twilight's eyebrows lowered resolutely over the purple irises for a tense moment before… "No! No!" Applejack recoiled, the plate falling off her head. "I don’t know who I’m giving the ticket to, and all these favors aren’t making it any easier to decide. In fact, I’m less sure now than I was this morning!" She then galloped off with a loud, frustrated groan.

"So that’s a maybe?", Applejack then asked.

"Ya think?!", retorted Chronicle as he teleported away to catch up with his charge.


Eyecatch (picture-type) - Twilight Sparkle running away, Chronicle following behind with Spike on his back, and three of their friends in hot pursuit; Rainbow Dash on a cloud, Rarity levitating a fancy saddle, and Applejack pulling her cart of food. All of them are facing right. The show's logo is seen on the upper center.


Early afternoon…

Twilight Sparkle and Chronicle were making their way back to the library, the former letting out another groan. "I never thought being showered with favors would be so aggravating!"

Just before they could reach the door, Chronicle stopped her from opening it. "Hold on.", he said. He motioned her away from the door, walked toward it, then opened it…to see Fluttershy and several other small animals cleaning up the place. The yellow pegasus was vocalizing a familiar jingle as she flitted from shelf to shelf. "Oh, not her too."

"Is everything okay in there?", Twilight asked him.

"Depends on your definition of 'okay'.", he replied. "Fluttershy is in the library with some animal friends."

His charge went in after him, then voiced a disheartened little gasp.

"Oh...well, hello, Twilight.", their pegasus friend greeted. "I hope you don’t mind, but we’re all doing a little spring cleaning for you.

"It’s summer.", pointed out Chronicle. "Only a few weeks since the Summer Sun Celebration."

"Oh…well, better late than never, right?" She then blushed, giving an ingratiating smile. "It was Angel’s idea."

The two unicorns turned to see the white bunny, who has donned a chef’s hat and was tossing a salad with a happy squeak and wave.

"You’re not doing this for the ticket, are you?"

Fluttershy descended to the floor. "Oh, no. I’m doing this because you’re my very best friend. Right, Angel?" Angel just gave her a disgusted look in response. "Oh. Yes. We are just doing this for the ticket."

"At least you're being honest.", said Chronicle.

Angel then proffered the salad, Twilight’s stomach grumbling in response; her next words came with enough force to blow food and chef backward. "No, no, NO!" She then headed for door, magically opening it (Chronicle hadn't moved from his position at the door). "Well, this was all very nice of you and Angel, but I am not accepting any extra favors until I’ve made my final decision." She then pointed out the doorway. "So I’m going to have to ask you to leave."

Just then, a burst of confetti and streamers suddenly came flying in. "SURPRISE!!", came Pinkie and a crowd from outside.

Once more, music came out of nowhere as a cheerful melody began to play from somewhere in a fast tempo.

Now Playing: The Ticket Song

Party noisemaker horns were blown at Twilight and Chronicle, and the pink goofball reached in to yank the former bodily onto the lawn. Outside, the group repeatedly tossed her upward as Pinkie sang whilst hopping around.

Twilight is my bestest friend, whoopee, whoopee

"Pinkie…", Twilight said at the peak of her being tossed.

The cutest, smartest, all-around best pony, pony


I bet if I throw a super-duper fun party, party


She’ll give her extra ticket to the Gala to me


End Song

Abruptly, the music stopped, Pinkie shut up, and all the spectators backed off—leaving Twilight to hit the ground on her back.

"Yes, Twilight?", Pinkie asked innocently as she fluttered her eyelashes.

Twilight sat up and said, "At least the other ponies tried to be subtle about the ticket!"


"Wait.", asked one pegasus mare. She looked a bit like Cloud Kicker, but her hair was darker, she had a flower on it, her eyes were a different color, she had a different cutie mark, and Cloud herself was among the crowd. "What ticket? What Gala?"

"Oh, you didn’t know?", Pinkie asked as the crowd grew, which Chronicle noticed consisted of no stallions whatsoever (aside from him). "Twilight has an extra ticket to the Grand Galloping Gala!"

"Pinkie!", he scolded, but it was too late; Twilight has just hit panic mode.

"The Grand Galloping Gala?!?", cried out the crowd. Then came the various offers and butter-ups.

"Have I ever told you how much I love your mane?", came one offer.

Just then, Spike ran by, pulling Twilight away as Chronicle followed.

"I’ll wash your dishes!", one of them had said.

The three stopped short, finding their retreat blocked by Daisy. "Would you like any help with your gardening?", she offered.

They turned around, only for Shoeshine to cut them off, holding up some carrots. "I have a cartload of extra carrots." The crowd soon began to close in, shouting more offers.

Spike climbed on Twilight’s back and asked, "What are we gonna do?"

"We’re…gonna…RUUUNNN!!" At the end of that sentence, she leaped out of the crowd, with him clinging to her tail, and bugged out.

"Couldn't have said it better myself.", said Chronicle as he cast a spell and a large "magic circle" formed at the crowd's feet, binding them in place as they struggled to move. The stallion quickly made his way out of the crowd and after his charge as 'binding' so many ponies is much more taxing than one powerful winged unicorn like Nightmare Moon.

He 'let go' after a few seconds and the ticket-seekers began to give chase. He managed to rejoin Twilight and Spike as they raced past Sugarcube Corner, hiding behind Applejack's cart of goodies, which had been moved from just outside Carousel Boutique and next to Daisy's flower/herb shop for some reason.

After the massed ponies charged by, the three peeked out from behind the cart. They thought they were clear until Bon Bon opened the store's door and saw them. Daisy then somehow popped up from inside the cart, spooking the three into another escape.

"Why does everypony right now seem to possess that unexplainable trait Pinkie Pie possesses?", Chronicle asked himself as they ran. As they fled, he glanced back and saw Golden Harvest fall behind, stumbling and falling by the wayside.

Just then, Chronicle located an alleyway—that had a way out—and they crossed it, tearing down a few useless stuff in the way to impede the mob's progress.

"We can't run from them forever.", Spike said.

"I got a plan.", said Chronicle. "Give me the tickets."

Twilight did so and Chronicle then 'produced' a magic clone—complete with copies of the tickets.

"How're you able to do that?!", asked Twilight.

"Been practicing long enough to be able to manifest copies of small items."

As they exited the alleyway, they turned a corner and Chronicle immediately teleported them elsewhere while his clone kept running, showing off the tickets all the while.

As for the three, they emerged at a clothing store. Quickly, Chronicle went in and snatched some items, leaving enough bits to pay for it all at the counter. The cashier was currently absent as she turned out to be one of the ticket-seekers.

Quickly, he dressed up Twilight in a dress and bonnet, put a bonnet and pacifier on Spike, put him on the baby carriage, then donned a black cloak completely concealing his identity but making him suspicious in a different manner.

Just then, he suddenly 'obtained' information he didn't have before; his clone had been caught and automatically dismissed. A few seconds after they finished putting on the clothes, Chronicle saw the mob headed their way. By instinct, Twilight almost broke into a gallop, but Chronicle stopped her.

"No.", he said. "Try and be inconspicuous or else the purpose of these disguises will be rendered moot. Now just walk normally with the carriage in front of you. Spike, don't move or say a single word."

"You sure about this?", asked Twilight.

"Bodyguarding isn't the only thing I do. I also dabble in non-magic disguises and sneaking around after I realized some of my charges don't want my company. And yet I still had a job to do, so…" He didn't speak further as the mob bypassed them, not suspecting them at all. "Wow. This was actually the first time I tried this."

"This is your first time?!"

Chronicle shut her up by taking out an apple snack he 'stole' from Applejack's cart when she offered to Twilight for the ticket and stuffed it into her mouth. But it was too late; one of the crowd—Golden Harvest, who managed to catch up—caught sight of the trio and re-directed the mob back toward them. "Time to go!" The three began to make tracks, ditching their get-ups as Chronicle decided to store them in "hammerspace".

After Twilight swallowed the snack Chronicle had shoved into her face, she asked, "Was that snack from Applejack's cart?"

"Yes. But don't refuse it. She technically didn't offer that. I just took it from her, then I forced it on you. Now shut up while I get us out of here."

He was sure to get a berating from his charge later, but he set the thought aside as he cast a spell on his charge's and his own legs (Spike rode on Twilight's back), increasing their running speed as the mob vanished from sight. As they crossed a bridge over the stream bordering Ponyville, Twilight then stopped and looked at the bridge.

"Let's hide here."

"Under the bridge?", her bodyguard asked. "Great idea." He then cast the water-walking spell on the three of them and they went under the bridge. They then jumped to the underside and clung to it, the spell wearing off quickly as Chronicle didn't concentrate for long since the thundering hooves of the crowd began to break his focus. They heard them cross the bridge and once they were gone, Spike wiped his brow in relief before losing his hold and falling into the water.

Immediately, Chronicle got him out and the three were on the run again. Taking shortcuts, hopping rooftops (immediately abandoning that after some pegasus ponies almost caught them), hiding in various places, taking occasional snacks Chronicle stole from Applejack, and donning various disguises. Among them, the last was most prevalent. Sometimes the three (or at least the two unicorns) swapped disguises, like Twilight wearing the black cloak, or Chronicle "dressing in drag", something he actually wasn't comfortable with while on the run.

Eventually, they made it to a costume shop, where they then disguised themselves as equinequins in a shop window. Chronicle donned a…festive holiday-related hat and matching saddle trimmed with jingle bells. Next to him was Twilight dressed as a clown complete with rainbow-striped wig and rubber nose, and next to her was Spike as a bewigged hula dancer.

They got Christmas here? or is it named differently in Equestria?, Chronicle was thinking as the ticket-seekers passed by. And that hula dancer getup Spike has, why is there a coconut bra? It's not like—whoa! He was interrupted from his thoughts by his two companions ditching the disguises and exiting the premises. He promptly followed them.

As they continued to run, a hoof poked out of a door, beckoning them inside. Recognizing it to be Mystic Shield, he bypassed his companions and turned to the door to the dojo. Twilight and Spike quickly followed as Mystic closed the door after them.

"Thanks, Mystic Shield.", said Chronicle, then changed his tone. "Unless you're after Twilight's you-know-what to you-know-where."

"Goodness no.", replied Mystic as he waved him off. "I could very much care less about the Gala. Too high-class for my taste. In fact, I pretty much want to stay away from Canterlot if I can."

"Oh, good."

"I can't speak up for the others though."

That was then when Chronicle and his companions noticed the other students Mystic Shield was presumably teaching. Aside from four stallions (Bullseye, Greatstone, Tricky Books, and Chrono Cards), who were Mystic's first students, there were also a couple of mares. And they were the unicorns seen from the mob he, Spike, and Twilight had been running from all day. "Pony feathers!"

Immediately, the three of them quickly exited Mystic's dojo, the unicorn mares following. As for Mystic and the other four stallions, they just stared in confusion.

"I thought he could be trusted!", Twilight said to her charge.

"I'm pretty sure he had no idea these mares were after the tickets!"

They continued running until they ended up finally cornered at a dead end, where the ponies made their inexorable advance, eagerly shouting offers for the ticket, one of them even offering to do their taxes, of all things.

Just then, Twilight’s horn flared white as she gritted her teeth to the breaking point. There was a flash of blinding light, and the three of them have disappeared thanks to her teleportation, leaving a crush of extremely confused would-be Gala guests.


Elsewhere, inside a blue box with POLICE STABLE printed on the side…

A certain earth pony was messing around with some buttons in…wherever he was inside. The interior of his place was bigger than what its exterior would indicate. There was some sort of strange control panel in the center filled with all sorts of buttons and had a translucent tube of sorts glowing blue-green. There was also a chair or two, but they didn't seem to be meant for ponies. There were also railings on the short stairway to the center, oddly-shaped columns supporting the ceiling, and strange hexagonal icons surrounding the brass-colored walls.

Currently, the earth pony, a beige stallion with a short drab brown mane and tail and an hourglass cutie mark, was just being returned to Ponyville, holding a metallic something in his mouth for some reason, when something suddenly teleported right inside, something he deemed impossible.

"Blimey!", he said as he saw Twilight Sparkle, Spike, and Chronicle appear. As if my instinct, the thing on his mouth shot a couple of beams of differing colors at them. One hit Twilight, two hit Spike, and one narrowly missed Chronicle, who swerved his head to dodge the beam.

"Doctor Whooves!", the unicorn stallion said. "I suspected there was something un-ponylike about you. But I should've known you had something like this."

The earth pony stallion, who was named Doctor Whooves, took at look at Chronicle's cutie mark, then seemed to react in shock at the sight of it. He then sighed in resignation. "I guess you caught me. And I'm pretty sure you want to know what just happened to your companions." The Doctor pointed to Twilight and Spike with he thing on his mouth, who were now both seemingly frozen in place and the latter seemed to be burnt somehow. He then spat it out onto the panel in the center "Normally, the sonic screwdriver is incapable of inflicting injury, and I can't seem to figure out why it burnt a dragon. They've been frozen in time and will not remember what happened seconds before they were hit with what I hit."

"How are you sure about that?"

"When one operates this for quite some time, one knows the effects. Although I have forgotten some of them."

Chronicle gulped in nervousness, then shook off the thought. "Well you better be right for your sake. Anyway, mind telling me what you're doing here in Equestria?"

"Oh, of course. I'm here because there are some sinister forces after me and I'm just laying low here until it blows over."

"You do know you're also potentially putting Equestria in danger of those threats, right? Something not even the Princesses might be able to possibly fend off."

"You're absolutely right, but unfortunately the TARDIS doesn't seem to want to go at the moment."

"You mean this thing we're in?"

"Don't you call her a thing!", the Doctor suddenly snapped back.


"Speaking of which, how'd you get in here via teleportation? As far as I know, the TARDIS bars all attempts to teleport into her interior while in transit like right now."

"Seriously, I have no idea how my charge Twilight Sparkle here did it."

"I see. She's rather gifted, isn't she?"

"Yes, she is."

The Doctor then seemed to change the subject. "Hmm…I've been thinking of changing my name. Now that I think of it, 'Doctor Whooves' isn't helping in covering my presence here. Perhaps I should call myself Time Turner."


"Oh, sorry. Forgot you were here. Is there anything else either of us needs to know?"

"Nothing much. Except…how to get my friends back to normal." Chronicle indicated his charge and her assistant.

"No need to worry. I'm sure it'll go away once you affect them with a magic spell like a teleport. And also, as I am trying to hide—"

"I get it. This conversation never took place. We never met in the TARDIS. Twilight, Spike, and I were never here. I was merely tipped off by my superiors about your presence."

Doctor Whooves nodded. "I believe that's how you do it. …Well, this conversation was rather awkward."


"Well, once I officially change my name to Time Turner, I'd like it of you call me as such."

"Won't promise that. Might slip my tongue. Will do my best though."

"If they're still frozen even after the teleport, just notify me next time we meet." Just then, a door in the TARDIS opened, revealing Ponyville. "Okay, we're back. Now I think it's safe for you to teleport."

"Where exactly are we? A unicorn needs to know their bearings before teleporting lest they end up inside a wall."

The Doctor said, "Just about a yard from the entrance to the Everfree Forest."

"I see. Thanks."

With that, Chronicle teleported himself, Spike, and Twilight out of the TARDIS, leaving the Doctor to his own devices.


(Because of teleporting in the TARDIS) A few hours later…

In the Books and Branches Library's reading room, Chronicle emerged in a flash with Spike and Twilight, the latter two both dizzy apparently due to the side-effect of the Doctor's sonic screwdriver.

"Warn me next time you’re gonna do that!", Spike said as he then shook himself clean as Twilight came around.

"I didn’t even know it was gonna happen!", she replied. As expected, neither she nor Spike remembered anything about the TARDIS or Doctor Whooves. And Chronicle planned on keeping it that way for as long as he could. "Now, quick! Lock the doors!"

Immediately, the two did as told and Twilight did the same, switching off every light, closing every conceivable opening. Once that was all over with, both Twilight and Spike leaned wearily against Chronicle's sides. The stallion remained on the alert however. Just as his charge was about to sigh in relief, he said, "Don't speak too soon."

His warning proved to be true as the lights flicked on once more…and the rest of their friends had gathered at the loft where his and Twilight's beds were. They were gathered, as if waiting expectantly for Twilight's answer. This was the last straw for Chronicle as he then summoned a magical clone right at their faces, just about ready to scold them when Twilight decided to speak up.

I can’t decide, I just can’t decide!", she screamed. "It’s important to all of you and I just can’t stand to disappoint any of you, and giving me gifts and doing me favors won’t make any difference because you’re all my friends, and I want to make you all happy and I can’t! I just can’t!" At the end of this, it was apparent that the others have been chastened at her 'confession'.

As Chronicle's copy then looked at her in a huddle on the floor, forelegs wrapped around head, shaking just next to his original, he turned to the rest and said, "Happy now?" He then 'procured' the paddle and slapped all of them before dismissing himself in a flash of magic.

Applejack was the first to walk up to Twilight. Chronicle did nothing to stop her. "Twilight, sugar, I—I didn’t mean to put so much pressure on you. And if it helps, I don’t want the ticket anymore. You can give it to somepony else. I won’t feel bad, I promise."

"Actually, you are my optimal choice for the ticket.", the sole stallion in the group said. "After all, you were doing this for your family."

Fluttershy was next as she flew down to them. "Me too. I feel just awful that I made you feel so awful."

"Glad you apologized."

"And me too.", Pinkie added as she and Rarity still stood in the loft. "It’s no fun upsetting your friends."

"Twilight, it was unfair of me to try to force you as I did.", said Rarity.

Rainbow meanwhile hovered in midair. "YES! That means the ticket is mine!" She began to laugh and sing, effectively ruining the mood. "I got the ticket, I got the ticket—" She cut herself off and stopped after getting a good look at the others, all of whom were giving her slightly dirty looks. "You know, I haven’t perfected my signature moves for the Wonderbolts anyway. I don’t need that ticket either."

"We all got so gung-ho about goin’ to the Gala that we couldn’t see how un-gung-ho we were makin’ you.", said Applejack.

Twilight gave a smile as they all then chorused, "We’re sorry, Twilight."

"Glad this is over with.", Chronicle sighed.

"Spike, take down a note.", his charge then said as she stood up.

The baby dragon was already on it, whipping out a quill and blank scroll to take her dictation.

“Dear Princess Celestia…”, she began as she levitated the three tickets. “I’ve learned that one of the joys of friendship is sharing your blessings. But when there’s not enough blessings to go around, having more than your friends can make you feel pretty awful.” The tickets reached Spike and floated down to the scroll and tucked themselves in. “So, though I appreciate the invitation, I will be returning all three tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala.”

"WHAT?!?!?", gasped the other five mares.

"If my friends can’t all go—" Twilight then turned to them. "—I don’t want to go either."

Applejack gasped softly, as Rainbow floated down. "Twilight, you don’t have to do that."

"Nope, I’ve made up my mind. Spike, you can send the letter now."

As the dragon opened the nearest window and burnt the scroll to get it gone, Fluttershy said, "Now you two won’t get to go to the Gala either."

"It’s okay, girls. I couldn’t possibly enjoy myself without my best friends there with me." Everyone gathered around her, laughing gently. So I would rather not go at all."

"And I'm not really interested in the Gala.", put in Chronicle. "The only reason I would go would be to serve as Twilight's bodyguard. And if she isn't going, I don't have a reason to either." He then turned to Spike, and saw that for the fourth time today, he pantomimed shoving a finger down his throat—and for the third time, he started trying to choke back a real heave.

Applejack was irritated at this. "Well, wallop my withers, Spike.", she said as she crossed to him. "Isn’t that just like a boy—can’t handle the least bit of sentiment."

"I'm right here, and I can handle it pretty well.", retorted the other boy in the room. "And I think that's—"

Chronicle was cut off as the fiery belch that finally surfaced had enough kick to throw Spike on his back. Applejack ducked so fast that it shot between her head and her hat, then hung midair.

"Whoa, Nelly!" The smoke then solidified into…

"A letter from the Princess?" gasped Twilight as Spike quickly got up and took the scroll "That was fast."

Spike opened the letter and read, “My faithful student Twilight: Why didn’t you just say so in the first place?” Six gold tickets then popped out of the parchment. Spike then took these tickets and held them fanned out. "Six tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala!"

There was a collective gasp from all six mares. "Now we can all go!", Twilight gasped. There were cries, movements, and whatever anyone does when expressing jubilation. Just then, they were cut off with Twilight’s growling gut and sheepish little laugh.

"Allow us to treat you to dinner.", Rarity offered.

With that, the ponies exited the library one by one, the tickets floating out of Spike’s hand as he waited at the door. The tickets obviously had some magic in them as they floated near their recipients even if they weren't unicorns.

Twilight was the first to exit, followed by Rarity. Next were Rainbow and Pinkie, the former flying a few feet in the air.

"What a great way to apologize!", Rainbow said as she left.

"And to celebrate!", added Pinkie as she followed. "Come on, everyone! The cupcakes are on me!"

Fluttershy was fifth to go, trotting after the others, followed by Applejack who just walked, with Chronicle bringing up the rear. As Spike held back the last ticket, just as he bypassed the farmpony, it was whisked out of his hand.

"How come I don’t get a ticket to the Gala?", he asked himself dejectedly.

Chronicle also stopped as Applejack exited the library, noticing. "Hold on a second. I don't have a ticket either. Either this means I have slipped Princess Celestia's mind. Or as Twilight's bodyguard, I don't need a ticket to go to the Gala. How could I not have—"

He was cut off by Spike retching again. Another belch procured another scroll from the Princess. He then opened it and read, "Don't think I've forgotten you boys." Two tickets popped up and Chronicle 'took' one of them as Spike's eyes popped as well.

"Apparently, either I still need a ticket to go to the Gala, or it's for in case I decide to go without Twilight." Immediately, just as Chronicle pondered on this, Spike ran from the library laughing but stops short at the sight of Applejack directing a knowing little smile his way, her ticket still floating above her head. Chronicle followed shortly after, saying, "In spite of all your protestations, you genuinely want to go, huh?"

"Huh? I mean, gross!", Spike 'complained'. "I have to go too?"

After getting past Applejack and eying her nervously, he broke into a laughing run and she trotted after him, chuckling softly. Chronicle suddenly remembered something and ran after Spike, quickly catching up to him as he followed the other girls.

"Spike!", he called as he slowed down to a trot.

"Yeah?", asked the baby dragon as he slowed down as well to match his speed.

"Could you lend me a scroll and quill? I need to send something to the Princess."

"What?! Why would you want to send a letter to her?"

"Because all this could've been avoided if she had sent tickets for all of us rather than just for three. I mean it's not like she didn't know we were all her friends. I just want to ask her if she knew that and wanted to test Twilight's reaction on a situation where she would have to exclude some of her friends, and thus sent just three. Or if she even sent them at all, given the formal wording of the first letter rather than being directly addressed to her 'faithful student'."

"I'm not sure if she'll approve of someone other than Twilight writing letters to her."

"I just want to have things cleared up. It's been bugging me all day. And this is just the first time."

"You plan to send more letters in future?" The baby dragon didn't seem all too pleased.

"Maybe. I'll stop if she doesn't approve, though."

"Okay. But after dinner. I didn't bring another spare."

"Fine." The two boys spoke no further as Applejack caught up with the rest as they apparently reached their destination.

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